mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 07:15:01 +01:00
Preliminary streaming mode support (client streaming, server streaming, bidirectional) (#37)
* Tweak runOps param order, inline common op sequences, clean up serverHandleNormalCall * More ops sequence inlining for clarity, experimenting with Managed * Checkpoint: preliminary support for all streaming modes; much cleanup/refactoring and api design still needed * Use mempty for default StatusDetails; tweak bad status matching mechanism * Preliminary user-facing, server-streaming, low-level api and test * renaming wibbles * Preliminary user-facing, client-streaming, low-level api and test * Move sendMsgs comb to Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Op; misc cleanup/DCR * Modify bidi streaming to omit request payload * Add transformers dep * Preliminary user-facing low-level bidirectional streaming api and test * Fix missing peek import * Remove TimeoutSeconds params on streaming mode functions * Fix serverHandleNormalCall rebase wart * Fix rebase warts; minor hlint fixes and wibbles * Post-rebase tweaks to optional payload use in serverRequestCall (i.e., now respects payloadHandling again) * Cleanup/refactor serverRequestCall * Fix comment * Change ServerRWHandler type so that handler does not have to invoke a finalizer * Change ServerReaderHandler type so that handler does not have to invoke a finalizer * Simplify serverWriter interface and ServerWriterHandler structure * Simplify serverRW (get rid of exec param), improve bidi streaming tests * Use ExceptT in serverRW impl * Change ServerRWHandler type to pass recv/send operations. * Renaming * Define ClientRWHandler, pass recv/send ops * wibbles * Use ExceptT in clientRW impl * Add DataKinded phantom typing to RegisteredMethod; misc cleanup * Simplify sendMsgs interface; add SingleSend type and related helpers * Rename SingleSend to SendSingle, use ExceptT to clean up {client,server}Writer and sendMsgs * More ExceptT cleanup in clientWriter * Factor out reusable bits of clientWriter * Shrink ServerReaderHandler * Delete stale comments * Use common machinery for all streaming modes; make handler types more consistent * wibbles
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 785 additions and 344 deletions
@ -401,13 +401,10 @@ gpr_timespec* call_details_get_deadline(grpc_call_details* details){
return &(details->deadline);
void* grpc_server_register_method_(grpc_server* server, const char* method,
const char* host){
//NOTE: grpc 0.14.0 added more params to this function. None of our code takes
//advantage of them, so we hardcode to the equivalent of 0.13.0's behavior.
return grpc_server_register_method(server, method, host,
void* grpc_server_register_method_(
grpc_server* server, const char* method,
const char* host, grpc_server_register_method_payload_handling payload_handling ){
return grpc_server_register_method(server, method, host, payload_handling, 0);
grpc_arg* create_arg_array(size_t n){
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ regMain = withGRPC $ \grpc -> do
let methods = [(MethodName "/echo.Echo/DoEcho", Normal)]
withServer grpc (ServerConfig "localhost" 50051 methods []) $ \server ->
forever $ do
let method = head (registeredMethods server)
let method = head (normalMethods server)
result <- serverHandleNormalCall server method serverMeta $
\_call reqBody _reqMeta -> return (reqBody, serverMeta, StatusOk,
StatusDetails "")
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ regMain = withGRPC $ \grpc -> do
Right _ -> return ()
-- | loop to fork n times
regLoop :: Server -> RegisteredMethod -> IO ()
regLoop :: Server -> RegisteredMethod 'Normal -> IO ()
regLoop server method = forever $ do
result <- serverHandleNormalCall server method serverMeta $
\_call reqBody _reqMeta -> return (reqBody, serverMeta, StatusOk,
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ regMainThreaded = do
withGRPC $ \grpc -> do
let methods = [(MethodName "/echo.Echo/DoEcho", Normal)]
withServer grpc (ServerConfig "localhost" 50051 methods []) $ \server -> do
let method = head (registeredMethods server)
let method = head (normalMethods server)
tid1 <- async $ regLoop server method
tid2 <- async $ regLoop server method
wait tid1
@ -30,6 +30,15 @@ library
, bytestring ==0.10.*
, stm == 2.4.*
, containers ==0.5.*
, managed >= 1.0.5 && < 1.1
, pipes ==4.1.*
, transformers
, async
, tasty >= 0.11 && <0.12
, tasty-hunit >= 0.9 && <0.10
, safe
@ -70,7 +79,6 @@ library
include-dirs: include
hs-source-dirs: src
default-extensions: CPP
if flag(debug)
CPP-Options: -DDEBUG
@ -115,6 +123,10 @@ test-suite test
, tasty >= 0.11 && <0.12
, tasty-hunit >= 0.9 && <0.10
, containers ==0.5.*
, managed >= 1.0.5 && < 1.1
, pipes ==4.1.*
, transformers
, safe
@ -125,7 +137,6 @@ test-suite test
main-is: Properties.hs
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
default-extensions: CPP
if flag(debug)
CPP-Options: -DDEBUG
@ -137,8 +137,9 @@ char* call_details_get_host(grpc_call_details* details);
gpr_timespec* call_details_get_deadline(grpc_call_details* details);
void* grpc_server_register_method_(grpc_server* server, const char* method,
const char* host);
void* grpc_server_register_method_(
grpc_server* server, const char* method, const char* host,
grpc_server_register_method_payload_handling payload_handling);
//c2hs doesn't support #const pragmas referring to #define'd strings, so we use
//this enum as a workaround. These are converted into actual GRPC #defines in
@ -32,14 +32,17 @@ GRPC
-- * Server
, ServerConfig(..)
, Server
, ServerCall
, registeredMethods
, Server(normalMethods, sstreamingMethods, cstreamingMethods,
, ServerCall(optionalPayload, requestMetadataRecv)
, withServer
, serverHandleNormalCall
, withServerCall
, serverCallCancel
, serverCallIsExpired
, serverReader -- for client streaming
, serverWriter -- for server streaming
, serverRW -- for bidirectional streaming
-- * Client
, ClientConfig(..)
@ -50,6 +53,9 @@ GRPC
, withClient
, clientRegisterMethod
, clientRequest
, clientReader -- for server streaming
, clientWriter -- for client streaming
, clientRW -- for bidirectional streaming
, withClientCall
, withClientCallParent
, clientCallCancel
@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- | This module defines data structures and operations pertaining to registered
-- calls; for unregistered call support, see
-- `Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call.Unregistered`.
module Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call where
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.String (IsString)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (free)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
#ifdef DEBUG
import Foreign.Storable (peek)
import System.Clock
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe as C
@ -18,9 +21,13 @@ import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.GRPC (MetadataMap, grpcDebug)
-- | Models the four types of RPC call supported by gRPC. We currently only
-- support the first alternative, and only in a preliminary fashion.
data GRPCMethodType = Normal | ClientStreaming | ServerStreaming | BiDiStreaming
-- | Models the four types of RPC call supported by gRPC (and correspond to
-- DataKinds phantom types on RegisteredMethods).
data GRPCMethodType
= Normal
| ClientStreaming
| ServerStreaming
| BiDiStreaming
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
newtype MethodName = MethodName {unMethodName :: String}
@ -40,15 +47,18 @@ endpoint :: Host -> Port -> Endpoint
endpoint (Host h) (Port p) = Endpoint (h ++ ":" ++ show p)
-- | Represents a registered method. Methods can optionally be registered in
-- order to make the C-level request/response code simpler.
-- Before making or awaiting a registered call, the
-- method must be registered with the client (see 'clientRegisterMethod') and
-- the server (see 'serverRegisterMethod').
-- Contains state for identifying that method in the underlying gRPC library.
data RegisteredMethod = RegisteredMethod {methodType :: GRPCMethodType,
methodName :: MethodName,
methodEndpoint :: Endpoint,
methodHandle :: C.CallHandle}
-- order to make the C-level request/response code simpler. Before making or
-- awaiting a registered call, the method must be registered with the client
-- (see 'clientRegisterMethod') and the server (see 'serverRegisterMethod').
