mirror of
synced 2025-01-26 19:04:58 +01:00
Streaming interface tweaks (i.e., StreamSend/Recv ops in IO) (#58)
* Add clientRW', StreamRecv', StreamSend' placeholders for IO-based stream ops (instead of Streaming); concurrent hellos Haskell client; hellos client cleanup * Fix typo * Rename clientRW' => clientRW; fix unreg bidi testcase * Replace serverRW operation with one that uses the IO-based stream ops instead of the Pipes.Proxy.Client ops; modify examples accordingly * Misc formatting, minor restructuring wibbles * Replace remaining stream send/recv operations with IO-based ops instead of Pipes.Proxy.Client; DCR; minor style consistency tweaks.
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 290 additions and 340 deletions
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ In order to run the tests, you will need to have the `grpcio`, `gevent`, and
$ virtualenv path/to/virtualenv # to create a virtualenv
$ . path/to/virtual/env/bin/activate # to use an existing virtualenv
$ . path/to/virtualenv/bin/activate # to use an existing virtualenv
$ pip install grpcio-tools gevent
$ pip install grpcio # Need to install grpcio-tools first to avoid a versioning problem
@ -3,19 +3,22 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Function
import Data.Protobuf.Wire.Class
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel
helloSS, helloCS, helloBi :: MethodName
helloSS = MethodName "/hellos.Hellos/HelloSS"
helloCS = MethodName "/hellos.Hellos/HelloCS"
helloBi = MethodName "/hellos.Hellos/HelloBi"
data SSRqt = SSRqt { ssName :: T.Text, ssNumReplies :: Word32 } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Message SSRqt
@ -25,43 +28,43 @@ data CSRqt = CSRqt { csMessage :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Message CSRqt
data CSRpy = CSRpy { csNumRequests :: Word32 } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Message CSRpy
data BiRqtRpy = BiRqtRpy { biMessage :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Message BiRqtRpy
expect :: (Eq a, Monad m, Show a) => String -> a -> a -> m ()
expect ctx ex got
| ex /= got = fail $ ctx ++ " error: expected " ++ show ex ++ ", got " ++ show got
| otherwise = return ()
doHelloSS c = do
doHelloSS :: Client -> Int -> IO ()
doHelloSS c n = do
rm <- clientRegisterMethodServerStreaming c helloSS
let nr = 10
pay = SSRqt "server streaming mode" nr
enc = BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString $ pay
eea <- clientReader c rm 5 enc mempty $ \_md recv -> do
n :: Int <- go recv 0
expect "doHelloSS/cnt" (fromIntegral nr) n
let pay = SSRqt "server streaming mode" (fromIntegral n)
enc = BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString $ pay
err desc e = fail $ "doHelloSS: " ++ desc ++ " error: " ++ show e
eea <- clientReader c rm n enc mempty $ \_md recv -> do
n' <- flip fix (0::Int) $ \go i -> recv >>= \case
Left e -> err "recv" e
Right Nothing -> return i
Right (Just bs) -> case fromByteString bs of
Left e -> err "decoding" e
Right r -> expect "doHelloSS/rpy" expay (ssGreeting r) >> go (i+1)
expect "doHelloSS/cnt" n n'
case eea of
Left e -> fail $ "clientReader error: " ++ show e
Left e -> err "clientReader" e
Right (_, st, _)
| st /= StatusOk -> fail "clientReader: non-OK status"
| otherwise -> return ()
| otherwise -> putStrLn "doHelloSS: RPC successful"
expay = "Hello there, server streaming mode!"
go recv n = recv >>= \case
Left e -> fail $ "doHelloSS error: " ++ show e
Right Nothing -> return n
Right (Just r) -> case fromByteString r of
Left e -> fail $ "Decoding error: " ++ show e
Right r' -> do
expect "doHelloSS/rpy" expay (ssGreeting r')
go recv (n+1)
doHelloCS c = do
doHelloCS :: Client -> Int -> IO ()
doHelloCS c n = do
rm <- clientRegisterMethodClientStreaming c helloCS
let nr = 10
pay = CSRqt "client streaming payload"
let pay = CSRqt "client streaming payload"
enc = BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString $ pay
eea <- clientWriter c rm 10 mempty $ \send ->
replicateM_ (fromIntegral nr) $ send enc >>= \case
eea <- clientWriter c rm n mempty $ \send ->
replicateM_ n $ send enc >>= \case
Left e -> fail $ "doHelloCS: send error: " ++ show e
Right{} -> return ()
case eea of
@ -71,11 +74,49 @@ doHelloCS c = do
| st /= StatusOk -> fail "clientWriter: non-OK status"
| otherwise -> case fromByteString bs of
Left e -> fail $ "Decoding error: " ++ show e
Right dec -> expect "doHelloCS/cnt" nr (csNumRequests dec)
Right dec -> do
expect "doHelloCS/cnt" (fromIntegral n) (csNumRequests dec)
putStrLn "doHelloCS: RPC successful"
doHelloBi :: Client -> Int -> IO ()
doHelloBi c n = do
rm <- clientRegisterMethodBiDiStreaming c helloBi
let pay = BiRqtRpy "bidi payload"
enc = BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString $ pay
err desc e = fail $ "doHelloBi: " ++ desc ++ " error: " ++ show e
eea <- clientRW c rm n mempty $ \_ recv send writesDone -> do
-- perform n writes on a worker thread
thd <- async $ do
replicateM_ n $ send enc >>= \case
Left e -> err "send" e
_ -> return ()
writesDone >>= \case
Left e -> err "writesDone" e
_ -> return ()
-- perform reads on this thread until the stream is terminated
fix $ \go -> recv >>= \case
Left e -> err "recv" e
Right Nothing -> return ()
Right (Just bs) -> case fromByteString bs of
