# Moves the existing profile from /nix or $XDG_STATE_HOME/home-manager to # $XDG_STATE_HOME/nix to match changed behavior in Nix 2.14. See # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/5226. function migrateProfile() { declare -r stateHome="${XDG_STATE_HOME:-$HOME/.local/state}" declare -r userNixStateDir="$stateHome/nix" declare -r hmStateDir="$stateHome/home-manager" declare -r globalNixStateDir="${NIX_STATE_DIR:-/nix/var/nix}" declare -r globalProfilesDir="$globalNixStateDir/profiles/per-user/$USER" if [[ -e $globalProfilesDir/home-manager ]]; then declare -r oldProfilesDir="$globalProfilesDir" elif [[ -e $hmStateDir/profiles/home-manager ]]; then declare -r oldProfilesDir="$hmStateDir/profiles" fi declare -r newProfilesDir="$userNixStateDir/profiles" if [[ -v oldProfilesDir && -e $newProfilesDir ]]; then if [[ ! -e $newProfilesDir/home-manager ]]; then _i 'Migrating profile from %s to %s' "$oldProfilesDir" "$newProfilesDir" for p in "$oldProfilesDir"/home-manager-*; do declare name="${p##*/}" nix-store --realise "$p" --add-root "$newProfilesDir/$name" > /dev/null done cp -P "$oldProfilesDir/home-manager" "$newProfilesDir" fi rm "$oldProfilesDir/home-manager" "$oldProfilesDir"/home-manager-* fi } function setupVars() { declare -r stateHome="${XDG_STATE_HOME:-$HOME/.local/state}" declare -r userNixStateDir="$stateHome/nix" declare -r hmGcrootsDir="$stateHome/home-manager/gcroots" declare -r globalNixStateDir="${NIX_STATE_DIR:-/nix/var/nix}" declare -r globalProfilesDir="$globalNixStateDir/profiles/per-user/$USER" declare -r globalGcrootsDir="$globalNixStateDir/gcroots/per-user/$USER" # If the user Nix profiles path exists, then place the HM profile there. # Otherwise, if the global Nix per-user state directory exists then use # that. If neither exists, then we give up. # # shellcheck disable=2174 if [[ -d $userNixStateDir/profiles ]]; then declare -r profilesDir="$userNixStateDir/profiles" elif [[ -d $globalProfilesDir ]]; then declare -r profilesDir="$globalProfilesDir" else _iError 'Could not find suitable profile directory, tried %s and %s' \ "$userNixStateDir/profiles" "$globalProfilesDir" >&2 exit 1 fi declare -gr genProfilePath="$profilesDir/home-manager" declare -gr newGenPath="@GENERATION_DIR@"; declare -gr newGenGcPath="$hmGcrootsDir/current-home" declare -gr legacyGenGcPath="$globalGcrootsDir/current-home" declare greatestGenNum greatestGenNum=$( \ nix-env --list-generations --profile "$genProfilePath" \ | tail -1 \ | sed -E 's/ *([[:digit:]]+) .*/\1/') if [[ -n $greatestGenNum ]] ; then declare -gr oldGenNum=$greatestGenNum declare -gr newGenNum=$((oldGenNum + 1)) else declare -gr newGenNum=1 fi if [[ -e $genProfilePath ]] ; then declare -g oldGenPath oldGenPath="$(readlink -e "$genProfilePath")" fi $VERBOSE_RUN _i "Sanity checking oldGenNum and oldGenPath" if [[ -v oldGenNum && ! -v oldGenPath || ! -v oldGenNum && -v oldGenPath ]]; then _i $'The previous generation number and path are in conflict! These\nmust be either both empty or both set but are now set to\n\n \'%s\' and \'%s\'\n\nIf you don\'t mind losing previous profile generations then\nthe easiest solution is probably to run\n\n rm %s/home-manager*\n rm %s/current-home\n\nand trying home-manager switch again. Good luck!' \ "${oldGenNum:-}" "${oldGenPath:-}" \ "$profilesDir" "$hmGcrootsDir" exit 1 fi } if [[ -v VERBOSE ]]; then export VERBOSE_ECHO=echo export VERBOSE_ARG="--verbose" export VERBOSE_RUN="" else export VERBOSE_ECHO=true export VERBOSE_ARG="" export VERBOSE_RUN=true fi _i "Starting Home Manager activation" # Verify that we can connect to the Nix store and/or daemon. This will # also create the necessary directories in profiles and gcroots. $VERBOSE_RUN _i "Sanity checking Nix" nix-build --expr '{}' --no-out-link migrateProfile setupVars if [[ -v DRY_RUN ]] ; then _i "This is a dry run" export DRY_RUN_CMD=echo export DRY_RUN_NULL=/dev/stdout else $VERBOSE_RUN _i "This is a live run" export DRY_RUN_CMD="" export DRY_RUN_NULL=/dev/null fi if [[ -v VERBOSE ]]; then _i 'Using Nix version: %s' "$(nix-env --version)" fi $VERBOSE_RUN _i "Activation variables:" if [[ -v oldGenNum ]] ; then $VERBOSE_ECHO " oldGenNum=$oldGenNum" $VERBOSE_ECHO " oldGenPath=$oldGenPath" else $VERBOSE_ECHO " oldGenNum undefined (first run?)" $VERBOSE_ECHO " oldGenPath undefined (first run?)" fi $VERBOSE_ECHO " newGenPath=$newGenPath" $VERBOSE_ECHO " newGenNum=$newGenNum" $VERBOSE_ECHO " genProfilePath=$genProfilePath" $VERBOSE_ECHO " newGenGcPath=$newGenGcPath" $VERBOSE_ECHO " legacyGenGcPath=$legacyGenGcPath"