-- Contains state for identifying that method in the underlying gRPC
-- library. Note that we use a DataKind-ed phantom type to help constrain use of
-- different kinds of registered methods.
data RegisteredMethod (mt :: GRPCMethodType) = RegisteredMethod
{ methodType :: GRPCMethodType
, methodName :: MethodName
, methodEndpoint :: Endpoint
, methodHandle :: C.CallHandle
-- | Represents one GRPC call (i.e. request) on the client.
-- This is used to associate send/receive 'Op's with a request.
@ -70,6 +80,14 @@ serverCallCancel :: ServerCall -> C.StatusCode -> String -> IO ()
serverCallCancel sc code reason =
C.grpcCallCancelWithStatus (unServerCall sc) code reason C.reserved
-- | NB: For now, we've assumed that the method type is all the info we need to
-- decide the server payload handling method.
payloadHandling :: GRPCMethodType -> C.ServerRegisterMethodPayloadHandling
payloadHandling Normal = C.SrmPayloadReadInitialByteBuffer
payloadHandling ClientStreaming = C.SrmPayloadNone
payloadHandling ServerStreaming = C.SrmPayloadReadInitialByteBuffer
payloadHandling BiDiStreaming = C.SrmPayloadNone
serverCallIsExpired :: ServerCall -> IO Bool
serverCallIsExpired sc = do
currTime <- getTime Monotonic
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ module Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call.Unregistered where
import Control.Monad
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (free)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
#ifdef DEBUG
import Foreign.Storable (peek)
import System.Clock (TimeSpec)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call (Host (..), MethodName (..))
@ -30,14 +33,14 @@ serverCallCancel sc code reason =
debugServerCall :: ServerCall -> IO ()
#ifdef DEBUG
debugServerCall call@ServerCall{..} = do
let (C.Call ptr) = unServerCall
grpcDebug $ "debugServerCall(U): server call: " ++ (show ptr)
debugServerCall ServerCall{..} = do
let C.Call ptr = unServerCall
grpcDebug $ "debugServerCall(U): server call: " ++ show ptr
grpcDebug $ "debugServerCall(U): metadata: "
++ show requestMetadataRecv
forM_ parentPtr $ \parentPtr' -> do
grpcDebug $ "debugServerCall(U): parent ptr: " ++ show parentPtr'
(C.Call parent) <- peek parentPtr'
C.Call parent <- peek parentPtr'
grpcDebug $ "debugServerCall(U): parent: " ++ show parent
grpcDebug $ "debugServerCall(U): deadline: " ++ show callDeadline
grpcDebug $ "debugServerCall(U): method: " ++ show callMethod
@ -1,25 +1,33 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- | This module defines data structures and operations pertaining to registered
-- clients using registered calls; for unregistered support, see
-- `Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Client.Unregistered`.
module Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Client where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Exception (bracket, finally)
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(lift))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Foreign.Ptr (nullPtr)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.CompletionQueue
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.GRPC
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Op
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.ChannelArgs as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Constants as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Time as C
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.CompletionQueue
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.GRPC
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Op
import qualified Pipes as P
import qualified Pipes.Core as P
-- | Represents the context needed to perform client-side gRPC operations.
data Client = Client {clientChannel :: C.Channel,
@ -71,22 +79,20 @@ clientConnectivity Client{..} =
-- | Register a method on the client so that we can call it with
-- 'clientRequest'.
clientRegisterMethod :: Client
-> MethodName
-- ^ method name, e.g. "/foo"
-> GRPCMethodType
-> IO RegisteredMethod
clientRegisterMethod Client{..} meth Normal = do
-> MethodName
-> GRPCMethodType
-> IO (RegisteredMethod mt)
clientRegisterMethod Client{..} meth mty = do
let e = clientEndpoint clientConfig
handle <- C.grpcChannelRegisterCall clientChannel
(unMethodName meth) (unEndpoint e) C.reserved
return $ RegisteredMethod Normal meth e handle
clientRegisterMethod _ _ _ = error "Streaming methods not yet implemented."
RegisteredMethod mty meth e <$>
C.grpcChannelRegisterCall clientChannel
(unMethodName meth) (unEndpoint e) C.reserved
-- | Create a new call on the client for a registered method.
-- Returns 'Left' if the CQ is shutting down or if the job to create a call
-- timed out.
clientCreateCall :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod
-> RegisteredMethod mt
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ClientCall)
clientCreateCall c rm ts = clientCreateCallParent c rm ts Nothing
@ -95,9 +101,9 @@ clientCreateCall c rm ts = clientCreateCallParent c rm ts Nothing
-- a client call with an optional parent server call. This allows for cascading
-- call cancellation from the `ServerCall` to the `ClientCall`.
clientCreateCallParent :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod
-> RegisteredMethod mt
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> (Maybe ServerCall)
-> Maybe ServerCall
-- ^ Optional parent call for cascading cancellation.
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ClientCall)
clientCreateCallParent Client{..} RegisteredMethod{..} timeout parent = do
@ -107,7 +113,7 @@ clientCreateCallParent Client{..} RegisteredMethod{..} timeout parent = do
-- | Handles safe creation and cleanup of a client call
withClientCall :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod
-> RegisteredMethod mt
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> (ClientCall -> IO (Either GRPCIOError a))
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError a)
@ -119,7 +125,7 @@ withClientCall client regmethod timeout f =
-- `ServerCall` to the created `ClientCall`. Obviously, this is only useful if
-- the given gRPC client is also a server.
withClientCallParent :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod
-> RegisteredMethod mt
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> (Maybe ServerCall)
-- ^ Optional parent call for cascading cancellation.
@ -135,8 +141,8 @@ withClientCallParent client regmethod timeout parent f = do
data NormalRequestResult = NormalRequestResult
{ rspBody :: ByteString
, initMD :: MetadataMap -- initial metadata
, trailMD :: MetadataMap -- trailing metadata
, initMD :: MetadataMap -- ^ initial metadata
, trailMD :: MetadataMap -- ^ trailing metadata
, rspCode :: C.StatusCode
, details :: StatusDetails
@ -156,58 +162,136 @@ compileNormalRequestResults x =
Just (_meta, status, details) ->
Left (GRPCIOBadStatusCode status (StatusDetails details))
-- clientReader (client side of server streaming mode)
-- | First parameter is initial server metadata.
type ClientReaderHandler = MetadataMap -> StreamRecv -> Streaming ()
clientReader :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod 'ServerStreaming
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> ByteString -- ^ The body of the request
-> MetadataMap -- ^ Metadata to send with the request
-> ClientReaderHandler
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails))
clientReader cl@Client{ clientCQ = cq } rm tm body initMeta f =
withClientCall cl rm tm go
go cc@(unClientCall -> c) = runExceptT $ do
lift (debugClientCall cc)
runOps' c cq [ OpSendInitialMetadata initMeta
, OpSendMessage body
, OpSendCloseFromClient
srvMD <- recvInitialMetadata c cq
runStreamingProxy "clientReader'" c cq (f srvMD streamRecv)
recvStatusOnClient c cq
-- clientWriter (client side of client streaming mode)
type ClientWriterHandler = StreamSend -> Streaming ()
type ClientWriterResult = (Maybe ByteString, MetadataMap, MetadataMap,
C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
clientWriter :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod 'ClientStreaming
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> MetadataMap -- ^ Initial client metadata
-> ClientWriterHandler
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ClientWriterResult)
clientWriter cl rm tm initMeta =
withClientCall cl rm tm . clientWriterCmn cl initMeta
clientWriterCmn :: Client -- ^ The active client
-> MetadataMap -- ^ Initial client metadata
-> ClientWriterHandler
-> ClientCall -- ^ The active client call
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ClientWriterResult)
clientWriterCmn (clientCQ -> cq) initMeta f cc@(unClientCall -> c) =
runExceptT $ do
lift (debugClientCall cc)
sendInitialMetadata c cq initMeta
runStreamingProxy "clientWriterCmn" c cq (f streamSend)
sendSingle c cq OpSendCloseFromClient
let ops = [OpRecvInitialMetadata, OpRecvMessage, OpRecvStatusOnClient]
runOps' c cq ops >>= \case
CWRFinal mmsg initMD trailMD st ds
-> return (mmsg, initMD, trailMD, st, ds)
_ -> throwE (GRPCIOInternalUnexpectedRecv "clientWriter")
pattern CWRFinal mmsg initMD trailMD st ds
<- [ OpRecvInitialMetadataResult initMD
, OpRecvMessageResult mmsg
, OpRecvStatusOnClientResult trailMD st (StatusDetails -> ds)
-- clientRW (client side of bidirectional streaming mode)
-- | First parameter is initial server metadata.
