readme: add a basic flake usage example

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Tony Olagbaiye 2020-09-01 07:13:04 +01:00 committed by Robert Helgesson
parent 1ed8e7ef98
commit bfc66df13d
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@ -305,6 +305,60 @@ in your system configuration and
in your Home Manager configuration.
Home Manager includes a flake.nix for compatibility with [NixOS flakes]( for those
that wish to use it as a module. A bare-minimum flake.nix would be as follows:
description = "NixOS configuration";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
home-manager.url = "github:rycee/home-manager";
outputs = inputs: {
nixosConfigurations = {
hostname = let
system = "x86_64-linux";
pkgs = inputs.nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
inherit (inputs.nixpkgs) lib;
# Things in this set are passed to modules and accessible
# in the top-level arguments (e.g. `{ pkgs, lib, inputs, ... }:`).
specialArgs = {
inherit inputs;
hm-nixos-as-super = { config, ... }: {
# Submodules have merge semantics, making it possible to amend
# the `home-manager.users` submodule for additional functionality.
options.home-manager.users = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.submoduleWith {
modules = [ ];
# Makes specialArgs available to Home Manager modules as well.
specialArgs = specialArgs // {
# Allow accessing the parent NixOS configuration.
super = config;
modules = [
in lib.nixosSystem { inherit system modules specialArgs; };