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== Contributing
:open-issues: https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/issues
:new-issue: https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/issues/new
:fork-a-repo: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/
:create-a-pull-request: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request/
:seven-rules: https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/#seven-rules
:news-nix: https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/blob/master/modules/misc/news.nix
:nixfmt: https://github.com/serokell/nixfmt/
:example-commit-message: https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/commit/69f8e47e9e74c8d3d060ca22e18246b7f7d988ef
Contributions to Home Manager are very welcome. We provide some guidelines to make the process as smooth as possible for both you and the Home Manager developers.
If you are only looking to report a problem then it is sufficient to read <<sec-reporting-issue>>.
If you want to directly contribute code then please also read through <<sec-contributing-code>>.
=== Reporting an issue
If you notice a problem with Home Manager and want to report it then have a look among the already {open-issues}[open issues], if you find one matching yours then feel free to comment on it to add any additional information you may have.
If no matching issue exists then go to the {new-issue}[new issue] page and write a description of your problem. Include as much information as you can, ideally also include relevant excerpts from your Home Manager configuration.
=== Contributing code
If you want to contribute code to improve Home Manager then please follow these guidelines.
==== Fork and create a pull request
If you have not previously forked Home Manager then you need to do that first. Have a look at GitHub's {fork-a-repo}[Fork a repo] for instructions on how to do this.
Once you have a fork of Home Manager you should create a branch starting at the most recent `master` branch. Give your branch a reasonably descriptive name. Commit your changes to this branch and when you are happy with the result push the branch to GitHub and {create-a-pull-request}[create a pull request].
Assuming your clone is at `$HOME/devel/home-manager` then you can make the `home-manager` command use it by either
1. overriding the default path by using the `-I` command line option:
$ home-manager -I home-manager=$HOME/devel/home-manager
2. changing the default path by ensuring your configuration includes
programs.home-manager.enable = true;
programs.home-manager.path = "$HOME/devel/home-manager";
and running `home-manager switch` to activate the change. Afterwards, `home-manager build` and `home-manager switch` will use your cloned repository.
The first option is good if you only temporarily want to use your clone.
==== Commits
The commits in your pull request should be reasonably self-contained, that is, each commit should make sense in isolation. In particular, you will be asked to amend any commit that introduces syntax errors or similar problems even if they are fixed in a later commit.
The commit messages should follow the {seven-rules}[seven rules]. We also ask you to include the affected code component or module in the first line. That is, a commit message should follow the template
{component}: {description}
{long description}
where `{component}` refers to the code component (or module) your change affects, `{description}` is a very brief description of your change, and `{long description}` is an optional clarifying description. Note, `{description}` should start with a lower case letter. As a rare exception, if there is no clear component, or your change affects many components, then the `{component}` part is optional. See <<ex-commit-message>> for a commit message that fulfills these requirements.
.Compliant commit message
The commit {example-commit-message}[69f8e47e9e74c8d3d060ca22e18246b7f7d988ef] contains the commit message
starship: allow running in Emacs if vterm is used
The vterm buffer is backed by libvterm and can handle Starship prompts
without issues.
which ticks all the boxes necessary to be accepted in Home Manager.
Finally, when adding a new module, say `programs/foo.nix`, we use the fixed commit format `foo: add module`. You can, of course, still include a long description if you wish.
==== Style guidelines
The code in Home Manager is formatted by the {nixfmt}[nixfmt] tool and the formatting is checked in the pull request tests. Run the `format` tool inside the project repository before submitting your pull request.
Note, we prefer `lowerCamelCase` for variable and attribute names with the accepted exception of variables directly referencing packages in Nixpkgs which use a hyphenated style. For example, the Home Manager option `services.gpg-agent.enableSshSupport` references the `gpg-agent` package in Nixpkgs.
==== News
Home Manager includes a system for presenting news to the user. When making a change you, therefore, have the option to also include an associated news entry. In general, a news entry should only be added for truly noteworthy news. For example, a bug fix or new option does generally not need a news entry.
If you do have a change worthy of a news entry then please add one in {news-nix}[`news.nix`] but you should follow some basic guidelines:
- The entry timestamp should be in ISO-8601 format having "+00:00" as time zone. For example, "2017-09-13T17:10:14+00:00". A suitable timestamp can be produced by the command
$ date --iso-8601=second --universal
- The entry condition should be as specific as possible. For example, if you are changing or deprecating a specific option then you could restrict the news to those users who actually use this option.
- Wrap the news message so that it will fit in the typical terminal, that is, at most 80 characters wide. Ideally a bit less.
- Unlike commit messages, news will be read without any connection to the Home Manager source code. It is therefore important to make the message understandable in isolation and to those who do not have knowledge of the Home Manager internals. To this end it should be written in more descriptive, prose like way.
- If you refer to an option then write its full attribute path. That is, instead of writing
The option 'foo' has been deprecated, please use 'bar' instead.
it should read
The option 'services.myservice.foo' has been deprecated, please
use 'services.myservice.bar' instead.
- A new module, say `foo.nix`, should always include a news entry that has a message along the lines of
A new module is available: 'services.foo'.
If the module is platform specific, e.g., a service module using systemd, then a condition like
condition = hostPlatform.isLinux;
should be added. If you contribute a module then you don't need to add this entry, the merger will create an entry for you.
==== Tests
Home Manager includes a basic test suite and it is highly recommended to include at least one test when adding a module. Tests are typically in the form of "golden tests" where, for example, a generated configuration file is compared to a known correct file.
It is relatively easy to create tests by modeling the existing tests, found in the `tests` project directory.
The full Home Manager test suite can be run by executing
$ nix-shell --pure tests -A run.all
in the project root. List all test cases through
$ nix-shell --pure tests -A list
and run an individual test, for example `alacritty-empty-settings`, through
$ nix-shell --pure tests -A run.alacritty-empty-settings