type ClientRWHandler = MetadataMap -> StreamRecv -> StreamSend -> Streaming ()
-- | For bidirectional-streaming registered requests
clientRW :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod 'BiDiStreaming
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> MetadataMap
-- ^ request metadata
-> ClientRWHandler
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails))
clientRW c@Client{ clientCQ = cq } rm tm initMeta f =
withClientCall c rm tm go
go cc@(unClientCall -> call) = runExceptT $ do
lift (debugClientCall cc)
sendInitialMetadata call cq initMeta
srvMeta <- recvInitialMetadata call cq
runStreamingProxy "clientRW" call cq (f srvMeta streamRecv streamSend)
runOps' call cq [OpSendCloseFromClient] -- WritesDone()
recvStatusOnClient call cq -- Finish()
-- clientRequest (client side of normal request/response)
-- | Make a request of the given method with the given body. Returns the
-- server's response. TODO: This is preliminary until we figure out how many
-- different variations on sending request ops will be needed for full gRPC
-- functionality.
-- server's response.
clientRequest :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod
-> RegisteredMethod 'Normal
-> TimeoutSeconds
-- ^ Timeout of both the grpc_call and the max time to wait for
-- the completion of the batch. TODO: I think we will need to
-- decouple the lifetime of the call from the queue deadline once
-- we expose functionality for streaming calls, where one call
-- object persists across many batches.
-> ByteString
-- ^ The body of the request
-> MetadataMap
-- ^ Metadata to send with the request
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError NormalRequestResult)
clientRequest client@(Client{..}) rm@(RegisteredMethod{..})
timeLimit body meta =
fmap join $ case methodType of
Normal -> withClientCall client rm timeLimit $ \call -> do
grpcDebug "clientRequest(R): created call."
debugClientCall call
let call' = unClientCall call
-- NOTE: sendOps and recvOps *must* be in separate batches or
-- the client hangs when the server can't be reached.
let sendOps = [OpSendInitialMetadata meta
, OpSendMessage body
, OpSendCloseFromClient]
sendRes <- runOps call' clientCQ sendOps
case sendRes of
Left x -> do grpcDebug "clientRequest(R) : batch error sending."
return $ Left x
Right rs -> do
let recvOps = [OpRecvInitialMetadata,
recvRes <- runOps call' clientCQ recvOps
case recvRes of
Left x -> do
grpcDebug "clientRequest(R): batch error receiving."
return $ Left x
Right rs' -> do
grpcDebug $ "clientRequest(R): got " ++ show rs'
return $ Right $ compileNormalRequestResults (rs ++ rs')
_ -> error "Streaming methods not yet implemented."
clientNormalRequestOps :: ByteString -> MetadataMap -> [Op]
clientNormalRequestOps body metadata =
[OpSendInitialMetadata metadata,
OpSendMessage body,
clientRequest c@Client{ clientCQ = cq } rm tm body initMeta =
withClientCall c rm tm (fmap join . go)
go cc@(unClientCall -> call) = do
grpcDebug "clientRequest(R): created call."
debugClientCall cc
-- NB: the send and receive operations below *must* be in separate
-- batches, or the client hangs when the server can't be reached.
runOps call cq
[ OpSendInitialMetadata initMeta
, OpSendMessage body
, OpSendCloseFromClient
>>= \case
Left x -> do
grpcDebug "clientRequest(R) : batch error sending."
return $ Left x
Right rs ->
runOps call cq
[ OpRecvInitialMetadata
, OpRecvMessage
, OpRecvStatusOnClient
>>= \case
Left x -> do
grpcDebug "clientRequest(R): batch error receiving.."
return $ Left x
Right rs' -> do
grpcDebug $ "clientRequest(R): got " ++ show rs'
return $ Right $ compileNormalRequestResults (rs ++ rs')
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Client.Unregistered where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Exception (finally)
import Control.Monad (join)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
@ -14,7 +15,6 @@ import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Client (Client (..),
NormalRequestResult (..),
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.CompletionQueue (TimeoutSeconds)
import qualified Network.GRPC.LowLevel.CompletionQueue.Unregistered as U
@ -60,11 +60,14 @@ clientRequest :: Client
-- ^ Request metadata.
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError NormalRequestResult)
clientRequest client@Client{..} meth timeLimit body meta =
fmap join $ do
withClientCall client meth timeLimit $ \call -> do
let ops = clientNormalRequestOps body meta
results <- runOps (unClientCall call) clientCQ ops
fmap join $ withClientCall client meth timeLimit $ \call -> do
results <- runOps (unClientCall call) clientCQ
[ OpSendInitialMetadata meta
, OpSendMessage body
, OpSendCloseFromClient
, OpRecvInitialMetadata
, OpRecvMessage
, OpRecvStatusOnClient
grpcDebug "clientRequest(U): ops ran."
case results of
Left x -> return $ Left x
Right rs -> return $ Right $ compileNormalRequestResults rs
return $ right compileNormalRequestResults results
@ -10,7 +10,11 @@
-- implementation details to both are kept in
-- `Network.GRPC.LowLevel.CompletionQueue.Internal`.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Network.GRPC.LowLevel.CompletionQueue
( CompletionQueue
@ -33,12 +37,15 @@ import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, check)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (newTVarIO, readTVar,
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(lift))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import Control.Monad.Managed
import Data.IORef (newIORef)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (free, malloc)
import Foreign.Ptr (nullPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (peek)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, nullPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable, peek)
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Constants as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Metadata as C
@ -63,11 +70,8 @@ createCompletionQueue _ = do
currentPushers <- newTVarIO 0
shuttingDown <- newTVarIO False
nextTag <- newIORef minBound
return $ CompletionQueue{..}
return CompletionQueue{..}
-- TODO: I'm thinking it might be easier to use 'Either' uniformly everywhere
-- even when it's isomorphic to 'Maybe'. If that doesn't turn out to be the
-- case, switch these to 'Maybe'.
-- | Very simple wrapper around 'grpcCallStartBatch'. Throws 'GRPCIOShutdown'
-- without calling 'grpcCallStartBatch' if the queue is shutting down.
-- Throws 'CallError' if 'grpcCallStartBatch' returns a non-OK code.
@ -87,7 +91,7 @@ startBatch cq@CompletionQueue{..} call opArray opArraySize tag =
-- queue after we begin the shutdown process. Errors with
-- 'GRPCIOShutdownFailure' if the queue can't be shut down within 5 seconds.
shutdownCompletionQueue :: CompletionQueue -> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
shutdownCompletionQueue (CompletionQueue{..}) = do
shutdownCompletionQueue CompletionQueue{..} = do
atomically $ writeTVar shuttingDown True
atomically $ readTVar currentPushers >>= \x -> check (x == 0)
atomically $ readTVar currentPluckers >>= \x -> check (x == 0)
@ -105,7 +109,7 @@ shutdownCompletionQueue (CompletionQueue{..}) = do
ev <- C.withDeadlineSeconds 1 $ \deadline ->
C.grpcCompletionQueueNext unsafeCQ deadline C.reserved
grpcDebug $ "drainLoop: next() call got " ++ show ev
case (C.eventCompletionType ev) of
case C.eventCompletionType ev of
C.QueueShutdown -> return ()
C.QueueTimeout -> drainLoop
C.OpComplete -> drainLoop
@ -133,68 +137,46 @@ channelCreateCall
-- | Create the call object to handle a registered call.
