{ config, lib, ... }: with lib; let mkNullableOption = args: lib.mkOption (args // { type = types.nullOr args.type; default = null; }); mkNullableEnableOption = name: lib.mkOption { type = with types; nullOr bool; default = null; example = true; description = "Whether to enable ${name}."; }; safari = config."com.apple.Safari"; in { freeformType = with types; attrsOf (attrsOf anything); options = { NSGlobalDomain = { AppleLanguages = mkNullableOption { type = with types; listOf str; example = [ "en" ]; description = "Sets the language to use in the preferred order."; }; AppleLocale = mkNullableOption { type = types.str; example = "en_US"; description = "Configures the user locale."; }; AppleMeasurementUnits = mkNullableOption { type = types.enum [ "Centimeters" "Inches" ]; example = "Centimeters"; description = "Sets the measurement unit."; }; AppleTemperatureUnit = mkNullableOption { type = types.enum [ "Celsius" "Fahrenheit" ]; example = "Celsius"; description = "Sets the temperature unit."; }; AppleMetricUnits = mkNullableEnableOption "the metric system"; NSAutomaticCapitalizationEnabled = mkNullableEnableOption "automatic captilization"; NSAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled = mkNullableEnableOption "smart dashes"; NSAutomaticPeriodSubstitutionEnabled = mkNullableEnableOption "period with double space"; NSAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled = mkNullableEnableOption "smart quotes"; NSAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled = mkNullableEnableOption "spelling correction"; }; "com.apple.desktopservices" = { DSDontWriteNetworkStores = mkNullableOption { type = types.bool; example = false; description = '' Disable use of .DS_Store files on network shares. See the official article for more info. ''; }; DSDontWriteUSBStores = mkNullableOption { type = types.bool; example = false; description = '' Disable use of .DS_Store files on thumb drives. ''; }; }; "com.apple.dock" = { tilesize = mkNullableOption { type = types.int; example = 64; description = "Sets the size of the dock."; }; size-immutable = mkNullableEnableOption "locking of the dock size"; expose-group-apps = mkNullableEnableOption "grouping of windows by application in Mission Control"; }; "com.apple.menuextra.battery".ShowPercent = mkNullableOption { type = types.enum [ "YES" "NO" ]; example = "NO"; description = '' This option no longer works on macOS 11 and later. Instead, open System Preferences, go to "Dock & Menu Bar", select "Battery", and toggle the checkbox labeled "Show Percentage." Whether to show battery percentage in the menu bar. ''; }; "com.apple.Safari" = { AutoOpenSafeDownloads = mkNullableEnableOption "opening of downloaded files"; AutoFillPasswords = mkNullableEnableOption "autofill of usernames and passwords"; AutoFillCreditCardData = mkNullableEnableOption "autofill of credit card numbers"; IncludeDevelopMenu = mkNullableEnableOption ''"Develop" menu in the menu bar''; ShowOverlayStatusBar = mkNullableEnableOption "status bar"; WebKitDeveloperExtrasEnabledPreferenceKey = mkNullableOption { type = types.bool; description = '' Configures the web inspector. Instead of setting this option directly, set instead. ''; }; "WebKitPreferences.developerExtrasEnabled" = mkNullableOption { type = types.bool; description = '' Configures the web inspector. Instead of setting this option directly, set instead. ''; }; }; "com.apple.Safari.SandboxBroker" = { ShowDevelopMenu = mkNullableOption { type = types.bool; description = '' Show the "Develop" menu in Safari's menubar. Instead of setting this option directly, set instead. ''; }; }; "com.googlecode.iterm2" = { AddNewTabAtEndOfTabs = mkNullableEnableOption "placement of new tabs at the end of the tab bar"; AlternateMouseScroll = mkNullableEnableOption "arrow keys when scrolling in alternate screen mode"; CopySelection = mkNullableEnableOption "copy to clipboard upon selecting text"; OpenTmuxWindowsIn = mkNullableOption { type = types.int; example = 2; description = '' Configures how to restore tmux windows when attaching to a session. Possible Values 0 Native windows 1 Native tabs in a new window 2 Tabs in the attaching window ''; }; ExperimentalKeyHandling = mkNullableEnableOption "experimental key handling for AquaSKK compatibility"; }; }; config = { "com.apple.Safari" = mkIf (safari.IncludeDevelopMenu != null) { WebKitDeveloperExtrasEnabledPreferenceKey = safari.IncludeDevelopMenu; "WebKitPreferences.developerExtrasEnabled" = safari.IncludeDevelopMenu; }; "com.apple.Safari.SandboxBroker" = mkIf (safari.IncludeDevelopMenu != null) { ShowDevelopMenu = safari.IncludeDevelopMenu; }; }; }