
394 lines
14 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module LowLevelTests where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString (ByteString,
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel
import qualified Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call.Unregistered as U
import qualified Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Client.Unregistered as U
import qualified Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server.Unregistered as U
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit as HU (Assertion,
lowLevelTests :: TestTree
lowLevelTests = testGroup "Unit tests of low-level Haskell library"
[ testGRPCBracket
, testCompletionQueueCreateDestroy
, testClientCreateDestroy
, testClientCall
, testClientTimeoutNoServer
, testServerCreateDestroy
, testMixRegisteredUnregistered
, testPayload
, testPayloadUnregistered
, testServerCancel
, testGoaway
, testSlowServer
, testServerCallExpirationCheck
, testCustomUserAgent
, testClientCompression
, testClientServerCompression
testGRPCBracket :: TestTree
testGRPCBracket =
testCase "Start/stop GRPC" $ withGRPC nop
testCompletionQueueCreateDestroy :: TestTree
testCompletionQueueCreateDestroy =
testCase "Create/destroy CQ" $ withGRPC $ \g ->
withCompletionQueue g nop
testClientCreateDestroy :: TestTree
testClientCreateDestroy =
clientOnlyTest "start/stop" nop
testClientCall :: TestTree
testClientCall =
clientOnlyTest "create/destroy call" $ \c -> do
r <- U.withClientCall c "/foo" 10 $ const $ return $ Right ()
r @?= Right ()
testClientTimeoutNoServer :: TestTree
testClientTimeoutNoServer =
clientOnlyTest "request timeout when server DNE" $ \c -> do
rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal
r <- clientRequest c rm 1 "Hello" mempty
r @?= Left GRPCIOTimeout
testServerCreateDestroy :: TestTree
testServerCreateDestroy =
serverOnlyTest "start/stop" [] nop
testMixRegisteredUnregistered :: TestTree
testMixRegisteredUnregistered =
csTest "server uses unregistered calls to handle unknown endpoints"
[("/foo", Normal)]
client c = do
rm1 <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal
rm2 <- clientRegisterMethod c "/bar" Normal
clientRequest c rm1 1 "Hello" mempty >>= do
checkReqRslt $ \NormalRequestResult{..} -> do
rspBody @?= "reply test"
initMD @?= dummyMeta
trailMD @?= dummyMeta
clientRequest c rm2 1 "bad endpoint" mempty >>= do
checkReqRslt $ \NormalRequestResult{..} -> do
rspBody @?= ""
return ()
server s = do
concurrently regThread unregThread
return ()
where regThread = do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
r <- serverHandleNormalCall s rm dummyMeta $ \_ body _ -> do
body @?= "Hello"
return ("reply test", dummyMeta, StatusOk, StatusDetails "")
return ()
unregThread = do
r1 <- U.serverHandleNormalCall s mempty $ \call _ -> do
U.callMethod call @?= "/bar"
return ("", mempty, StatusOk,
StatusDetails "Wrong endpoint")
return ()
-- TODO: There seems to be a race here (and in other client/server pairs, of
-- course) about what gets reported when there is a failure. E.g., if one of the
-- Assertions fails in the request processing block for the server, we /may/ get
-- that error reported accurately as a call cancellation on the client, rather
-- than a useful error about the failure on the server. Maybe we'll need to
-- tweak EH behavior / async use.
testPayload :: TestTree
testPayload =
csTest "registered normal request/response" client server [("/foo", Normal)]
clientMD = [("foo_key", "foo_val"), ("bar_key", "bar_val")]
client c = do
rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal
clientRequest c rm 10 "Hello!" clientMD >>= do
checkReqRslt $ \NormalRequestResult{..} -> do
rspCode @?= StatusOk
rspBody @?= "reply test"
details @?= "details string"
initMD @?= dummyMeta
trailMD @?= dummyMeta
server s = do
length (registeredMethods s) @?= 1
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
r <- serverHandleNormalCall s rm dummyMeta $ \_ reqBody reqMD -> do
reqBody @?= "Hello!"
