mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 21:55:14 +01:00
Fix metadata marshalling bug, add QuickCheck properties (#63)
* make metadatamap a newtype of multimap * update tests for new MetadataMap * remove multimap dependency, reproduce needed functionality instead * add repeated key to payload test * QuickCheck properties for C bindings, fix bug in metadata FFI wrappers * add quickcheck bound * fix merge
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 89 additions and 25 deletions
@ -166,11 +166,12 @@ void metadata_free(grpc_metadata* m){
grpc_haskell_free("metadata_free", m);
void set_metadata_key_val(char *key, char *val, grpc_metadata *arr, size_t i){
void set_metadata_key_val(char *key, char *val, size_t val_len,
grpc_metadata *arr, size_t i){
grpc_metadata *p = arr + i;
p->key = key;
p->value = val;
p->value_length = strlen(val);
p->value_length = val_len;
const char* get_metadata_key(grpc_metadata *arr, size_t i){
@ -183,6 +184,11 @@ const char* get_metadata_val(grpc_metadata *arr, size_t i){
return p->value;
size_t get_metadata_val_len(grpc_metadata *arr, size_t i){
grpc_metadata *p = arr + i;
return p->value_length;
grpc_op* op_array_create(size_t n){
grpc_op* ops = malloc(n*sizeof(grpc_op));
memset(ops, 0, n*sizeof(grpc_op));
@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ test-suite test
, clock >=0.6.0 && <0.8.0
, turtle >= 1.2.0
, text
, QuickCheck ==2.8.*
@ -64,12 +64,15 @@ grpc_metadata* metadata_alloc(size_t n);
void metadata_free(grpc_metadata* m);
void set_metadata_key_val(char *key, char *val, grpc_metadata *arr, size_t i);
void set_metadata_key_val(char *key, char *val, size_t val_len,
grpc_metadata *arr, size_t i);
const char* get_metadata_key(grpc_metadata *arr, size_t i);
const char* get_metadata_val(grpc_metadata *arr, size_t i);
size_t get_metadata_val_len(grpc_metadata *arr, size_t i);
grpc_op* op_array_create(size_t n);
void op_array_destroy(grpc_op* op_array, size_t n);
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, useAsCString, packCString)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (sortBy, groupBy, (\\))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, useAsCString,
useAsCStringLen, packCString, packCStringLen)
import Data.List (sortBy, groupBy)
import qualified Data.SortedList as SL
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
@ -29,7 +32,6 @@ import GHC.Exts
newtype MetadataMap = MetadataMap {unMap :: M.Map ByteString (SL.SortedList ByteString)}
deriving Eq
instance Show MetadataMap where
show m = "fromList " ++ show (M.toList (unMap m))
@ -98,17 +100,27 @@ instance Storable MetadataArray where
-- | Sets a metadata key/value pair at the given index in the
-- 'MetadataKeyValPtr'. No error checking is performed to ensure the index is
-- in bounds!
{#fun unsafe set_metadata_key_val as setMetadataKeyVal
{useAsCString* `ByteString', useAsCString* `ByteString',
{#fun unsafe set_metadata_key_val as setMetadataKeyVal'
{useAsCString* `ByteString', `CString', `Int',
`MetadataKeyValPtr', `Int'} -> `()'#}
setMetadataKeyVal :: ByteString
-> ByteString
-> MetadataKeyValPtr
-> Int
-> IO ()
setMetadataKeyVal k v m i =
useAsCStringLen v $ \(vStr, vLen) -> setMetadataKeyVal' k vStr vLen m i
{#fun unsafe get_metadata_key as getMetadataKey'
{`MetadataKeyValPtr', `Int'} -> `CString'#}
{#fun unsafe get_metadata_val as getMetadataVal'
{`MetadataKeyValPtr', `Int'} -> `CString'#}
--TODO: The test suggests this is leaking.
{#fun unsafe get_metadata_val_len as getMetadataValLen
{`MetadataKeyValPtr', `Int'} -> `Int'#}
withMetadataArrayPtr :: (Ptr MetadataArray -> IO a) -> IO a
withMetadataArrayPtr = bracket metadataArrayCreate metadataArrayDestroy
@ -119,7 +131,9 @@ getMetadataKey :: MetadataKeyValPtr -> Int -> IO ByteString
getMetadataKey m = getMetadataKey' m >=> packCString
getMetadataVal :: MetadataKeyValPtr -> Int -> IO ByteString
getMetadataVal m = getMetadataVal' m >=> packCString
getMetadataVal m i = do vStr <- getMetadataVal' m i
vLen <- getMetadataValLen m i
packCStringLen (vStr, vLen)
createMetadata :: MetadataMap -> IO MetadataKeyValPtr
createMetadata m = do
@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ import Test.Tasty.HUnit as HU (testCase, (@?=),
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC
import Test.Tasty.HUnit as HU (testCase, (@?=))
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen as QC
import Test.QuickCheck.Property as QC
unsafeTests :: TestTree
unsafeTests = testGroup "Unit tests for unsafe C bindings"
[ roundtripSlice "Hello, world!"
