Moritz Kiefer 35163c3c18 Fix async exception handling (#86)
Previously, grpc-haskell used a lot of code in the form of

do x <- acquireResource
   f x `finally` releaseResource x

This is not safe since you can get killed after acquiring the resource
but before installing the exception handler via `finally`. We have
seen various gRPC assertion errors and crashes on shutdown when this
got triggered.
2019-08-22 10:55:33 -05:00

472 lines
20 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | This module defines data structures and operations pertaining to registered
-- servers using registered calls; for unregistered support, see
-- `Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server.Unregistered`.
module Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server where
import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId
, forkFinally
, myThreadId
, killThread)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically
, check)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (TVar
, modifyTVar'
, readTVar
, writeTVar
, readTVarIO
, newTVarIO)
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.CompletionQueue (CompletionQueue,
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.GRPC
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Op
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.ChannelArgs as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Security as C
-- | Wraps various gRPC state needed to run a server.
data Server = Server
{ serverGRPC :: GRPC
, unsafeServer :: C.Server
, listeningPort :: Port
, serverCQ :: CompletionQueue
-- ^ CQ used for receiving new calls.
, serverCallCQ :: CompletionQueue
-- ^ CQ for running ops on calls. Not used to receive new calls.
, normalMethods :: [RegisteredMethod 'Normal]
, sstreamingMethods :: [RegisteredMethod 'ServerStreaming]
, cstreamingMethods :: [RegisteredMethod 'ClientStreaming]
, bidiStreamingMethods :: [RegisteredMethod 'BiDiStreaming]
, serverConfig :: ServerConfig
, outstandingForks :: TVar (S.Set ThreadId)
, serverShuttingDown :: TVar Bool
-- TODO: should we make a forkGRPC function instead? I am not sure if it would
-- be safe to let the call handlers threads keep running after the server stops,
-- so I'm taking the more conservative route of ensuring the server will
-- stay alive. Experiment more when time permits.
-- | Fork a thread from the server (presumably for a handler) with the guarantee
-- that the server won't shut down while the thread is alive.
-- Returns true if the fork happens successfully, and false if the server is
-- already shutting down (in which case the function to fork is never executed).
-- If the thread stays alive too long while the server is trying to shut down,
-- the thread will be killed with 'killThread'.
-- The purpose of this is to prevent memory access
-- errors at the C level of the library, not to ensure that application layer
-- operations in user code complete successfully.
forkServer :: Server -> IO () -> IO Bool
forkServer Server{..} f = do
shutdown <- readTVarIO serverShuttingDown
case shutdown of
True -> return False
False -> do
-- NB: The spawned thread waits on 'ready' before running 'f' to ensure
-- that its ThreadId is inserted into outstandingForks before the cleanup
-- function deletes it from there. Not doing this can lead to stale thread
-- ids in the set when handlers cleanup ahead of the insertion, and a
-- subsequent deadlock in stopServer. We can use a dead-list instead if we
-- need something more performant.
ready <- newTVarIO False
tid <- let act = do atomically (check =<< readTVar ready)
in forkFinally act cleanup
atomically $ do
modifyTVar' outstandingForks (S.insert tid)
modifyTVar' ready (const True)
#ifdef DEBUG
tids <- readTVarIO outstandingForks
grpcDebug $ "after fork and bookkeeping: outstandingForks=" ++ show tids
return True
where cleanup _ = do
tid <- myThreadId
atomically $ modifyTVar' outstandingForks (S.delete tid)
-- | Configuration for SSL.
data ServerSSLConfig = ServerSSLConfig
{clientRootCert :: Maybe FilePath,
serverPrivateKey :: FilePath,
serverCert :: FilePath,
clientCertRequest :: C.SslClientCertificateRequestType,
-- ^ Whether to request a certificate from the client, and what to do with it
-- if received.
customMetadataProcessor :: Maybe C.ProcessMeta}
-- | Configuration needed to start a server.
data ServerConfig = ServerConfig
{ host :: Host
-- ^ Name of the host the server is running on. Not sure how this is
-- used. Setting to "localhost" works fine in tests.
, port :: Port
-- ^ Port on which to listen for requests.
, methodsToRegisterNormal :: [MethodName]
-- ^ List of normal (non-streaming) methods to register.