checkMD "Server metadata mismatch" clientMD reqMD
return ("reply test", dummyMeta, StatusOk,
StatusDetails "details string")
r @?= Right ()
testServerCancel :: TestTree
testServerCancel =
csTest "server cancel call" client server [("/foo", Normal)]
client c = do
rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal
res <- clientRequest c rm 10 "" mempty
res @?= Left (GRPCIOBadStatusCode StatusCancelled
"Received RST_STREAM err=8"))
server s = do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
r <- serverHandleNormalCall s rm mempty $ \c _ _ -> do
serverCallCancel c StatusCancelled ""
return (mempty, mempty, StatusCancelled, "")
r @?= Right ()
testPayloadUnregistered :: TestTree
testPayloadUnregistered =
csTest "unregistered normal request/response" client server []
client c = do
U.clientRequest c "/foo" 10 "Hello!" mempty >>= do
checkReqRslt $ \NormalRequestResult{..} -> do
rspCode @?= StatusOk
rspBody @?= "reply test"
details @?= "details string"
server s = do
r <- U.serverHandleNormalCall s mempty $ \U.ServerCall{..} body -> do
body @?= "Hello!"
callMethod @?= "/foo"
return ("reply test", mempty, StatusOk, "details string")
r @?= Right ()
testGoaway :: TestTree
testGoaway =
csTest "Client handles server shutdown gracefully"
[("/foo", Normal)]
client c = do
rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal
clientRequest c rm 10 "" mempty
clientRequest c rm 10 "" mempty
lastResult <- clientRequest c rm 1 "" mempty
assertBool "Client handles server shutdown gracefully" $
lastResult == unavailableStatus
lastResult == deadlineExceededStatus
lastResult == Left GRPCIOTimeout
server s = do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
serverHandleNormalCall s rm mempty dummyHandler
serverHandleNormalCall s rm mempty dummyHandler
return ()
testSlowServer :: TestTree
testSlowServer =
csTest "Client handles slow server response" client server [("/foo", Normal)]
client c = do
rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal
result <- clientRequest c rm 1 "" mempty
result @?= deadlineExceededStatus
server s = do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
serverHandleNormalCall s rm mempty $ \_ _ _ -> do
threadDelay (2*10^(6 :: Int))
return dummyResp
return ()
testServerCallExpirationCheck :: TestTree
testServerCallExpirationCheck =
csTest "Check for call expiration" client server [("/foo", Normal)]
client c = do
rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal
result <- clientRequest c rm 3 "" mempty
return ()
server s = do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
serverHandleNormalCall s rm mempty $ \c _ _ -> do
exp1 <- serverCallIsExpired c
assertBool "Call isn't expired when handler starts" $ not exp1
threadDelaySecs 1
exp2 <- serverCallIsExpired c
assertBool "Call isn't expired after 1 second" $ not exp2
threadDelaySecs 3
exp3 <- serverCallIsExpired c
assertBool "Call is expired after 4 seconds" exp3
return dummyResp
return ()
testCustomUserAgent :: TestTree
testCustomUserAgent =
csTest' "Server sees custom user agent prefix/suffix" client server
clientArgs = [UserAgentPrefix "prefix!", UserAgentSuffix "suffix!"]
