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mirror of https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager synced 2025-03-11 08:25:09 +01:00

doc: make documentation independent from NixOS

Unfortunately this duplicates some code from NixOS but it does allow
much more flexibility and, hopefully, stability in the Home Manager

Fixes .
This commit is contained in:
Robert Helgesson 2018-05-06 22:14:50 +02:00
parent 74f4ed5fd2
commit 1260349384
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 36BDAA14C2797E89
6 changed files with 485 additions and 22 deletions

doc/default.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
{ pkgs, options, config, version, revision, extraSources ? [] }:
with pkgs;
lib = pkgs.lib;
# Remove invisible and internal options.
optionsListVisible = lib.filter (opt: opt.visible && !opt.internal) (lib.optionAttrSetToDocList options);
# Replace functions by the string <function>
substFunction = x:
if builtins.isAttrs x then lib.mapAttrs (name: substFunction) x
else if builtins.isList x then map substFunction x
else if lib.isFunction x then "<function>"
else x;
# Generate DocBook documentation for a list of packages. This is
# what `relatedPackages` option of `mkOption` from
# ../../../lib/options.nix influences.
# Each element of `relatedPackages` can be either
# - a string: that will be interpreted as an attribute name from `pkgs`,
# - a list: that will be interpreted as an attribute path from `pkgs`,
# - an attrset: that can specify `name`, `path`, `package`, `comment`
# (either of `name`, `path` is required, the rest are optional).
genRelatedPackages = packages:
unpack = p: if lib.isString p then { name = p; }
else if lib.isList p then { path = p; }
else p;
describe = args:
name = args.name or (lib.concatStringsSep "." args.path);
path = args.path or [ args.name ];
package = args.package or (lib.attrByPath path (throw "Invalid package attribute path `${toString path}'") pkgs);
in "<listitem>"
+ "<para><literal>pkgs.${name} (${package.meta.name})</literal>"
+ lib.optionalString (!package.meta.available) " <emphasis>[UNAVAILABLE]</emphasis>"
+ ": ${package.meta.description or "???"}.</para>"
+ lib.optionalString (args ? comment) "\n<para>${args.comment}</para>"
# Lots of `longDescription's break DocBook, so we just wrap them into <programlisting>
+ lib.optionalString (package.meta ? longDescription) "\n<programlisting>${package.meta.longDescription}</programlisting>"
+ "</listitem>";
in "<itemizedlist>${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (p: describe (unpack p)) packages)}</itemizedlist>";
optionsListDesc = lib.flip map optionsListVisible (opt: opt // {
# Clean up declaration sites to not refer to the NixOS source tree.
declarations = map stripAnyPrefixes opt.declarations;
// lib.optionalAttrs (opt ? example) { example = substFunction opt.example; }
// lib.optionalAttrs (opt ? default) { default = substFunction opt.default; }
// lib.optionalAttrs (opt ? type) { type = substFunction opt.type; }
// lib.optionalAttrs (opt ? relatedPackages) { relatedPackages = genRelatedPackages opt.relatedPackages; });
# We need to strip references to /nix/store/* from options,
# including any `extraSources` if some modules came from elsewhere,
# or else the build will fail.
# E.g. if some `options` came from modules in ${pkgs.customModules}/nix,
# you'd need to include `extraSources = [ pkgs.customModules ]`
prefixesToStrip = map (p: "${toString p}/") ([ ../../.. ] ++ extraSources);
stripAnyPrefixes = lib.flip (lib.fold lib.removePrefix) prefixesToStrip;
# Custom "less" that pushes up all the things ending in ".enable*"
# and ".package*"
optionLess = a: b:
