{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated ( -- * Types MetadataMap(..) , MethodName(..) , GRPCMethodType(..) , GRPCImpl(..) , MkHandler , Host(..) , Port(..) , StatusDetails(..) , StatusCode(..) , GRPCIOError(..) -- * Server , ServiceOptions(..) , defaultServiceOptions , ServerCall(..) , serverCallCancel , serverCallIsExpired , ServerRequest(..) , ServerResponse(..) -- * Server Auth , ServerSSLConfig(..) -- * Client , withGRPCClient , ClientConfig(..) , ClientRequest(..) , ClientResult(..) ) where import Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Server import Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Client import Network.GRPC.LowLevel import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) -- | Used at the kind level as a parameter to service definitions -- generated by the grpc compiler, with the effect of having the -- field types reduce to the appropriate types for the method types. data GRPCImpl = ServerImpl | ClientImpl -- | GHC does not let us partially apply a type family. However, we -- can define a type to use as an 'interpreter', and then use this -- 'interpreter' type fully applied to get the same effect. type family MkHandler (impl :: GRPCImpl) (methodType :: GRPCMethodType) i o type instance MkHandler 'ServerImpl 'Normal i o = ServerHandler i o type instance MkHandler 'ServerImpl 'ClientStreaming i o = ServerReaderHandler i o type instance MkHandler 'ServerImpl 'ServerStreaming i o = ServerWriterHandler i o type instance MkHandler 'ServerImpl 'BiDiStreaming i o = ServerRWHandler i o -- | Options for a service that was generated from a .proto file. This is -- essentially 'ServerOptions' with the handler fields removed. data ServiceOptions = ServiceOptions { serverHost :: Host -- ^ Name of the host the server is running on. , serverPort :: Port -- ^ Port on which to listen for requests. , useCompression :: Bool -- ^ Whether to use compression when communicating with the client. , userAgentPrefix :: String -- ^ Optional custom prefix to add to the user agent string. , userAgentSuffix :: String -- ^ Optional custom suffix to add to the user agent string. , initialMetadata :: MetadataMap -- ^ Metadata to send at the beginning of each call. , sslConfig :: Maybe ServerSSLConfig -- ^ Security configuration. , logger :: String -> IO () -- ^ Logging function to use to log errors in handling calls. } defaultServiceOptions :: ServiceOptions defaultServiceOptions = ServiceOptions -- names are fully qualified because we use the same fields in LowLevel. { Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated.serverHost = "localhost" , Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated.serverPort = 50051 , Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated.useCompression = False , Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated.userAgentPrefix = "grpc-haskell/0.0.0" , Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated.userAgentSuffix = "" , Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated.initialMetadata = mempty , Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated.sslConfig = Nothing , Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Generated.logger = hPutStrLn stderr } withGRPCClient :: ClientConfig -> (Client -> IO a) -> IO a withGRPCClient c f = withGRPC $ \grpc -> withClient grpc c $ \client -> f client