mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 04:35:12 +01:00
Server performance and stability improvements (#48)
* concurrent echo client for stress testing * update examples for benchmarking, tweak cabal file * mark frequently-used call as unsafe for performance boost * add unsafe annotation to non-blocking C calls on critical path * more unsafe annotations -- server performance almost doubled now * one CQ for all call ops * unsafe annotation on start_batch * wait for all client threads, replace error with fail * add -O2
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 128 additions and 105 deletions
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Protobuf.Wire.Class
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel
import qualified Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Client.Unregistered as U
import System.Random (randomRIO)
echoMethod = MethodName "/echo.Echo/DoEcho"
addMethod = MethodName "/echo.Add/DoAdd"
@ -23,10 +25,10 @@ regMain = withGRPC $ \g ->
withClient g (ClientConfig "localhost" 50051 []) $ \c -> do
rm <- clientRegisterMethodNormal c echoMethod
replicateM_ 100000 $ clientRequest c rm 5 "hi" mempty >>= \case
Left e -> error $ "Got client error: " ++ show e
Left e -> fail $ "Got client error: " ++ show e
Right r
| rspBody r == "hi" -> return ()
| otherwise -> error $ "Got unexpected payload: " ++ show r
| otherwise -> fail $ "Got unexpected payload: " ++ show r
-- NB: If you change these, make sure to change them in the server as well.
-- TODO: Put these in a common location (or just hack around it until CG is working)
@ -42,24 +44,31 @@ instance Message AddResponse
highlevelMain = withGRPC $ \g ->
withClient g (ClientConfig "localhost" 50051 []) $ \c -> do
rm <- clientRegisterMethodNormal c echoMethod
let pay = EchoRequest "hi"
enc = BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString $ pay
replicateM_ 1 $ clientRequest c rm 5 enc mempty >>= \case
Left e -> error $ "Got client error: " ++ show e
Right r -> case fromByteString (rspBody r) of
Left e -> error $ "Got decoding error: " ++ show e
Right dec
| dec == pay -> return ()
| otherwise -> error $ "Got unexpected payload: " ++ show dec
rmAdd <- clientRegisterMethodNormal c addMethod
let addPay = AddRequest 1 2
addEnc = BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString $ addPay
replicateM_ 1 $ clientRequest c rmAdd 5 addEnc mempty >>= \case
Left e -> error $ "Got client error on add request: " ++ show e
Right r -> case fromByteString (rspBody r) of
Left e -> error $ "failed to decode add response: " ++ show e
Right dec
| dec == AddResponse 3 -> return ()
| otherwise -> error $ "Got wrong add answer: " ++ show dec
let oneThread = replicateM_ 10000 $ body c rm rmAdd
tids <- replicateM 4 (async oneThread)
results <- mapM waitCatch tids
print $ "waitCatch results: " ++ show (sequence results)
where body c rm rmAdd = do
let pay = EchoRequest "hi"
enc = BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString $ pay
clientRequest c rm 5 enc mempty >>= \case
Left e -> fail $ "Got client error: " ++ show e
Right r -> case fromByteString (rspBody r) of
Left e -> fail $ "Got decoding error: " ++ show e
Right dec
| dec == pay -> return ()
| otherwise -> fail $ "Got unexpected payload: " ++ show dec
x <- liftM Fixed $ randomRIO (0,1000)
y <- liftM Fixed $ randomRIO (0,1000)
let addPay = AddRequest x y
addEnc = BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString $ addPay
clientRequest c rmAdd 5 addEnc mempty >>= \case
Left e -> fail $ "Got client error on add request: " ++ show e
Right r -> case fromByteString (rspBody r) of
Left e -> fail $ "failed to decode add response: " ++ show e
Right dec
| dec == AddResponse (x + y) -> return ()
| otherwise -> fail $ "Got wrong add answer: " ++ show dec ++ "expected: " ++ show x ++ " + " ++ show y ++ " = " ++ show (x+y)
main = highlevelMain
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <grpc++/grpc++.h>
@ -51,24 +52,31 @@ private:
unique_ptr<Add::Stub> stub_;
void do10k(EchoClient* client, AddClient* addClient){
string msg("hi");
for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++){
Status status = client->DoEcho(msg);
cout<<"Error: "<<status.error_code()<<endl;
AddResponse answer = addClient->DoAdd(1,2);
int main(){
