{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module LowLevelTests (lowLevelTests) where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Monad import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.Map as M import Network.GRPC.LowLevel import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit as HU (Assertion, assertEqual, assertFailure, testCase, (@?=)) lowLevelTests :: TestTree lowLevelTests = testGroup "Unit tests of low-level Haskell library" [ testGRPCBracket , testCompletionQueueCreateDestroy , testServerCreateDestroy , testClientCreateDestroy , testWithServerCall , testWithClientCall , testClientTimeoutNoServer , testServerTimeoutNoClient -- , testWrongEndpoint , testPayload , testPayloadUnregistered ] testGRPCBracket :: TestTree testGRPCBracket = testCase "Start/stop GRPC" $ withGRPC nop testCompletionQueueCreateDestroy :: TestTree testCompletionQueueCreateDestroy = testCase "Create/destroy CQ" $ withGRPC $ \g -> withCompletionQueue g nop testServerCreateDestroy :: TestTree testServerCreateDestroy = serverOnlyTest "start/stop" [] nop testClientCreateDestroy :: TestTree testClientCreateDestroy = clientOnlyTest "start/stop" nop testWithServerCall :: TestTree testWithServerCall = serverOnlyTest "create/destroy call" [] $ \s -> do r <- withServerUnregCall s 1 $ const $ return $ Right () r @?= Left GRPCIOTimeout testWithClientCall :: TestTree testWithClientCall = clientOnlyTest "create/destroy call" $ \c -> do r <- withClientCall c "foo" 10 $ const $ return $ Right () r @?= Right () testClientTimeoutNoServer :: TestTree testClientTimeoutNoServer = clientOnlyTest "request timeout when server DNE" $ \c -> do rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal r <- clientRegisteredRequest c rm 1 "Hello" mempty r @?= Left GRPCIOTimeout testServerTimeoutNoClient :: TestTree testServerTimeoutNoClient = serverOnlyTest "wait timeout when client DNE" [("/foo", Normal)] $ \s -> do let rm = head (registeredMethods s) r <- serverHandleNormalRegisteredCall s rm 1 mempty $ \_ _ -> return ("", mempty, mempty, StatusDetails "details") r @?= Left GRPCIOTimeout -- TODO: fix this test: currently, client seems to hang and server times out, -- expecting that the client reports an invalid endpoint. Also, investigate -- intermittent crashes on shorter server timeouts (tried 2, 5 seconds) testWrongEndpoint :: TestTree testWrongEndpoint = csTest "client requests unknown endpoint" client server [("/foo", Normal)] where -- TODO: possibly factor out dead-simple client/server construction even -- further client c = do rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/bar" Normal r <- clientRegisteredRequest c rm 1 "Hello!" mempty r @?= Left (GRPCIOBadStatusCode GrpcStatusDeadlineExceeded (StatusDetails "Deadline Exceeded")) server s = do length (registeredMethods s) @?= 1 let rm = head (registeredMethods s) r <- serverHandleNormalRegisteredCall s rm 10 mempty $ \_ _ -> do return ("reply test", dummyMeta, dummyMeta, StatusDetails "details string") r @?= Right () -- TODO: There seems to be a race here (and in other client/server pairs, of -- course) about what gets reported when there is a failure. E.g., if one of the -- Assertions fails in the request processing block for the server, we /may/ get -- that error reported accurately as a call cancellation on the client, rather -- than a useful error about the failure on the server. Maybe we'll need to -- tweak EH behavior / async use. testPayload :: TestTree testPayload = csTest "registered normal request/response" client server [("/foo", Normal)] where clientMD = [("foo_key", "foo_val"), ("bar_key", "bar_val")] client c = do rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal clientRegisteredRequest c rm 10 "Hello!" clientMD >>= do checkReqRslt $ \NormalRequestResult{..} -> do rspCode @?= GrpcStatusOk rspBody @?= "reply test" details @?= "details string" initMD @?= Just dummyMeta trailMD @?= dummyMeta server s = do length (registeredMethods s) @?= 1 let rm = head (registeredMethods s) r <- serverHandleNormalRegisteredCall s rm 11 mempty $ \reqBody reqMD -> do reqBody @?= "Hello!" checkMD "Server metadata mismatch" clientMD reqMD return ("reply test", dummyMeta, dummyMeta, StatusDetails "details string") r @?= Right () testPayloadUnregistered :: TestTree testPayloadUnregistered = csTest "unregistered normal request/response" client server [] where client c = do clientRequest c "/foo" 10 "Hello!" mempty >>= do checkReqRslt $ \NormalRequestResult{..} -> do rspCode @?= GrpcStatusOk rspBody @?= "reply test" details @?= "details string" server s = do r <- serverHandleNormalCall s 11 mempty $ \body _md meth -> do body @?= "Hello!" meth @?= "/foo" return ("reply test", mempty, "details string") r @?= Right () -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utilities and helpers dummyMeta :: M.Map ByteString ByteString dummyMeta = [("foo","bar")] nop :: Monad m => a -> m () nop = const (return ()) serverOnlyTest :: TestName -> [(MethodName, GRPCMethodType)] -> (Server -> IO ()) -> TestTree serverOnlyTest nm ms = testCase ("Server - " ++ nm) . runTestServer . stdTestServer ms clientOnlyTest :: TestName -> (Client -> IO ()) -> TestTree clientOnlyTest nm = testCase ("Client - " ++ nm) . runTestClient . stdTestClient csTest :: TestName -> (Client -> IO ()) -> (Server -> IO ()) -> [(MethodName, GRPCMethodType)] -> TestTree csTest nm c s ms = csTest' nm (stdTestClient c) (stdTestServer ms s) csTest' :: TestName -> TestClient -> TestServer -> TestTree csTest' nm tc ts = testCase ("Client/Server - " ++ nm) $ void (s `concurrently` c) where -- We use a small delay to give the server a head start c = threadDelay 100000 >> runTestClient tc s = runTestServer ts -- | @checkMD msg expected actual@ fails when keys from @expected@ are not in -- @actual@, or when values differ for matching keys. checkMD :: String -> MetadataMap -> MetadataMap -> Assertion checkMD desc expected actual = do when (not $ M.null $ expected `diff` actual) $ do assertEqual desc expected (actual `M.intersection` expected) where diff = M.differenceWith $ \a b -> if a == b then Nothing else Just b checkReqRslt :: Show a => (b -> Assertion) -> Either a b -> Assertion checkReqRslt = either clientFail clientFail :: Show a => a -> Assertion clientFail = assertFailure . ("Client error: " ++). show data TestClient = TestClient ClientConfig (Client -> IO ()) runTestClient :: TestClient -> IO () runTestClient (TestClient conf c) = withGRPC $ \g -> withClient g conf c stdTestClient :: (Client -> IO ()) -> TestClient stdTestClient = TestClient stdClientConf stdClientConf :: ClientConfig stdClientConf = ClientConfig "localhost" 50051 data TestServer = TestServer ServerConfig (Server -> IO ()) runTestServer :: TestServer -> IO () runTestServer (TestServer conf s) = withGRPC $ \g -> withServer g conf s stdTestServer :: [(MethodName, GRPCMethodType)] -> (Server -> IO ()) -> TestServer stdTestServer = TestServer . stdServerConf stdServerConf :: [(MethodName, GRPCMethodType)] -> ServerConfig stdServerConf = ServerConfig "localhost" 50051