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mirror of https://github.com/unclechu/gRPC-haskell.git synced 2025-03-24 22:55:19 +01:00
intractable fe55845d3f Update to latest proto3-suite, remove compile-proto-file exe ()
* Squash merge from branch `joel-fix-build-issues-and-broken-tests`

* Update `proto3-wire` and `proto3-suite` refs in `stack.yaml`

* Update `proto3-wire` and `proto3-suite` refs via `cabal2nix` for `nix` builds

* Remove `compile-proto-file` from the repo, as it is now available via `proto3-suite`

* Update `proto3-suite` ref in `stack.yaml`

* Update `proto3-suite` ref via `cabal2nix` for `nix` builds

* Update `proto3-suite` and `proto3-wire` gitrevs

* Regenerate Echo and Arithmetic example modules from their respective .protos

* Fix typo
2017-07-17 20:42:35 -05:00

12 KiB

Introduction to gRPC-Haskell

This tutorial assumes that you already have a basic understanding of gRPC as well as Haskell. For an intoduction to the concepts of gRPC, see the official tutorials.

This will go through a basic example of using the library, with the arithmetic example in the examples/arithmetic directory. After cloning this repository, it would be a good idea to run stack haddock from within the repository directory to generate the documentation so you can read more about the functions and types we're using as we go. Also remember that typed holes can be very handy.

To build the examples, you can run

$ stack build --flag grpc-haskell:with-examples

The gRPC service we will be implementing provides two amazing functions:

  1. Add, which adds two integers.
  2. RunningSum, which receives a stream of integers from the client and finally returns a single integer that is the sum of all the integers it has received.

You can run the examples by running stack exec arithmetic-server and stack exec arithmetic-client.

Library Organization

tl;dr: you probably only need to import Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated. Other modules are exposed for advanced users only.

This library exposes quite a few modules, but you won't need to worry about most of them. They are currently organized based on the level of abstraction they afford over using the C gRPC Core library directly:

  • Unsafe modules directly wrap functions in the gRPC Core library. Using them directly is like using C: you need to think about memory management, pointers, and so on. The rest of the library is built on top of these functions and users of gRPC-haskell should never need to deal with the Unsafe modules directly.
  • LowLevel modules still require an understanding of the gRPC Core library, but guarantee memory and thread safety. Only advanced users with special requirements would use LowLevel modules directly.
  • HighLevel modules give you an opinionated Haskell interface to gRPC that should cover most use cases while (hopefully) being easy to use. You should only need to import the Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated module to start using the library. If you need to import other modules, we probably forgot to re-export something and you should open an issue or PR.

Getting started

To start out, we need to generate code for our protocol buffers and RPCs. The compile-proto-file command is provided as part of proto3-suite. You can either use stack install in the proto3-suite repository to install the command globally, or use stack exec from within the grpc-haskell directory.

$ stack exec -- compile-proto-file --proto examples/echo/echo.proto > examples/echo/echo-hs/Echo.hs

The .proto file compiler always names the generated module the same as the .proto file, capitalizing the first letter if it is not already. Since our proto file is arithmetic.proto, the generated code should be placed in Arithmetic.hs.

The important things to notice in this generated file are:

  1. For each proto message type, an equivalent Haskell type with the same name has been generated.
  2. The arithmeticServer function takes a a record containing handlers for each RPC endpoint and some options, and starts a server. So, you just need to call this function to get a server running. 3, The arithmeticClient function takes a Client (which is just a proof that the gRPC core has been started) and gives you a record of functions that can be used to run RPCs.

The server

First, we need to turn on some language extensions:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

All we need to do to run a server is call the arithmeticServer function:

main :: IO ()
main = arithmeticServer handlers options

So we just need to define handlers and options.

options is easy-- it's just some basic options for the server. We can just use the default options for now, which will start the server listening on localhost:50051:

options :: ServiceOptions
options = defaultServiceOptions

handlers is a bit more involved. Its type is Arithmetic ServerRequest ServerResponse. Values of this type contain a record field for each RPC defined in your .proto file.

handlers :: Arithmetic ServerRequest ServerResponse
handlers = Arithmetic { arithmeticAdd = addHandler
                      , arithmeticRunningSum = runningSumHandler

You can think of the handlers as being of type ServerRequest -> ServerResponse, though there are a few more type parameters in there. The most important one is the first parameter, which specifies whether the RPC is streaming (ClientStreaming, ServerStreaming, or BidiStreaming) or not (Normal).

The ServerRequest passed to your handler contains all the tools you will need to handle the request, including:

  1. The metadata the client sent with the request.
  2. The protocol buffer message sent with the request, which has already been parsed into a Haskell type for you.
  3. If it's a streaming request, you will also be given functions for sending or receiving messages in the stream.

The unary RPC handler for Add

So, let's pattern match on the ServerRequest for the addHandler function:

addHandler (ServerNormalRequest metadata (TwoInts x y)) = -- to be continued!