serverRequestCall :: C.Server
-> CompletionQueue
-> RegisteredMethod
-> RegisteredMethod mt
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ServerCall)
server cq@CompletionQueue{..} RegisteredMethod{..} =
withPermission Push cq $
bracket (liftM2 (,) malloc malloc)
(\(p1,p2) -> free p1 >> free p2)
$ \(deadlinePtr, callPtr) ->
C.withByteBufferPtr $ \bbPtr ->
C.withMetadataArrayPtr $ \metadataArrayPtr -> do
metadataArray <- peek metadataArrayPtr
tag <- newTag cq
grpcDebug $ "serverRequestCall(R): tag is " ++ show tag
callError <- C.grpcServerRequestRegisteredCall
server methodHandle callPtr deadlinePtr
metadataArray bbPtr unsafeCQ unsafeCQ tag
grpcDebug $ "serverRequestCall(R): callError: "
++ show callError
if callError /= C.CallOk
then do grpcDebug "serverRequestCall(R): callError. cleaning up"
return $ Left $ GRPCIOCallError callError
else do pluckResult <- pluck cq tag Nothing
grpcDebug $ "serverRequestCall(R): finished pluck:"
++ show pluckResult
case pluckResult of
Left x -> do
grpcDebug "serverRequestCall(R): cleanup pluck err"
return $ Left x
Right () -> do
rawCall <- peek callPtr
deadline <- convertDeadline deadlinePtr
payload <- convertPayload bbPtr
meta <- convertMeta metadataArrayPtr
let assembledCall = ServerCall rawCall
grpcDebug "serverRequestCall(R): About to return"
return $ Right assembledCall
where convertDeadline deadline = do
--gRPC gives us a deadline that is just a delta, so we convert it
--to a proper deadline.
deadline' <- C.timeSpec <$> peek deadline
now <- getTime Monotonic
return $ now + deadline'
convertPayload bbPtr = do
-- TODO: the reason this returns @Maybe ByteString@ is because the
-- gRPC library calls the underlying out parameter
-- "optional_payload". I am not sure exactly in what cases it
-- won't be present. The C++ library checks a
-- has_request_payload_ bool and passes in nullptr to
-- request_registered_call if the bool is false, so we
-- may be able to do the payload present/absent check earlier.
bb@(C.ByteBuffer rawPtr) <- peek bbPtr
if rawPtr == nullPtr
then return Nothing
else do bs <- C.copyByteBufferToByteString bb
return $ Just bs
convertMeta requestMetadataRecv = do
mArray <- peek requestMetadataRecv
metamap <- C.getAllMetadataArray mArray
return metamap
serverRequestCall s cq@CompletionQueue{.. } RegisteredMethod{..} =
-- NB: The method type dictates whether or not a payload is present, according
-- to the payloadHandling function. We do not allocate a buffer for the
-- payload when it is not present.
withPermission Push cq . with allocs $ \(dead, call, pay, meta) -> do
md <- peek meta
tag <- newTag cq
dbug $ "tag is " ++ show tag
ce <- C.grpcServerRequestRegisteredCall s methodHandle call
dead md pay unsafeCQ unsafeCQ tag
dbug $ "callError: " ++ show ce
runExceptT $ case ce of
C.CallOk -> do
ExceptT $ do
r <- pluck cq tag Nothing
dbug $ "pluck finished:" ++ show r
return r
lift $
<$> peek call
<*> C.getAllMetadataArray md
<*> (if havePay then toBS pay else return Nothing)
<*> liftM2 (+) (getTime Monotonic) (C.timeSpec <$> peek dead)
-- gRPC gives us a deadline that is just a delta, so we convert it
-- to a proper deadline.
_ -> throwE (GRPCIOCallError ce)
allocs = (,,,) <$> ptr <*> ptr <*> pay <*> md
md = managed C.withMetadataArrayPtr
pay = if havePay then managed C.withByteBufferPtr else return nullPtr
ptr :: forall a. Storable a => Managed (Ptr a)
ptr = managed (bracket malloc free)
dbug = grpcDebug . ("serverRequestCall(R): " ++)
havePay = payloadHandling methodType /= C.SrmPayloadNone
toBS p = peek p >>= \bb@(C.ByteBuffer rawPtr) ->
if | rawPtr == nullPtr -> return Nothing
| otherwise -> Just <$> C.copyByteBufferToByteString bb
-- | Register the server's completion queue. Must be done before the server is
-- started.
@ -1,23 +1,26 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Network.GRPC.LowLevel.GRPC where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.String (IsString)
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe as C
import Data.String (IsString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C
#ifdef DEBUG
import GHC.Conc (myThreadId)
import GHC.Conc (myThreadId)
type MetadataMap = M.Map B.ByteString B.ByteString
newtype StatusDetails = StatusDetails B.ByteString deriving (Show, Eq, IsString)
newtype StatusDetails = StatusDetails B.ByteString
deriving (Eq, IsString, Monoid, Show)
-- | Functions as a proof that the gRPC core has been started. The gRPC core
-- must be initialized to create any gRPC state, so this is a requirement for
@ -44,6 +47,9 @@ data GRPCIOError = GRPCIOCallError C.CallError
-- reasonable amount of time.
| GRPCIOUnknownError
| GRPCIOBadStatusCode C.StatusCode StatusDetails
| GRPCIOInternalMissingExpectedPayload
| GRPCIOInternalUnexpectedRecv String -- debugging description
deriving (Show, Eq)
throwIfCallError :: C.CallError -> Either GRPCIOError ()
@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Op where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(lift))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
@ -20,6 +28,9 @@ import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.ByteBuffer as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Metadata as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Slice as C (Slice, freeSlice)
import Pipes ((>->))
import qualified Pipes as P
import qualified Pipes.Core as P
-- | Sum describing all possible send and receive operations that can be batched
-- and executed by gRPC. Usually these are processed in a handful of
@ -144,7 +155,8 @@ withOpArrayAndCtxts ops = bracket setup teardown
data OpRecvResult =
OpRecvInitialMetadataResult MetadataMap
| OpRecvMessageResult (Maybe B.ByteString)
-- ^ If the client or server dies, we might not receive a response body, in
-- ^ If a streaming call is in progress and the stream terminates normally,
-- or If the client or server dies, we might not receive a response body, in
-- which case this will be 'Nothing'.
| OpRecvStatusOnClientResult MetadataMap C.StatusCode B.ByteString
| OpRecvCloseOnServerResult Bool -- ^ True if call was cancelled.
@ -202,7 +214,6 @@ resultFromOpContext _ = do
-- GRPC_CALL_ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPERATIONS error if we use the same 'Op' twice in
-- the same batch, so we might want to change the list to a set. I don't think
-- order matters within a batch. Need to check.
runOps :: C.Call
-- ^ 'Call' that this batch is associated with. One call can be
-- associated with many batches.
@ -232,6 +243,12 @@ runOps call cq ops =
fmap (Right . catMaybes) $ mapM resultFromOpContext contexts
Left err -> return $ Left err
runOps' :: C.Call
-> CompletionQueue
-> [Op]
-> ExceptT GRPCIOError IO [OpRecvResult]
runOps' c cq = ExceptT . runOps c cq
-- | If response status info is present in the given 'OpRecvResult's, returns
-- a tuple of trailing metadata, status code, and status details.
extractStatusInfo :: [OpRecvResult]
@ -240,3 +257,100 @@ extractStatusInfo [] = Nothing
extractStatusInfo (OpRecvStatusOnClientResult meta code details:_) =
Just (meta, code, details)
extractStatusInfo (_:xs) = extractStatusInfo xs
-- Types and helpers for common ops batches
type SendSingle a
= C.Call
-> CompletionQueue
-> a
-> ExceptT GRPCIOError IO ()
type RecvSingle a
= C.Call
-> CompletionQueue
-> ExceptT GRPCIOError IO a
sendSingle :: SendSingle Op
sendSingle c cq op = void (runOps' c cq [op])
sendInitialMetadata :: SendSingle MetadataMap
sendInitialMetadata c cq = sendSingle c cq . OpSendInitialMetadata
sendStatusFromServer :: SendSingle (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
sendStatusFromServer c cq (md, st, ds) =
sendSingle c cq (OpSendStatusFromServer md st ds)
recvInitialMetadata :: RecvSingle MetadataMap
recvInitialMetadata c cq = runOps' c cq [OpRecvInitialMetadata] >>= \case
[OpRecvInitialMetadataResult md]
-> return md
_ -> throwE (GRPCIOInternalUnexpectedRecv "recvInitialMetadata")
recvStatusOnClient :: RecvSingle (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
recvStatusOnClient c cq = runOps' c cq [OpRecvStatusOnClient] >>= \case
[OpRecvStatusOnClientResult md st ds]
-> return (md, st, StatusDetails ds)
_ -> throwE (GRPCIOInternalUnexpectedRecv "recvStatusOnClient")
-- Streaming types and helpers
-- | Requests use Nothing to denote read, Just to denote
-- write. Right-constructed responses use Just to indicate a successful read,
-- and Nothing to denote end of stream when reading or a successful write.
