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mirror of https://github.com/unclechu/gRPC-haskell.git synced 2025-03-24 22:55:19 +01:00

Fix test failure: remove timeout from runOps, make timeout optional in pluck. ()

This commit is contained in:
Connor Clark 2016-06-15 10:30:17 -07:00
parent 1907fa66c4
commit 4ce7497a33
14 changed files with 62 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -127,6 +127,12 @@ gpr_timespec* millis_to_deadline(int64_t millis){
return retval;
gpr_timespec* infinite_deadline(){
gpr_timespec *retval = malloc(sizeof(gpr_timespec));
*retval = gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
return retval;
grpc_metadata_array** metadata_array_create(){
grpc_metadata_array **retval = malloc(sizeof(grpc_metadata_array*));
*retval = malloc(sizeof(grpc_metadata_array));

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@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ gpr_timespec* seconds_to_deadline(int64_t seconds);
gpr_timespec* millis_to_deadline(int64_t millis);
gpr_timespec* infinite_deadline();
grpc_metadata_array** metadata_array_create();
void metadata_array_destroy(grpc_metadata_array **arr);

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@ -41,12 +41,14 @@ createClient grpc clientConfig = do
destroyClient :: Client -> IO ()
destroyClient Client{..} = do
grpcDebug "destroyClient: calling grpc_channel_destroy()"
C.grpcChannelDestroy clientChannel
grpcDebug "destroyClient: shutting down CQ."
shutdownResult <- shutdownCompletionQueue clientCQ
case shutdownResult of
Left x -> do putStrLn $ "Failed to stop client CQ: " ++ show x
putStrLn $ "Trying to shut down anyway."
Right _ -> return ()
C.grpcChannelDestroy clientChannel
withClient :: GRPC -> ClientConfig -> (Client -> IO a) -> IO a
withClient grpc config = bracket (createClient grpc config)
@ -159,18 +161,18 @@ clientRequest client@(Client{..}) rm@(RegisteredMethod{..})
let sendOps = [OpSendInitialMetadata meta
, OpSendMessage body
, OpSendCloseFromClient]
sendRes <- runOps call' clientCQ sendOps timeLimit
sendRes <- runOps call' clientCQ sendOps
case sendRes of
Left x -> do grpcDebug "clientRequest(R) : batch error."
Left x -> do grpcDebug "clientRequest(R) : batch error sending."
return $ Left x
Right rs -> do
let recvOps = [OpRecvInitialMetadata,
recvRes <- runOps call' clientCQ recvOps timeLimit
recvRes <- runOps call' clientCQ recvOps
case recvRes of
Left x -> do
grpcDebug "clientRequest(R): batch error."
grpcDebug "clientRequest(R): batch error receiving."
return $ Left x
Right rs' -> do
grpcDebug $ "clientRequest(R): got " ++ show rs'

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@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ clientRequest client@Client{..} meth timeLimit body meta =
fmap join $ do
withClientCall client meth timeLimit $ \call -> do
let ops = clientNormalRequestOps body meta
results <- runOps (unClientCall call) clientCQ ops timeLimit
results <- runOps (unClientCall call) clientCQ ops
grpcDebug "clientRequest(U): ops ran."
case results of
Left x -> return $ Left x

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@ -92,14 +92,17 @@ shutdownCompletionQueue (CompletionQueue{..}) = do
--drain the queue
C.grpcCompletionQueueShutdown unsafeCQ
loopRes <- timeout (5*10^(6::Int)) drainLoop
grpcDebug $ "Got CQ loop shutdown result of: " ++ show loopRes
case loopRes of
Nothing -> return $ Left GRPCIOShutdownFailure
Just () -> C.grpcCompletionQueueDestroy unsafeCQ >> return (Right ())
where drainLoop :: IO ()
drainLoop = do
grpcDebug "drainLoop: before next() call"
ev <- C.withDeadlineSeconds 1 $ \deadline ->
C.grpcCompletionQueueNext unsafeCQ deadline C.reserved
grpcDebug $ "drainLoop: next() call got " ++ show ev
case (C.eventCompletionType ev) of
C.QueueShutdown -> return ()
C.QueueTimeout -> drainLoop
@ -140,6 +143,7 @@ serverRequestCall
metadataArray <- peek metadataArrayPtr
bbPtr <- malloc
tag <- newTag cq
grpcDebug $ "serverRequestCall(R): tag is " ++ show tag
callError <- C.grpcServerRequestRegisteredCall
server methodHandle callPtr deadline
metadataArray bbPtr unsafeCQ unsafeCQ tag
@ -149,7 +153,7 @@ serverRequestCall
then do grpcDebug "serverRequestCall(R): callError. cleaning up"
failureCleanup deadline callPtr metadataArrayPtr bbPtr
return $ Left $ GRPCIOCallError callError
else do pluckResult <- pluck cq tag timeLimit
else do pluckResult <- pluck cq tag (Just timeLimit)
grpcDebug "serverRequestCall(R): finished pluck."
case pluckResult of
Left x -> do

