2023-06-12 23:21:24 +02:00
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg = config.programs.vdirsyncer;
vdirsyncerCalendarAccounts = filterAttrs (_: v: v.vdirsyncer.enable)
(mapAttrs' (n: v: nameValuePair ("calendar_" + n) v)
vdirsyncerContactAccounts = filterAttrs (_: v: v.vdirsyncer.enable)
(mapAttrs' (n: v: nameValuePair ("contacts_" + n) v)
vdirsyncerAccounts = vdirsyncerCalendarAccounts // vdirsyncerContactAccounts;
wrap = s: ''"${s}"'';
listString = l: "[${concatStringsSep ", " l}]";
boolString = b: if b then "true" else "false";
localStorage = a:
filterAttrs (_: v: v != null)
((getAttrs [ "type" "fileExt" "encoding" ] a.local) // {
path = a.local.path;
postHook = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "post-hook" a.vdirsyncer.postHook
+ "/bin/post-hook";
remoteStorage = a:
filterAttrs (_: v: v != null) ((getAttrs [
] a.remote) // (if a.vdirsyncer == null then
{ }
getAttrs [
] a.vdirsyncer));
pair = a:
with a.vdirsyncer;
filterAttrs (k: v: k == "collections" || (v != null && v != [ ]))
(getAttrs [ "collections" "conflictResolution" "metadata" "partialSync" ]
pairs = mapAttrs (_: v: pair v) vdirsyncerAccounts;
localStorages = mapAttrs (_: v: localStorage v) vdirsyncerAccounts;
remoteStorages = mapAttrs (_: v: remoteStorage v) vdirsyncerAccounts;
optionString = n: v:
if (n == "type") then
''type = "${v}"''
else if (n == "path") then
''path = "${v}"''
else if (n == "fileExt") then
''fileext = "${v}"''
else if (n == "encoding") then
''encoding = "${v}"''
else if (n == "postHook") then
''post_hook = "${v}"''
else if (n == "url") then
''url = "${v}"''
else if (n == "timeRange") then ''
start_date = "${v.start}"
end_date = "${v.end}"'' else if (n == "itemTypes") then
"item_types = ${listString (map wrap v)}"
else if (n == "userName") then
''username = "${v}"''
else if (n == "userNameCommand") then
"username.fetch = ${listString (map wrap ([ "command" ] ++ v))}"
else if (n == "password") then
''password = "${v}"''
else if (n == "passwordCommand") then
"password.fetch = ${listString (map wrap ([ "command" ] ++ v))}"
else if (n == "passwordPrompt") then
''password.fetch = ["prompt", "${v}"]''
else if (n == "verify") then
"verify = ${if v then "true" else "false"}"
else if (n == "verifyFingerprint") then
''verify_fingerprint = "${v}"''
else if (n == "auth") then
''auth = "${v}"''
else if (n == "authCert" && isString (v)) then
''auth_cert = "${v}"''
else if (n == "authCert") then
"auth_cert = ${listString (map wrap v)}"
else if (n == "userAgent") then
''useragent = "${v}"''
else if (n == "tokenFile") then
''token_file = "${v}"''
else if (n == "clientId") then
''client_id = "${v}"''
else if (n == "clientIdCommand") then
"client_id.fetch = ${listString (map wrap ([ "command" ] ++ v))}"
else if (n == "clientSecret") then
''client_secret = "${v}"''
else if (n == "clientSecretCommand") then
"client_secret.fetch = ${listString (map wrap ([ "command" ] ++ v))}"
else if (n == "metadata") then
"metadata = ${listString (map wrap v)}"
else if (n == "partialSync") then
''partial_sync = "${v}"''
else if (n == "collections") then
contents =
map (c: if (isString c) then ''"${c}"'' else listString (map wrap c))
in "collections = ${
if ((isNull v) || v == [ ]) then "null" else listString contents
else if (n == "conflictResolution") then
if v == "remote wins" then
''conflict_resolution = "a wins"''
else if v == "local wins" then
''conflict_resolution = "b wins"''
"conflict_resolution = ${listString (map wrap ([ "command" ] ++ v))}"
throw "Unrecognized option: ${n}";
attrsString = a: concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList optionString a);
pairString = n: v: ''
[pair ${n}]
a = "${n}_remote"
b = "${n}_local"
${attrsString v}
configFile = pkgs.writeText "config" ''
status_path = "${cfg.statusPath}"
### Pairs
${concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList pairString pairs)}
### Local storages
${concatStringsSep "\n\n"
(mapAttrsToList (n: v: "[storage ${n}_local]" + "\n" + attrsString v)
### Remote storages
${concatStringsSep "\n\n"
(mapAttrsToList (n: v: "[storage ${n}_remote]" + "\n" + attrsString v)
in {
options = {
programs.vdirsyncer = {
2023-07-02 01:45:18 +02:00
enable = mkEnableOption "vdirsyncer";
2023-06-12 23:21:24 +02:00
package = mkOption {
type = types.package;
default = pkgs.vdirsyncer;
defaultText = "pkgs.vdirsyncer";
2023-07-02 01:45:18 +02:00
description = ''
2023-06-12 23:21:24 +02:00
vdirsyncer package to use.
statusPath = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/vdirsyncer/status";
defaultText = "$XDG_DATA_HOME/vdirsyncer/status";
2023-07-02 01:45:18 +02:00
description = ''
2023-06-12 23:21:24 +02:00
A directory where vdirsyncer will store some additional data for the next sync.
2023-07-01 00:35:51 +02:00
For more information, see the
[vdirsyncer manual](https://vdirsyncer.pimutils.org/en/stable/config.html#general-section).
2023-06-12 23:21:24 +02:00
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
assertions = let
requiredOptions = t:
if (t == "caldav" || t == "carddav" || t == "http") then
[ "url" ]
else if (t == "filesystem") then [
] else if (t == "singlefile") then
[ "path" ]
else if (t == "google_calendar" || t == "google_contacts") then [
] else
throw "Unrecognized storage type: ${t}";
allowedOptions = let
remoteOptions = [
in t:
if (t == "caldav") then
[ "timeRange" "itemTypes" ] ++ remoteOptions
else if (t == "carddav" || t == "http") then
else if (t == "filesystem") then [
] else if (t == "singlefile") then
[ "encoding" ]
else if (t == "google_calendar") then [
] else if (t == "google_contacts") then [
] else
throw "Unrecognized storage type: ${t}";
assertStorage = n: v:
let allowed = allowedOptions v.type ++ (requiredOptions v.type);
in mapAttrsToList (a: v':
assertion = (elem a allowed);
message = ''
Storage ${n} is of type ${v.type}. Option
${a} is not allowed for this type.
}] ++ (let
required =
filter (a: !hasAttr "${a}Command" v) (requiredOptions v.type);
in map (a: [{
assertion = hasAttr a v;
message = ''
Storage ${n} is of type ${v.type}, but required
option ${a} is not set.
}]) required)) (removeAttrs v [ "type" "_module" ]);
storageAssertions = flatten (mapAttrsToList assertStorage localStorages)
++ flatten (mapAttrsToList assertStorage remoteStorages);
in storageAssertions;
home.packages = [ cfg.package ];
xdg.configFile."vdirsyncer/config".source = configFile;