Left e -> err "decoding" e
Right r -> when (r /= pay) (fail "Reply payload mismatch") >> go
wait thd
case eea of
Left e -> err "clientRW'" e
Right (_, st, _) -> do
when (st /= StatusOk) $ fail $ "clientRW: non-OK status: " ++ show st
putStrLn "doHelloBi: RPC successful"
highlevelMain :: IO ()
highlevelMain = withGRPC $ \g ->
withClient g (ClientConfig "localhost" 50051 []) $ \c -> do
doHelloSS c
doHelloCS c
let n = 100000
putStrLn "-------------- HelloSS --------------"
doHelloSS c n
putStrLn "-------------- HelloCS --------------"
doHelloCS c n
putStrLn "-------------- HelloBi --------------"
doHelloBi c n
main :: IO ()
main = highlevelMain
@ -8,19 +8,16 @@
module Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Server where
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import qualified Control.Exception as CE
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Protobuf.Wire.Class
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel
import qualified Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call.Unregistered as U
import qualified Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server.Unregistered as U
import System.IO
type ServerHandler a b =
ServerCall a
type ServerHandler a b
= ServerCall a
-> IO (b, MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
convertServerHandler :: (Message a, Message b)
@ -28,48 +25,45 @@ convertServerHandler :: (Message a, Message b)
-> ServerHandlerLL
convertServerHandler f c = case fromByteString (payload c) of
Left x -> CE.throw (GRPCIODecodeError x)
Right x -> do (y, tm, sc, sd) <- f (fmap (const x) c)
Right x -> do (y, tm, sc, sd) <- f (const x <$> c)
return (toBS y, tm, sc, sd)
type ServerReaderHandler a b =
ServerCall ()
type ServerReaderHandler a b
= ServerCall (MethodPayload 'ClientStreaming)
-> StreamRecv a
-> Streaming (Maybe b, MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
-> IO (Maybe b, MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
convertServerReaderHandler :: (Message a, Message b)
=> ServerReaderHandler a b
-> ServerReaderHandlerLL
convertServerReaderHandler f c recv =
serialize <$> f c (convertRecv recv)
convertServerReaderHandler f c recv = serialize <$> f c (convertRecv recv)
serialize (mmsg, m, sc, sd) = (toBS <$> mmsg, m, sc, sd)
type ServerWriterHandler a b =
ServerCall a
ServerCall a
-> StreamSend b
-> Streaming (MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
-> IO (MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
convertServerWriterHandler :: (Message a, Message b) =>
ServerWriterHandler a b
-> ServerWriterHandlerLL
convertServerWriterHandler f c send =
f (convert <$> c) (convertSend send)
convertServerWriterHandler :: (Message a, Message b)
=> ServerWriterHandler a b
-> ServerWriterHandlerLL
convertServerWriterHandler f c send = f (convert <$> c) (convertSend send)
convert bs = case fromByteString bs of
Left x -> CE.throw (GRPCIODecodeError x)
Right x -> x
type ServerRWHandler a b =
ServerCall ()
type ServerRWHandler a b
= ServerCall (MethodPayload 'BiDiStreaming)
-> StreamRecv a
-> StreamSend b
-> Streaming (MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
-> IO (MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
convertServerRWHandler :: (Message a, Message b)
=> ServerRWHandler a b
-> ServerRWHandlerLL
convertServerRWHandler f c recv send =
f c (convertRecv recv) (convertSend send)
convertServerRWHandler f c r s = f c (convertRecv r) (convertSend s)
convertRecv :: Message a => StreamRecv ByteString -> StreamRecv a
convertRecv =
@ -88,40 +82,21 @@ toBS :: Message a => a -> ByteString
toBS = BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString
data Handler (a :: GRPCMethodType) where
:: (Message c, Message d)
=> MethodName
-> ServerHandler c d
-> Handler 'Normal
UnaryHandler :: (Message c, Message d) => MethodName -> ServerHandler c d -> Handler 'Normal
ClientStreamHandler :: (Message c, Message d) => MethodName -> ServerReaderHandler c d -> Handler 'ClientStreaming
ServerStreamHandler :: (Message c, Message d) => MethodName -> ServerWriterHandler c d -> Handler 'ServerStreaming
BiDiStreamHandler :: (Message c, Message d) => MethodName -> ServerRWHandler c d -> Handler 'BiDiStreaming
:: (Message c, Message d)
=> MethodName
-> ServerReaderHandler c d
-> Handler 'ClientStreaming
:: (Message c, Message d)
=> MethodName
-> ServerWriterHandler c d
-> Handler 'ServerStreaming
:: (Message c, Message d)
=> MethodName
-> ServerRWHandler c d
-> Handler 'BiDiStreaming
data AnyHandler = forall (a :: GRPCMethodType) . AnyHandler (Handler a)
data AnyHandler = forall (a :: GRPCMethodType). AnyHandler (Handler a)
anyHandlerMethodName :: AnyHandler -> MethodName
anyHandlerMethodName (AnyHandler m) = handlerMethodName m
handlerMethodName :: Handler a -> MethodName
handlerMethodName (UnaryHandler m _) = m
handlerMethodName (UnaryHandler m _) = m
handlerMethodName (ClientStreamHandler m _) = m
handlerMethodName (ServerStreamHandler m _) = m
handlerMethodName (BiDiStreamHandler m _) = m
handlerMethodName (BiDiStreamHandler m _) = m
logMsg :: String -> IO ()
logMsg = hPutStrLn stderr
@ -146,17 +121,17 @@ handleCallError (Left x) =
logMsg $ show x ++ ": This probably indicates a bug in gRPC-haskell. Please report this error."
