#!/usr/bin/env bash # # This file contains a number of utilities for use by the home-manager tool and # the generated Home Manager activation scripts. No guarantee is made about # backwards or forward compatibility. # # Sets up colors suitable for the `errorEcho`, `warnEcho`, and `noteEcho` # functions. # # The check for terminal output and color support is heavily inspired by # https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/10065. # # The setup respects the `NO_COLOR` environment variable. function setupColors() { normalColor="" errorColor="" warnColor="" noteColor="" # Enable colors for terminals, and allow opting out. if [[ ! -v NO_COLOR && -t 1 ]]; then # See if it supports colors. local ncolors ncolors=$(tput colors 2> /dev/null || echo 0) if [[ -n "$ncolors" && "$ncolors" -ge 8 ]]; then normalColor="$(tput sgr0)" errorColor="$(tput bold)$(tput setaf 1)" warnColor="$(tput setaf 3)" noteColor="$(tput bold)$(tput setaf 6)" fi fi } setupColors function errorEcho() { echo "${errorColor}$*${normalColor}" } function warnEcho() { echo "${warnColor}$*${normalColor}" } function noteEcho() { echo "${noteColor}$*${normalColor}" } function _i() { local msgid="$1" shift # shellcheck disable=2059 printf "$(gettext "$msgid")\n" "$@" } function _ip() { local msgid="$1" local msgidPlural="$2" local count="$3" shift 3 # shellcheck disable=2059 printf "$(ngettext "$msgid" "$msgidPlural" "$count")\n" "$@" } function _iError() { echo -n "${errorColor}" _i "$@" echo -n "${normalColor}" } function _iWarn() { echo -n "${warnColor}" _i "$@" echo -n "${normalColor}" } function _iNote() { echo -n "${noteColor}" _i "$@" echo -n "${normalColor}" } # Runs the given command on live run, otherwise prints the command to standard # output. # # If given the command line option `--silence`, then the command's standard and # error output is sent to `/dev/null` on a live run. # # Note, the run function is exported. I.e., it is available also to called Bash # script. function run() { if [[ $1 == '--silence' ]]; then local silence=1 shift fi if [[ -v DRY_RUN ]] ; then echo "$@" elif [[ -v silence ]] ; then "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 else "$@" fi } export -f run