The body of the addHandler function just needs to add x and y and then bundle the answer up in a ServerResponse:

addHandler (ServerNormalRequest _metadata (TwoInts x y)) = do
  let answer = OneInt (x + y)
  return (ServerNormalResponse answer
                               [("metadata_key_one", "metadata_value")]
                               "addition is easy!")

Since this is a non-streaming "Normal" RPC, we use the the ServerNormalResponse constructor. Its parameters are the response message, some (optional) metadata key-value pairs, a status code, and a string with additional details about the status, which would normally be used to explain any errors in handling the request.

The client streaming handler for RunningSum

Now let's make our runningSumHandler. Since this is an RPC where the server reads from a stream of numbers, we pattern match on the ServerReaderRequest constructor:

runningSumHandler req@(ServerReaderRequest metadata recv) = -- to be continued!

Unlike the unary "Normal" request handler, we don't get a message from the client in this pattern match. Instead, we get an IO action recv, which we can run to wait for the client to send us another message.

There are three possibilities when we try to receive another message from the client:

  1. The RPC breaks with some gRPC error, such as losing the connection with the client.
  2. We receive another message from the client.
  3. The client has sent its last message and is waiting for a response.

We write a simple loop that keeps track of the running sum and finally sends off a ServerReaderResponse when the client finishes streaming or an error occurs:

runningSumHandler req@(ServerReaderRequest metadata recv) =
  loop 0
    where loop !i =
            do msg <- recv
               case msg of
                 Left err -> return (ServerReaderResponse
                                      (fromString (show err)))
                 Right (Just (OneInt x)) -> loop (i + x)
                 Right Nothing -> return (ServerReaderResponse
                                           (Just (OneInt i))

The ServerReaderResponse type is almost the same as ServerNormalResponse, except that the first argument, the message to send back to the client, is optional. Otherwise, it takes metadata (which we leave empty), a status code, and a string containing more information about the status code.

The client

The client-side code generated for us is arithmeticClient, which takes a Client as input and gives us a record containing actions that execute RPCs. To start up the C gRPC library and get a Client, we use withGRPCClient, which takes a ClientConfig:

clientConfig :: ClientConfig
clientConfig = ClientConfig { clientServerHost = "localhost"
                            , clientServerPort = 50051
                            , clientArgs = []
                            , clientSSLConfig = Nothing

main :: IO ()
main = withGRPCClient clientConfig $ \client -> do
  (Arithmetic arithmeticAdd arithmeticRunningSum) <- arithmeticClient client
  -- to be continued!

Now that we are on the client side, the Arithmetic record contains functions that make RPC requests. You can think of these functions as roughly having the type ClientRequest -> ClientResult. Like before, the particular constructors will vary depending on whether the RPC is streaming or not.

Requesting unary RPC

Here we construct a ClientNormalRequest, which takes as input a message, a timeout in seconds, and metadata. The result is a ClientNormalResponse, containing the server's response, the initial and trailing metadata for the call, and the status and status details string.

-- Request for the Add RPC
  ClientNormalResponse (OneInt x) _meta1 _meta2 _status _details
    <- arithmeticAdd (ClientNormalRequest (TwoInts 2 2) 1 [])
  print ("2 + 2 = " ++ (show x))

Executing a client streaming RPC

Doing a streaming request is slightly trickier. As input to the streaming RPC action, we pass in another IO action that tells grpc-haskell what to send. It takes a send action as input. This is a bit convoluted, but it guarantees that you can't send streaming messages outside of the context of a streaming call!

-- Request for the RunningSum RPC
ClientWriterResponse reply _streamMeta1 _streamMeta2 streamStatus streamDtls
  <- arithmeticRunningSum $ ClientWriterRequest 1 [] $ \send -> do
      eithers <- mapM send [OneInt 1, OneInt 2, OneInt 3]
                   :: IO [Either GRPCIOError ()]
      case sequence eithers of
        Left err -> error ("Error while streaming: " ++ show err)
        Right _ -> return ()

Each send potentially returns an error message, with the type Either GRPCIOError (). We use sequence to run all the send actions, and then use sequence again to collapse all the Eithers. If an error is encountered while streaming, there's nothing we can do to salvage the RPC, so a more serious program would need to do some application-specific error-handling. Since this is just a tutorial, we print an error message and exit. Otherwise, we return () to finish sending.

We can now inspect the reply to get our answer to the RPC.

case reply of
  Just (OneInt y) -> print ("1 + 2 + 3 = " ++ show y)
  Nothing -> putStrLn ("Client stream failed with status "
                       ++ show streamStatus
                       ++ " and details "
                       ++ show streamDtls)

To run the examples and see the requests, start the arithmetic-server process in the background, and then run the arithmetic-client process:

$ stack exec -- arithmetic-server &
$ stack exec -- arithmetic-client