mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 22:25:12 +01:00
* concurrent echo client for stress testing * update examples for benchmarking, tweak cabal file * mark frequently-used call as unsafe for performance boost * add unsafe annotation to non-blocking C calls on critical path * more unsafe annotations -- server performance almost doubled now * one CQ for all call ops * unsafe annotation on start_batch * wait for all client threads, replace error with fail * add -O2
126 lines
4.5 KiB
126 lines
4.5 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Protobuf.Wire.Class
import Data.Protobuf.Wire.Types
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Server
import qualified Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Server.Unregistered as U
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel
import qualified Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call.Unregistered as U
import qualified Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server.Unregistered as U
serverMeta :: MetadataMap
serverMeta = [("test_meta", "test_meta_value")]
handler :: U.ServerCall
-> ByteString
-> IO (ByteString, MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
handler U.ServerCall{..} reqBody = do
--putStrLn $ "Got request for method: " ++ show method
--putStrLn $ "Got metadata: " ++ show reqMeta
return (reqBody, serverMeta, StatusOk, StatusDetails "")
unregMain :: IO ()
unregMain = withGRPC $ \grpc -> do
withServer grpc defConfig $ \server -> forever $ do
result <- U.serverHandleNormalCall server serverMeta handler
case result of
Left x -> putStrLn $ "handle call result error: " ++ show x
Right _ -> return ()
regMain :: IO ()
regMain = withGRPC $ \grpc -> do
let ms = [(MethodName "/echo.Echo/DoEcho")]
withServer grpc (defConfig {methodsToRegisterNormal = ms}) $ \server ->
forever $ do
let method = head (normalMethods server)
result <- serverHandleNormalCall server method serverMeta $
\call -> return (payload call, serverMeta, StatusOk, StatusDetails "")
case result of
Left x -> putStrLn $ "registered call result error: " ++ show x
Right _ -> return ()
tputStrLn x = do
tid <- myThreadId
putStrLn $ "[" ++ show tid ++ "]: " ++ x
regLoop :: Server -> RegisteredMethod 'Normal -> IO ()
regLoop server method = forever $ do
-- tputStrLn "about to block on call handler"
result <- serverHandleNormalCall server method serverMeta $
\call ->
return (payload call, serverMeta, StatusOk, StatusDetails "")
case result of
Left x -> error $! "registered call result error: " ++ show x
Right _ -> return ()
regMainThreaded :: IO ()
regMainThreaded = do
withGRPC $ \grpc -> do
let ms = [(MethodName "/echo.Echo/DoEcho")]
withServer grpc (defConfig {methodsToRegisterNormal = ms}) $ \server -> do
let method = head (normalMethods server)
tids <- replicateM 7 $ async $ do tputStrLn "starting handler"
regLoop server method
_ <- waitAnyCancel tids
tputStrLn "finishing"
-- NB: If you change these, make sure to change them in the client as well.
-- TODO: Put these in a common location (or just hack around it until CG is working)
data EchoRequest = EchoRequest {message :: T.Text} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Message EchoRequest
echoHandler :: Handler 'Normal
echoHandler =
UnaryHandler "/echo.Echo/DoEcho" $
\call -> do
return ( payload call :: EchoRequest
, metadata call
, StatusOk
, StatusDetails ""
data AddRequest = AddRequest {addX :: Fixed Word32
, addY :: Fixed Word32}
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Message AddRequest
data AddResponse = AddResponse {answer :: Fixed Word32}
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Message AddResponse
addHandler :: Handler 'Normal
addHandler =
UnaryHandler "/echo.Add/DoAdd" $
\c -> do
let b = payload c
return ( AddResponse $ addX b + addY b
, metadata c
, StatusOk
, StatusDetails ""
highlevelMain :: IO ()
highlevelMain =
serverLoop defaultOptions{optNormalHandlers = [echoHandler, addHandler]}
highlevelMainUnregistered :: IO ()
highlevelMainUnregistered =
U.serverLoop defaultOptions{optNormalHandlers = [echoHandler, addHandler]}
main :: IO ()
main = highlevelMainUnregistered
defConfig :: ServerConfig
defConfig = ServerConfig "localhost" 50051 [] [] [] [] []