Parnell Springmeyer 112777023f
Plumb the MaxMetadataSize parameter through to the server (#134)
* Plumb the `maxMetadataSize` parameter through to the server

* Update `proto3-suite` dependency

* Bump proto3-wire to 1.2.2

* Re-generate Echo.hs

* Regenerate `Arithmetic.hs`

* Derp

* Fix codegen

* Update the tests for new codegen

* Patch-bump to `0.2.1`

* Bump to `0.3.0` to indicate a breaking API change...

Suggested by @intractable.
2022-02-25 16:23:22 -06:00

297 lines
12 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Server where
import qualified Control.Exception as CE
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel
import Numeric.Natural
import Proto3.Suite.Class
import System.IO
type ServerCallMetadata = ServerCall ()
type ServiceServer service = service ServerRequest ServerResponse
data ServerRequest (streamType :: GRPCMethodType) request response where
ServerNormalRequest :: ServerCallMetadata -> request -> ServerRequest 'Normal request response
ServerReaderRequest :: ServerCallMetadata -> StreamRecv request -> ServerRequest 'ClientStreaming request response
ServerWriterRequest :: ServerCallMetadata -> request -> StreamSend response -> ServerRequest 'ServerStreaming request response
ServerBiDiRequest :: ServerCallMetadata -> StreamRecv request -> StreamSend response -> ServerRequest 'BiDiStreaming request response
data ServerResponse (streamType :: GRPCMethodType) response where
ServerNormalResponse :: response -> MetadataMap -> StatusCode -> StatusDetails
-> ServerResponse 'Normal response
ServerReaderResponse :: Maybe response -> MetadataMap -> StatusCode -> StatusDetails
-> ServerResponse 'ClientStreaming response
ServerWriterResponse :: MetadataMap -> StatusCode -> StatusDetails
-> ServerResponse 'ServerStreaming response
ServerBiDiResponse :: MetadataMap -> StatusCode -> StatusDetails
-> ServerResponse 'BiDiStreaming response
type ServerHandler a b =
ServerCall a
-> IO (b, MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
convertGeneratedServerHandler ::
(ServerRequest 'Normal request response -> IO (ServerResponse 'Normal response))
-> ServerHandler request response
convertGeneratedServerHandler handler call =
do let call' = call { payload = () }
ServerNormalResponse rsp meta stsCode stsDetails <-
handler (ServerNormalRequest call' (payload call))
return (rsp, meta, stsCode, stsDetails)
convertServerHandler :: (Message a, Message b)
=> ServerHandler a b
-> ServerHandlerLL
convertServerHandler f c = case fromByteString (payload c) of
Left x -> CE.throw (GRPCIODecodeError $ show x)
Right x -> do (y, tm, sc, sd) <- f (fmap (const x) c)
return (toBS y, tm, sc, sd)
type ServerReaderHandler a b
= ServerCall (MethodPayload 'ClientStreaming)
-> StreamRecv a
-> IO (Maybe b, MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
convertGeneratedServerReaderHandler ::
(ServerRequest 'ClientStreaming request response -> IO (ServerResponse 'ClientStreaming response))
-> ServerReaderHandler request response
convertGeneratedServerReaderHandler handler call recv =
do ServerReaderResponse rsp meta stsCode stsDetails <-
handler (ServerReaderRequest call recv)
return (rsp, meta, stsCode, stsDetails)
convertServerReaderHandler :: (Message a, Message b)
=> ServerReaderHandler a b
-> ServerReaderHandlerLL
convertServerReaderHandler f c recv =
serialize <$> f c (convertRecv recv)
serialize (mmsg, m, sc, sd) = (toBS <$> mmsg, m, sc, sd)
type ServerWriterHandler a b =
ServerCall a
-> StreamSend b
-> IO (MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
convertGeneratedServerWriterHandler ::
(ServerRequest 'ServerStreaming request response -> IO (ServerResponse 'ServerStreaming response))
-> ServerWriterHandler request response
convertGeneratedServerWriterHandler handler call send =
do let call' = call { payload = () }
ServerWriterResponse meta stsCode stsDetails <-