, methodsToRegisterClientStreaming :: [MethodName]
, methodsToRegisterServerStreaming :: [MethodName]
, methodsToRegisterBiDiStreaming :: [MethodName]
, serverArgs :: [C.Arg]
-- ^ Optional arguments for setting up the channel on the server. Supplying an
-- empty list will cause the channel to use gRPC's default options.
, sslConfig :: Maybe ServerSSLConfig
-- ^ Server-side SSL configuration. If 'Nothing', the server will use an
-- insecure connection.
serverEndpoint :: ServerConfig -> Endpoint
serverEndpoint ServerConfig{..} = endpoint host port
addPort :: C.Server -> ServerConfig -> IO Int
addPort server conf@ServerConfig{..} =
case sslConfig of
Nothing -> C.grpcServerAddInsecureHttp2Port server e
Just ServerSSLConfig{..} ->
do crc <- mapM B.readFile clientRootCert
spk <- B.readFile serverPrivateKey
sc <- B.readFile serverCert
C.withServerCredentials crc spk sc clientCertRequest $ \creds -> do
case customMetadataProcessor of
Just p -> C.setMetadataProcessor creds p
Nothing -> return ()
C.serverAddSecureHttp2Port server e creds
where e = unEndpoint $ serverEndpoint conf
startServer :: GRPC -> ServerConfig -> IO Server
startServer grpc conf@ServerConfig{..} =
C.withChannelArgs serverArgs $ \args -> do
let e = serverEndpoint conf
server <- C.grpcServerCreate args C.reserved
actualPort <- addPort server conf
when (unPort port > 0 && actualPort /= unPort port) $
error $ "Unable to bind port: " ++ show port
cq <- createCompletionQueue grpc
grpcDebug $ "startServer: server CQ: " ++ show cq
serverRegisterCompletionQueue server cq
-- Register methods according to their GRPCMethodType kind. It's a bit ugly
-- to partition them this way, but we get very convenient phantom typing
-- elsewhere by doing so.
-- TODO: change order of args so we can eta reduce.
ns <- mapM (\nm -> serverRegisterMethodNormal server nm e)
ss <- mapM (\nm -> serverRegisterMethodServerStreaming server nm e)
cs <- mapM (\nm -> serverRegisterMethodClientStreaming server nm e)
bs <- mapM (\nm -> serverRegisterMethodBiDiStreaming server nm e)
C.grpcServerStart server
forks <- newTVarIO S.empty
shutdown <- newTVarIO False
ccq <- createCompletionQueue grpc
return $ Server grpc server (Port actualPort) cq ccq ns ss cs bs conf forks
stopServer :: Server -> IO ()
-- TODO: Do method handles need to be freed?
stopServer Server{ unsafeServer = s, .. } = do
grpcDebug "stopServer: calling shutdownNotify."
shutdownNotify serverCQ
grpcDebug "stopServer: cancelling all calls."
C.grpcServerCancelAllCalls s
grpcDebug "stopServer: call grpc_server_destroy."
C.grpcServerDestroy s
grpcDebug "stopServer: shutting down CQ."
shutdownCQ serverCQ
shutdownCQ serverCallCQ
where shutdownCQ scq = do
shutdownResult <- shutdownCompletionQueue scq
case shutdownResult of
Left _ -> do putStrLn "Warning: completion queue didn't shut down."
putStrLn "Trying to stop server anyway."
Right _ -> return ()
shutdownNotify scq = do
let shutdownTag = C.tag 0
serverShutdownAndNotify s scq shutdownTag
grpcDebug "called serverShutdownAndNotify; plucking."
shutdownEvent <- pluck scq shutdownTag (Just 30)
grpcDebug $ "shutdownNotify: got shutdown event" ++ show shutdownEvent
case shutdownEvent of
-- This case occurs when we pluck but the queue is already in the
-- 'shuttingDown' state, implying we already tried to shut down.
Left GRPCIOShutdown -> error "Called stopServer twice!"
Left _ -> error "Failed to stop server."
Right _ -> return ()
cleanupForks = do
atomically $ writeTVar serverShuttingDown True
liveForks <- readTVarIO outstandingForks
grpcDebug $ "Server shutdown: killing threads: " ++ show liveForks
mapM_ killThread liveForks
-- wait for threads to shut down
grpcDebug "Server shutdown: waiting until all threads are dead."
atomically $ check . (==0) . S.size =<< readTVar outstandingForks
grpcDebug "Server shutdown: All forks cleaned up."