ise = lib.hasPrefix "enable";
isp = lib.hasPrefix "package";
cmp = lib.splitByAndCompare ise lib.compare
(lib.splitByAndCompare isp lib.compare lib.compare);
in lib.compareLists cmp a.loc b.loc < 0;
# Customly sort option list for the man page.
optionsList = lib.sort optionLess optionsListDesc;
# Convert the list of options into an XML file.
optionsXML = builtins.toFile "options.xml" (builtins.toXML optionsList);
optionsDocBook = runCommand "options-db.xml" {} ''
if grep /home--manager/modules $optionsXML; then
echo "The manual appears to depend on the location of Home Manager, which is bad"
echo "since this prevents sharing via the NixOS channel. This is typically"
echo "caused by an option default that refers to a relative path (see above"
echo "for hints about the offending path)."
exit 1
${buildPackages.libxslt.bin}/bin/xsltproc \
--stringparam revision '${revision}' \
-o $out ${<nixpkgs/nixos/doc/manual/options-to-docbook.xsl>} $optionsXML
sources = lib.sourceFilesBySuffices ./. [".xml"];
modulesDoc = builtins.toFile "modules.xml" ''
<section xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" id="modules">
${(lib.concatMapStrings (path: ''
<xi:include href="${path}" />
'') (lib.catAttrs "value" config.meta.doc))}
generatedSources = runCommand "generated-docbook" {} ''
mkdir $out
ln -s ${modulesDoc} $out/modules.xml
ln -s ${optionsDocBook} $out/options-db.xml
printf "%s" "${version}" > $out/version
copySources =
cp -prd $sources/* . # */
ln -s ${generatedSources} ./generated
chmod -R u+w .
toc = builtins.toFile "toc.xml"
<toc role="chunk-toc">
<d:tocentry xmlns:d="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" linkend="book-home-manager-manual"><?dbhtml filename="index.html"?>
<d:tocentry linkend="ch-options"><?dbhtml filename="options.html"?></d:tocentry>
manualXsltprocOptions = toString [
"--param section.autolabel 1"
"--param section.label.includes.component.label 1"
"--stringparam html.stylesheet 'style.css overrides.css highlightjs/mono-blue.css'"
"--stringparam html.script './highlightjs/highlight.pack.js ./highlightjs/loader.js'"
"--param xref.with.number.and.title 1"
"--param toc.section.depth 3"
"--stringparam admon.style ''"
"--stringparam callout.graphics.extension .svg"
"--stringparam current.docid manual"
"--param chunk.section.depth 0"
"--param chunk.first.sections 1"
"--param use.id.as.filename 1"
"--stringparam generate.toc 'book toc appendix toc'"
"--stringparam chunk.toc ${toc}"
manual-combined = runCommand "home-manager-manual-combined"
{ inherit sources;
nativeBuildInputs = [ buildPackages.libxml2.bin buildPackages.libxslt.bin ];
meta.description = "The Home Manager manual as plain docbook XML";
xmllint --xinclude --output ./manual-combined.xml ./manual.xml
xmllint --xinclude --noxincludenode \
--output ./man-pages-combined.xml ./man-pages.xml
# outputs the context of an xmllint error output
# LEN lines around the failing line are printed
function context {
# length of context
local LEN=6
# lines to print before error line
local BEFORE=4
# xmllint output lines are:
# file.xml:1234: there was an error on line 1234
while IFS=':' read -r file line rest; do
if [[ -n "$rest" ]]; then
echo "$file:$line:$rest"
local FROM=$(($line>$BEFORE ? $line - $BEFORE : 1))
# number lines & filter context
nl --body-numbering=a "$file" | sed -n "$FROM,+$LEN p"
if [[ -n "$line" ]]; then
echo "$file:$line"
echo "$file"
function lintrng {
xmllint --debug --noout --nonet \
--relaxng ${docbook5}/xml/rng/docbook/docbook.rng \
"$1" \
2>&1 | context 1>&2
# ^ redirect assumes xmllint doesnt print to stdout
lintrng manual-combined.xml
