
220 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- | This module defines data structures and operations pertaining to registered
-- calls; for unregistered call support, see
-- `Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call.Unregistered`.
module Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call where
import Control.Monad.Managed (Managed, managed)
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.String (IsString)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (free, malloc)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, nullPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable, peek)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.CompletionQueue.Internal
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.GRPC (MetadataMap,
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.ByteBuffer as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C
import System.Clock
-- | Models the four types of RPC call supported by gRPC (and correspond to
-- DataKinds phantom types on RegisteredMethods).
data GRPCMethodType
= Normal
| ClientStreaming
| ServerStreaming
| BiDiStreaming
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
type family MethodPayload a where
MethodPayload 'Normal = ByteString
MethodPayload 'ClientStreaming = ()
MethodPayload 'ServerStreaming = ByteString
MethodPayload 'BiDiStreaming = ()
--TODO: try replacing this class with a plain old function so we don't have the
-- Payloadable constraint everywhere.
extractPayload :: RegisteredMethod mt
-> Ptr C.ByteBuffer
-> IO (MethodPayload mt)
extractPayload (RegisteredMethodNormal _ _ _) p =
peek p >>= C.copyByteBufferToByteString
extractPayload (RegisteredMethodClientStreaming _ _ _) _ = return ()
extractPayload (RegisteredMethodServerStreaming _ _ _) p =
peek p >>= C.copyByteBufferToByteString
extractPayload (RegisteredMethodBiDiStreaming _ _ _) _ = return ()
newtype MethodName = MethodName {unMethodName :: ByteString}
deriving (Show, Eq, IsString)
newtype Host = Host {unHost :: ByteString}
deriving (Show, Eq, IsString)
newtype Port = Port {unPort :: Int}
deriving (Eq, Num, Show)
newtype Endpoint = Endpoint {unEndpoint :: ByteString}
deriving (Show, Eq, IsString)
-- | Given a hostname and port, produces a "host:port" string
endpoint :: Host -> Port -> Endpoint
endpoint (Host h) (Port p) = Endpoint (h <> ":" <> pack (show p))
-- | Represents a registered method. Methods can optionally be registered in
-- order to make the C-level request/response code simpler. Before making or
-- awaiting a registered call, the method must be registered with the client
-- (see 'clientRegisterMethod') and the server (see 'serverRegisterMethod').
-- Contains state for identifying that method in the underlying gRPC
-- library. Note that we use a DataKind-ed phantom type to help constrain use of
-- different kinds of registered methods.
data RegisteredMethod (mt :: GRPCMethodType) where
RegisteredMethodNormal :: MethodName
-> Endpoint
-> C.CallHandle
-> RegisteredMethod 'Normal
RegisteredMethodClientStreaming :: MethodName
-> Endpoint
-> C.CallHandle
-> RegisteredMethod 'ClientStreaming
RegisteredMethodServerStreaming :: MethodName
-> Endpoint
-> C.CallHandle
-> RegisteredMethod 'ServerStreaming
RegisteredMethodBiDiStreaming :: MethodName
-> Endpoint
-> C.CallHandle
-> RegisteredMethod 'BiDiStreaming
instance Show (RegisteredMethod a) where
show (RegisteredMethodNormal x y z) =
"RegisteredMethodNormal "
++ concat (intersperse " " [show x, show y, show z])
show (RegisteredMethodClientStreaming x y z) =
"RegisteredMethodClientStreaming "
++ concat (intersperse " " [show x, show y, show z])
show (RegisteredMethodServerStreaming x y z) =
"RegisteredMethodServerStreaming "
++ concat (intersperse " " [show x, show y, show z])
show (RegisteredMethodBiDiStreaming x y z) =
"RegisteredMethodBiDiStreaming "
++ concat (intersperse " " [show x, show y, show z])
methodName :: RegisteredMethod mt -> MethodName
methodName (RegisteredMethodNormal x _ _) = x
methodName (RegisteredMethodClientStreaming x _ _) = x
methodName (RegisteredMethodServerStreaming x _ _) = x
methodName (RegisteredMethodBiDiStreaming x _ _) = x
methodEndpoint :: RegisteredMethod mt -> Endpoint
methodEndpoint (RegisteredMethodNormal _ x _) = x
methodEndpoint (RegisteredMethodClientStreaming _ x _) = x
methodEndpoint (RegisteredMethodServerStreaming _ x _) = x
methodEndpoint (RegisteredMethodBiDiStreaming _ x _) = x
methodHandle :: RegisteredMethod mt -> C.CallHandle
methodHandle (RegisteredMethodNormal _ _ x) = x
methodHandle (RegisteredMethodClientStreaming _ _ x) = x
methodHandle (RegisteredMethodServerStreaming _ _ x) = x
methodHandle (RegisteredMethodBiDiStreaming _ _ x) = x
methodType :: RegisteredMethod mt -> GRPCMethodType
methodType (RegisteredMethodNormal _ _ _) = Normal
methodType (RegisteredMethodClientStreaming _ _ _) = ClientStreaming
methodType (RegisteredMethodServerStreaming _ _ _) = ServerStreaming
methodType (RegisteredMethodBiDiStreaming _ _ _) = BiDiStreaming
-- | Represents one GRPC call (i.e. request) on the client.
