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{ lib, dag ? import ./dag.nix { inherit lib; }
, gvariant ? import ./gvariant.nix { inherit lib; } }:
with lib;
typesDag = import ./types-dag.nix { inherit dag lib; };
# Needed since the type is called gvariant and its merge attribute
# must refer back to the type.
gvar = gvariant;
in rec {
inherit (typesDag) dagOf listOrDagOf;
selectorFunction = mkOptionType {
name = "selectorFunction";
description = "Function that takes an attribute set and returns a list"
+ " containing a selection of the values of the input set";
check = isFunction;
merge = _loc: defs: as: concatMap (select: select as) (getValues defs);
overlayFunction = mkOptionType {
name = "overlayFunction";
description = "An overlay function, takes self and super and returns"
+ " an attribute set overriding the desired attributes.";
check = isFunction;
merge = _loc: defs: self: super:
foldl' (res: def: mergeAttrs res (def.value self super)) { } defs;
2020-02-23 11:11:12 +01:00
fontType = types.submodule {
options = {
package = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.package;
default = null;
example = literalExample "pkgs.dejavu_fonts";
description = ''
Package providing the font. This package will be installed
to your profile. If <literal>null</literal> then the font
is assumed to already be available in your profile.
name = mkOption {
type = types.str;
example = "DejaVu Sans 8";
description = ''
The family name and size of the font within the package.
gvariant = mkOptionType rec {
name = "gvariant";
description = "GVariant value";
check = v: gvar.mkValue v != null;
merge = loc: defs:
vdefs = map (d: d // { value = gvar.mkValue d.value; }) defs;
vals = map (d: d.value) vdefs;
defTypes = map (x: x.type) vals;
sameOrNull = x: y: if x == y then y else null;
# A bit naive to just check the first entry…
sharedDefType = foldl' sameOrNull (head defTypes) defTypes;
allChecked = all (x: check x) vals;
in if sharedDefType == null then
throw ("Cannot merge definitions of `${showOption loc}' with"
+ " mismatched GVariant types given in"
+ " ${showFiles (getFiles defs)}.")
else if gvar.isArray sharedDefType && allChecked then
(types.listOf gvariant).merge loc
(map (d: d // { value = d.value.value; }) vdefs)
else if gvar.isTuple sharedDefType && allChecked then
mergeOneOption loc defs
else if gvar.type.string == sharedDefType && allChecked then
types.str.merge loc defs
else if gvar.type.double == sharedDefType && allChecked then
types.float.merge loc defs
mergeDefaultOption loc defs;