loopWError :: Int
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError a)
-> IO ()
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError a)
-> IO ()
loopWError i f = do
when (i `mod` 100 == 0) $ putStrLn $ "i = " ++ show i
f >>= handleCallError
loopWError (i + 1) f
--TODO: options for setting initial/trailing metadata
-- TODO: options for setting initial/trailing metadata
handleLoop :: Server
-> (Handler a, RegisteredMethod a)
-> IO ()
-> (Handler a, RegisteredMethod a)
-> IO ()
handleLoop s (UnaryHandler _ f, rm) =
loopWError 0 $ serverHandleNormalCall s rm mempty $ convertServerHandler f
handleLoop s (ClientStreamHandler _ f, rm) =
@ -167,30 +142,33 @@ handleLoop s (BiDiStreamHandler _ f, rm) =
loopWError 0 $ serverRW s rm mempty $ convertServerRWHandler f
data ServerOptions = ServerOptions
{optNormalHandlers :: [Handler 'Normal],
optClientStreamHandlers :: [Handler 'ClientStreaming],
optServerStreamHandlers :: [Handler 'ServerStreaming],
optBiDiStreamHandlers :: [Handler 'BiDiStreaming],
optServerPort :: Port,
optUseCompression :: Bool,
optUserAgentPrefix :: String,
optUserAgentSuffix :: String,
optInitialMetadata :: MetadataMap}
{ optNormalHandlers :: [Handler 'Normal]
, optClientStreamHandlers :: [Handler 'ClientStreaming]
, optServerStreamHandlers :: [Handler 'ServerStreaming]
, optBiDiStreamHandlers :: [Handler 'BiDiStreaming]
, optServerPort :: Port
, optUseCompression :: Bool
, optUserAgentPrefix :: String
, optUserAgentSuffix :: String
, optInitialMetadata :: MetadataMap
defaultOptions :: ServerOptions
defaultOptions =
ServerOptions {optNormalHandlers = [],
optClientStreamHandlers = [],
optServerStreamHandlers = [],
optBiDiStreamHandlers = [],
optServerPort = 50051,
optUseCompression = False,
optUserAgentPrefix = "grpc-haskell/0.0.0",
optUserAgentSuffix = "",
optInitialMetadata = mempty}
defaultOptions = ServerOptions
{ optNormalHandlers = []
, optClientStreamHandlers = []
, optServerStreamHandlers = []
, optBiDiStreamHandlers = []
, optServerPort = 50051
, optUseCompression = False
, optUserAgentPrefix = "grpc-haskell/0.0.0"
, optUserAgentSuffix = ""
, optInitialMetadata = mempty
serverLoop :: ServerOptions -> IO ()
serverLoop opts =
serverLoop _opts = fail "Registered method-based serverLoop NYI"
withGRPC $ \grpc ->
withServer grpc (mkConfig opts) $ \server -> do
let rmsN = zip (optNormalHandlers opts) $ normalMethods server
@ -231,3 +209,4 @@ serverLoop opts =
logMsg $ "Requested unknown endpoint: " ++ show (U.callMethod call)
return ("", mempty, StatusNotFound,
StatusDetails "Unknown method")
@ -21,65 +21,49 @@ import qualified Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call.Unregistered as U
import qualified Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server.Unregistered as U
dispatchLoop :: Server
-> MetadataMap
-> [Handler 'Normal]
-> [Handler 'ClientStreaming]
-> [Handler 'ServerStreaming]
-> [Handler 'BiDiStreaming]
-> IO ()
dispatchLoop server meta hN hC hS hB =
forever $ U.withServerCallAsync server $ \call -> do
case findHandler call allHandlers of
Just (AnyHandler (UnaryHandler _ h)) -> unaryHandler call h
Just (AnyHandler (ClientStreamHandler _ h)) -> csHandler call h
Just (AnyHandler (ServerStreamHandler _ h)) -> ssHandler call h
Just (AnyHandler (BiDiStreamHandler _ h)) -> bdHandler call h
Nothing -> unknownHandler call
where allHandlers = map AnyHandler hN
++ map AnyHandler hC
++ map AnyHandler hS
++ map AnyHandler hB
findHandler call = find ((== (U.callMethod call))
. anyHandlerMethodName)
unknownHandler call =
void $ U.serverHandleNormalCall' server call meta $ \_ _ ->
return (mempty
, mempty
, StatusNotFound
, StatusDetails "unknown method")
-> MetadataMap
-> [Handler 'Normal]
-> [Handler 'ClientStreaming]
-> [Handler 'ServerStreaming]
-> [Handler 'BiDiStreaming]
-> IO ()
dispatchLoop s md hN hC hS hB =
