Connor Clark 3366dde7ab Connor/security (#68)
* begin security bindings

* secure channel creation

* SSL credentials support

* add client-side ssl support

* ssl test

* read file before passing to channel credentials, free credentials when done creating

* use localhost key/cert for test

* WIP sketch of callbacks for metadata plugins

* conversion from Haskell auth processor to C

* add test for custom server metadata auth processor

* wip auth failure test

* rebase tweak

* working test of custom auth metadata server processor

* improve security docs, clean up

* add unsafe layer client-side auth metadata plugin functionality

* add client config option for custom auth metadata

* WIP client-side metadata auth plugin. Crashing when calling C callback.

* get initial version of client-side metadata plugins working

* replace String with ByteString in a few places, add function for getting AuthProperty

* AuthContext utilities and more documentation

* end-to-end test of client and server auth plugins

* remove redundant tests

* function for parents in unary calls, add deactivated failing test for auth metadata propagation from parent to child

* some cleanup

* tweaks

* more tweaks

* remove unused file

* docs tweak

* consolidate exports

* update protobuf-wire commit
2016-08-17 09:55:06 -07:00

205 lines
6.8 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module UnsafeTests (unsafeTests, unsafeProperties) where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (bracket_)
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Storable
import GHC.Exts
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.GRPC (threadDelaySecs)
import Network.GRPC.Unsafe
import Network.GRPC.Unsafe.ByteBuffer
import Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Metadata
import Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Slice
import Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Time
import Network.GRPC.Unsafe.ChannelArgs
import Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Security
import System.Clock
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit as HU (testCase, (@?=),
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC
import Test.Tasty.HUnit as HU (testCase, (@?=))
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen as QC
import Test.QuickCheck.Property as QC
unsafeTests :: TestTree
unsafeTests = testGroup "Unit tests for unsafe C bindings"
[ roundtripSliceUnit "\NULabc\NUL"
, roundtripSliceUnit largeByteString
, roundtripByteBufferUnit largeByteString
, roundtripTimeSpec (TimeSpec 123 123)
, testMetadata
, testNow
, testCreateDestroyMetadata
, testCreateDestroyMetadataKeyVals
, testCreateDestroyDeadline
, testCreateDestroyChannelArgs
, testCreateDestroyClientCreds
, testCreateDestroyServerCreds
unsafeProperties :: TestTree
unsafeProperties = testGroup "QuickCheck properties for unsafe C bindings"
[ roundtripSliceQC
, roundtripByteBufferQC
, roundtripMetadataQC
, metadataIsList
instance Arbitrary B.ByteString where
arbitrary = B.pack <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary MetadataMap where
arbitrary = do
--keys are not allowed to contain \NUL, but values are.
ks <- arbitrary `suchThat` all (B.notElem 0)
let l = length ks
vs <- vector l
return $ fromList (zip ks vs)
roundtripMetadataKeyVals :: MetadataMap -> IO MetadataMap
roundtripMetadataKeyVals m = do
kvPtr <- createMetadata m
m' <- getAllMetadata kvPtr (length $ toList m)
metadataFree kvPtr
return m'
roundtripMetadataQC :: TestTree
roundtripMetadataQC = QC.testProperty "Metadata roundtrip" $
\m -> QC.ioProperty $ do m' <- roundtripMetadataKeyVals m
return $ m === m'
metadataIsList :: TestTree
metadataIsList = QC.testProperty "Metadata IsList instance" $