EchoClient client(grpc::CreateChannel("localhost:50051",
string msg("hi");
Status status = client.DoEcho(msg);
cout<<"Error: "<<status.error_code()<<endl;
return 1;
AddClient addClient (grpc::CreateChannel("localhost:50051",
AddResponse answer = addClient.DoAdd(1,2);
cout<<"Got answer: "<<answer.answer()<<endl;
thread unus(do10k,&client,&addClient);
thread duo(do10k,&client,&addClient);
thread tres(do10k,&client,&addClient);
thread quattuor(do10k,&client,&addClient);
return 0;
@ -12,30 +12,35 @@ using grpc::ServerBuilder;
using grpc::ServerContext;
using grpc::Status;
using echo::EchoRequest;
using echo::Echo;
using namespace echo;
atomic_int reqCount;
class EchoServiceImpl final : public Echo::Service {
Status DoEcho(ServerContext* ctx, const EchoRequest* req,
EchoRequest* resp) override {
if(reqCount % 100 == 0){
return Status::OK;
class AddServiceImpl final : public Add::Service {
Status DoAdd(ServerContext* ctx, const AddRequest* req,
AddResponse* resp) override {
resp->set_answer(req->addx() + req->addy());
return Status::OK;
int main(){
string server_address("localhost:50051");
EchoServiceImpl service;
EchoServiceImpl echoService;
AddServiceImpl addService;
ServerBuilder builder;
builder.AddListeningPort(server_address, grpc::InsecureServerCredentials());
unique_ptr<Server> server(builder.BuildAndStart());
return 0;
@ -104,10 +104,7 @@ addHandler :: Handler 'Normal
addHandler =
UnaryHandler "/echo.Add/DoAdd" $
\c -> do
--tputStrLn $ "UnaryHandler for DoAdd hit, b=" ++ show b
let b = payload c
print (addX b)
print (addY b)
return ( AddResponse $ addX b + addY b
, metadata c
, StatusOk
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ executable echo-server
buildable: False
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -g -threaded
ghc-options: -Wall -g -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N -O2
hs-source-dirs: examples/echo/echo-server
main-is: Main.hs
@ -118,10 +118,11 @@ executable echo-client
, proto3-wire
, protobuf-wire
, text
, random
buildable: False
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -g -threaded
ghc-options: -Wall -g -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N -O2
hs-source-dirs: examples/echo/echo-client
main-is: Main.hs
@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ test-suite test
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -fwarn-incomplete-patterns -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -g -threaded
ghc-options: -Wall -fwarn-incomplete-patterns -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -g -threaded -rtsopts
hs-source-dirs: tests
main-is: Properties.hs
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
@ -212,6 +212,5 @@ destroyServerCall :: ServerCall a -> IO ()
destroyServerCall sc@ServerCall{ unsafeSC = c, .. } = do
grpcDebug "destroyServerCall(R): entered."
debugServerCall sc
_ <- shutdownCompletionQueue callCQ
grpcDebug $ "Destroying server-side call object: " ++ show c
C.grpcCallDestroy c
@ -51,5 +51,4 @@ destroyServerCall call@ServerCall{..} = do
grpcDebug "destroyServerCall(U): entered."
debugServerCall call
grpcDebug $ "Destroying server-side call object: " ++ show unsafeSC
shutdownCompletionQueue callCQ
C.grpcCallDestroy unsafeSC
@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ data Server = Server
{ serverGRPC :: GRPC
, unsafeServer :: C.Server
, serverCQ :: CompletionQueue
-- ^ CQ used for receiving new calls.
, serverCallCQ :: CompletionQueue
-- ^ CQ for running ops on calls. Not used to receive new calls.
, normalMethods :: [RegisteredMethod 'Normal]
, sstreamingMethods :: [RegisteredMethod 'ServerStreaming]
, cstreamingMethods :: [RegisteredMethod 'ClientStreaming]
@ -139,28 +142,32 @@ startServer grpc conf@ServerConfig{..} =
C.grpcServerStart server
forks <- newTVarIO S.empty
shutdown <- newTVarIO False
return $ Server grpc server cq ns ss cs bs conf forks shutdown
ccq <- createCompletionQueue grpc
return $ Server grpc server cq ccq ns ss cs bs conf forks shutdown
stopServer :: Server -> IO ()
-- TODO: Do method handles need to be freed?
stopServer Server{ unsafeServer = s, serverCQ = scq, .. } = do
stopServer server@Server{ unsafeServer = s, .. } = do
grpcDebug "stopServer: calling shutdownNotify."
shutdownNotify serverCQ
grpcDebug "stopServer: cancelling all calls."