forever $ U.withServerCallAsync s $ \sc ->
case findHandler sc allHandlers of
Just (AnyHandler ah) -> case ah of
UnaryHandler _ h -> unaryHandler sc h
ClientStreamHandler _ h -> csHandler sc h
ServerStreamHandler _ h -> ssHandler sc h
BiDiStreamHandler _ h -> bdHandler sc h
Nothing -> unknownHandler sc
allHandlers = map AnyHandler hN ++ map AnyHandler hC
++ map AnyHandler hS ++ map AnyHandler hB
handleError = (handleCallError . left herr =<<) . CE.try
where herr (e :: CE.SomeException) = GRPCIOHandlerException (show e)
findHandler sc = find ((== U.callMethod sc) . anyHandlerMethodName)
unaryHandler :: (Message a, Message b) =>
-> ServerHandler a b
-> IO ()
unaryHandler call h =
handleError $
U.serverHandleNormalCall' server call meta $ \_call' bs ->
convertServerHandler h (fmap (const bs) $ U.convertCall call)
csHandler :: (Message a, Message b) =>
-> ServerReaderHandler a b
-> IO ()
csHandler call h =
handleError $
U.serverReader server call meta (convertServerReaderHandler h)
ssHandler :: (Message a, Message b) =>
-> ServerWriterHandler a b
-> IO ()
ssHandler call h =
handleError $
U.serverWriter server call meta (convertServerWriterHandler h)
bdHandler :: (Message a, Message b) =>
-> ServerRWHandler a b
-> IO ()
bdHandler call h =
handleError $
U.serverRW server call meta (convertServerRWHandler h)
unaryHandler :: (Message a, Message b) => U.ServerCall -> ServerHandler a b -> IO ()
unaryHandler sc h =
handleError $
U.serverHandleNormalCall' s sc md $ \_sc' bs ->
convertServerHandler h (const bs <$> U.convertCall sc)
csHandler :: (Message a, Message b) => U.ServerCall -> ServerReaderHandler a b -> IO ()
csHandler sc = handleError . U.serverReader s sc md . convertServerReaderHandler
ssHandler :: (Message a, Message b) => U.ServerCall -> ServerWriterHandler a b -> IO ()
ssHandler sc = handleError . U.serverWriter s sc md . convertServerWriterHandler
bdHandler :: (Message a, Message b) => U.ServerCall -> ServerRWHandler a b -> IO ()
bdHandler sc = handleError . U.serverRW s sc md . convertServerRWHandler
unknownHandler :: U.ServerCall -> IO ()
unknownHandler sc = void $ U.serverHandleNormalCall' s sc md $ \_ _ ->
return (mempty, mempty, StatusNotFound, StatusDetails "unknown method")
handleError :: IO a -> IO ()
handleError = (handleCallError . left herr =<<) . CE.try
where herr (e :: CE.SomeException) = GRPCIOHandlerException (show e)
serverLoop :: ServerOptions -> IO ()
serverLoop ServerOptions{..} = do
@ -95,17 +79,17 @@ serverLoop ServerOptions{..} = do
wait tid
config =
{ host = "localhost"
, port = optServerPort
, methodsToRegisterNormal = []
, methodsToRegisterClientStreaming = []
, methodsToRegisterServerStreaming = []
, methodsToRegisterBiDiStreaming = []
, serverArgs =
([CompressionAlgArg GrpcCompressDeflate | optUseCompression]
[UserAgentPrefix optUserAgentPrefix
, UserAgentSuffix optUserAgentSuffix])
config = ServerConfig
{ host = "localhost"
, port = optServerPort
, methodsToRegisterNormal = []
, methodsToRegisterClientStreaming = []
, methodsToRegisterServerStreaming = []
, methodsToRegisterBiDiStreaming = []
, serverArgs =
[CompressionAlgArg GrpcCompressDeflate | optUseCompression]
[ UserAgentPrefix optUserAgentPrefix
, UserAgentSuffix optUserAgentSuffix
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ GRPC
-- * Calls
, GRPCMethodType(..)
, RegisteredMethod
, MethodPayload
, NormalRequestResult(..)
, MetadataMap(..)
, MethodName(..)
@ -74,7 +75,6 @@ GRPC
, OpRecvResult(..)
-- * Streaming utilities
, Streaming
, StreamSend
, StreamRecv
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Client where
import Control.Exception (bracket, finally)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call
@ -198,7 +199,8 @@ compileNormalRequestResults x =
-- clientReader (client side of server streaming mode)
-- | First parameter is initial server metadata.