type Streaming a =
P.Client (Maybe ByteString) (Either GRPCIOError (Maybe ByteString)) IO a
-- | Run the given 'Streaming' operation via an appropriate upstream
-- proxy. I.e., if called on the client side, the given 'Streaming' operation
-- talks to a server proxy, and vice versa.
runStreamingProxy :: String
-- ^ context string for including in errors
-> C.Call
-- ^ the call associated with this streaming operation
-> CompletionQueue
-- ^ the completion queue for ops batches
-> Streaming a
-- ^ the requesting side of the streaming operation
-> ExceptT GRPCIOError IO a
runStreamingProxy nm c cq
= ExceptT . P.runEffect . (streamingProxy nm c cq P.+>>) . fmap Right
streamingProxy :: String
-- ^ context string for including in errors
-> C.Call
-- ^ the call associated with this streaming operation
-> CompletionQueue
-- ^ the completion queue for ops batches
-> Maybe ByteString
-- ^ the request to the proxy
-> P.Server
(Maybe ByteString)
(Either GRPCIOError (Maybe ByteString))
IO (Either GRPCIOError a)
streamingProxy nm c cq = maybe recv send
recv = run [OpRecvMessage] >>= \case
RecvMsgRslt mr -> rsp mr >>= streamingProxy nm c cq
Right{} -> err (urecv "recv")
Left e -> err e
send msg = run [OpSendMessage msg] >>= \case
Right [] -> rsp Nothing >>= streamingProxy nm c cq
Right _ -> err (urecv "send")
Left e -> err e
err e = P.respond (Left e) >> return (Left e)
rsp = P.respond . Right
run = lift . runOps c cq
urecv = GRPCIOInternalUnexpectedRecv . (nm ++)
type StreamRecv = Streaming (Either GRPCIOError (Maybe ByteString))
streamRecv :: StreamRecv
streamRecv = P.request Nothing
type StreamSend = ByteString -> Streaming (Either GRPCIOError ())
streamSend :: StreamSend
streamSend = fmap void . P.request . Just
pattern RecvMsgRslt mmsg <- Right [OpRecvMessageResult mmsg]
@ -1,12 +1,22 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- | This module defines data structures and operations pertaining to registered
-- servers using registered calls; for unregistered support, see
-- `Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server.Unregistered`.
module Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Exception (bracket, finally)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans (lift))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.CompletionQueue (CompletionQueue,
@ -19,15 +29,20 @@ import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.CompletionQueue (CompletionQueue,
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.GRPC
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Op
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.ChannelArgs as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C
import qualified Pipes as P
import qualified Pipes.Core as P
-- | Wraps various gRPC state needed to run a server.
data Server = Server
{ internalServer :: C.Server
, serverCQ :: CompletionQueue
, registeredMethods :: [RegisteredMethod]
, serverConfig :: ServerConfig
{ internalServer :: C.Server
, serverCQ :: CompletionQueue
, normalMethods :: [RegisteredMethod 'Normal]
, sstreamingMethods :: [RegisteredMethod 'ServerStreaming]
, cstreamingMethods :: [RegisteredMethod 'ClientStreaming]
, bidiStreamingMethods :: [RegisteredMethod 'BiDiStreaming]
, serverConfig :: ServerConfig
-- | Configuration needed to start a server.
@ -39,13 +54,10 @@ data ServerConfig = ServerConfig
-- ^ Port on which to listen for requests.
, methodsToRegister :: [(MethodName, GRPCMethodType)]
-- ^ List of (method name, method type) tuples specifying all methods to
-- register. You can also handle other unregistered methods with
-- `serverHandleNormalCall`.
, serverArgs :: [C.Arg]
-- ^ Optional arguments for setting up the
-- channel on the server. Supplying an empty
-- list will cause the channel to use gRPC's
-- default options.
-- register.
, serverArgs :: [C.Arg]
-- ^ Optional arguments for setting up the channel on the server. Supplying an
-- empty list will cause the channel to use gRPC's default options.
deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -62,34 +74,46 @@ startServer grpc conf@ServerConfig{..} =
error $ "Unable to bind port: " ++ show port
cq <- createCompletionQueue grpc
serverRegisterCompletionQueue server cq
methods <- forM methodsToRegister $ \(name, mtype) ->
serverRegisterMethod server name e mtype
-- Register methods according to their GRPCMethodType kind. It's a bit ugly
-- to partition them this way, but we get very convenient phantom typing
-- elsewhere by doing so.
(ns, ss, cs, bs) <- do
let f (ns, ss, cs, bs) (nm, mt) = do
let reg = serverRegisterMethod server nm e mt
case mt of
Normal -> ( , ss, cs, bs) . (:ns) <$> reg
ServerStreaming -> (ns, , cs, bs) . (:ss) <$> reg
ClientStreaming -> (ns, ss, , bs) . (:cs) <$> reg
BiDiStreaming -> (ns, ss, cs, ) . (:bs) <$> reg
foldM f ([],[],[],[]) methodsToRegister
C.grpcServerStart server
return $ Server server cq methods conf
return $ Server server cq ns ss cs bs conf
stopServer :: Server -> IO ()
-- TODO: Do method handles need to be freed?
stopServer (Server server cq _ _) = do
stopServer Server{..} = do
grpcDebug "stopServer: calling shutdownNotify."
grpcDebug "stopServer: cancelling all calls."
C.grpcServerCancelAllCalls server
C.grpcServerCancelAllCalls internalServer
grpcDebug "stopServer: call grpc_server_destroy."
C.grpcServerDestroy server
C.grpcServerDestroy internalServer
grpcDebug "stopServer: shutting down CQ."
where shutdownCQ = do
shutdownResult <- shutdownCompletionQueue cq
shutdownResult <- shutdownCompletionQueue serverCQ
case shutdownResult of
Left _ -> do putStrLn "Warning: completion queue didn't shut down."
putStrLn "Trying to stop server anyway."
Right _ -> return ()
shutdownNotify = do
let shutdownTag = C.tag 0
serverShutdownAndNotify server cq shutdownTag
serverShutdownAndNotify internalServer serverCQ shutdownTag
grpcDebug "called serverShutdownAndNotify; plucking."
shutdownEvent <- pluck cq shutdownTag (Just 30)
shutdownEvent <- pluck serverCQ shutdownTag (Just 30)
grpcDebug $ "shutdownNotify: got shutdown event" ++ show shutdownEvent
case shutdownEvent of
-- This case occurs when we pluck but the queue is already in the
@ -100,7 +124,7 @@ stopServer (Server server cq _ _) = do
-- Uses 'bracket' to safely start and stop a server, even if exceptions occur.
withServer :: GRPC -> ServerConfig -> (Server -> IO a) -> IO a
withServer grpc cfg f = bracket (startServer grpc cfg) stopServer f
withServer grpc cfg = bracket (startServer grpc cfg) stopServer
-- | Register a method on a server. The 'RegisteredMethod' type can then be used
-- to wait for a request to arrive. Note: gRPC claims this must be called before
@ -118,25 +142,23 @@ serverRegisterMethod :: C.Server
-> GRPCMethodType
-- ^ Type of method this will be. In the future, this will
-- be used to switch to the correct handling logic.
-- Currently, the only valid choice is 'Normal'.
-> IO RegisteredMethod
serverRegisterMethod internalServer meth e Normal = do
handle <- C.grpcServerRegisterMethod internalServer
(unMethodName meth) (unEndpoint e)
grpcDebug $ "registered method to handle " ++ show handle
return $ RegisteredMethod Normal meth e handle
serverRegisterMethod _ _ _ _ = error "Streaming methods not implemented yet."