C.grpcServerCancelAllCalls s
grpcDebug "stopServer: call grpc_server_destroy."
C.grpcServerDestroy s
grpcDebug "stopServer: shutting down CQ."
shutdownCQ serverCQ
shutdownCQ serverCallCQ
where shutdownCQ = do
where shutdownCQ scq = do
shutdownResult <- shutdownCompletionQueue scq
case shutdownResult of
Left _ -> do putStrLn "Warning: completion queue didn't shut down."
putStrLn "Trying to stop server anyway."
Right _ -> return ()
shutdownNotify = do
shutdownNotify scq = do
let shutdownTag = C.tag 0
serverShutdownAndNotify s scq shutdownTag
grpcDebug "called serverShutdownAndNotify; plucking."
@ -286,9 +293,8 @@ serverRegisterMethodBiDiStreaming internalServer meth e = do
serverCreateCall :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod mt
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError (ServerCall (MethodPayload mt)))
serverCreateCall Server{..} rm = do
callCQ <- createCompletionQueue serverGRPC
serverRequestCall rm unsafeServer serverCQ callCQ
serverCreateCall Server{..} rm =
serverRequestCall rm unsafeServer serverCQ serverCallCQ
withServerCall :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod mt
@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C
serverCreateCall :: Server
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ServerCall)
serverCreateCall Server{..} = do
callCQ <- createCompletionQueue serverGRPC
serverRequestCall unsafeServer serverCQ callCQ
serverRequestCall unsafeServer serverCQ serverCallCQ
withServerCall :: Server
-> (ServerCall -> IO (Either GRPCIOError a))
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ deriving instance Show Call
deriving instance Show CallDetails
{#fun create_call_details as ^ {} -> `CallDetails'#}
{#fun destroy_call_details as ^ {`CallDetails'} -> `()'#}
{#fun unsafe create_call_details as ^ {} -> `CallDetails'#}
{#fun unsafe destroy_call_details as ^ {`CallDetails'} -> `()'#}
withCallDetails :: (CallDetails -> IO a) -> IO a
withCallDetails = bracket createCallDetails destroyCallDetails
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ castPeek p = do
-- When complete, an event identified by the given 'Tag'
-- will be pushed onto the 'CompletionQueue' that was associated with the given
-- 'Call' when the 'Call' was created.
{#fun grpc_call_start_batch as ^
{#fun unsafe grpc_call_start_batch as ^
{`Call', `OpArray', `Int', unTag `Tag',unReserved `Reserved'} -> `CallError'#}
{#fun grpc_call_cancel as ^ {`Call',unReserved `Reserved'} -> `()'#}
@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ getPeerPeek cstr = do
`CompletionQueue',unTag `Tag'}
-> `CallError'#}
{#fun call_details_get_method as ^ {`CallDetails'} -> `String'#}
{#fun unsafe call_details_get_method as ^ {`CallDetails'} -> `String'#}
{#fun call_details_get_host as ^ {`CallDetails'} -> `String'#}
{#fun unsafe call_details_get_host as ^ {`CallDetails'} -> `String'#}
{#fun call_details_get_deadline as ^ {`CallDetails'} -> `CTimeSpec' peek* #}
@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ instance Storable ByteBuffer where
-- | Creates a pointer to a 'ByteBuffer'. This is used to receive data when
-- creating a GRPC_OP_RECV_MESSAGE op.