, roundtripSlice "\NULabc\NUL"
, roundtripByteBuffer "Hwaet! We gardena in geardagum..."
, roundtripSlice largeByteString
, roundtripByteBuffer largeByteString
[ roundtripSliceUnit "\NULabc\NUL"
, roundtripSliceUnit largeByteString
, roundtripByteBufferUnit largeByteString
, roundtripTimeSpec (TimeSpec 123 123)
, testMetadata
, testNow
@ -42,13 +42,34 @@ unsafeTests = testGroup "Unit tests for unsafe C bindings"
unsafeProperties :: TestTree
unsafeProperties = testGroup "QuickCheck properties for unsafe C bindings"
[ metadataIsList ]
[ roundtripSliceQC
, roundtripByteBufferQC
, roundtripMetadataQC
, metadataIsList
instance Arbitrary B.ByteString where
arbitrary = B.pack <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary MetadataMap where
arbitrary = fromList <$> arbitrary
arbitrary = do
--keys are not allowed to contain \NUL, but values are.
ks <- arbitrary `suchThat` all (B.notElem 0)
let l = length ks
vs <- vector l
return $ fromList (zip ks vs)
roundtripMetadataKeyVals :: MetadataMap -> IO MetadataMap
roundtripMetadataKeyVals m = do
kvPtr <- createMetadata m
m' <- getAllMetadata kvPtr (length $ toList m)
metadataFree kvPtr
return m'
roundtripMetadataQC :: TestTree
roundtripMetadataQC = QC.testProperty "Metadata roundtrip" $
\m -> QC.ioProperty $ do m' <- roundtripMetadataKeyVals m
return $ m === m'
metadataIsList :: TestTree
metadataIsList = QC.testProperty "Metadata IsList instance" $
@ -57,26 +78,45 @@ metadataIsList = QC.testProperty "Metadata IsList instance" $
largeByteString :: B.ByteString
largeByteString = B.pack $ take (32*1024*1024) $ cycle [97..99]
roundtripSlice :: B.ByteString -> TestTree
roundtripSlice bs = testCase "ByteString slice roundtrip" $ do
roundtripSlice :: B.ByteString -> IO B.ByteString
roundtripSlice bs = do
slice <- byteStringToSlice bs
unslice <- sliceToByteString slice
unslice HU.@?= bs
freeSlice slice
return unslice
roundtripByteBuffer :: B.ByteString -> TestTree
roundtripByteBuffer bs = testCase "ByteBuffer roundtrip" $ do
roundtripSliceQC :: TestTree
roundtripSliceQC = QC.testProperty "Slice roundtrip: QuickCheck" $
\bs -> QC.ioProperty $ do bs' <- roundtripSlice bs
return $ bs == bs'
roundtripSliceUnit :: B.ByteString -> TestTree
roundtripSliceUnit bs = testCase "ByteString slice roundtrip" $ do
unslice <- roundtripSlice bs
unslice HU.@?= bs
roundtripByteBuffer :: B.ByteString -> IO B.ByteString
roundtripByteBuffer bs = do
slice <- byteStringToSlice bs
buffer <- grpcRawByteBufferCreate slice 1
reader <- byteBufferReaderCreate buffer
readSlice <- grpcByteBufferReaderReadall reader
bs' <- sliceToByteString readSlice
bs' HU.@?= bs
-- clean up
freeSlice slice
byteBufferReaderDestroy reader
grpcByteBufferDestroy buffer
freeSlice readSlice
return bs'
roundtripByteBufferQC :: TestTree
roundtripByteBufferQC = QC.testProperty "ByteBuffer roundtrip: QuickCheck" $
\bs -> QC.ioProperty $ do bs' <- roundtripByteBuffer bs
return $ bs == bs'
roundtripByteBufferUnit :: B.ByteString -> TestTree
roundtripByteBufferUnit bs = testCase "ByteBuffer roundtrip" $ do
bs' <- roundtripByteBuffer bs
bs' HU.@?= bs
roundtripTimeSpec :: TimeSpec -> TestTree
roundtripTimeSpec t = testCase "CTimeSpec roundtrip" $ do
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