{ lib }:

with lib;

  # Figures out a valid Nix store name for the given path.
  storeFileName = path:
      # All characters that are considered safe. Note "-" is not
      # included to avoid "-" followed by digit being interpreted as a
      # version.
      safeChars =
        [ "+" "." "_" "?" "=" ]
        ++ lowerChars
        ++ upperChars
        ++ stringToCharacters "0123456789";

      empties = l: genList (x: "") (length l);

      unsafeInName = stringToCharacters (
        replaceStrings safeChars (empties safeChars) path

      safeName = replaceStrings unsafeInName (empties unsafeInName) path;
      "hm_" + safeName;