{#fun create_receiving_byte_buffer as ^ {} -> `Ptr ByteBuffer' id#}
{#fun unsafe create_receiving_byte_buffer as ^ {} -> `Ptr ByteBuffer' id#}
{#fun destroy_receiving_byte_buffer as ^ {id `Ptr ByteBuffer'} -> `()'#}
{#fun unsafe destroy_receiving_byte_buffer as ^ {id `Ptr ByteBuffer'} -> `()'#}
withByteBufferPtr :: (Ptr ByteBuffer -> IO a) -> IO a
@ -56,24 +56,24 @@ withByteBufferPtr
{#fun grpc_raw_compressed_byte_buffer_create as ^
{`Slice', `CULong', `CompressionAlgorithm'} -> `ByteBuffer'#}
{#fun grpc_byte_buffer_copy as ^ {`ByteBuffer'} -> `ByteBuffer'#}
{#fun unsafe grpc_byte_buffer_copy as ^ {`ByteBuffer'} -> `ByteBuffer'#}
{#fun grpc_byte_buffer_length as ^ {`ByteBuffer'} -> `CULong'#}
{#fun unsafe grpc_byte_buffer_length as ^ {`ByteBuffer'} -> `CULong'#}
{#fun grpc_byte_buffer_destroy as ^ {`ByteBuffer'} -> `()'#}
{#fun unsafe grpc_byte_buffer_destroy as ^ {`ByteBuffer'} -> `()'#}
{#fun byte_buffer_reader_create as ^ {`ByteBuffer'} -> `ByteBufferReader'#}
{#fun unsafe byte_buffer_reader_create as ^ {`ByteBuffer'} -> `ByteBufferReader'#}
{#fun byte_buffer_reader_destroy as ^ {`ByteBufferReader'} -> `()'#}
{#fun unsafe byte_buffer_reader_destroy as ^ {`ByteBufferReader'} -> `()'#}
{#fun grpc_byte_buffer_reader_next as ^
{`ByteBufferReader', `Slice'} -> `CInt'#}
-- | Returns a 'Slice' containing the entire contents of the 'ByteBuffer' being
-- read by the given 'ByteBufferReader'.
{#fun grpc_byte_buffer_reader_readall_ as ^ {`ByteBufferReader'} -> `Slice'#}
{#fun unsafe grpc_byte_buffer_reader_readall_ as ^ {`ByteBufferReader'} -> `Slice'#}
{#fun grpc_raw_byte_buffer_from_reader as ^
{#fun unsafe grpc_raw_byte_buffer_from_reader as ^
{`ByteBufferReader'} -> `ByteBuffer'#}
withByteStringAsByteBuffer :: B.ByteString -> (ByteBuffer -> IO a) -> IO a
@ -29,18 +29,18 @@ deriving instance Show MetadataKeyValPtr
deriving instance Show MetadataArray
{#fun metadata_array_get_metadata as ^
{#fun unsafe metadata_array_get_metadata as ^
{`MetadataArray'} -> `MetadataKeyValPtr'#}
-- | Overwrites the metadata in the given 'MetadataArray'. The given
-- 'MetadataKeyValPtr' *must* have been created with 'createMetadata' in this
-- module.
{#fun metadata_array_set_metadata as ^
{#fun unsafe metadata_array_set_metadata as ^
{`MetadataArray', `MetadataKeyValPtr'} -> `()'#}
{#fun metadata_array_get_count as ^ {`MetadataArray'} -> `Int'#}
{#fun unsafe metadata_array_get_count as ^ {`MetadataArray'} -> `Int'#}
{#fun metadata_array_get_capacity as ^ {`MetadataArray'} -> `Int'#}
{#fun unsafe metadata_array_get_capacity as ^ {`MetadataArray'} -> `Int'#}
instance Storable MetadataArray where
sizeOf (MetadataArray r) = sizeOf r
@ -50,28 +50,28 @@ instance Storable MetadataArray where
-- | Create an empty 'MetadataArray'. Returns a pointer to it so that we can
-- pass it to the appropriate op creation functions.
{#fun metadata_array_create as ^ {} -> `Ptr MetadataArray' id#}
{#fun unsafe metadata_array_create as ^ {} -> `Ptr MetadataArray' id#}
{#fun metadata_array_destroy as ^ {id `Ptr MetadataArray'} -> `()'#}
{#fun unsafe metadata_array_destroy as ^ {id `Ptr MetadataArray'} -> `()'#}
-- Note: I'm pretty sure we must call out to C to allocate these
-- because they are nested structs.
-- | Allocates space for exactly n metadata key/value pairs.
{#fun metadata_alloc as ^ {`Int'} -> `MetadataKeyValPtr'#}
{#fun unsafe metadata_alloc as ^ {`Int'} -> `MetadataKeyValPtr'#}
{#fun metadata_free as ^ {`MetadataKeyValPtr'} -> `()'#}
{#fun unsafe metadata_free as ^ {`MetadataKeyValPtr'} -> `()'#}
-- | Sets a metadata key/value pair at the given index in the
-- 'MetadataKeyValPtr'. No error checking is performed to ensure the index is
-- in bounds!