type ClientReaderHandler = MetadataMap -> StreamRecv ByteString -> Streaming ()
type ClientReaderHandler = MetadataMap -> StreamRecv ByteString -> IO ()
type ClientReaderResult = (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
clientReader :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod 'ServerStreaming
@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ clientReader :: Client
-> ByteString -- ^ The body of the request
-> MetadataMap -- ^ Metadata to send with the request
-> ClientReaderHandler
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails))
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ClientReaderResult)
clientReader cl@Client{ clientCQ = cq } rm tm body initMeta f =
withClientCall cl rm tm go
@ -216,13 +218,13 @@ clientReader cl@Client{ clientCQ = cq } rm tm body initMeta f =
, OpSendCloseFromClient
srvMD <- recvInitialMetadata c cq
runStreamingProxy "clientReader'" c cq (f srvMD streamRecv)
liftIO $ f srvMD (streamRecvPrim c cq)
recvStatusOnClient c cq
-- clientWriter (client side of client streaming mode)
type ClientWriterHandler = StreamSend ByteString -> Streaming ()
type ClientWriterHandler = StreamSend ByteString -> IO ()
type ClientWriterResult = (Maybe ByteString, MetadataMap, MetadataMap,
C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
@ -243,7 +245,7 @@ clientWriterCmn :: Client -- ^ The active client
clientWriterCmn (clientCQ -> cq) initMeta f (unsafeCC -> c) =
runExceptT $ do
sendInitialMetadata c cq initMeta
runStreamingProxy "clientWriterCmn" c cq (f streamSend)
liftIO $ f (streamSendPrim c cq)
sendSingle c cq OpSendCloseFromClient
let ops = [OpRecvInitialMetadata, OpRecvMessage, OpRecvStatusOnClient]
runOps' c cq ops >>= \case
@ -260,28 +262,41 @@ pattern CWRFinal mmsg initMD trailMD st ds
-- clientRW (client side of bidirectional streaming mode)
-- | First parameter is initial server metadata.
type ClientRWHandler = MetadataMap
-> StreamRecv ByteString
-> StreamSend ByteString
-> Streaming ()
type ClientRWHandler
= MetadataMap
-> StreamRecv ByteString
-> StreamSend ByteString
-> WritesDone
-> IO ()
type ClientRWResult = (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
-- | For bidirectional-streaming registered requests
-- | The most generic version of clientRW. It does not assume anything about
-- threading model; caller must invoke the WritesDone operation, exactly once,
-- for the half-close, after all threads have completed writing. TODO: It'd be
-- nice to find a way to type-enforce this usage pattern rather than accomplish
-- it via usage convention and documentation.
clientRW :: Client
-> RegisteredMethod 'BiDiStreaming
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> MetadataMap
-- ^ request metadata
-> ClientRWHandler
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails))
clientRW cl@(clientCQ -> cq) rm tm initMeta f =
withClientCall cl rm tm go
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ClientRWResult)
clientRW cl@(clientCQ -> cq) rm tm initMeta f = withClientCall cl rm tm go
go (unsafeCC -> c) = runExceptT $ do
sendInitialMetadata c cq initMeta
srvMeta <- recvInitialMetadata c cq
runStreamingProxy "clientRW" c cq (f srvMeta streamRecv streamSend)
runOps' c cq [OpSendCloseFromClient] -- WritesDone()
liftIO $ f srvMeta (streamRecvPrim c cq) (streamSendPrim c cq) (writesDonePrim c cq)
-- NB: We could consider having the passed writesDone action safely set a
-- flag once it had been called, and invoke it ourselves if not set after
-- returning from the handler (although this is actually borked in the
-- concurrent case, because a reader may remain blocked without the
-- half-close and thus not return control to us -- doh). Alternately, we
-- can document just this general-purpose function well, and then create
-- slightly simpler versions of the bidi interface which support (a)
-- monothreaded send/recv interleaving with implicit half-close and (b)
-- send/recv threads with implicit half-close after writer thread
-- termination.
recvStatusOnClient c cq -- Finish()
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ module Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Op where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(lift))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
@ -27,8 +26,6 @@ import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.ByteBuffer as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Metadata as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Slice as C (Slice, freeSlice)
import qualified Pipes as P
import qualified Pipes.Core as P
-- | Sum describing all possible send and receive operations that can be batched
-- and executed by gRPC. Usually these are processed in a handful of
@ -304,60 +301,28 @@ recvInitialMessage c cq = runOps' c cq [OpRecvMessage] >>= \case
-- Streaming types and helpers
-- | Requests use Nothing to denote read, Just to denote
-- write. Right-constructed responses use Just to indicate a successful read,
-- and Nothing to denote end of stream when reading or a successful write.
type Streaming a =
P.Client (Maybe ByteString) (Either GRPCIOError (Maybe ByteString)) IO a
-- | Run the given 'Streaming' operation via an appropriate upstream
-- proxy. I.e., if called on the client side, the given 'Streaming' operation
-- talks to a server proxy, and vice versa.