-- Uses 'bracket' to safely start and stop a server, even if exceptions occur.
withServer :: GRPC -> ServerConfig -> (Server -> IO a) -> IO a
withServer grpc cfg = bracket (startServer grpc cfg) stopServer
-- | Less precisely-typed registration function used in
-- 'serverRegisterMethodNormal', 'serverRegisterMethodServerStreaming',
-- 'serverRegisterMethodClientStreaming', and
-- 'serverRegisterMethodBiDiStreaming'.
serverRegisterMethod :: C.Server
-> MethodName
-> Endpoint
-> GRPCMethodType
-> IO C.CallHandle
serverRegisterMethod s nm e mty =
C.grpcServerRegisterMethod s
(unMethodName nm)
(unEndpoint e)
(payloadHandling mty)
TODO: Consolidate the register functions below.
It seems like we'd need true dependent types to use only one
registration function. Ideally we'd want a type like
serverRegisterMethod :: C.Server
-> MethodName
-> Endpoint
-> (t :: GRPCMethodType)
-> IO (RegisteredMethod (Lifted t))
where `Lifted t` is the type in the t data kind that corresponds to the data
constructor t the function was given.
-- | Register a method on a server. The 'RegisteredMethod' type can then be used
-- to wait for a request to arrive. Note: gRPC claims this must be called before
-- the server is started, so we do it during startup according to the
-- 'ServerConfig'.
serverRegisterMethodNormal :: C.Server
-> MethodName
-- ^ method name, e.g. "/foo"
-> Endpoint
-- ^ Endpoint name name, e.g. "localhost:9999". I have no
-- idea why this is needed since we have to provide these
-- parameters to start a server in the first place. It
-- doesn't seem to have any effect, even if it's filled
-- with nonsense.
-> IO (RegisteredMethod 'Normal)
serverRegisterMethodNormal internalServer meth e = do
h <- serverRegisterMethod internalServer meth e Normal
return $ RegisteredMethodNormal meth e h
:: C.Server
-> MethodName
-- ^ method name, e.g. "/foo"
-> Endpoint
-- ^ Endpoint name name, e.g. "localhost:9999". I have no
-- idea why this is needed since we have to provide these
-- parameters to start a server in the first place. It
-- doesn't seem to have any effect, even if it's filled
-- with nonsense.
-> IO (RegisteredMethod 'ClientStreaming)
serverRegisterMethodClientStreaming internalServer meth e = do
h <- serverRegisterMethod internalServer meth e ClientStreaming
return $ RegisteredMethodClientStreaming meth e h
:: C.Server
-> MethodName
-- ^ method name, e.g. "/foo"
-> Endpoint
-- ^ Endpoint name name, e.g. "localhost:9999". I have no
-- idea why this is needed since we have to provide these
-- parameters to start a server in the first place. It
-- doesn't seem to have any effect, even if it's filled
-- with nonsense.
-> IO (RegisteredMethod 'ServerStreaming)
serverRegisterMethodServerStreaming internalServer meth e = do
h <- serverRegisterMethod internalServer meth e ServerStreaming
return $ RegisteredMethodServerStreaming meth e h
:: C.Server
-> MethodName
-- ^ method name, e.g. "/foo"
-> Endpoint
-- ^ Endpoint name name, e.g. "localhost:9999". I have no
-- idea why this is needed since we have to provide these
-- parameters to start a server in the first place. It
-- doesn't seem to have any effect, even if it's filled
-- with nonsense.
-> IO (RegisteredMethod 'BiDiStreaming)
serverRegisterMethodBiDiStreaming internalServer meth e = do
h <- serverRegisterMethod internalServer meth e BiDiStreaming
return $ RegisteredMethodBiDiStreaming meth e h
-- | Create a 'Call' with which to wait for the invocation of a registered
-- method.
serverCreateCall :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod mt
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError (ServerCall (MethodPayload mt)))
serverCreateCall Server{..} rm =
serverRequestCall rm unsafeServer serverCQ serverCallCQ
withServerCall :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod mt
-> (ServerCall (MethodPayload mt) -> IO (Either GRPCIOError a))
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError a)
withServerCall s rm f =
bracket (serverCreateCall s rm) cleanup $ \case
Left e -> return (Left e)
Right c -> do
debugServerCall c
f c
cleanup (Left _) = pure ()
cleanup (Right c) = do
grpcDebug "withServerCall(R): destroying."