{#fun set_metadata_key_val as setMetadataKeyVal
{#fun unsafe set_metadata_key_val as setMetadataKeyVal
{useAsCString* `ByteString', useAsCString* `ByteString',
`MetadataKeyValPtr', `Int'} -> `()'#}
{#fun get_metadata_key as getMetadataKey'
{#fun unsafe get_metadata_key as getMetadataKey'
{`MetadataKeyValPtr', `Int'} -> `CString'#}
{#fun get_metadata_val as getMetadataVal'
{#fun unsafe get_metadata_val as getMetadataVal'
{`MetadataKeyValPtr', `Int'} -> `CString'#}
--TODO: The test suggests this is leaking.
@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ import Foreign.Ptr
-- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1113855/is-the-sizeofenum-sizeofint-always
-- | Allocates space for a 'StatusCode' and returns a pointer to it. Used to
-- receive a status code from the server with 'opRecvStatusClient'.
{#fun create_status_code_ptr as ^ {} -> `Ptr StatusCode' castPtr#}
{#fun unsafe create_status_code_ptr as ^ {} -> `Ptr StatusCode' castPtr#}
{#fun deref_status_code_ptr as ^ {castPtr `Ptr StatusCode'} -> `StatusCode'#}
{#fun unsafe deref_status_code_ptr as ^ {castPtr `Ptr StatusCode'} -> `StatusCode'#}
{#fun destroy_status_code_ptr as ^ {castPtr `Ptr StatusCode'} -> `()' #}
{#fun unsafe destroy_status_code_ptr as ^ {castPtr `Ptr StatusCode'} -> `()' #}
-- | Represents an array of ops to be passed to 'grpcCallStartBatch'.
-- Create an array with 'opArrayCreate', then create individual ops in the array
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ import Foreign.Ptr
deriving instance Show OpArray
-- | Creates an empty 'OpArray' with space for the given number of ops.
{#fun op_array_create as ^ {`Int'} -> `OpArray'#}
{#fun unsafe op_array_create as ^ {`Int'} -> `OpArray'#}
-- | Destroys an 'OpArray' of the given size.
{#fun op_array_destroy as ^ {`OpArray', `Int'} -> `()'#}
{#fun unsafe op_array_destroy as ^ {`OpArray', `Int'} -> `()'#}
-- | brackets creating and destroying an 'OpArray' with the given size.
withOpArray :: Int -> (OpArray -> IO a) -> IO a
@ -54,41 +54,41 @@ withOpArray n f = bracket (opArrayCreate n) (flip opArrayDestroy n) f
-- index of the given 'OpArray', containing the given
-- metadata. The metadata is copied and can be destroyed after calling this
-- function.
{#fun op_send_initial_metadata as ^
{#fun unsafe op_send_initial_metadata as ^
{`OpArray', `Int', `MetadataKeyValPtr', `Int'} -> `()'#}
-- | Creates an op of type GRPC_OP_SEND_INITIAL_METADATA at the specified
-- index of the given 'OpArray'. The op will contain no metadata.
{#fun op_send_initial_metadata_empty as ^ {`OpArray', `Int'} -> `()'#}
{#fun unsafe op_send_initial_metadata_empty as ^ {`OpArray', `Int'} -> `()'#}
-- | Creates an op of type GRPC_OP_SEND_MESSAGE at the specified index of
-- the given 'OpArray'. The given 'ByteBuffer' is
-- copied and can be destroyed after calling this function.
{#fun op_send_message as ^ {`OpArray', `Int', `ByteBuffer'} -> `()'#}
{#fun unsafe op_send_message as ^ {`OpArray', `Int', `ByteBuffer'} -> `()'#}
-- | Creates an 'Op' of type GRPC_OP_SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT at the specified
-- index of the given 'OpArray'.
{#fun op_send_close_client as ^ {`OpArray', `Int'} -> `()'#}
{#fun unsafe op_send_close_client as ^ {`OpArray', `Int'} -> `()'#}
-- | Creates an op of type GRPC_OP_RECV_INITIAL_METADATA at the specified
-- index of the given 'OpArray', and ties the given
-- 'MetadataArray' pointer to that op so that the received metadata can be
-- accessed. It is the user's responsibility to destroy the 'MetadataArray'.
