mirror of
synced 2025-01-26 10:54:59 +01:00
A bunch of files have been missing from the tarballs created by `cabal sdist`. I’ve changed the nix config to check for this and also found some examples that I forgot to update in a previous PR (sorry about that).
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177 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
-- | Generated by Haskell protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
module Echo where
import qualified Prelude as Hs
import qualified Proto3.Suite.DotProto as HsProtobuf
import qualified Proto3.Suite.Types as HsProtobuf
import qualified Proto3.Suite.Class as HsProtobuf
import qualified Proto3.Suite.JSONPB as HsJSONPB
import Proto3.Suite.JSONPB ((.=), (.:))
import qualified Proto3.Wire as HsProtobuf
import Control.Applicative ((<*>), (<|>), (<$>))
import qualified Control.Applicative as Hs
import qualified Control.Monad as Hs
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Hs (Text)
import qualified Data.ByteString as Hs
import qualified Data.String as Hs (fromString)
import qualified Data.Vector as Hs (Vector)
import qualified Data.Int as Hs (Int16, Int32, Int64)
import qualified Data.Word as Hs (Word16, Word32, Word64)
import qualified Data.Proxy as Proxy
import qualified GHC.Generics as Hs
import qualified GHC.Enum as Hs
import Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated as HsGRPC
import Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Client as HsGRPC
import Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Server as HsGRPC hiding (serverLoop)
import Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Server.Unregistered as HsGRPC
data Echo request response = Echo{echoDoEcho ::
request 'HsGRPC.Normal Echo.EchoRequest Echo.EchoResponse ->
Hs.IO (response 'HsGRPC.Normal Echo.EchoResponse)}
deriving Hs.Generic
echoServer ::
Echo HsGRPC.ServerRequest HsGRPC.ServerResponse ->
HsGRPC.ServiceOptions -> Hs.IO ()
echoServer Echo{echoDoEcho = echoDoEcho}
(ServiceOptions serverHost serverPort useCompression
userAgentPrefix userAgentSuffix initialMetadata sslConfig logger)
= (HsGRPC.serverLoop
HsGRPC.defaultOptions{HsGRPC.optNormalHandlers =
[(HsGRPC.UnaryHandler (HsGRPC.MethodName "/echo.Echo/DoEcho")
(HsGRPC.convertGeneratedServerHandler echoDoEcho))],
HsGRPC.optClientStreamHandlers = [],
HsGRPC.optServerStreamHandlers = [],
HsGRPC.optBiDiStreamHandlers = [], optServerHost = serverHost,
optServerPort = serverPort, optUseCompression = useCompression,
optUserAgentPrefix = userAgentPrefix,
optUserAgentSuffix = userAgentSuffix,
optInitialMetadata = initialMetadata, optSSLConfig = sslConfig,
optLogger = logger})
echoClient ::
HsGRPC.Client ->
Hs.IO (Echo HsGRPC.ClientRequest HsGRPC.ClientResult)
echoClient client
= (Hs.pure Echo) <*>
((Hs.pure (HsGRPC.clientRequest client)) <*>
(HsGRPC.clientRegisterMethod client
(HsGRPC.MethodName "/echo.Echo/DoEcho")))
data EchoRequest = EchoRequest{echoRequestMessage :: Hs.Text}
deriving (Hs.Show, Hs.Eq, Hs.Ord, Hs.Generic)
instance HsProtobuf.Named EchoRequest where
nameOf _ = (Hs.fromString "EchoRequest")
instance HsProtobuf.Message EchoRequest where
encodeMessage _
EchoRequest{echoRequestMessage = echoRequestMessage}
= (Hs.mconcat
[(HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1)
decodeMessage _
= (Hs.pure EchoRequest) <*>
(HsProtobuf.at HsProtobuf.decodeMessageField
(HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1))
dotProto _
= [(HsProtobuf.DotProtoField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1)
(HsProtobuf.Prim HsProtobuf.String)
(HsProtobuf.Single "message")
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSONPB EchoRequest where
toJSONPB (EchoRequest f1) = (HsJSONPB.object ["message" .= f1])
toEncodingPB (EchoRequest f1) = (HsJSONPB.pairs ["message" .= f1])
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSONPB EchoRequest where
= (HsJSONPB.withObject "EchoRequest"
(\ obj -> (Hs.pure EchoRequest) <*> obj .: "message"))
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSON EchoRequest where
toJSON = HsJSONPB.toAesonValue
toEncoding = HsJSONPB.toAesonEncoding
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSON EchoRequest where
instance HsJSONPB.ToSchema EchoRequest where
declareNamedSchema _
= do let declare_message = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
echoRequestMessage <- declare_message Proxy.Proxy
let _ = Hs.pure EchoRequest <*> HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_message
(HsJSONPB.NamedSchema{HsJSONPB._namedSchemaName =
Hs.Just "EchoRequest",
HsJSONPB._namedSchemaSchema =
Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._schemaParamSchema =
Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._paramSchemaType =
Hs.Just HsJSONPB.SwaggerObject},
HsJSONPB._schemaProperties =
[("message", echoRequestMessage)]}})
data EchoResponse = EchoResponse{echoResponseMessage :: Hs.Text}
deriving (Hs.Show, Hs.Eq, Hs.Ord, Hs.Generic)
instance HsProtobuf.Named EchoResponse where
nameOf _ = (Hs.fromString "EchoResponse")
instance HsProtobuf.Message EchoResponse where
encodeMessage _
EchoResponse{echoResponseMessage = echoResponseMessage}
= (Hs.mconcat
[(HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1)
decodeMessage _
= (Hs.pure EchoResponse) <*>
(HsProtobuf.at HsProtobuf.decodeMessageField
(HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1))
dotProto _
= [(HsProtobuf.DotProtoField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1)
(HsProtobuf.Prim HsProtobuf.String)
(HsProtobuf.Single "message")
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSONPB EchoResponse where
toJSONPB (EchoResponse f1) = (HsJSONPB.object ["message" .= f1])
toEncodingPB (EchoResponse f1) = (HsJSONPB.pairs ["message" .= f1])
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSONPB EchoResponse where
= (HsJSONPB.withObject "EchoResponse"
(\ obj -> (Hs.pure EchoResponse) <*> obj .: "message"))
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSON EchoResponse where
toJSON = HsJSONPB.toAesonValue
toEncoding = HsJSONPB.toAesonEncoding
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSON EchoResponse where
instance HsJSONPB.ToSchema EchoResponse where
declareNamedSchema _
= do let declare_message = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
echoResponseMessage <- declare_message Proxy.Proxy
let _ = Hs.pure EchoResponse <*> HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_message
(HsJSONPB.NamedSchema{HsJSONPB._namedSchemaName =
Hs.Just "EchoResponse",
HsJSONPB._namedSchemaSchema =
Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._schemaParamSchema =
Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._paramSchemaType =
Hs.Just HsJSONPB.SwaggerObject},
HsJSONPB._schemaProperties =
[("message", echoResponseMessage)]}})