{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | This module defines data structures and operations pertaining to registered -- calls; for unregistered call support, see -- `Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call.Unregistered`. module Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call where import Control.Monad import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.String (IsString) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (free) import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, nullPtr) import Foreign.Storable (peek) import System.Clock import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe as C import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.ByteBuffer as C import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Metadata as C import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Time as C import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.GRPC (MetadataMap, grpcDebug) -- | Models the four types of RPC call supported by gRPC. We currently only -- support the first alternative, and only in a preliminary fashion. data GRPCMethodType = Normal | ClientStreaming | ServerStreaming | BiDiStreaming deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum) newtype MethodName = MethodName {unMethodName :: String} deriving (Show, Eq, IsString) newtype Host = Host {unHost :: String} deriving (Show, Eq, IsString) newtype Port = Port {unPort :: Int} deriving (Eq, Num, Show) newtype Endpoint = Endpoint {unEndpoint :: String} deriving (Show, Eq, IsString) -- | Given a hostname and port, produces a "host:port" string endpoint :: Host -> Port -> Endpoint endpoint (Host h) (Port p) = Endpoint (h ++ ":" ++ show p) -- | Represents a registered method. Methods can optionally be registered in -- order to make the C-level request/response code simpler. -- Before making or awaiting a registered call, the -- method must be registered with the client (see 'clientRegisterMethod') and -- the server (see 'serverRegisterMethod'). -- Contains state for identifying that method in the underlying gRPC library. data RegisteredMethod = RegisteredMethod {methodType :: GRPCMethodType, methodName :: MethodName, methodEndpoint :: Endpoint, methodHandle :: C.CallHandle} -- | Represents one GRPC call (i.e. request) on the client. -- This is used to associate send/receive 'Op's with a request. data ClientCall = ClientCall { unClientCall :: C.Call } clientCallCancel :: ClientCall -> IO () clientCallCancel cc = C.grpcCallCancel (unClientCall cc) C.reserved -- | Represents one registered GRPC call on the server. Contains pointers to all -- the C state needed to respond to a registered call. data ServerCall = ServerCall { unServerCall :: C.Call, requestMetadataRecv :: Ptr C.MetadataArray, optionalPayload :: Ptr C.ByteBuffer, parentPtr :: Maybe (Ptr C.Call), callDeadlinePtr :: C.CTimeSpecPtr, callDeadline :: TimeSpec } serverCallCancel :: ServerCall -> C.StatusCode -> String -> IO () serverCallCancel sc code reason = C.grpcCallCancelWithStatus (unServerCall sc) code reason C.reserved serverCallGetMetadata :: ServerCall -> IO MetadataMap serverCallGetMetadata ServerCall{..} = do marray <- peek requestMetadataRecv C.getAllMetadataArray marray -- | Extract the client request body from the given call, if present. TODO: the -- reason this returns @Maybe ByteString@ is because the gRPC library calls the -- underlying out parameter "optional_payload". I am not sure exactly in what -- cases it won't be present. The C++ library checks a has_request_payload_ bool -- and passes in nullptr to request_registered_call if the bool is false, so we -- may be able to do the payload present/absent check earlier. serverCallGetPayload :: ServerCall -> IO (Maybe ByteString) serverCallGetPayload ServerCall{..} = do bb@(C.ByteBuffer rawPtr) <- peek optionalPayload if rawPtr == nullPtr then return Nothing else Just <$> C.copyByteBufferToByteString bb serverCallIsExpired :: ServerCall -> IO Bool serverCallIsExpired sc = do currTime <- getTime Monotonic return $ currTime > (callDeadline sc) debugClientCall :: ClientCall -> IO () {-# INLINE debugClientCall #-} #ifdef DEBUG debugClientCall (ClientCall (C.Call ptr)) = grpcDebug $ "debugCall: client call: " ++ (show ptr) #else debugClientCall = const $ return () #endif debugServerCall :: ServerCall -> IO () #ifdef DEBUG debugServerCall call@(ServerCall (C.Call ptr) _ _ _ _ _) = do grpcDebug $ "debugServerCall(R): server call: " ++ (show ptr) grpcDebug $ "debugServerCall(R): metadata ptr: " ++ show (requestMetadataRecv call) metadataArr <- peek (requestMetadataRecv call) metadata <- C.getAllMetadataArray metadataArr grpcDebug $ "debugServerCall(R): metadata received: " ++ (show metadata) grpcDebug $ "debugServerCall(R): payload ptr: " ++ show (optionalPayload call) payload <- peek (optionalPayload call) bs <- C.copyByteBufferToByteString payload grpcDebug $ "debugServerCall(R): payload contents: " ++ show bs forM_ (parentPtr call) $ \parentPtr' -> do grpcDebug $ "debugServerCall(R): parent ptr: " ++ show parentPtr' (C.Call parent) <- peek parentPtr' grpcDebug $ "debugServerCall(R): parent: " ++ show parent grpcDebug $ "debugServerCall(R): deadline ptr: " ++ show (callDeadline call) timespec <- peek (callDeadlinePtr call) grpcDebug $ "debugServerCall(R): deadline: " ++ show (C.timeSpec timespec) #else {-# INLINE debugServerCall #-} debugServerCall = const $ return () #endif destroyClientCall :: ClientCall -> IO () destroyClientCall ClientCall{..} = do grpcDebug "Destroying client-side call object." C.grpcCallDestroy unClientCall destroyServerCall :: ServerCall -> IO () destroyServerCall call@ServerCall{..} = do grpcDebug "destroyServerCall(R): entered." debugServerCall call grpcDebug $ "Destroying server-side call object: " ++ show unServerCall C.grpcCallDestroy unServerCall grpcDebug $ "destroying metadata array: " ++ show requestMetadataRecv C.metadataArrayDestroy requestMetadataRecv grpcDebug $ "destroying optional payload" ++ show optionalPayload C.destroyReceivingByteBuffer optionalPayload grpcDebug $ "freeing parentPtr: " ++ show parentPtr forM_ parentPtr free grpcDebug $ "destroying deadline." ++ show callDeadline C.timespecDestroy callDeadlinePtr