{#fun op_recv_initial_metadata as ^
{#fun unsafe op_recv_initial_metadata as ^
{`OpArray', `Int',id `Ptr MetadataArray'} -> `()'#}
-- | Creates an op of type GRPC_OP_RECV_MESSAGE at the specified index of the
-- given 'OpArray', and ties the given
-- 'ByteBuffer' pointer to that op so that the received message can be
-- accessed. It is the user's responsibility to destroy the 'ByteBuffer'.
{#fun op_recv_message as ^ {`OpArray', `Int',id `Ptr ByteBuffer'} -> `()'#}
{#fun unsafe op_recv_message as ^ {`OpArray', `Int',id `Ptr ByteBuffer'} -> `()'#}
-- | Creates an op of type GRPC_OP_RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT at the specified
-- index of the given 'OpArray', and ties all the
-- input pointers to that op so that the results of the receive can be
-- accessed. It is the user's responsibility to free all the input args after
-- this call.
{#fun op_recv_status_client as ^
{#fun unsafe op_recv_status_client as ^
{`OpArray', `Int',id `Ptr MetadataArray', castPtr `Ptr StatusCode',
castPtr `Ptr CString', `Int'}
-> `()'#}
@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ withOpArray n f = bracket (opArrayCreate n) (flip opArrayDestroy n) f
-- of the given 'OpArray', and ties the input
-- pointer to that op so that the result of the receive can be accessed. It is
-- the user's responsibility to free the pointer.
{#fun op_recv_close_server as ^ {`OpArray', `Int', id `Ptr CInt'} -> `()'#}
{#fun unsafe op_recv_close_server as ^ {`OpArray', `Int', id `Ptr CInt'} -> `()'#}
-- | Creates an op of type GRPC_OP_SEND_STATUS_FROM_SERVER at the specified
-- index of the given 'OpArray'. The given
-- Metadata and string are copied when creating the op, and can be safely
-- destroyed immediately after calling this function.
{#fun op_send_status_server as ^
{#fun unsafe op_send_status_server as ^
{`OpArray', `Int', `Int', `MetadataKeyValPtr', `StatusCode', `CString'}
-> `()'#}
@ -27,17 +27,17 @@ deriving instance Show Slice
-- maybe the established idiom is to do what c2hs does.
-- | Get the length of a slice.
{#fun gpr_slice_length_ as ^ {`Slice'} -> `CULong'#}
{#fun unsafe gpr_slice_length_ as ^ {`Slice'} -> `CULong'#}
-- | Returns a pointer to the start of the character array contained by the
-- slice.
{#fun gpr_slice_start_ as ^ {`Slice'} -> `Ptr CChar' castPtr #}
{#fun unsafe gpr_slice_start_ as ^ {`Slice'} -> `Ptr CChar' castPtr #}
{#fun gpr_slice_from_copied_buffer_ as ^ {`CString', `Int'} -> `Slice'#}
{#fun unsafe gpr_slice_from_copied_buffer_ as ^ {`CString', `Int'} -> `Slice'#}
-- | Properly cleans up all memory used by a 'Slice'. Danger: the Slice should
-- not be used after this function is called on it.
{#fun free_slice as ^ {`Slice'} -> `()'#}
{#fun unsafe free_slice as ^ {`Slice'} -> `()'#}
-- | Copies a 'Slice' to a ByteString.
-- TODO: there are also non-copying unsafe ByteString construction functions.
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ instance Storable CTimeSpec where
-- 'timespecDestroy'.
{#pointer *gpr_timespec as CTimeSpecPtr -> CTimeSpec #}
{#fun timespec_destroy as ^ {`CTimeSpecPtr'} -> `()'#}
{#fun unsafe timespec_destroy as ^ {`CTimeSpecPtr'} -> `()'#}
{#fun gpr_inf_future_ as ^ {`ClockType'} -> `CTimeSpecPtr'#}
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ withDeadlineSeconds i = bracket (secondsToDeadline i) timespecDestroy
-- | Returns a GprClockMonotonic representing an infinitely distant deadline.
-- wraps gpr_inf_future in the gRPC library.
{#fun infinite_deadline as ^ {} -> `CTimeSpecPtr'#}
{#fun unsafe infinite_deadline as ^ {} -> `CTimeSpecPtr'#}
withInfiniteDeadline :: (CTimeSpecPtr -> IO a) -> IO a
withInfiniteDeadline = bracket infiniteDeadline timespecDestroy
Add table
Reference in a new issue