-> IO (RegisteredMethod mt)
serverRegisterMethod internalServer meth e mty =
RegisteredMethod mty meth e <$> do
h <- C.grpcServerRegisterMethod internalServer
(unMethodName meth) (unEndpoint e) (payloadHandling mty)
grpcDebug $ "registered method handle: " ++ show h ++ " of type " ++ show mty
return h
-- | Create a 'Call' with which to wait for the invocation of a registered
-- method.
serverCreateCall :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod
-> RegisteredMethod mt
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ServerCall)
serverCreateCall Server{..} rm =
serverRequestCall internalServer serverCQ rm
serverCreateCall Server{..} = serverRequestCall internalServer serverCQ
withServerCall :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod
-> RegisteredMethod mt
-> (ServerCall -> IO (Either GRPCIOError a))
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError a)
withServerCall server regmethod f = do
@ -147,61 +169,112 @@ withServerCall server regmethod f = do
where logDestroy c = grpcDebug "withServerRegisteredCall: destroying."
>> destroyServerCall c
serverOpsSendNormalRegisteredResponse :: ByteString
-> MetadataMap
-- ^ initial metadata
-> MetadataMap
-- ^ trailing metadata
-> C.StatusCode
-> StatusDetails
-> [Op]
body initMetadata trailingMeta code details =
[OpSendInitialMetadata initMetadata,
OpSendMessage body,
OpSendStatusFromServer trailingMeta code details]
-- serverReader (server side of client streaming mode)
-- | A handler for an registered server call; bytestring parameter is request
type ServerReaderHandler
= ServerCall
-> StreamRecv
-> Streaming (Maybe ByteString, MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
serverReader :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod 'ClientStreaming
-> MetadataMap -- ^ initial server metadata
-> ServerReaderHandler
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverReader s@Server{ serverCQ = cq } rm initMeta f = withServerCall s rm go
go sc@(unServerCall -> c) = runExceptT $ do
lift $ debugServerCall sc
(mmsg, trailMD, st, ds) <-
runStreamingProxy "serverReader" c cq (f sc streamRecv)
runOps' c cq ( OpSendInitialMetadata initMeta
: OpSendStatusFromServer trailMD st ds
: maybe [] ((:[]) . OpSendMessage) mmsg
return ()
-- serverWriter (server side of server streaming mode)
type ServerWriterHandler
= ServerCall
-> StreamSend
-> Streaming (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
-- | Wait for and then handle a registered, server-streaming call.
serverWriter :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod 'ServerStreaming
-> MetadataMap
-- ^ Initial server metadata
-> ServerWriterHandler
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverWriter s@Server{ serverCQ = cq } rm initMeta f = withServerCall s rm go
go sc@ServerCall{ unServerCall = c } = runExceptT $ do
lift (debugServerCall sc)
sendInitialMetadata c cq initMeta
st <- runStreamingProxy "serverWriter" c cq (f sc streamSend)
sendStatusFromServer c cq st
-- serverRW (server side of bidirectional streaming mode)
type ServerRWHandler
= ServerCall
-> StreamRecv
-> StreamSend
-> Streaming (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
serverRW :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod 'BiDiStreaming
-> MetadataMap
-- ^ initial server metadata
-> ServerRWHandler
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverRW s@Server{ serverCQ = cq } rm initMeta f = withServerCall s rm go
go sc@(unServerCall -> c) = runExceptT $ do
lift $ debugServerCall sc
sendInitialMetadata c cq initMeta
st <- runStreamingProxy "serverRW" c cq (f sc streamRecv streamSend)
sendStatusFromServer c cq st
-- serverHandleNormalCall (server side of normal request/response)
-- | A handler for a registered server call; bytestring parameter is request
-- body, with the bytestring response body in the result tuple. The first
-- metadata parameter refers to the request metadata, with the two metadata
-- values in the result tuple being the initial and trailing metadata
-- respectively. We pass in the 'ServerCall' so that the server can call
-- 'serverCallCancel' on it if needed.
-- TODO: make a more rigid type for this with a Maybe MetadataMap for the
-- trailing meta, and use it for both kinds of call handlers.
type ServerHandler
= ServerCall -> ByteString -> MetadataMap
-> IO (ByteString, MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
-- TODO: we will want to replace this with some more general concept that also
-- works with streaming calls in the future.
-- | Wait for and then handle a normal (non-streaming) call.
serverHandleNormalCall :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod
-> RegisteredMethod 'Normal
-> MetadataMap
-- ^ Initial server metadata
-> ServerHandler
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverHandleNormalCall s@Server{..} rm initMeta f = do
withServerCall s rm $ \call -> do
grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(R): starting batch."
debugServerCall call
let payload = optionalPayload call
case payload of
--TODO: what should we do with an empty payload? Have the handler take
-- @Maybe ByteString@? Need to figure out when/why payload would be empty.
Nothing -> error "serverHandleNormalCall(R): payload empty."
Just requestBody -> do
let requestMeta = requestMetadataRecv call
(respBody, trailingMeta, status, details) <- f call
let respOps = serverOpsSendNormalRegisteredResponse
respBody initMeta trailingMeta status details
respOpsResults <- runOps (unServerCall call) serverCQ respOps
grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(R): finished response ops."
case respOpsResults of
Left x -> return $ Left x
Right _ -> return $ Right ()
serverHandleNormalCall s@Server{ serverCQ = cq } rm initMeta f =
withServerCall s rm go
go sc@(unServerCall -> call) = do
grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(R): starting batch."
debugServerCall sc
case optionalPayload sc of
Nothing -> return (Left GRPCIOInternalMissingExpectedPayload)
Just pay -> do
(rspBody, trailMeta, status, ds) <- f sc pay (requestMetadataRecv sc)
eea <- runOps call cq
[ OpSendInitialMetadata initMeta
, OpRecvCloseOnServer
, OpSendMessage rspBody
, OpSendStatusFromServer trailMeta status ds
<* grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(R): finished response ops."
return (void eea)
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server.Unregistered where
@ -7,7 +8,8 @@ import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call.Unregistered
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.CompletionQueue.Unregistered (serverRequestCall)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.GRPC
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Op (Op(..), OpRecvResult (..), runOps)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Op (Op (..), OpRecvResult (..),
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server (Server (..))
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C
@ -57,24 +59,31 @@ serverHandleNormalCall :: Server
-> MetadataMap -- ^ Initial server metadata.
-> ServerHandler
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverHandleNormalCall s@Server{..} srvMetadata f = do
serverHandleNormalCall s@Server{..} srvMetadata f =
withServerCall s $ \call@ServerCall{..} -> do
grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(U): starting batch."
let recvOps = serverOpsGetNormalCall srvMetadata
opResults <- runOps unServerCall serverCQ recvOps
case opResults of
Left x -> do grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(U): ops failed; aborting"
return $ Left x
Right [OpRecvMessageResult (Just body)] -> do
grpcDebug $ "got client metadata: " ++ show requestMetadataRecv
grpcDebug $ "call_details host is: " ++ show callHost
(respBody, respMetadata, status, details) <- f call body
let respOps = serverOpsSendNormalResponse
respBody respMetadata status details
respOpsResults <- runOps unServerCall serverCQ respOps
case respOpsResults of
Left x -> do grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(U): resp failed."
return $ Left x
Right _ -> grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(U): ops done."
>> return (Right ())
x -> error $ "impossible pattern match: " ++ show x
runOps unServerCall serverCQ
[ OpSendInitialMetadata srvMetadata
, OpRecvMessage
>>= \case
Left x -> do
grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(U): ops failed; aborting"
return $ Left x
Right [OpRecvMessageResult (Just body)] -> do
grpcDebug $ "got client metadata: " ++ show requestMetadataRecv
grpcDebug $ "call_details host is: " ++ show callHost
(rspBody, rspMeta, status, ds) <- f call body
runOps unServerCall serverCQ
[ OpRecvCloseOnServer
, OpSendMessage rspBody,
OpSendStatusFromServer rspMeta status ds
>>= \case
Left x -> do
grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(U): resp failed."
return $ Left x
Right _ -> do
grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(U): ops done."
return $ Right ()
x -> error $ "impossible pattern match: " ++ show x
@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ instance Storable Call where
peek p = fmap Call (peek (castPtr p))
poke p (Call r) = poke (castPtr p) r
{#enum grpc_server_register_method_payload_handling as ServerRegisterMethodPayloadHandling {underscoreToCase} deriving (Eq, Show)#}
-- | A 'Tag' is an identifier that is used with a 'CompletionQueue' to signal
-- that the corresponding operation has completed.
newtype Tag = Tag {unTag :: Ptr ()} deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -235,7 +237,7 @@ getPeerPeek cstr = do
{`GrpcChannelArgs',unReserved `Reserved'} -> `Server'#}
{#fun grpc_server_register_method_ as ^
{`Server', `String', `String'} -> `CallHandle' CallHandle#}
{`Server', `String', `String', `ServerRegisterMethodPayloadHandling'} -> `CallHandle' CallHandle#}
{#fun grpc_server_register_completion_queue as ^
{`Server', `CompletionQueue', unReserved `Reserved'} -> `()'#}
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ resolver: lts-5.10
- '.'
