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Joel Stanley 096d399b30 MONAPP-1035: Fix errant hang on metadata exchange in Haskell client-side bidirectional streaming ()
* (wip) Change ClientRWHandler to use an IO action for metadata acqui

* Demonstrate placement of WaitForInitialMetadata() in hellos_client

* Make hellos cpp server always send metadata first, for now

* Show getMD placement in haskell hellos-client

* Add prelim bidi metadata exchange behavior tweaks to line up with C++ API conventions
2016-08-15 12:55:40 -05:00

397 lines
16 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- | This module defines data structures and operations pertaining to registered
-- clients using registered calls; for unregistered support, see
-- `Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Client.Unregistered`.
module Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Client where
import Control.Exception (bracket, finally)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.CompletionQueue
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.GRPC
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Op
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.ChannelArgs as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Constants as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Time as C
-- | Represents the context needed to perform client-side gRPC operations.
data Client = Client {clientChannel :: C.Channel,
clientCQ :: CompletionQueue,
clientConfig :: ClientConfig
-- | Configuration necessary to set up a client.
data ClientConfig = ClientConfig {serverHost :: Host,
serverPort :: Port,
clientArgs :: [C.Arg]
-- ^ Optional arguments for setting up the
-- channel on the client. Supplying an empty
-- list will cause the channel to use gRPC's
-- default options.
clientEndpoint :: ClientConfig -> Endpoint
clientEndpoint ClientConfig{..} = endpoint serverHost serverPort
createClient :: GRPC -> ClientConfig -> IO Client
createClient grpc clientConfig@ClientConfig{..} =
C.withChannelArgs clientArgs $ \chanargs -> do
let Endpoint e = clientEndpoint clientConfig
clientChannel <- C.grpcInsecureChannelCreate e chanargs C.reserved
clientCQ <- createCompletionQueue grpc
return Client{..}
destroyClient :: Client -> IO ()
destroyClient Client{..} = do
grpcDebug "destroyClient: calling grpc_channel_destroy()"
C.grpcChannelDestroy clientChannel
grpcDebug "destroyClient: shutting down CQ."
shutdownResult <- shutdownCompletionQueue clientCQ
case shutdownResult of
Left x -> do putStrLn $ "Failed to stop client CQ: " ++ show x
putStrLn $ "Trying to shut down anyway."
Right _ -> return ()
withClient :: GRPC -> ClientConfig -> (Client -> IO a) -> IO a
withClient grpc config = bracket (createClient grpc config)
(\c -> grpcDebug "withClient: destroying."
>> destroyClient c)
clientConnectivity :: Client -> IO C.ConnectivityState
clientConnectivity Client{..} =
C.grpcChannelCheckConnectivityState clientChannel False
--TODO: We should probably also register client methods on startup.
-- | Register a method on the client so that we can call it with
-- 'clientRequest'.
clientRegisterMethod :: Client
-> MethodName
-> IO (C.CallHandle)
clientRegisterMethod Client{..} meth = do
let e = clientEndpoint clientConfig
C.grpcChannelRegisterCall clientChannel
(unMethodName meth)
(unEndpoint e)
clientRegisterMethodNormal :: Client
-> MethodName
-> IO (RegisteredMethod 'Normal)
clientRegisterMethodNormal c meth = do
let e = clientEndpoint (clientConfig c)
h <- clientRegisterMethod c meth
return $ RegisteredMethodNormal meth e h
clientRegisterMethodClientStreaming :: Client
-> MethodName
-> IO (RegisteredMethod 'ClientStreaming)
clientRegisterMethodClientStreaming c meth = do
let e = clientEndpoint (clientConfig c)
h <- clientRegisterMethod c meth
return $ RegisteredMethodClientStreaming meth e h
clientRegisterMethodServerStreaming :: Client
-> MethodName
-> IO (RegisteredMethod 'ServerStreaming)
clientRegisterMethodServerStreaming c meth = do
let e = clientEndpoint (clientConfig c)
h <- clientRegisterMethod c meth
return $ RegisteredMethodServerStreaming meth e h
clientRegisterMethodBiDiStreaming :: Client
-> MethodName
-> IO (RegisteredMethod 'BiDiStreaming)
clientRegisterMethodBiDiStreaming c meth = do
let e = clientEndpoint (clientConfig c)
h <- clientRegisterMethod c meth
return $ RegisteredMethodBiDiStreaming meth e h
-- | Create a new call on the client for a registered method.
-- Returns 'Left' if the CQ is shutting down or if the job to create a call
-- timed out.
clientCreateCall :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod mt
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ClientCall)
clientCreateCall c rm ts = clientCreateCallParent c rm ts Nothing
-- | For servers that act as clients to other gRPC servers, this version creates
-- a client call with an optional parent server call. This allows for cascading
-- call cancellation from the `ServerCall` to the `ClientCall`.