client =
TestClient (ClientConfig "localhost" 50051 clientArgs) $
\c -> do rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal
result <- clientRequest c rm 4 "" mempty
return ()
server = TestServer (stdServerConf [("/foo", Normal)]) $ \s -> do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
serverHandleNormalCall s rm mempty $ \_ _ meta -> do
let ua = meta M.! "user-agent"
assertBool "User agent prefix is present" $ isPrefixOf "prefix!" ua
assertBool "User agent suffix is present" $ isSuffixOf "suffix!" ua
return dummyResp
return ()
testClientCompression :: TestTree
testClientCompression =
csTest' "client-only compression: no errors" client server
client =
TestClient (ClientConfig
[CompressionAlgArg GrpcCompressDeflate]) $ \c -> do
rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal
result <- clientRequest c rm 1 "hello" mempty
return ()
server = TestServer (stdServerConf [("/foo", Normal)]) $ \s -> do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
serverHandleNormalCall s rm mempty $ \c body _ -> do
body @?= "hello"
return dummyResp
return ()
testClientServerCompression :: TestTree
testClientServerCompression =
csTest' "client/server compression: no errors" client server
cconf = ClientConfig "localhost"
[CompressionAlgArg GrpcCompressDeflate]
client = TestClient cconf $ \c -> do
rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal
clientRequest c rm 1 "hello" mempty >>= do
checkReqRslt $ \NormalRequestResult{..} -> do
rspCode @?= StatusOk
rspBody @?= "hello"
details @?= ""
initMD @?= dummyMeta
trailMD @?= dummyMeta
return ()
sconf = ServerConfig "localhost"
[("/foo", Normal)]
[CompressionAlgArg GrpcCompressDeflate]
server = TestServer sconf $ \s -> do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
serverHandleNormalCall s rm dummyMeta $ \c body _ -> do
body @?= "hello"
return ("hello", dummyMeta, StatusOk, StatusDetails "")
return ()
-- Utilities and helpers
dummyMeta :: M.Map ByteString ByteString
dummyMeta = [("foo","bar")]
dummyResp = ("", mempty, StatusOk, StatusDetails "")
dummyHandler :: ServerCall -> ByteString -> MetadataMap
-> IO (ByteString, MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
dummyHandler _ _ _ = return dummyResp
unavailableStatus :: Either GRPCIOError a
unavailableStatus =
Left (GRPCIOBadStatusCode StatusUnavailable (StatusDetails ""))
deadlineExceededStatus :: Either GRPCIOError a
deadlineExceededStatus =
Left (GRPCIOBadStatusCode StatusDeadlineExceeded
(StatusDetails "Deadline Exceeded"))
nop :: Monad m => a -> m ()
nop = const (return ())
serverOnlyTest :: TestName
-> [(MethodName, GRPCMethodType)]
-> (Server -> IO ())
-> TestTree
serverOnlyTest nm ms =
testCase ("Server - " ++ nm) . runTestServer . stdTestServer ms
clientOnlyTest :: TestName -> (Client -> IO ()) -> TestTree
clientOnlyTest nm =
testCase ("Client - " ++ nm) . runTestClient . stdTestClient
csTest :: TestName
-> (Client -> IO ())
-> (Server -> IO ())
-> [(MethodName, GRPCMethodType)]
-> TestTree
csTest nm c s ms = csTest' nm (stdTestClient c) (stdTestServer ms s)
csTest' :: TestName -> TestClient -> TestServer -> TestTree
csTest' nm tc ts =
testCase ("Client/Server - " ++ nm)
$ void (s `concurrently` c)
-- We use a small delay to give the server a head start
c = threadDelay 100000 >> runTestClient tc
s = runTestServer ts
-- | @checkMD msg expected actual@ fails when keys from @expected@ are not in
-- @actual@, or when values differ for matching keys.
checkMD :: String -> MetadataMap -> MetadataMap -> Assertion
checkMD desc expected actual = do
when (not $ M.null $ expected `diff` actual) $ do
assertEqual desc expected (actual `M.intersection` expected)
diff = M.differenceWith $ \a b -> if a == b then Nothing else Just b
checkReqRslt :: Show a => (b -> Assertion) -> Either a b -> Assertion
checkReqRslt = either clientFail
clientFail :: Show a => a -> Assertion
clientFail = assertFailure . ("Client error: " ++). show
data TestClient = TestClient ClientConfig (Client -> IO ())
runTestClient :: TestClient -> IO ()
runTestClient (TestClient conf c) = withGRPC $ \g -> withClient g conf c
stdTestClient :: (Client -> IO ()) -> TestClient
stdTestClient = TestClient stdClientConf
stdClientConf :: ClientConfig
stdClientConf = ClientConfig "localhost" 50051 []
data TestServer = TestServer ServerConfig (Server -> IO ())
runTestServer :: TestServer -> IO ()
runTestServer (TestServer conf s) = withGRPC $ \g -> withServer g conf s
stdTestServer :: [(MethodName, GRPCMethodType)] -> (Server -> IO ()) -> TestServer
stdTestServer = TestServer . stdServerConf
stdServerConf :: [(MethodName, GRPCMethodType)] -> ServerConfig
stdServerConf xs = ServerConfig "localhost" 50051 xs []
threadDelaySecs :: Int -> IO ()
threadDelaySecs = threadDelay . (* 10^(6::Int))