# Packages to be pulled from upstream that are not in the resolver (e.g., acme-missiles-0.3)
extra-deps: []
extra-deps: [managed-1.0.5]
# Override default flag values for local packages and extra-deps
flags: {}
@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module LowLevelTests where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Managed
import Data.ByteString (ByteString,
@ -16,6 +20,8 @@ import Network.GRPC.LowLevel
import qualified Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call.Unregistered as U
import qualified Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Client.Unregistered as U
import qualified Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server.Unregistered as U
import Pipes ((>->))
import qualified Pipes as P
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit as HU (Assertion,
@ -42,27 +48,25 @@ lowLevelTests = testGroup "Unit tests of low-level Haskell library"
, testCustomUserAgent
, testClientCompression
, testClientServerCompression
, testClientStreaming
, testServerStreaming
, testBiDiStreaming
testGRPCBracket :: TestTree
testGRPCBracket =
testCase "Start/stop GRPC" $ withGRPC nop
testCase "Start/stop GRPC" $ runManaged $ void mgdGRPC
testCompletionQueueCreateDestroy :: TestTree
testCompletionQueueCreateDestroy =
testCase "Create/destroy CQ" $ withGRPC $ \g ->
withCompletionQueue g nop
testCase "Create/destroy CQ" $ runManaged $ do
g <- mgdGRPC
liftIO (withCompletionQueue g nop)
testClientCreateDestroy :: TestTree
testClientCreateDestroy =
clientOnlyTest "start/stop" nop
testClientCall :: TestTree
testClientCall =
clientOnlyTest "create/destroy call" $ \c -> do
r <- U.withClientCall c "/foo" 10 $ const $ return $ Right ()
r @?= Right ()
testClientTimeoutNoServer :: TestTree
testClientTimeoutNoServer =
clientOnlyTest "request timeout when server DNE" $ \c -> do
@ -97,13 +101,13 @@ testMixRegisteredUnregistered =
concurrently regThread unregThread
return ()
where regThread = do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
let rm = head (normalMethods s)
r <- serverHandleNormalCall s rm dummyMeta $ \_ body _ -> do
body @?= "Hello"
return ("reply test", dummyMeta, StatusOk, StatusDetails "")
return ("reply test", dummyMeta, StatusOk, "")
return ()
unregThread = do
r1 <- U.serverHandleNormalCall s mempty $ \call _ -> do
U.serverHandleNormalCall s mempty $ \call _ -> do
U.callMethod call @?= "/bar"
return ("", mempty, StatusOk,
StatusDetails "Wrong endpoint")
@ -130,13 +134,11 @@ testPayload =
initMD @?= dummyMeta
trailMD @?= dummyMeta
server s = do
length (registeredMethods s) @?= 1
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
let rm = head (normalMethods s)
r <- serverHandleNormalCall s rm dummyMeta $ \_ reqBody reqMD -> do
reqBody @?= "Hello!"
checkMD "Server metadata mismatch" clientMD reqMD
return ("reply test", dummyMeta, StatusOk,
StatusDetails "details string")
return ("reply test", dummyMeta, StatusOk, "details string")
r @?= Right ()
testServerCancel :: TestTree
@ -146,21 +148,130 @@ testServerCancel =
client c = do
rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal
res <- clientRequest c rm 10 "" mempty
res @?= Left (GRPCIOBadStatusCode StatusCancelled
"Received RST_STREAM err=8"))
res @?= badStatus StatusCancelled
server s = do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
let rm = head (normalMethods s)
r <- serverHandleNormalCall s rm mempty $ \c _ _ -> do
serverCallCancel c StatusCancelled ""
return (mempty, mempty, StatusCancelled, "")
r @?= Right ()
testServerStreaming :: TestTree
testServerStreaming =
csTest "server streaming" client server [("/feed", ServerStreaming)]
clientInitMD = [("client","initmd")]
serverInitMD = [("server","initmd")]
clientPay = "FEED ME!"
pays = ["ONE", "TWO", "THREE", "FOUR"] :: [ByteString]
client c = do
rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/feed" ServerStreaming
eea <- clientReader c rm 10 clientPay clientInitMD $ \initMD recv -> do
liftIO $ checkMD "Server initial metadata mismatch" serverInitMD initMD
forM_ pays $ \p -> recv `is` Right (Just p)
recv `is` Right Nothing
eea @?= Right (dummyMeta, StatusOk, "dtls")
server s = do
let rm = head (sstreamingMethods s)
eea <- serverWriter s rm serverInitMD $ \sc send -> do
liftIO $ do
checkMD "Client request metadata mismatch"
clientInitMD (requestMetadataRecv sc)
case optionalPayload sc of
Nothing -> assertFailure "expected optional payload"
Just pay -> pay @?= clientPay
forM_ pays $ \p -> send p `is` Right ()
return (dummyMeta, StatusOk, "dtls")
eea @?= Right ()
testClientStreaming :: TestTree
testClientStreaming =
csTest "client streaming" client server [("/slurp", ClientStreaming)]
clientInitMD = [("a","b")]
serverInitMD = [("x","y")]
trailMD = dummyMeta
serverRsp = "serverReader reply"
serverDtls = "deets"
serverStatus = StatusOk
pays = ["P_ONE", "P_TWO", "P_THREE"] :: [ByteString]
client c = do
rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/slurp" ClientStreaming
eea <- clientWriter c rm 10 clientInitMD $ \send -> do
-- liftIO $ checkMD "Server initial metadata mismatch" serverInitMD initMD
forM_ pays $ \p -> send p `is` Right ()
eea @?= Right (Just serverRsp, serverInitMD, trailMD, serverStatus, serverDtls)
server s = do
let rm = head (cstreamingMethods s)
eea <- serverReader s rm serverInitMD $ \sc recv -> do
liftIO $ checkMD "Client request metadata mismatch"
clientInitMD (requestMetadataRecv sc)
forM_ pays $ \p -> recv `is` Right (Just p)
recv `is` Right Nothing
return (Just serverRsp, trailMD, serverStatus, serverDtls)
eea @?= Right ()
testBiDiStreaming :: TestTree
testBiDiStreaming =
csTest "bidirectional streaming" client server [("/bidi", BiDiStreaming)]
clientInitMD = [("bidi-streaming","client")]
serverInitMD = [("bidi-streaming","server")]
trailMD = dummyMeta
serverStatus = StatusOk
serverDtls = "deets"
client c = do
rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/bidi" BiDiStreaming
eea <- clientRW c rm 10 clientInitMD $ \initMD recv send -> do
liftIO $ checkMD "Server initial metadata mismatch"
serverInitMD initMD
send "cw0" `is` Right ()
recv `is` Right (Just "sw0")
send "cw1" `is` Right ()
recv `is` Right (Just "sw1")
recv `is` Right (Just "sw2")
return ()
eea @?= Right (trailMD, serverStatus, serverDtls)
server s = do
let rm = head (bidiStreamingMethods s)
eea <- serverRW s rm serverInitMD $ \sc recv send -> do
liftIO $ checkMD "Client request metadata mismatch"
clientInitMD (requestMetadataRecv sc)
recv `is` Right (Just "cw0")
send "sw0" `is` Right ()
recv `is` Right (Just "cw1")
send "sw1" `is` Right ()
send "sw2" `is` Right ()
recv `is` Right Nothing
return (trailMD, serverStatus, serverDtls)
eea @?= Right ()
-- Unregistered tests
testClientCall :: TestTree
testClientCall =
clientOnlyTest "create/destroy call" $ \c -> do
r <- U.withClientCall c "/foo" 10 $ const $ return $ Right ()
r @?= Right ()
testServerCall :: TestTree
testServerCall =
serverOnlyTest "create/destroy call" [] $ \s -> do
r <- U.withServerCall s $ const $ return $ Right ()
r @?= Left GRPCIOTimeout
