# How do I change the package used by a module? {#_how_do_i_change_the_package_used_by_a_module}

By default Home Manager will install the package provided by your chosen
`nixpkgs` channel but occasionally you might end up needing to change
this package. This can typically be done in two ways.

1.  If the module provides a `package` option, such as
    `programs.beets.package`, then this is the recommended way to
    perform the change. For example,

    ``` nix
    programs.beets.package = pkgs.beets.override { pluginOverrides = { beatport.enable = false; }; };

    See [Nix pill 17](https://nixos.org/guides/nix-pills/nixpkgs-overriding-packages.html)
    for more information on package overrides. Alternatively, if you want
    to use the `beets` package from Nixpkgs unstable, then a configuration like

    ``` nix
    { pkgs, config, ... }:


      pkgsUnstable = import <nixpkgs-unstable> {};


      programs.beets.package = pkgsUnstable.beets;

      # …

    should work OK.

3.  If no `package` option is available then you can typically change
    the relevant package using an

    For example, if you want to use the `programs.skim` module but use
    the `skim` package from Nixpkgs unstable, then a configuration like

    ``` nix
    { pkgs, config, ... }:


      pkgsUnstable = import <nixpkgs-unstable> {};


      programs.skim.enable = true;

      nixpkgs.overlays = [
        (self: super: {
          skim = pkgsUnstable.skim;

      # …

    should work OK.