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@ -97,17 +97,23 @@ withPermission op cq f =
-- | Waits for the given number of seconds for the given tag to appear on the
-- completion queue. Throws 'GRPCIOShutdown' if the completion queue is shutting
-- down and cannot handle new requests.
pluck :: CompletionQueue -> C.Tag -> TimeoutSeconds
-- down and cannot handle new requests. Note that the timeout is optional. When
-- doing client ops, provide @Nothing@ and the pluck will automatically fail if
-- the deadline associated with the 'ClientCall' expires. If plucking
-- 'serverRequestCall', this will block forever unless a timeout is given.
pluck :: CompletionQueue -> C.Tag -> Maybe TimeoutSeconds
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
pluck cq@CompletionQueue{..} tag waitSeconds = do
grpcDebug $ "pluck: called with tag: " ++ show tag
++ " and wait: " ++ show waitSeconds
withPermission Pluck cq $ do
C.withDeadlineSeconds waitSeconds $ \deadline -> do
ev <- C.grpcCompletionQueuePluck unsafeCQ tag deadline C.reserved
grpcDebug $ "pluck: finished. Event: " ++ show ev
return $ if isEventSuccessful ev then Right () else eventToError ev
withPermission Pluck cq $
case waitSeconds of
Nothing -> C.withInfiniteDeadline go
Just seconds -> C.withDeadlineSeconds seconds go
where go deadline = do
ev <- C.grpcCompletionQueuePluck unsafeCQ tag deadline C.reserved
grpcDebug $ "pluck: finished. Event: " ++ show ev
return $ if isEventSuccessful ev then Right () else eventToError ev
-- | Translate 'C.Event' to an error. The caller is responsible for ensuring
-- that the event actually corresponds to an error condition; a successful event

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@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ serverRequestCall server cq@CompletionQueue{..} timeLimit =
then do grpcDebug "serverRequestCall: got call error; cleaning up."
failureCleanup callPtr callDetails metadataArrayPtr
return $ Left $ GRPCIOCallError callError
else do pluckResult <- pluck cq tag timeLimit
else do pluckResult <- pluck cq tag (Just timeLimit)
grpcDebug $ "serverRequestCall: pluckResult was "
++ show pluckResult
case pluckResult of

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@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ newtype StatusDetails = StatusDetails B.ByteString deriving (Show, Eq, IsString)
data GRPC = GRPC
withGRPC :: (GRPC -> IO a) -> IO a
withGRPC = bracket (C.grpcInit >> return GRPC) (const C.grpcShutdown)
withGRPC = bracket (C.grpcInit >> return GRPC)
(\_ -> grpcDebug "withGRPC: shutting down" >> C.grpcShutdown)
-- | Describes all errors that can occur while running a GRPC-related IO action.
data GRPCIOError = GRPCIOCallError C.CallError

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@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ freeOpContext (OpRecvCloseOnServerContext pcancelled) =
>> free pcancelled
-- | Allocates an `OpArray` and a list of `OpContext`s from the given list of
-- `Op`s.
-- `Op`s.
withOpArrayAndCtxts :: [Op] -> ((C.OpArray, [OpContext]) -> IO a) -> IO a
withOpArrayAndCtxts ops = bracket setup teardown
where setup = do ctxts <- mapM createOpContext ops
@ -186,8 +186,9 @@ resultFromOpContext _ = do
return Nothing
-- | For a given call, run the given 'Op's on the given completion queue with
-- the given tag. Blocks until the ops are complete or the given number of
-- seconds have elapsed. TODO: now that we distinguish between different types
-- the given tag. Blocks until the ops are complete or the deadline on the
-- associated call has been reached.
-- TODO: now that we distinguish between different types
-- of calls at the type level, we could try to limit the input 'Op's more
-- appropriately. E.g., we don't use an 'OpRecvInitialMetadata' when receiving a
-- registered call, because gRPC handles that for us.
@ -211,23 +212,20 @@ runOps :: C.Call
-- running.
-> [Op]
-- ^ The list of 'Op's to execute.
-> TimeoutSeconds
-- ^ How long to block waiting for the tag to appear on the queue. If
-- we time out, the result of this action will be @CallBatchError
-- BatchTimeout@.
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError [OpRecvResult])
runOps call cq ops timeLimit =
runOps call cq ops =
let l = length ops in
withOpArrayAndCtxts ops $ \(opArray, contexts) -> do
grpcDebug $ "runOps: allocated op contexts: " ++ show contexts
tag <- newTag cq
grpcDebug $ "runOps: tag: " ++ show tag
callError <- startBatch cq call opArray l tag
grpcDebug $ "runOps: called start_batch. callError: "
++ (show callError)
case callError of
Left x -> return $ Left x
Right () -> do
ev <- pluck cq tag timeLimit
ev <- pluck cq tag Nothing
grpcDebug $ "runOps: pluck returned " ++ show ev
case ev of
Right () -> do