runStreamingProxy :: String
-- ^ context string for including in errors
-> C.Call
-- ^ the call associated with this streaming operation
-> CompletionQueue
-- ^ the completion queue for ops batches
-> Streaming a
-- ^ the requesting side of the streaming operation
-> ExceptT GRPCIOError IO a
runStreamingProxy nm c cq
= ExceptT . P.runEffect . (streamingProxy nm c cq P.+>>) . fmap Right
streamingProxy :: String
-- ^ context string for including in errors
-> C.Call
-- ^ the call associated with this streaming operation
-> CompletionQueue
-- ^ the completion queue for ops batches
-> Maybe ByteString
-- ^ the request to the proxy
-> P.Server
(Maybe ByteString)
(Either GRPCIOError (Maybe ByteString))
IO (Either GRPCIOError a)
streamingProxy nm c cq = maybe recv send
type StreamRecv a = IO (Either GRPCIOError (Maybe a))
streamRecvPrim :: C.Call -> CompletionQueue -> StreamRecv ByteString
streamRecvPrim c cq = f <$> runOps c cq [OpRecvMessage]
recv = run [OpRecvMessage] >>= \case
RecvMsgRslt mr -> rsp mr >>= streamingProxy nm c cq
Right{} -> err (urecv "recv")
Left e -> err e
send msg = run [OpSendMessage msg] >>= \case
Right [] -> rsp Nothing >>= streamingProxy nm c cq
Right _ -> err (urecv "send")
Left e -> err e
err e = P.respond (Left e) >> return (Left e)
rsp = P.respond . Right
run = lift . runOps c cq
urecv = GRPCIOInternalUnexpectedRecv . (nm ++)
type StreamRecv a = Streaming (Either GRPCIOError (Maybe a))
streamRecv :: StreamRecv ByteString
streamRecv = P.request Nothing
type StreamSend a = a -> Streaming (Either GRPCIOError ())
streamSend :: StreamSend ByteString
streamSend = fmap void . P.request . Just
f (RecvMsgRslt mmsg) = Right mmsg
f Right{} = Left (GRPCIOInternalUnexpectedRecv "streamRecvPrim")
f (Left e) = Left e
pattern RecvMsgRslt mmsg <- Right [OpRecvMessageResult mmsg]
type StreamSend a = a -> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
streamSendPrim :: C.Call -> CompletionQueue -> StreamSend ByteString
streamSendPrim c cq bs = f <$> runOps c cq [OpSendMessage bs]
f (Right []) = Right ()
f Right{} = Left (GRPCIOInternalUnexpectedRecv "streamSendPrim")
f (Left e) = Left e
type WritesDone = IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
writesDonePrim :: C.Call -> CompletionQueue -> WritesDone
writesDonePrim c cq = f <$> runOps c cq [OpSendCloseFromClient]
f (Right []) = Right ()
f Right{} = Left (GRPCIOInternalUnexpectedRecv "writesDonePrim")
f (Left e) = Left e
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (TVar
, newTVarIO)
import Control.Exception (bracket, finally)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.Set as S
@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ serverRegisterMethod :: C.Server
-> MethodName
-> Endpoint
-> GRPCMethodType
-> IO (C.CallHandle)
-> IO C.CallHandle
serverRegisterMethod s nm e mty =
C.grpcServerRegisterMethod s
(unMethodName nm)
@ -312,20 +313,19 @@ withServerCall s rm f =
-- serverReader (server side of client streaming mode)
type ServerReaderHandlerLL
= ServerCall ()
= ServerCall (MethodPayload 'ClientStreaming)
-> StreamRecv ByteString
-> Streaming (Maybe ByteString, MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
-> IO (Maybe ByteString, MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
serverReader :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod 'ClientStreaming
-> MetadataMap -- ^ initial server metadata
-> MetadataMap -- ^ Initial server metadata
-> ServerReaderHandlerLL
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverReader s rm initMeta f = withServerCall s rm go
go sc@ServerCall{ unsafeSC = c, callCQ = ccq } = runExceptT $ do
(mmsg, trailMeta, st, ds) <-
runStreamingProxy "serverReader" c ccq (f sc streamRecv)
(mmsg, trailMeta, st, ds) <- liftIO $ f sc (streamRecvPrim c ccq)
runOps' c ccq ( OpSendInitialMetadata initMeta
: OpSendStatusFromServer trailMeta st ds
: maybe [] ((:[]) . OpSendMessage) mmsg
@ -336,44 +336,42 @@ serverReader s rm initMeta f = withServerCall s rm go
-- serverWriter (server side of server streaming mode)
type ServerWriterHandlerLL
= ServerCall ByteString
= ServerCall (MethodPayload 'ServerStreaming)
-> StreamSend ByteString
-> Streaming (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
-> IO (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
-- | Wait for and then handle a registered, server-streaming call.
serverWriter :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod 'ServerStreaming
-> MetadataMap
-- ^ Initial server metadata
-> MetadataMap -- ^ Initial server metadata
-> ServerWriterHandlerLL
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverWriter s rm initMeta f = withServerCall s rm go
go sc@ServerCall{ unsafeSC = c, callCQ = ccq } = runExceptT $ do
sendInitialMetadata c ccq initMeta
st <- runStreamingProxy "serverWriter" c ccq (f sc streamSend)
st <- liftIO $ f sc (streamSendPrim c ccq)
sendStatusFromServer c ccq st
-- serverRW (server side of bidirectional streaming mode)
-- serverRW (bidirectional streaming mode)
type ServerRWHandlerLL
= ServerCall ()
= ServerCall (MethodPayload 'BiDiStreaming)
-> StreamRecv ByteString
-> StreamSend ByteString
-> Streaming (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
-> IO (MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
serverRW :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod 'BiDiStreaming
-> MetadataMap
-- ^ initial server metadata
-> MetadataMap -- ^ initial server metadata
-> ServerRWHandlerLL
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverRW s rm initMeta f = withServerCall s rm go
go sc@ServerCall{ unsafeSC = c, callCQ = ccq } = runExceptT $ do
sendInitialMetadata c ccq initMeta
st <- runStreamingProxy "serverRW" c ccq (f sc streamRecv streamSend)
st <- liftIO $ f sc (streamRecvPrim c ccq) (streamSendPrim c ccq)
sendStatusFromServer c ccq st
@ -386,7 +384,7 @@ serverRW s rm initMeta f = withServerCall s rm go
-- respectively. We pass in the 'ServerCall' so that the server can call
-- 'serverCallCancel' on it if needed.
type ServerHandlerLL
= ServerCall ByteString
= ServerCall (MethodPayload 'Normal)
-> IO (ByteString, MetadataMap, C.StatusCode, StatusDetails)
-- | Wait for and then handle a normal (non-streaming) call.