handler (ServerWriterRequest call' (payload call) send)
return (meta, stsCode, stsDetails)
convertServerWriterHandler :: (Message a, Message b) =>
ServerWriterHandler a b
-> ServerWriterHandlerLL
convertServerWriterHandler f c send =
f (convert <$> c) (convertSend send)
convert bs = case fromByteString bs of
Left x -> CE.throw (GRPCIODecodeError $ show x)
Right x -> x
type ServerRWHandler a b
= ServerCall (MethodPayload 'BiDiStreaming)
-> StreamRecv a
-> StreamSend b
-> IO (MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
convertGeneratedServerRWHandler ::
(ServerRequest 'BiDiStreaming request response -> IO (ServerResponse 'BiDiStreaming response))
-> ServerRWHandler request response
convertGeneratedServerRWHandler handler call recv send =
do ServerBiDiResponse meta stsCode stsDetails <-
handler (ServerBiDiRequest call recv send)
return (meta, stsCode, stsDetails)
convertServerRWHandler :: (Message a, Message b)
=> ServerRWHandler a b
-> ServerRWHandlerLL
convertServerRWHandler f c recv send =
f c (convertRecv recv) (convertSend send)
convertRecv :: Message a => StreamRecv ByteString -> StreamRecv a
convertRecv =
fmap $ \e -> do
msg <- e
case msg of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just bs -> case fromByteString bs of
Left x -> Left (GRPCIODecodeError $ show x)
Right x -> return (Just x)
convertSend :: Message a => StreamSend ByteString -> StreamSend a
convertSend s = s . toBS
toBS :: Message a => a -> ByteString
toBS = BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString
data Handler (a :: GRPCMethodType) where
UnaryHandler :: (Message c, Message d) => MethodName -> ServerHandler c d -> Handler 'Normal
ClientStreamHandler :: (Message c, Message d) => MethodName -> ServerReaderHandler c d -> Handler 'ClientStreaming
ServerStreamHandler :: (Message c, Message d) => MethodName -> ServerWriterHandler c d -> Handler 'ServerStreaming
BiDiStreamHandler :: (Message c, Message d) => MethodName -> ServerRWHandler c d -> Handler 'BiDiStreaming
data AnyHandler = forall (a :: GRPCMethodType). AnyHandler (Handler a)
anyHandlerMethodName :: AnyHandler -> MethodName
anyHandlerMethodName (AnyHandler m) = handlerMethodName m
handlerMethodName :: Handler a -> MethodName
handlerMethodName (UnaryHandler m _) = m
handlerMethodName (ClientStreamHandler m _) = m
handlerMethodName (ServerStreamHandler m _) = m
handlerMethodName (BiDiStreamHandler m _) = m
-- | Handles errors that result from trying to handle a call on the server.
-- For each error, takes a different action depending on the severity in the
-- context of handling a server call. This also tries to give an indication of
-- whether the error is our fault or user error.
handleCallError :: (String -> IO ())
-- ^ logging function
-> Either GRPCIOError a
-> IO ()
handleCallError _ (Right _) = return ()
handleCallError _ (Left GRPCIOTimeout) =
-- Probably a benign timeout (such as a client disappearing), noop for now.
return ()
handleCallError _ (Left GRPCIOShutdown) =
-- Server shutting down. Benign.
return ()
handleCallError logMsg (Left (GRPCIODecodeError e)) =
logMsg $ "Decoding error: " ++ show e
handleCallError logMsg (Left (GRPCIOHandlerException e)) =
logMsg $ "Handler exception caught: " ++ show e
handleCallError logMsg (Left x) =
logMsg $ show x ++ ": This probably indicates a bug in gRPC-haskell. Please report this error."
loopWError :: Int
-> ServerOptions
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError a)
-> IO ()
loopWError i o@ServerOptions{..} f = do
when (i `mod` 100 == 0) $ putStrLn $ "i = " ++ show i
f >>= handleCallError optLogger
loopWError (i + 1) o f
-- TODO: options for setting initial/trailing metadata
handleLoop :: Server
-> ServerOptions
-> (Handler a, RegisteredMethod a)
-> IO ()
handleLoop s o (UnaryHandler _ f, rm) =
loopWError 0 o $ serverHandleNormalCall s rm mempty $ convertServerHandler f
