{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let inherit (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform) isDarwin; inherit (lib.generators) toPlist; cfg = config.launchd; labelPrefix = "org.nix-community.home."; dstDir = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/Library/LaunchAgents"; launchdConfig = { config, name, ... }: { options = { enable = mkEnableOption name; config = mkOption { type = types.submodule (import ./launchd.nix); default = { }; example = literalExpression '' { ProgramArguments = [ "/usr/bin/say" "Good afternoon" ]; StartCalendarInterval = { Hour = 12; Minute = 0; }; } ''; description = '' Define a launchd job. See launchd.plist5 for details. ''; }; }; config = { config.Label = mkDefault "${labelPrefix}${name}"; }; }; toAgent = config: pkgs.writeText "${config.Label}.plist" (toPlist { } config); agentPlists = mapAttrs' (n: v: nameValuePair "${v.config.Label}.plist" (toAgent v.config)) (filterAttrs (n: v: v.enable) cfg.agents); agentsDrv = pkgs.runCommand "home-manager-agents" { srcs = attrValues agentPlists; dsts = attrNames agentPlists; } '' mkdir -p "$out" if [[ -n "$srcs" ]]; then for (( i=0; i < "''${#srcs[@]}"; i+=1 )); do src="''${srcs[i]}" dst="''${dsts[i]}" ln -s "$src" "$out/$dst" done fi ''; in { meta.maintainers = with maintainers; [ midchildan ]; options.launchd = { enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = isDarwin; defaultText = literalExpression "pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin"; description = '' Whether to enable Home Manager to define per-user daemons by making use of launchd's LaunchAgents. ''; }; agents = mkOption { type = with types; attrsOf (submodule launchdConfig); default = { }; description = "Define LaunchAgents."; }; }; config = mkMerge [ { assertions = [{ assertion = (cfg.enable && agentPlists != { }) -> isDarwin; message = let names = lib.concatStringsSep ", " (attrNames agentPlists); in "Must use Darwin for modules that require Launchd: " + names; }]; } (mkIf isDarwin { home.extraBuilderCommands = '' ln -s "${agentsDrv}" $out/LaunchAgents ''; home.activation.checkLaunchAgents = hm.dag.entryBefore [ "writeBoundary" ] '' checkLaunchAgents() { local oldDir newDir dstDir err oldDir="" err=0 if [[ -n "''${oldGenPath:-}" ]]; then oldDir="$(readlink -m "$oldGenPath/LaunchAgents")" || err=$? if (( err )); then oldDir="" fi fi newDir=${escapeShellArg agentsDrv} dstDir=${escapeShellArg dstDir} local oldSrcPath newSrcPath dstPath agentFile agentName find -L "$newDir" -maxdepth 1 -name '*.plist' -type f -print0 \ | while IFS= read -rd "" newSrcPath; do agentFile="''${newSrcPath##*/}" agentName="''${agentFile%.plist}" dstPath="$dstDir/$agentFile" oldSrcPath="$oldDir/$agentFile" if [[ ! -e "$dstPath" ]]; then continue fi if ! cmp --quiet "$oldSrcPath" "$dstPath"; then errorEcho "Existing file '$dstPath' is in the way of '$newSrcPath'" exit 1 fi done } checkLaunchAgents ''; # NOTE: Launch Agent configurations can't be symlinked from the Nix store # because it needs to be owned by the user running it. home.activation.setupLaunchAgents = hm.dag.entryAfter [ "writeBoundary" ] '' setupLaunchAgents() { local oldDir newDir dstDir domain err oldDir="" err=0 if [[ -n "''${oldGenPath:-}" ]]; then oldDir="$(readlink -m "$oldGenPath/LaunchAgents")" || err=$? if (( err )); then oldDir="" fi fi newDir="$(readlink -m "$newGenPath/LaunchAgents")" dstDir=${escapeShellArg dstDir} domain="gui/$UID" err=0 local srcPath dstPath agentFile agentName i bootout_retries bootout_retries=10 find -L "$newDir" -maxdepth 1 -name '*.plist' -type f -print0 \ | while IFS= read -rd "" srcPath; do agentFile="''${srcPath##*/}" agentName="''${agentFile%.plist}" dstPath="$dstDir/$agentFile" if cmp --quiet "$srcPath" "$dstPath"; then continue fi if [[ -f "$dstPath" ]]; then for (( i = 0; i < bootout_retries; i++ )); do $DRY_RUN_CMD launchctl bootout "$domain/$agentName" || err=$? if [[ -v DRY_RUN ]]; then break fi if (( err != 9216 )) && ! launchctl print "$domain/$agentName" &> /dev/null; then break fi sleep 1 done if (( i == bootout_retries )); then warnEcho "Failed to stop '$domain/$agentName'" return 1 fi fi $DRY_RUN_CMD install -Dm444 -T "$srcPath" "$dstPath" $DRY_RUN_CMD launchctl bootstrap "$domain" "$dstPath" done if [[ ! -e "$oldDir" ]]; then return fi find -L "$oldDir" -maxdepth 1 -name '*.plist' -type f -print0 \ | while IFS= read -rd "" srcPath; do agentFile="''${srcPath##*/}" agentName="''${agentFile%.plist}" dstPath="$dstDir/$agentFile" if [[ -e "$newDir/$agentFile" ]]; then continue fi $DRY_RUN_CMD launchctl bootout "$domain/$agentName" || : if [[ ! -e "$dstPath" ]]; then continue fi if ! cmp --quiet "$srcPath" "$dstPath"; then warnEcho "Skipping deletion of '$dstPath', since its contents have diverged" continue fi $DRY_RUN_CMD rm -f $VERBOSE_ARG "$dstPath" done } setupLaunchAgents ''; }) ]; }