intractable 5caae587e5 Remove a bunch of compilation warnings. (#9)
* Remove a bunch of compilation warnings

* Fix typo in `cabal configure` invocation
2017-03-16 12:42:51 -05:00

87 lines
2.3 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module GeneratedTests where
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase, (@?=))
import Data.String
import Proto3.Suite.DotProto.Generate
import Turtle hiding (err)
generatedTests :: TestTree
generatedTests = testGroup "Code generator tests"
[ testServerGeneration
, testClientGeneration ]
testServerGeneration :: TestTree
testServerGeneration = testCase "server generation" $ do
mktree hsTmpDir
mktree pyTmpDir
do exitCode <- proc "tests/" [hsTmpDir] empty
exitCode @?= ExitSuccess
do exitCode <- proc "tests/" [pyTmpDir] empty
exitCode @?= ExitSuccess
runManaged $ do
serverExitCodeA <- fork (shell (hsTmpDir <> "/simple-server") empty)
clientExitCodeA <- fork
(export "PYTHONPATH" pyTmpDir >> shell "tests/" empty)
liftIO $ do
serverExitCode <- liftIO (wait serverExitCodeA)
clientExitCode <- liftIO (wait clientExitCodeA)
serverExitCode @?= ExitSuccess
clientExitCode @?= ExitSuccess
rmtree hsTmpDir
rmtree pyTmpDir
testClientGeneration :: TestTree
testClientGeneration = testCase "client generation" $ do
mktree hsTmpDir
mktree pyTmpDir
do exitCode <- proc "tests/" [hsTmpDir] empty
exitCode @?= ExitSuccess
do exitCode <- proc "tests/" [pyTmpDir] empty
exitCode @?= ExitSuccess
runManaged $ do
serverExitCodeA <- fork
(export "PYTHONPATH" pyTmpDir >> shell "tests/" empty)
clientExitCodeA <- fork (shell (hsTmpDir <> "/simple-client") empty)
liftIO $ do
serverExitCode <- liftIO (wait serverExitCodeA)
clientExitCode <- liftIO (wait clientExitCodeA)
serverExitCode @?= ExitSuccess
clientExitCode @?= ExitSuccess
rmtree hsTmpDir
rmtree pyTmpDir
hsTmpDir, pyTmpDir :: IsString a => a
hsTmpDir = "tests/tmp"
pyTmpDir = "tests/py-tmp"
compileSimpleDotProto :: IO ()
compileSimpleDotProto =
do dpRes <- readDotProtoWithContext "tests/simple.proto"
case dpRes of
Left err -> fail (show err)
Right (dp, ctxt) ->
case renderHsModuleForDotProto dp ctxt of
Left err -> fail ("compileSimpleDotProto: Error compiling test.proto: " <> show err)
Right hsSrc -> writeFile (hsTmpDir ++ "/Simple.hs") hsSrc