@ -399,12 +397,10 @@ serverHandleNormalCall :: Server
serverHandleNormalCall s rm initMeta f =
withServerCall s rm go
go sc@ServerCall{..} = do
go sc@ServerCall{ unsafeSC = c, callCQ = ccq } = do
(rsp, trailMeta, st, ds) <- f sc
void <$> runOps unsafeSC callCQ
[ OpSendInitialMetadata initMeta
, OpRecvCloseOnServer
, OpSendMessage rsp
, OpSendStatusFromServer trailMeta st ds
<* grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(R): finished response ops."
void <$> runOps c ccq [ OpSendInitialMetadata initMeta
, OpRecvCloseOnServer
, OpSendMessage rsp
, OpSendStatusFromServer trailMeta st ds
@ -4,26 +4,19 @@
module Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server.Unregistered where
import Control.Exception (finally)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call.Unregistered
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.CompletionQueue.Unregistered (serverRequestCall)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.GRPC
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Op (Op (..)
, OpRecvResult (..)
, runOps
, runStreamingProxy
, streamRecv
, streamSend
, runOps'
, sendInitialMetadata
, sendStatusFromServer
, recvInitialMessage)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server (Server (..)
, ServerReaderHandlerLL
, ServerWriterHandlerLL
, ServerRWHandlerLL
, forkServer)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Op
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server (Server (..),
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C
serverCreateCall :: Server
@ -47,49 +40,27 @@ withServerCall s f =
-- Because this function doesn't wait for the handler to return, it cannot
-- return errors.
withServerCallAsync :: Server
-> (ServerCall -> IO ())
-> IO ()
-> (ServerCall -> IO ())
-> IO ()
withServerCallAsync s f =
serverCreateCall s >>= \case
Left e -> do grpcDebug $ "withServerCallAsync: call error: " ++ show e
return ()
Right c -> do wasForkSuccess <- forkServer s handler
if wasForkSuccess
then return ()
else destroy
unless wasForkSuccess destroy
where handler = f c `finally` destroy
--TODO: We sometimes never finish cleanup if the server
-- is shutting down and calls killThread. This causes
-- gRPC core to complain about leaks.
-- I think the cause of this is that killThread gets
-- called after we are already in destroyServerCall,
-- and wrapping uninterruptibleMask doesn't seem to help.
-- Doesn't crash, but does emit annoying log messages.
-- TODO: We sometimes never finish cleanup if the server
-- is shutting down and calls killThread. This causes gRPC
-- core to complain about leaks. I think the cause of
-- this is that killThread gets called after we are
-- already in destroyServerCall, and wrapping
-- uninterruptibleMask doesn't seem to help. Doesn't
-- crash, but does emit annoying log messages.
destroy = do
grpcDebug "withServerCallAsync: destroying."
destroyServerCall c
grpcDebug "withServerCallAsync: cleanup finished."
-- | Sequence of 'Op's needed to receive a normal (non-streaming) call.
-- TODO: We have to put 'OpRecvCloseOnServer' in the response ops, or else the
-- client times out. Given this, I have no idea how to check for cancellation on
-- the server.
serverOpsGetNormalCall :: MetadataMap -> [Op]
serverOpsGetNormalCall initMetadata =
[OpSendInitialMetadata initMetadata,
-- | Sequence of 'Op's needed to respond to a normal (non-streaming) call.
serverOpsSendNormalResponse :: ByteString
-> MetadataMap
-> C.StatusCode
-> StatusDetails
-> [Op]
serverOpsSendNormalResponse body metadata code details =
OpSendMessage body,
OpSendStatusFromServer metadata code details]
-- | A handler for an unregistered server call; bytestring arguments are the
-- request body and response body respectively.
type ServerHandler
@ -125,6 +96,9 @@ serverHandleNormalCall'
grpcDebug $ "got client metadata: " ++ show metadata
grpcDebug $ "call_details host is: " ++ show callHost
(rsp, trailMeta, st, ds) <- f sc body
-- TODO: We have to put 'OpRecvCloseOnServer' in the response ops,
-- or else the client times out. Given this, I have no idea how to
-- check for cancellation on the server.
