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mirror of https://github.com/unclechu/gRPC-haskell.git synced 2025-03-28 08:35:16 +01:00
Joel Stanley c1fa7956c7 "Hellos" C++/Haskell programs for exercising interop for streaming modes ()
* Hellos example: skeleton and server-streaming mode use

* Catch IO exceptions in dispatchLoop

* Distinguish decoding errors from other errors; convert error calls to explicit throws of GRPCIOErrors

* instance Exception GRPCIOError

* Add error checks and error messages to hellos cpp client

* Change fixed32 to uint32

* Add prelim hellos-client, hellos-server executables

* Hellos cpp example: add client-streaming mode use

* In unregistered high-level server, aggressively catch all exceptions raised in
handlers and promote then to a new GRPCIOError constructor.

* Hellos hs example: add client-streaming mode use

* Hellos cpp example: add simple bidi mode use

* Hellos hs example: add simple bidi mode use

* wibbles

* Add GRPCIOErrorEq newtype wrapper w/ Eq instance for testing purposes

* Refactoring wibbles

* README wibbles


* Fix rebase derp

* Remove libdl dep, update protobuf github link in hellos cpp Makefile.

* Use Data.Coerce.coerce for GRPCIOErrorEq; remove warnings

* Report expected/got errors in Haskell hellos client/server

* Report expected/got errors in cpp hellos client/server

* Add some instructions for running the hellos client/server

* Fix warnings

* Rename logShow to logMsg and use stderr for logging

* Tweak compliation parameters for hellos hs executables; increase constant workload

* Remove unnecessary type annotation

* Simplify handleError in dispatchLoop

* Remove GRPCIOErrorEq and coerce use; change GRPCIOHandlerException type
2016-07-26 15:21:35 -07:00

35 lines
669 B
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package hellos;
service Hellos {
// Server streaming: Request n repetitions of a greeting be sent, based off of a given name
rpc HelloSS(SSRqt) returns (stream SSRpy) {}
// Client streaming: Send n requests and receive a total request count when done
rpc HelloCS(stream CSRqt) returns (CSRpy) {}
// Simple bidi streaming: ping-pong echo
rpc HelloBi(stream BiRqtRpy) returns (stream BiRqtRpy) {}
message SSRqt {
string name = 1;
uint32 num_replies = 2;
message SSRpy {
string greeting = 1;
message CSRqt {
string message = 1;
message CSRpy {
uint32 num_requests = 1;
message BiRqtRpy {
string message = 1;