{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.programs.sm64ex; # This is required for tests, we cannot overwrite the dummy package. package = if cfg.region == null && cfg.baserom == null && cfg.extraCompileFlags == null then cfg.package else cfg.package.override (attrs: { } // optionalAttrs (cfg.region != null) { region = cfg.region; } // optionalAttrs (cfg.baserom != null) { baseRom = cfg.baserom; } // optionalAttrs (cfg.extraCompileFlags != null) { compileFlags = cfg.extraCompileFlags; }); mkConfig = key: value: let generatedValue = if isBool value then (if value then "true" else "false") else if isList value then concatStringsSep " " value else toString value; in "${key} ${generatedValue}"; in { meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.ivar ]; options.programs.sm64ex = { enable = mkEnableOption (lib.mdDoc "sm64ex"); package = mkOption { type = types.package; default = pkgs.sm64ex; description = lib.mdDoc "The sm64ex package to use."; }; region = mkOption { type = types.nullOr (types.enum [ "us" "eu" "jp" ]); default = null; defaultText = literalExpression "us"; # This is set both in nixpkgs and upstream description = lib.mdDoc '' Your baserom's region. Note that only "us", "eu", and "jp" are supported. ''; example = literalExpression "jp"; }; baserom = mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.path; default = null; description = lib.mdDoc "The path to the Super Mario 64 baserom to extract assets from."; example = literalExpression "/home/foo/baserom.us.z64"; }; extraCompileFlags = mkOption { type = with types; nullOr (listOf str); default = null; description = lib.mdDoc '' Extra flags to pass to the compiler. See for more information. ''; example = literalExpression '' [ "BETTERCAMERA=1" "NODRAWINGDISTANCE=1" ]; ''; }; settings = mkOption { type = with types; nullOr (attrsOf (either str (either int (either bool (listOf str))))); default = null; description = lib.mdDoc "Settings for sm64ex's {file}`$XDG_DATA_HOME/sm64pc/sm64config.txt` file."; example = literalExpression '' { fullscreen = false; window_x = 0; window_y = 0; window_w = 1920; window_h = 1080; vsync = 1; texture_filtering = 1; master_volume = 127; music_volume = 127; sfx_volume = 127; env_volume = 127; key_a = [ "0026" "1000" "1103" ]; key_b = [ "0033" "1002" "1101" ]; key_start = [ "0039" "1006" "ffff" ]; key_l = [ "0034" "1007" "1104" ]; key_r = [ "0036" "100a" "1105" ]; key_z = [ "0025" "1009" "1102" ]; key_cup = [ "100b" "ffff" "ffff" ]; key_cdown = [ "100c" "ffff" "ffff" ]; key_cleft = [ "100d" "ffff" "ffff" ]; key_cright = [ "100e" "ffff" "ffff" ]; key_stickup = [ "0011" "ffff" "ffff" ]; key_stickdown = [ "001f" "ffff" "ffff" ]; key_stickleft = [ "001e" "ffff" "ffff" ]; key_stickright = [ "0020" "ffff" "ffff" ]; stick_deadzone = 16; rumble_strength = 10; skip_intro = 1; }; ''; }; }; config = let configFile = optionals (cfg.settings != null) (concatStringsSep "\n" ((mapAttrsToList mkConfig cfg.settings))); in mkIf cfg.enable { home.packages = [ package ]; xdg.dataFile."sm64pc/sm64config.txt" = mkIf (cfg.settings != null) { text = configFile; }; }; }