lintrng man-pages-combined.xml
mkdir $out
cp manual-combined.xml $out/
cp man-pages-combined.xml $out/
olinkDB = runCommand "manual-olinkdb"
{ inherit sources;
nativeBuildInputs = [ buildPackages.libxml2.bin buildPackages.libxslt.bin ];
xsltproc \
${manualXsltprocOptions} \
--stringparam collect.xref.targets only \
--stringparam targets.filename "$out/manual.db" \
--nonet \
${docbook5_xsl}/xml/xsl/docbook/xhtml/chunktoc.xsl \
cat > "$out/olinkdb.xml" <<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE targetset SYSTEM
"file://${docbook5_xsl}/xml/xsl/docbook/common/targetdatabase.dtd" [
<!ENTITY manualtargets SYSTEM "file://$out/manual.db">
Allows for cross-referencing olinks between the manpages
and manual.
<document targetdoc="manual">&manualtargets;</document>
in rec {
inherit generatedSources;
# The Home Manager options in JSON format.
optionsJSON = runCommand "options-json"
{ meta.description = "List of Home Manager options in JSON format";
# Export list of options in different format.
mkdir -p $dst
cp ${builtins.toFile "options.json" (builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext (builtins.toJSON
(builtins.listToAttrs (map (o: { name = o.name; value = removeAttrs o ["name" "visible" "internal"]; }) optionsList))))
} $dst/options.json
mkdir -p $out/nix-support
echo "file json $dst/options.json" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
''; # */
# Generate the Home Manager manual.
manual = runCommand "home-manager-manual"
{ inherit sources;
nativeBuildInputs = [ buildPackages.libxml2.bin buildPackages.libxslt.bin ];
meta.description = "The Home Manager manual in HTML format";
allowedReferences = ["out"];
# Generate the HTML manual.
mkdir -p $dst
xsltproc \
${manualXsltprocOptions} \
--stringparam target.database.document "${olinkDB}/olinkdb.xml" \
--nonet --output $dst/ \
${docbook5_xsl}/xml/xsl/docbook/xhtml/chunktoc.xsl \
mkdir -p $dst/images/callouts
cp ${docbook5_xsl}/xml/xsl/docbook/images/callouts/*.svg $dst/images/callouts/
cp ${../../../doc/style.css} $dst/style.css
cp ${../../../doc/overrides.css} $dst/overrides.css
cp -r ${pkgs.documentation-highlighter} $dst/highlightjs
mkdir -p $out/nix-support
echo "nix-build out $out" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
echo "doc manual $dst" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
''; # */
manualEpub = runCommand "home-manager-manual-epub"
{ inherit sources;
buildInputs = [ libxml2.bin libxslt.bin zip ];
# Generate the epub manual.
xsltproc \
${manualXsltprocOptions} \
--stringparam target.database.document "${olinkDB}/olinkdb.xml" \
--nonet --xinclude --output $dst/epub/ \
${docbook5_xsl}/xml/xsl/docbook/epub/docbook.xsl \
mkdir -p $dst/epub/OEBPS/images/callouts
cp -r ${docbook5_xsl}/xml/xsl/docbook/images/callouts/*.svg $dst/epub/OEBPS/images/callouts # */
echo "application/epub+zip" > mimetype
zip -0Xq "$manual" mimetype
cd $dst/epub && zip -Xr9D "$manual" *
rm -rf $dst/epub
mkdir -p $out/nix-support
echo "doc-epub manual $manual" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
# Generate the Home Manager manpages.
manpages = runCommand "home-manager-manpages"
{ inherit sources;
nativeBuildInputs = [ buildPackages.libxml2.bin buildPackages.libxslt.bin ];
allowedReferences = ["out"];
# Generate manpages.
mkdir -p $out/share/man
xsltproc --nonet \
--param man.output.in.separate.dir 1 \
--param man.output.base.dir "'$out/share/man/'" \
--param man.endnotes.are.numbered 0 \
--param man.break.after.slash 1 \
--stringparam target.database.document "${olinkDB}/olinkdb.xml" \
${docbook5_xsl}/xml/xsl/docbook/manpages/docbook.xsl \