testPayloadUnregistered :: TestTree
testPayloadUnregistered =
csTest "unregistered normal request/response" client server []
client c = do
client c =
U.clientRequest c "/foo" 10 "Hello!" mempty >>= do
checkReqRslt $ \NormalRequestResult{..} -> do
rspCode @?= StatusOk
@ -186,13 +297,13 @@ testGoaway =
clientRequest c rm 10 "" mempty
lastResult <- clientRequest c rm 1 "" mempty
assertBool "Client handles server shutdown gracefully" $
lastResult == unavailableStatus
lastResult == badStatus StatusUnavailable
lastResult == deadlineExceededStatus
lastResult == badStatus StatusDeadlineExceeded
lastResult == Left GRPCIOTimeout
server s = do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
let rm = head (normalMethods s)
serverHandleNormalCall s rm mempty dummyHandler
serverHandleNormalCall s rm mempty dummyHandler
return ()
@ -204,9 +315,9 @@ testSlowServer =
client c = do
rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal
result <- clientRequest c rm 1 "" mempty
result @?= deadlineExceededStatus
result @?= badStatus StatusDeadlineExceeded
server s = do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
let rm = head (normalMethods s)
serverHandleNormalCall s rm mempty $ \_ _ _ -> do
threadDelay (2*10^(6 :: Int))
return dummyResp
@ -221,7 +332,7 @@ testServerCallExpirationCheck =
result <- clientRequest c rm 3 "" mempty
return ()
server s = do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
let rm = head (normalMethods s)
serverHandleNormalCall s rm mempty $ \c _ _ -> do
exp1 <- serverCallIsExpired c
assertBool "Call isn't expired when handler starts" $ not exp1
@ -245,7 +356,7 @@ testCustomUserAgent =
result <- clientRequest c rm 4 "" mempty
return ()
server = TestServer (stdServerConf [("/foo", Normal)]) $ \s -> do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
let rm = head (normalMethods s)
serverHandleNormalCall s rm mempty $ \_ _ meta -> do
let ua = meta M.! "user-agent"
assertBool "User agent prefix is present" $ isPrefixOf "prefix!" ua
@ -266,8 +377,8 @@ testClientCompression =
result <- clientRequest c rm 1 "hello" mempty
return ()
server = TestServer (stdServerConf [("/foo", Normal)]) $ \s -> do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
serverHandleNormalCall s rm mempty $ \c body _ -> do
let rm = head (normalMethods s)
serverHandleNormalCall s rm mempty $ \_ body _ -> do
body @?= "hello"
return dummyResp
return ()
@ -294,8 +405,8 @@ testClientServerCompression =
[("/foo", Normal)]
[CompressionAlgArg GrpcCompressDeflate]
server = TestServer sconf $ \s -> do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
serverHandleNormalCall s rm dummyMeta $ \c body _ -> do
let rm = head (normalMethods s)
serverHandleNormalCall s rm dummyMeta $ \_sc body _ -> do
body @?= "hello"
return ("hello", dummyMeta, StatusOk, StatusDetails "")
return ()
@ -303,23 +414,28 @@ testClientServerCompression =
-- Utilities and helpers
is :: (Eq a, Show a, MonadIO m) => m a -> a -> m ()
is act x = act >>= liftIO . (@?= x)
dummyMeta :: M.Map ByteString ByteString
dummyMeta = [("foo","bar")]
dummyResp :: (ByteString, MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
dummyResp = ("", mempty, StatusOk, StatusDetails "")
dummyHandler :: ServerCall -> ByteString -> MetadataMap
-> IO (ByteString, MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
dummyHandler _ _ _ = return dummyResp
unavailableStatus :: Either GRPCIOError a
unavailableStatus =
Left (GRPCIOBadStatusCode StatusUnavailable (StatusDetails ""))
dummyResult' :: StatusDetails
-> IO (ByteString, MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
dummyResult' = return . (mempty, mempty, StatusOk, )
deadlineExceededStatus :: Either GRPCIOError a
deadlineExceededStatus =
Left (GRPCIOBadStatusCode StatusDeadlineExceeded
(StatusDetails "Deadline Exceeded"))
badStatus :: StatusCode -> Either GRPCIOError a
badStatus st = Left . GRPCIOBadStatusCode st $ case st of
StatusDeadlineExceeded -> "Deadline Exceeded"
StatusCancelled -> "Received RST_STREAM err=8"
_ -> mempty
nop :: Monad m => a -> m ()
nop = const (return ())
@ -354,8 +470,8 @@ csTest' nm tc ts =
-- | @checkMD msg expected actual@ fails when keys from @expected@ are not in
-- @actual@, or when values differ for matching keys.
checkMD :: String -> MetadataMap -> MetadataMap -> Assertion
checkMD desc expected actual = do
when (not $ M.null $ expected `diff` actual) $ do
checkMD desc expected actual =
unless (M.null $ expected `diff` actual) $
assertEqual desc expected (actual `M.intersection` expected)
diff = M.differenceWith $ \a b -> if a == b then Nothing else Just b
@ -363,13 +479,19 @@ checkMD desc expected actual = do
checkReqRslt :: Show a => (b -> Assertion) -> Either a b -> Assertion
checkReqRslt = either clientFail
-- | The consumer which asserts that the next value it consumes is equal to the
-- given value; string parameter used as in 'assertEqual'.
assertConsumeEq :: (Eq a, Show a) => String -> a -> P.Consumer a IO ()
assertConsumeEq s v = P.lift . assertEqual s v =<< P.await
clientFail :: Show a => a -> Assertion
clientFail = assertFailure . ("Client error: " ++). show
data TestClient = TestClient ClientConfig (Client -> IO ())
runTestClient :: TestClient -> IO ()
runTestClient (TestClient conf c) = withGRPC $ \g -> withClient g conf c
runTestClient (TestClient conf f) =
runManaged $ mgdGRPC >>= mgdClient conf >>= liftIO . f
stdTestClient :: (Client -> IO ()) -> TestClient
stdTestClient = TestClient stdClientConf
@ -380,7 +502,8 @@ stdClientConf = ClientConfig "localhost" 50051 []
data TestServer = TestServer ServerConfig (Server -> IO ())
runTestServer :: TestServer -> IO ()
runTestServer (TestServer conf s) = withGRPC $ \g -> withServer g conf s
runTestServer (TestServer conf f) =
runManaged $ mgdGRPC >>= mgdServer conf >>= liftIO . f
stdTestServer :: [(MethodName, GRPCMethodType)] -> (Server -> IO ()) -> TestServer
stdTestServer = TestServer . stdServerConf
@ -388,6 +511,14 @@ stdTestServer = TestServer . stdServerConf
stdServerConf :: [(MethodName, GRPCMethodType)] -> ServerConfig
stdServerConf xs = ServerConfig "localhost" 50051 xs []
threadDelaySecs :: Int -> IO ()
threadDelaySecs = threadDelay . (* 10^(6::Int))
mgdGRPC :: Managed GRPC
mgdGRPC = managed withGRPC
mgdClient :: ClientConfig -> GRPC -> Managed Client
mgdClient conf g = managed $ withClient g conf
mgdServer :: ServerConfig -> GRPC -> Managed Server
mgdServer conf g = managed $ withServer g conf
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module LowLevelTests.Op where
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ withClientServerUnaryCall grpc f = do
crm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal
withServer grpc serverConf $ \s ->
withClientCall c crm 10 $ \cc -> do
let srm = head (registeredMethods s)
let srm = head (normalMethods s)
-- NOTE: We need to send client ops here or else `withServerCall` hangs,
-- because registered methods try to do recv ops immediately when
-- created. If later we want to send payloads or metadata, we'll need
Add table
Reference in a new issue