destroyServerCall c
-- serverReader (server side of client streaming mode)
type ServerReaderHandlerLL
= ServerCall (MethodPayload 'ClientStreaming)
-> StreamRecv ByteString
-> IO (Maybe ByteString, MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
serverReader :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod 'ClientStreaming
-> MetadataMap -- ^ Initial server metadata
-> ServerReaderHandlerLL
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverReader s rm initMeta f =
withServerCall s rm (\sc -> serverReader' s sc initMeta f)
serverReader' :: Server
-> ServerCall (MethodPayload 'ClientStreaming)
-> MetadataMap -- ^ Initial server metadata
-> ServerReaderHandlerLL
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverReader' _ sc@ServerCall{ unsafeSC = c, callCQ = ccq } initMeta f =
runExceptT $ do
(mmsg, trailMeta, st, ds) <- liftIO $ f sc (streamRecvPrim c ccq)
void $ runOps' c ccq ( OpSendInitialMetadata initMeta
: OpSendStatusFromServer trailMeta st ds
: maybe [] ((:[]) . OpSendMessage) mmsg
-- serverWriter (server side of server streaming mode)
type ServerWriterHandlerLL
= ServerCall (MethodPayload 'ServerStreaming)
-> StreamSend ByteString
-> IO (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
-- | Wait for and then handle a registered, server-streaming call.
serverWriter :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod 'ServerStreaming
-> MetadataMap -- ^ Initial server metadata
-> ServerWriterHandlerLL
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverWriter s rm initMeta f =
withServerCall s rm (\sc -> serverWriter' s sc initMeta f)
serverWriter' :: Server
-> ServerCall (MethodPayload 'ServerStreaming)
-> MetadataMap
-> ServerWriterHandlerLL
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverWriter' _ sc@ServerCall{ unsafeSC = c, callCQ = ccq } initMeta f =
runExceptT $ do
sendInitialMetadata c ccq initMeta
st <- liftIO $ f sc (streamSendPrim c ccq)
sendStatusFromServer c ccq st
-- serverRW (bidirectional streaming mode)
type ServerRWHandlerLL
= ServerCall (MethodPayload 'BiDiStreaming)
-> StreamRecv ByteString
-> StreamSend ByteString
-> IO (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
serverRW :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod 'BiDiStreaming
-> MetadataMap -- ^ initial server metadata
-> ServerRWHandlerLL
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverRW s rm initMeta f =
withServerCall s rm (\sc -> serverRW' s sc initMeta f)
serverRW' :: Server
-> ServerCall (MethodPayload 'BiDiStreaming)
-> MetadataMap
-> ServerRWHandlerLL
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverRW' _ sc@ServerCall{ unsafeSC = c, callCQ = ccq } initMeta f =
runExceptT $ do
sendInitialMetadata c ccq initMeta
st <- liftIO $ f sc (streamRecvPrim c ccq) (streamSendPrim c ccq)
sendStatusFromServer c ccq st
-- serverHandleNormalCall (server side of normal request/response)
-- | A handler for a registered server call; bytestring parameter is request
-- body, with the bytestring response body in the result tuple. The first
-- metadata parameter refers to the request metadata, with the two metadata
-- values in the result tuple being the initial and trailing metadata
-- respectively. We pass in the 'ServerCall' so that the server can call
-- 'serverCallCancel' on it if needed.
type ServerHandlerLL
= ServerCall (MethodPayload 'Normal)
-> IO (ByteString, MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
-- | Wait for and then handle a normal (non-streaming) call.
serverHandleNormalCall :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod 'Normal
-> MetadataMap
-- ^ Initial server metadata
-> ServerHandlerLL
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverHandleNormalCall s rm initMeta f =
withServerCall s rm go
go sc@ServerCall{ unsafeSC = c, callCQ = ccq } = do
(rsp, trailMeta, st, ds) <- f sc
void <$> runOps c ccq [ OpSendInitialMetadata initMeta
, OpRecvCloseOnServer
, OpSendMessage rsp
, OpSendStatusFromServer trailMeta st ds