intractable 4a30625a70 Expose ClientError type (#36)
* Expose the max receive message length channel argument + unittest

* `ClientError` GADT ctor => `ClientErrorResponse`, expose `ClientError`

Prior to this commit, the name `ClientError` was both:
  - The name of a data constructor name for the `ClientResult` GADT
  - A name of an internal sum type for capturing different kinds of client

We want to expose the latter to users of the library, and so expose the latter
and rename the former.

* Remove unused `MultiWayIf` lang ext
2017-10-23 10:11:13 -05:00

98 lines
3.4 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated (
-- * Types
, MethodName(..)
, GRPCMethodType(..)
, GRPCImpl(..)
, MkHandler
, Host(..)
, Port(..)
, StatusDetails(..)
, StatusCode(..)
, GRPCIOError(..)
-- * Server
, ServiceOptions(..)
, defaultServiceOptions
, ServerCall(..)
, serverCallCancel
, serverCallIsExpired
, ServerRequest(..)
, ServerResponse(..)
-- * Server Auth
, ServerSSLConfig(..)
-- * Client
, withGRPCClient
, ClientConfig(..)
, ClientError(..)
, ClientRequest(..)
, ClientResult(..)
import Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Server
import Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Client
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
-- | Used at the kind level as a parameter to service definitions
-- generated by the grpc compiler, with the effect of having the
-- field types reduce to the appropriate types for the method types.
data GRPCImpl = ServerImpl | ClientImpl
-- | GHC does not let us partially apply a type family. However, we
-- can define a type to use as an 'interpreter', and then use this
-- 'interpreter' type fully applied to get the same effect.
type family MkHandler (impl :: GRPCImpl) (methodType :: GRPCMethodType) i o
type instance MkHandler 'ServerImpl 'Normal i o = ServerHandler i o
type instance MkHandler 'ServerImpl 'ClientStreaming i o = ServerReaderHandler i o
type instance MkHandler 'ServerImpl 'ServerStreaming i o = ServerWriterHandler i o
type instance MkHandler 'ServerImpl 'BiDiStreaming i o = ServerRWHandler i o
-- | Options for a service that was generated from a .proto file. This is
-- essentially 'ServerOptions' with the handler fields removed.
data ServiceOptions = ServiceOptions
{ serverHost :: Host
-- ^ Name of the host the server is running on.
, serverPort :: Port
-- ^ Port on which to listen for requests.
, useCompression :: Bool
-- ^ Whether to use compression when communicating with the client.
, userAgentPrefix :: String
-- ^ Optional custom prefix to add to the user agent string.
, userAgentSuffix :: String
-- ^ Optional custom suffix to add to the user agent string.
, initialMetadata :: MetadataMap
-- ^ Metadata to send at the beginning of each call.
, sslConfig :: Maybe ServerSSLConfig
-- ^ Security configuration.
, logger :: String -> IO ()
-- ^ Logging function to use to log errors in handling calls.
defaultServiceOptions :: ServiceOptions
defaultServiceOptions = ServiceOptions
-- names are fully qualified because we use the same fields in LowLevel.
{ Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated.serverHost = "localhost"
, Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated.serverPort = 50051
, Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated.useCompression = False
, Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated.userAgentPrefix = "grpc-haskell/0.0.0"
, Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated.userAgentSuffix = ""
, Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated.initialMetadata = mempty
, Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated.sslConfig = Nothing
, Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated.logger = hPutStrLn stderr
withGRPCClient :: ClientConfig -> (Client -> IO a) -> IO a
withGRPCClient c f = withGRPC $ \grpc -> withClient grpc c $ \client -> f client