doc/man-configuration.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
<refentry xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
<refmiscinfo class="source">Home Manager</refmiscinfo>
<!-- <refmiscinfo class="version"><xi:include href="version.txt" parse="text"/></refmiscinfo> -->
<refpurpose>Home Manager configuration specification</refpurpose>
The file <filename>~/.config/nixpkgs/home.nix</filename> contains
the declarative specification of your Home Manager configuration.
The command <command>home-manager</command> takes this file and
realises the user environment configuration specified therein.
You can use the following options in
<xi:include href="./generated/options-db.xml" xpointer="configuration-variable-list" />

doc/man-home-manager.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
<refentry xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
<refmiscinfo class="source">Home Manager</refmiscinfo>
<!-- <refmiscinfo class="version"><xi:include href="version.txt" parse="text"/></refmiscinfo> -->
<refpurpose>reconfigure a user environment</refpurpose>
<group choice='req'>
<arg choice='plain'><option>help</option></arg>
<arg choice='plain'><option>build</option></arg>
<arg choice='plain'><option>switch</option></arg>
<arg choice='plain'><option>generations</option></arg>
<arg choice='plain'><option>remove-generations</option></arg>
<arg choice='plain'><option>packages</option></arg>
<arg choice='plain'><option>news</option></arg>
This command updates the user environment so that it corresponds to the configuration
specified in <filename>~/.config/nixpkgs/home.nix</filename>.
Identifiers of news items that have been shown. Can be deleted
to reset the read news indicator.
Please report any bugs on the <link
issue tracker</link>.

doc/man-pages.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<reference xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
<title>Home Manager Reference Pages</title>
<personname>Home Manager contributors</personname>
<year>2017-2018</year><holder>Home Manager contributors</holder>
<xi:include href="man-configuration.xml" />
<xi:include href="man-home-manager.xml" />

doc/manual.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
<book xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
<title>Home Manager Manual</title>
This manual will eventually describes how to install, use and
extend Home Manager.
If you encounter problems, please report them on the
mailing list or on the <link
<literal>#nixos</literal> channel on Freenode</link>. Bugs should be
reported in
GitHub issue tracker</link>.
Commands prefixed with <literal>#</literal> have to be run as root, either
requiring to login as root user or temporarily switching to it using
<literal>sudo</literal> for example.
<appendix xml:id="ch-options">
<title>Configuration Options</title>
<xi:include href="./generated/options-db.xml"
xpointer="configuration-variable-list" />

View file

@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ let
It isn't perfect, but it seems to cover a vast majority of use cases.
Caveat: even if the package is reached by a different means,
the path above will be shown and not e.g. `${config.services.foo.package}`. */
nixosManual = import <nixpkgs/nixos/doc/manual> {
homeManagerManual = import <home-manager/doc> {
inherit pkgs config;
version = "0.1";
revision = "release-0.1";
options =
scrubbedEval = evalModules {
modules = [ { nixpkgs.system = pkgs.stdenv.system; } ] ++ baseModules;
modules = [ { nixpkgs.localSystem = config.nixpkgs.localSystem; } ] ++ baseModules;
args = (config._module.args) // { modules = [ ]; };
specialArgs = { pkgs = scrubDerivations "pkgs" pkgs; };
@ -32,14 +32,6 @@ let
in scrubbedEval.options;
homeEnvironmentManPages = pkgs.runCommand "home-environment-manpages" {
allowedReferences = [ "out" ];
} ''
install -v -D -m444 \
${nixosManual.manpages}/share/man/man5/configuration.nix.5 \
@ -60,22 +52,12 @@ in
config = mkIf config.manual.manpages.enable {
home.packages = [ homeEnvironmentManPages ];
home.packages = [ homeManagerManual.manpages ];
# To fix error during manpage build.
meta = {
maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ];
doc = builtins.toFile "nothingness" ''
<chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
<title>this is just to make the docs compile</title>
<para xml:id="sec-grsecurity"></para>
<para xml:id="sec-emacs-docbook-xml"></para>
doc = builtins.toFile "nothingness" "";