\(md :: MetadataMap) -> md == (fromList $ toList md)
largeByteString :: B.ByteString
largeByteString = B.pack $ take (32*1024*1024) $ cycle [97..99]
roundtripSlice :: B.ByteString -> IO B.ByteString
roundtripSlice bs = do
slice <- byteStringToSlice bs
unslice <- sliceToByteString slice
freeSlice slice
return unslice
roundtripSliceQC :: TestTree
roundtripSliceQC = QC.testProperty "Slice roundtrip: QuickCheck" $
\bs -> QC.ioProperty $ do bs' <- roundtripSlice bs
return $ bs == bs'
roundtripSliceUnit :: B.ByteString -> TestTree
roundtripSliceUnit bs = testCase "ByteString slice roundtrip" $ do
unslice <- roundtripSlice bs
unslice HU.@?= bs
roundtripByteBuffer :: B.ByteString -> IO B.ByteString
roundtripByteBuffer bs = do
slice <- byteStringToSlice bs
buffer <- grpcRawByteBufferCreate slice 1
reader <- byteBufferReaderCreate buffer
readSlice <- grpcByteBufferReaderReadall reader
bs' <- sliceToByteString readSlice
freeSlice slice
byteBufferReaderDestroy reader
grpcByteBufferDestroy buffer
freeSlice readSlice
return bs'
roundtripByteBufferQC :: TestTree
roundtripByteBufferQC = QC.testProperty "ByteBuffer roundtrip: QuickCheck" $
\bs -> QC.ioProperty $ do bs' <- roundtripByteBuffer bs
return $ bs == bs'
roundtripByteBufferUnit :: B.ByteString -> TestTree
roundtripByteBufferUnit bs = testCase "ByteBuffer roundtrip" $ do
bs' <- roundtripByteBuffer bs
bs' HU.@?= bs
roundtripTimeSpec :: TimeSpec -> TestTree
roundtripTimeSpec t = testCase "CTimeSpec roundtrip" $ do
p <- malloc
let c = CTimeSpec t
poke p c
c' <- peek p
c' @?= c
free p
testMetadata :: TestTree
testMetadata = testCase "Metadata setter/getter roundtrip" $ do
m <- metadataAlloc 3
setMetadataKeyVal "hello" "world" m 0
setMetadataKeyVal "foo" "bar" m 1
setMetadataKeyVal "Haskell" "Curry" m 2
k0 <- getMetadataKey m 0
v0 <- getMetadataVal m 0
k1 <- getMetadataKey m 1
v1 <- getMetadataVal m 1
k2 <- getMetadataKey m 2
v2 <- getMetadataVal m 2
k0 HU.@?= "hello"
v0 HU.@?= "world"
k1 HU.@?= "foo"
v1 HU.@?= "bar"
k2 HU.@?= "Haskell"
v2 HU.@?= "Curry"
metadataFree m
currTimeMillis :: ClockType -> IO Int
currTimeMillis t = do
gprT <- gprNow t
tMillis <- gprTimeToMillis gprT
timespecDestroy gprT
return tMillis
testNow :: TestTree
testNow = testCase "Create/destroy various clock types" $ do
_ <- currTimeMillis GprClockMonotonic
_ <- currTimeMillis GprClockRealtime
_ <- currTimeMillis GprClockPrecise
return ()
testCreateDestroyMetadata :: TestTree
testCreateDestroyMetadata = testCase "Create/destroy metadataArrayPtr" $ do
grpc $ withMetadataArrayPtr $ const $ return ()
testCreateDestroyMetadataKeyVals :: TestTree
testCreateDestroyMetadataKeyVals = testCase "Create/destroy metadata key/values" $ do
grpc $ withMetadataKeyValPtr 10 $ const $ return ()
testCreateDestroyDeadline :: TestTree
testCreateDestroyDeadline = testCase "Create/destroy deadline" $ do
grpc $ withDeadlineSeconds 10 $ const $ return ()
testCreateDestroyChannelArgs :: TestTree
testCreateDestroyChannelArgs = testCase "Create/destroy channel args" $
grpc $ withChannelArgs [CompressionAlgArg GrpcCompressDeflate] $
const $ return ()
testCreateDestroyClientCreds :: TestTree
testCreateDestroyClientCreds = testCase "Create/destroy client credentials" $
grpc $ withChannelCredentials Nothing Nothing Nothing $ const $ return ()
testCreateDestroyServerCreds :: TestTree
testCreateDestroyServerCreds = testCase "Create/destroy server credentials" $
grpc $ withServerCredentials Nothing
$ const $ return ()
assertCqEventComplete :: Event -> IO ()
assertCqEventComplete e = do
eventCompletionType e HU.@?= OpComplete
eventSuccess e HU.@?= True
grpc :: IO a -> IO ()
grpc = bracket_ grpcInit grpcShutdown . void
_nowarnUnused :: a
_nowarnUnused = assertCqEventComplete `undefined` threadDelaySecs