handleLoop s o (ClientStreamHandler _ f, rm) =
loopWError 0 o $ serverReader s rm mempty $ convertServerReaderHandler f
handleLoop s o (ServerStreamHandler _ f, rm) =
loopWError 0 o $ serverWriter s rm mempty $ convertServerWriterHandler f
handleLoop s o (BiDiStreamHandler _ f, rm) =
loopWError 0 o $ serverRW s rm mempty $ convertServerRWHandler f
data ServerOptions = ServerOptions
{ optNormalHandlers :: [Handler 'Normal]
-- ^ Handlers for unary (non-streaming) calls.
, optClientStreamHandlers :: [Handler 'ClientStreaming]
-- ^ Handlers for client streaming calls.
, optServerStreamHandlers :: [Handler 'ServerStreaming]
-- ^ Handlers for server streaming calls.
, optBiDiStreamHandlers :: [Handler 'BiDiStreaming]
-- ^ Handlers for bidirectional streaming calls.
, optServerHost :: Host
-- ^ Name of the host the server is running on.
, optServerPort :: Port
-- ^ Port on which to listen for requests.
, optUseCompression :: Bool
-- ^ Whether to use compression when communicating with the client.
, optUserAgentPrefix :: String
-- ^ Optional custom prefix to add to the user agent string.
, optUserAgentSuffix :: String
-- ^ Optional custom suffix to add to the user agent string.
, optInitialMetadata :: MetadataMap
-- ^ Metadata to send at the beginning of each call.
, optSSLConfig :: Maybe ServerSSLConfig
-- ^ Security configuration.
, optLogger :: String -> IO ()
-- ^ Logging function to use to log errors in handling calls.
, optMaxReceiveMessageLength :: Maybe Natural
-- ^ Maximum length (in bytes) that the service may receive in a single message.
, optMaxMetadataSize :: Maybe Natural
-- ^ Maximum metadata size (in bytes) that the service may receive in a single request.
defaultOptions :: ServerOptions
defaultOptions = ServerOptions
{ optNormalHandlers = []
, optClientStreamHandlers = []
, optServerStreamHandlers = []
, optBiDiStreamHandlers = []
, optServerHost = "localhost"
, optServerPort = 50051
, optUseCompression = False
, optUserAgentPrefix = "grpc-haskell/0.0.0"
, optUserAgentSuffix = ""
, optInitialMetadata = mempty
, optSSLConfig = Nothing
, optLogger = hPutStrLn stderr
, optMaxReceiveMessageLength = Nothing
, optMaxMetadataSize = Nothing
serverLoop :: ServerOptions -> IO ()
serverLoop _opts = fail "Registered method-based serverLoop NYI"
withGRPC $ \grpc ->
withServer grpc (mkConfig opts) $ \server -> do
let rmsN = zip (optNormalHandlers opts) $ normalMethods server
let rmsCS = zip (optClientStreamHandlers opts) $ cstreamingMethods server
let rmsSS = zip (optServerStreamHandlers opts) $ sstreamingMethods server
let rmsB = zip (optBiDiStreamHandlers opts) $ bidiStreamingMethods server
--TODO: Perhaps assert that no methods disappeared after registration.
let loop :: forall a. (Handler a, RegisteredMethod a) -> IO ()
loop = handleLoop server
asyncsN <- mapM async $ map loop rmsN
asyncsCS <- mapM async $ map loop rmsCS
asyncsSS <- mapM async $ map loop rmsSS
asyncsB <- mapM async $ map loop rmsB
asyncUnk <- async $ loopWError 0 $ unknownHandler server
waitAnyCancel $ asyncUnk : asyncsN ++ asyncsCS ++ asyncsSS ++ asyncsB
return ()
mkConfig ServerOptions{..} =
{ host = "localhost"
, port = optServerPort
, methodsToRegisterNormal = map handlerMethodName optNormalHandlers
, methodsToRegisterClientStreaming =
map handlerMethodName optClientStreamHandlers
, methodsToRegisterServerStreaming =
map handlerMethodName optServerStreamHandlers
, methodsToRegisterBiDiStreaming =
map handlerMethodName optBiDiStreamHandlers
, serverArgs =
([CompressionAlgArg GrpcCompressDeflate | optUseCompression]
[UserAgentPrefix optUserAgentPrefix
, UserAgentSuffix optUserAgentSuffix])
unknownHandler s =
--TODO: is this working?
U.serverHandleNormalCall s mempty $ \call _ -> do
logMsg $ "Requested unknown endpoint: " ++ show (U.callMethod call)
return ("", mempty, StatusNotFound,
StatusDetails "Unknown method")