clientCreateCallParent :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod mt
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> Maybe (ServerCall a)
-- ^ Optional parent call for cascading cancellation.
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ClientCall)
clientCreateCallParent Client{..} rm timeout parent = do
C.withDeadlineSeconds timeout $ \deadline -> do
channelCreateCall clientChannel parent C.propagateDefaults
clientCQ (methodHandle rm) deadline
-- | Handles safe creation and cleanup of a client call
withClientCall :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod mt
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> (ClientCall -> IO (Either GRPCIOError a))
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError a)
withClientCall cl rm tm = withClientCallParent cl rm tm Nothing
-- | Handles safe creation and cleanup of a client call, with an optional parent
-- call parameter. This allows for cancellation to cascade from the parent
-- `ServerCall` to the created `ClientCall`. Obviously, this is only useful if
-- the given gRPC client is also a server.
withClientCallParent :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod mt
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> Maybe (ServerCall a)
-- ^ Optional parent call for cascading cancellation
-> (ClientCall -> IO (Either GRPCIOError a))
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError a)
withClientCallParent cl rm tm parent f =
clientCreateCallParent cl rm tm parent >>= \case
Left e -> return (Left e)
Right c -> f c `finally` do
debugClientCall c
grpcDebug "withClientCall(R): destroying."
destroyClientCall c
data NormalRequestResult = NormalRequestResult
{ rspBody :: ByteString
, initMD :: MetadataMap -- ^ initial metadata
, trailMD :: MetadataMap -- ^ trailing metadata
, rspCode :: C.StatusCode
, details :: StatusDetails
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Function for assembling call result when the 'MethodType' is 'Normal'.
compileNormalRequestResults :: [OpRecvResult]
-> Either GRPCIOError NormalRequestResult
[OpRecvInitialMetadataResult m,
OpRecvMessageResult (Just body),
OpRecvStatusOnClientResult m2 status details]
= Right $ NormalRequestResult body m m2 status (StatusDetails details)
compileNormalRequestResults x =
case extractStatusInfo x of
Nothing -> Left GRPCIOUnknownError
Just (_meta, status, details) ->
Left (GRPCIOBadStatusCode status (StatusDetails details))
-- clientReader (client side of server streaming mode)
-- | First parameter is initial server metadata.
type ClientReaderHandler = MetadataMap -> StreamRecv ByteString -> IO ()
type ClientReaderResult = (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
clientReader :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod 'ServerStreaming
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> ByteString -- ^ The body of the request
-> MetadataMap -- ^ Metadata to send with the request
-> ClientReaderHandler
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ClientReaderResult)
clientReader cl@Client{ clientCQ = cq } rm tm body initMeta f =
withClientCall cl rm tm go
go (unsafeCC -> c) = runExceptT $ do
runOps' c cq [ OpSendInitialMetadata initMeta
, OpSendMessage body
, OpSendCloseFromClient
srvMD <- recvInitialMetadata c cq
liftIO $ f srvMD (streamRecvPrim c cq)
recvStatusOnClient c cq
-- clientWriter (client side of client streaming mode)
type ClientWriterHandler = StreamSend ByteString -> IO ()
type ClientWriterResult = (Maybe ByteString, MetadataMap, MetadataMap,
C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
clientWriter :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod 'ClientStreaming
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> MetadataMap -- ^ Initial client metadata
-> ClientWriterHandler
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ClientWriterResult)
clientWriter cl rm tm initMeta =
withClientCall cl rm tm . clientWriterCmn cl initMeta
clientWriterCmn :: Client -- ^ The active client
-> MetadataMap -- ^ Initial client metadata
-> ClientWriterHandler
-> ClientCall -- ^ The active client call
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ClientWriterResult)
clientWriterCmn (clientCQ -> cq) initMeta f (unsafeCC -> c) =
runExceptT $ do
sendInitialMetadata c cq initMeta
liftIO $ f (streamSendPrim c cq)
sendSingle c cq OpSendCloseFromClient
let ops = [OpRecvInitialMetadata, OpRecvMessage, OpRecvStatusOnClient]
runOps' c cq ops >>= \case
CWRFinal mmsg initMD trailMD st ds
-> return (mmsg, initMD, trailMD, st, ds)
_ -> throwE (GRPCIOInternalUnexpectedRecv "clientWriter")
pattern CWRFinal mmsg initMD trailMD st ds
<- [ OpRecvInitialMetadataResult initMD
, OpRecvMessageResult mmsg
, OpRecvStatusOnClientResult trailMD st (StatusDetails -> ds)
-- clientRW (client side of bidirectional streaming mode)
type ClientRWHandler
= IO (Either GRPCIOError MetadataMap)
-> StreamRecv ByteString
-> StreamSend ByteString
-> WritesDone