runOps c cq
[ OpRecvCloseOnServer
, OpSendMessage rsp,
@ -141,13 +115,12 @@ serverHandleNormalCall'
serverReader :: Server
-> ServerCall
-> MetadataMap -- ^ initial server metadata
-> MetadataMap -- ^ Initial server metadata
-> ServerReaderHandlerLL
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverReader _ sc@ServerCall{ unsafeSC = c, callCQ = ccq } initMeta f =
runExceptT $ do
(mmsg, trailMeta, st, ds) <-
runStreamingProxy "serverReader" c ccq (f (convertCall sc) streamRecv)
(mmsg, trailMeta, st, ds) <- liftIO $ f (convertCall sc) (streamRecvPrim c ccq)
runOps' c ccq ( OpSendInitialMetadata initMeta
: OpSendStatusFromServer trailMeta st ds
: maybe [] ((:[]) . OpSendMessage) mmsg
@ -156,27 +129,23 @@ serverReader _ sc@ServerCall{ unsafeSC = c, callCQ = ccq } initMeta f =
serverWriter :: Server
-> ServerCall
-> MetadataMap
-- ^ Initial server metadata
-> MetadataMap -- ^ Initial server metadata
-> ServerWriterHandlerLL
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverWriter _ sc@ServerCall{ unsafeSC = c, callCQ = ccq } initMeta f =
runExceptT $ do
bs <- recvInitialMessage c ccq
sendInitialMetadata c ccq initMeta
let regCall = fmap (const bs) (convertCall sc)
st <- runStreamingProxy "serverWriter" c ccq (f regCall streamSend)
st <- liftIO $ f (const bs <$> convertCall sc) (streamSendPrim c ccq)
sendStatusFromServer c ccq st
serverRW :: Server
-> ServerCall
-> MetadataMap
-- ^ initial server metadata
-> MetadataMap -- ^ Initial server metadata
-> ServerRWHandlerLL
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverRW _ sc@ServerCall{ unsafeSC = c, callCQ = ccq } initMeta f =
runExceptT $ do
sendInitialMetadata c ccq initMeta
let regCall = convertCall sc
st <- runStreamingProxy "serverRW" c ccq (f regCall streamRecv streamSend)
st <- liftIO $ f (convertCall sc) (streamRecvPrim c ccq) (streamSendPrim c ccq)
sendStatusFromServer c ccq st
@ -295,13 +295,14 @@ testBiDiStreaming =
client c = do
rm <- clientRegisterMethodBiDiStreaming c "/bidi"
eea <- clientRW c rm 10 clientInitMD $ \_initMD recv send -> do
eea <- clientRW c rm 10 clientInitMD $ \_srvInitMD recv send writesDone -> do
send "cw0" `is` Right ()
recv `is` Right (Just "sw0")
send "cw1" `is` Right ()
recv `is` Right (Just "sw1")
recv `is` Right (Just "sw2")
return ()
writesDone `is` Right ()
recv `is` Right Nothing
eea @?= Right (trailMD, serverStatus, serverDtls)
server s = do
@ -330,19 +331,19 @@ testBiDiStreamingUnregistered =
client c = do
rm <- clientRegisterMethodBiDiStreaming c "/bidi"
eea <- clientRW c rm 10 clientInitMD $ \_initMD recv send -> do
eea <- clientRW c rm 10 clientInitMD $ \_srvInitMD recv send writesDone -> do
send "cw0" `is` Right ()
recv `is` Right (Just "sw0")
send "cw1" `is` Right ()
recv `is` Right (Just "sw1")
recv `is` Right (Just "sw2")
return ()
writesDone `is` Right ()
recv `is` Right Nothing
eea @?= Right (trailMD, serverStatus, serverDtls)
server s = U.withServerCallAsync s $ \call -> do
eea <- U.serverRW s call serverInitMD $ \sc recv send -> do
liftIO $ checkMD "Client request metadata mismatch"
clientInitMD (metadata sc)
checkMD "Client request metadata mismatch" clientInitMD (metadata sc)
recv `is` Right (Just "cw0")
send "sw0" `is` Right ()
recv `is` Right (Just "cw1")
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ handleNormalCall call =
result = sum nums
handleClientStreamingCall :: ServerCall () -> StreamRecv SimpleServiceRequest -> Streaming (Maybe SimpleServiceResponse, MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
handleClientStreamingCall :: ServerCall () -> StreamRecv SimpleServiceRequest -> IO (Maybe SimpleServiceResponse, MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
handleClientStreamingCall call recvRequest = go 0 ""
where go sumAccum nameAccum =
recvRequest >>= \req ->
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ handleClientStreamingCall call recvRequest = go 0 ""
Right (Just (SimpleServiceRequest name nums)) ->
go (sumAccum + sum nums) (nameAccum <> name)
handleServerStreamingCall :: ServerCall SimpleServiceRequest -> StreamSend SimpleServiceResponse -> Streaming (MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
handleServerStreamingCall :: ServerCall SimpleServiceRequest -> StreamSend SimpleServiceResponse -> IO (MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
handleServerStreamingCall call sendResponse = go
where go = do forM_ nums $ \num ->
sendResponse (SimpleServiceResponse requestName num)
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ handleServerStreamingCall call sendResponse = go
SimpleServiceRequest requestName nums = payload call
handleBiDiStreamingCall :: ServerCall () -> StreamRecv SimpleServiceRequest -> StreamSend SimpleServiceResponse -> Streaming (MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
handleBiDiStreamingCall :: ServerCall () -> StreamRecv SimpleServiceRequest -> StreamSend SimpleServiceResponse -> IO (MetadataMap, StatusCode, StatusDetails)
handleBiDiStreamingCall call recvRequest sendResponse = go
where go = recvRequest >>= \req ->
case req of
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