-- This is used to associate send/receive 'Op's with a request.
data ClientCall = ClientCall { unsafeCC :: C.Call }
clientCallCancel :: ClientCall -> IO ()
clientCallCancel cc = C.grpcCallCancel (unsafeCC cc) C.reserved
-- | Represents one registered GRPC call on the server. Contains pointers to all
-- the C state needed to respond to a registered call.
data ServerCall a = ServerCall
{ unsafeSC :: C.Call
, callCQ :: CompletionQueue
, metadata :: MetadataMap
, payload :: a
, callDeadline :: TimeSpec
} deriving (Functor, Show)
serverCallCancel :: ServerCall a -> C.StatusCode -> String -> IO ()
serverCallCancel sc code reason =
C.grpcCallCancelWithStatus (unsafeSC sc) code reason C.reserved
-- | NB: For now, we've assumed that the method type is all the info we need to
-- decide the server payload handling method.
payloadHandling :: GRPCMethodType -> C.ServerRegisterMethodPayloadHandling
payloadHandling Normal = C.SrmPayloadReadInitialByteBuffer
payloadHandling ClientStreaming = C.SrmPayloadNone
payloadHandling ServerStreaming = C.SrmPayloadReadInitialByteBuffer
payloadHandling BiDiStreaming = C.SrmPayloadNone
-- | Optionally allocate a managed byte buffer for a payload, depending on the
-- given method type. If no payload is needed, the returned pointer is null
mgdPayload :: GRPCMethodType -> Managed (Ptr C.ByteBuffer)
mgdPayload mt
| payloadHandling mt == C.SrmPayloadNone = return nullPtr
| otherwise = managed C.withByteBufferPtr
mgdPtr :: forall a. Storable a => Managed (Ptr a)
mgdPtr = managed (bracket malloc free)
serverCallIsExpired :: ServerCall a -> IO Bool
serverCallIsExpired sc = do
currTime <- getTime Monotonic
return $ currTime > (callDeadline sc)
debugClientCall :: ClientCall -> IO ()
{-# INLINE debugClientCall #-}
#ifdef DEBUG
debugClientCall (ClientCall (C.Call ptr)) =
grpcDebug $ "debugCall: client call: " ++ (show ptr)
debugClientCall = const $ return ()
debugServerCall :: ServerCall a -> IO ()
#ifdef DEBUG
debugServerCall sc@(ServerCall (C.Call ptr) _ _ _ _) = do
let dbug = grpcDebug . ("debugServerCall(R): " ++)
dbug $ "server call: " ++ show ptr
dbug $ "callCQ: " ++ show (callCQ sc)
dbug $ "metadata: " ++ show (metadata sc)
dbug $ "deadline ptr: " ++ show (callDeadline sc)
{-# INLINE debugServerCall #-}
debugServerCall = const $ return ()
destroyClientCall :: ClientCall -> IO ()
destroyClientCall cc = do
grpcDebug "Destroying client-side call object."
C.grpcCallDestroy (unsafeCC cc)
destroyServerCall :: ServerCall a -> IO ()
destroyServerCall sc@ServerCall{ unsafeSC = c, .. } = do
grpcDebug "destroyServerCall(R): entered."
debugServerCall sc
grpcDebug $ "Destroying server-side call object: " ++ show c
C.grpcCallDestroy c