{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.programs.borgmatic; yamlFormat = pkgs.formats.yaml { }; mkNullableOption = args: lib.mkOption (args // { type = lib.types.nullOr args.type; default = null; }); cleanRepositories = repos: map (repo: if builtins.isString repo then { path = repo; } else removeNullValues repo) repos; mkRetentionOption = frequency: mkNullableOption { type = types.int; description = "Number of ${frequency} archives to keep. Use -1 for no limit."; example = 3; }; extraConfigOption = mkOption { type = yamlFormat.type; default = { }; description = "Extra settings."; }; repositoryOption = types.submodule { options = { path = mkOption { type = types.str; example = "ssh://myuser@myrepo.myserver.com/./repo"; description = "Path of the repository."; }; label = mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.str; default = null; example = "remote"; description = '' Short text describing the repository. Can be used with the `--repository` flag to select a repository. ''; }; }; }; consistencyCheckModule = types.submodule { options = { name = mkOption { type = types.enum [ "repository" "archives" "data" "extract" ]; description = "Name of consistency check to run."; example = "repository"; }; frequency = mkNullableOption { type = types.strMatching "([[:digit:]]+ .*)|always"; description = "Frequency of this type of check"; example = "2 weeks"; }; }; }; configModule = types.submodule ({ config, ... }: { config.location.extraConfig.exclude_from = mkIf config.location.excludeHomeManagerSymlinks (mkAfter [ (toString hmExcludeFile) ]); options = { location = { sourceDirectories = mkNullableOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = null; description = '' Directories to backup. Mutually exclusive with [](#opt-programs.borgmatic.backups._name_.location.patterns). ''; example = literalExpression "[config.home.homeDirectory]"; }; patterns = mkNullableOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = null; description = '' Patterns to include/exclude. See the output of `borg help patterns` for the syntax. Pattern paths are relative to `/` even when a different recursion root is set. Mutually exclusive with [](#opt-programs.borgmatic.backups._name_.location.sourceDirectories). ''; example = literalExpression '' [ "R /home/user" "- home/user/.cache" "- home/user/Downloads" "+ home/user/Videos/Important Video" "- home/user/Videos" ] ''; }; repositories = mkOption { type = types.listOf (types.either types.str repositoryOption); apply = cleanRepositories; example = literalExpression '' [ { "path" = "ssh://myuser@myrepo.myserver.com/./repo"; "label" = "server"; } { "path" = "/var/lib/backups/local.borg"; "label" = "local"; } ] ''; description = '' List of local or remote repositories with paths and optional labels. ''; }; excludeHomeManagerSymlinks = mkOption { type = types.bool; description = '' Whether to exclude Home Manager generated symbolic links from the backups. This facilitates restoring the whole home directory when the Nix store doesn't contain the latest Home Manager generation. ''; default = false; example = true; }; extraConfig = extraConfigOption; }; storage = { encryptionPasscommand = mkNullableOption { type = types.str; description = "Command writing the passphrase to standard output."; example = literalExpression ''"''${pkgs.password-store}/bin/pass borg-repo"''; }; extraConfig = extraConfigOption; }; retention = { keepWithin = mkNullableOption { type = types.strMatching "[[:digit:]]+[Hdwmy]"; description = "Keep all archives within this time interval."; example = "2d"; }; keepSecondly = mkRetentionOption "secondly"; keepMinutely = mkRetentionOption "minutely"; keepHourly = mkRetentionOption "hourly"; keepDaily = mkRetentionOption "daily"; keepWeekly = mkRetentionOption "weekly"; keepMonthly = mkRetentionOption "monthly"; keepYearly = mkRetentionOption "yearly"; extraConfig = extraConfigOption; }; consistency = { checks = mkOption { type = types.listOf consistencyCheckModule; default = [ ]; description = "Consistency checks to run"; example = literalExpression '' [ { name = "repository"; frequency = "2 weeks"; } { name = "archives"; frequency = "4 weeks"; } { name = "data"; frequency = "6 weeks"; } { name = "extract"; frequency = "6 weeks"; } ]; ''; }; extraConfig = extraConfigOption; }; output = { extraConfig = extraConfigOption; }; hooks = { extraConfig = extraConfigOption; }; }; }); removeNullValues = attrSet: filterAttrs (key: value: value != null) attrSet; hmFiles = builtins.attrValues config.home.file; hmSymlinks = (lib.filter (file: !file.recursive) hmFiles); hmExcludePattern = file: '' ${config.home.homeDirectory}/${file.target} ''; hmExcludePatterns = lib.concatMapStrings hmExcludePattern hmSymlinks; hmExcludeFile = pkgs.writeText "hm-symlinks.txt" hmExcludePatterns; writeConfig = config: generators.toYAML { } (removeNullValues ({ source_directories = config.location.sourceDirectories; patterns = config.location.patterns; repositories = config.location.repositories; encryption_passcommand = config.storage.encryptionPasscommand; keep_within = config.retention.keepWithin; keep_secondly = config.retention.keepSecondly; keep_minutely = config.retention.keepMinutely; keep_hourly = config.retention.keepHourly; keep_daily = config.retention.keepDaily; keep_weekly = config.retention.keepWeekly; keep_monthly = config.retention.keepMonthly; keep_yearly = config.retention.keepYearly; checks = config.consistency.checks; } // config.location.extraConfig // config.storage.extraConfig // config.retention.extraConfig // config.consistency.extraConfig // config.output.extraConfig // config.hooks.extraConfig)); in { meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.DamienCassou ]; options = { programs.borgmatic = { enable = mkEnableOption "Borgmatic"; package = mkPackageOption pkgs "borgmatic" { }; backups = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf configModule; description = '' Borgmatic allows for several named backup configurations, each with its own source directories and repositories. ''; example = literalExpression '' { personal = { location = { sourceDirectories = [ "/home/me/personal" ]; repositories = [ "ssh://myuser@myserver.com/./personal-repo" ]; }; }; work = { location = { sourceDirectories = [ "/home/me/work" ]; repositories = [ "ssh://myuser@myserver.com/./work-repo" ]; }; }; }; ''; }; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { assertions = (mapAttrsToList (backup: opts: { assertion = opts.location.sourceDirectories == null || opts.location.patterns == null; message = '' Borgmatic backup configuration "${backup}" cannot specify both 'location.sourceDirectories' and 'location.patterns'. ''; }) cfg.backups) ++ (mapAttrsToList (backup: opts: { assertion = !(opts.location.sourceDirectories == null && opts.location.patterns == null); message = '' Borgmatic backup configuration "${backup}" must specify one of 'location.sourceDirectories' or 'location.patterns'. ''; }) cfg.backups); xdg.configFile = with lib.attrsets; mapAttrs' (configName: config: nameValuePair ("borgmatic.d/" + configName + ".yaml") { text = writeConfig config; }) cfg.backups; home.packages = [ cfg.package ]; }; }