-> IO ()
type ClientRWResult = (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
clientRW :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod 'BiDiStreaming
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> MetadataMap
-> ClientRWHandler
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ClientRWResult)
clientRW cl rm tm initMeta f =
withClientCall cl rm tm (\cc -> clientRW' cl cc initMeta f)
-- | The most generic version of clientRW. It does not assume anything about
-- threading model; caller must invoke the WritesDone operation, exactly once,
-- for the half-close, after all threads have completed writing. TODO: It'd be
-- nice to find a way to type-enforce this usage pattern rather than accomplish
-- it via usage convention and documentation.
clientRW' :: Client
-> ClientCall
-> MetadataMap
-> ClientRWHandler
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ClientRWResult)
clientRW' (clientCQ -> cq) (unsafeCC -> c) initMeta f = runExceptT $ do
sendInitialMetadata c cq initMeta
-- 'mdmv' is used to synchronize between callers of 'getMD' and 'recv'
-- below. The behavior of these two operations is different based on their
-- call order w.r.t. each other, and by whether or not metadata has already
-- been received.
-- Regardless of call order, metadata reception is done exactly once. The
-- result of doing so is cached for subsequent calls to 'getMD'.
-- 'getMD' will always return the received metadata (or an error if it
-- occurred), regardless of call order.
-- When 'getMD' is invoked before 'recv' (and no metadata has been obtained),
-- metadata is received via a singleton batch, returned, and cached for later
-- access via 'getMD'. This scenario is analagous to preceding the first read
-- with WaitForInitialMetadata() in the C++ API.
-- When 'recv' is invoked before 'getMD' (and no metadata has been obtained),
-- metadata is received alongside the first payload via an aggregate batch,
-- and cached for later access via 'getMD'. This scenario is analagous to just
-- issuing Read() in the C++ API, and having the metadata available via
-- ClientContext afterwards.
-- TODO: This is not the whole story about metadata exchange ordering, but
-- allows us to at least have parity on the client side with the C++ API
-- w.r.t. when/how metadata is exchanged. We may need to revisit this a bit as
-- we experiment with other bindings, new GRPC releases come out, and so
-- forth, but at least this provides us with basic functionality, albeit with
-- a great deal more caveat programmer than desirable :(
mdmv <- liftIO (newMVar Nothing)
getMD = modifyMVar mdmv $ \case
Just emd -> return (Just emd, emd)
Nothing -> do -- getMD invoked before recv
emd <- runExceptT (recvInitialMetadata c cq)
return (Just emd, emd)
recv = modifyMVar mdmv $ \case
Just emd -> (Just emd,) <$> streamRecvPrim c cq
Nothing -> -- recv invoked before getMD
runExceptT (recvInitialMsgMD c cq) >>= \case
Left e -> return (Just (Left e), Left e)
Right (mbs, md) -> return (Just (Right md), Right mbs)
send = streamSendPrim c cq
-- TODO: Regarding usage of writesDone so that there isn't such a burden on
-- the end user programmer (i.e. must invoke it, and only once): we can just
-- document this general-purpose function well, and then create slightly
-- simpler versions of the bidi interface which support (a) monothreaded
-- send/recv interleaving, with an implicit half-close and (b) separate
-- send/recv threads, with an implicit half-close after the writer thread
-- terminates. These simpler versions model the most common use cases
-- without having to expose the half-close semantics to the end user
-- programmer.
writesDone = writesDonePrim c cq
liftIO (f getMD recv send writesDone)
recvStatusOnClient c cq -- Finish()
-- clientRequest (client side of normal request/response)
-- | Make a request of the given method with the given body. Returns the
-- server's response.
clientRequest :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod 'Normal
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> ByteString
-- ^ The body of the request
-> MetadataMap
-- ^ Metadata to send with the request
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError NormalRequestResult)
clientRequest cl@(clientCQ -> cq) rm tm body initMeta =
withClientCall cl rm tm (fmap join . go)
go (unsafeCC -> c) =
-- NB: the send and receive operations below *must* be in separate
-- batches, or the client hangs when the server can't be reached.
runOps c cq
[ OpSendInitialMetadata initMeta
, OpSendMessage body
, OpSendCloseFromClient
>>= \case
Left x -> do
grpcDebug "clientRequest(R) : batch error sending."
return $ Left x
Right rs ->
runOps c cq
[ OpRecvInitialMetadata
, OpRecvMessage
, OpRecvStatusOnClient
>>= \case
Left x -> do
grpcDebug "clientRequest(R): batch error receiving.."
return $ Left x
Right rs' -> do
grpcDebug $ "clientRequest(R): got " ++ show rs'
return $ Right $ compileNormalRequestResults (rs ++ rs')