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@ -83,7 +83,9 @@ stopServer (Server server cq _ _) = do
shutdownNotify = do
let shutdownTag = C.tag 0
serverShutdownAndNotify server cq shutdownTag
shutdownEvent <- pluck cq shutdownTag 30
grpcDebug "called serverShutdownAndNotify; plucking."
shutdownEvent <- pluck cq shutdownTag (Just 30)
grpcDebug $ "shutdownNotify: got shutdown event" ++ show shutdownEvent
case shutdownEvent of
-- This case occurs when we pluck but the queue is already in the
-- 'shuttingDown' state, implying we already tried to shut down.
@ -181,10 +183,6 @@ serverHandleNormalCall :: Server
-> ServerHandler
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverHandleNormalCall s@Server{..} rm timeLimit initMeta f = do
-- TODO: we use this timeLimit twice, so the max time spent is 2*timeLimit.
-- Should we just hard-code time limits instead? Not sure if client
-- programmer cares, since this function will likely just be put in a loop
-- anyway.
withServerCall s rm timeLimit $ \call -> do
grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(R): starting batch."
debugServerCall call
@ -199,7 +197,7 @@ serverHandleNormalCall s@Server{..} rm timeLimit initMeta f = do
let status = C.GrpcStatusOk
let respOps = serverOpsSendNormalRegisteredResponse
respBody initMeta trailingMeta status details
respOpsResults <- runOps (unServerCall call) serverCQ respOps timeLimit
respOpsResults <- runOps (unServerCall call) serverCQ respOps
grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(R): finished response ops."
case respOpsResults of
Left x -> return $ Left x

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@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ serverHandleNormalCall s@Server{..} timeLimit srvMetadata f = do
grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(U): starting batch."
let recvOps = serverOpsGetNormalCall srvMetadata
call' = unServerCall call
opResults <- runOps call' serverCQ recvOps timeLimit
opResults <- runOps call' serverCQ recvOps
case opResults of
Left x -> do grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(U): ops failed; aborting"
return $ Left x
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ serverHandleNormalCall s@Server{..} timeLimit srvMetadata f = do
let status = C.GrpcStatusOk
let respOps = serverOpsSendNormalResponse
respBody respMetadata status details
respOpsResults <- runOps call' serverCQ respOps timeLimit
respOpsResults <- runOps call' serverCQ respOps
case respOpsResults of
Left x -> do grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(U): resp failed."
return $ Left x

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@ -49,3 +49,10 @@ withDeadlineSeconds i = bracket (secondsToDeadline i) timespecDestroy
-- | Returns a GprClockMonotonic representing a deadline n milliseconds
-- in the future.
{#fun millis_to_deadline as ^ {`Int'} -> `CTimeSpecPtr'#}
-- | Returns a GprClockMonotonic representing an infinitely distant deadline.
-- wraps gpr_inf_future in the gRPC library.
{#fun infinite_deadline as ^ {} -> `CTimeSpecPtr'#}
withInfiniteDeadline :: (CTimeSpecPtr -> IO a) -> IO a
withInfiniteDeadline = bracket infiniteDeadline timespecDestroy

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@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ testGoaway =
assertBool "Client handles server shutdown gracefully" $
lastResult == unavailableStatus
lastResult == Left GRPCIOTimeout
lastResult == deadlineExceededStatus
server s = do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
serverHandleNormalCall s rm 11 mempty dummyHandler
@ -196,10 +196,7 @@ testSlowServer =
client c = do
rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal
result <- clientRequest c rm 1 "" mempty
assertBool "Client gets timeout or deadline exceeded" $
result == Left GRPCIOTimeout
result == deadlineExceededStatus
result @?= deadlineExceededStatus
server s = do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
serverHandleNormalCall s rm 1 mempty $ \_ _ _ -> do

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ testCancelWhileHandling =
withOpArrayAndCtxts serverEmptyRecvOps $ \(opArray, ctxts) -> do
tag <- newTag serverCQ
startBatch serverCQ unServerCall opArray 3 tag
pluck serverCQ tag 1
pluck serverCQ tag (Just 1)
let (OpRecvCloseOnServerContext pcancelled) = last ctxts
cancelledBefore <- peek pcancelled
cancelledBefore @?= 0
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ testCancelFromServer =
withClientServerUnaryCall grpc $
\(c@Client{..}, s@Server{..}, cc@ClientCall{..}, sc@ServerCall{..}) -> do
serverCallCancel sc GrpcStatusPermissionDenied "TestStatus"
clientRes <- runOps unClientCall clientCQ clientRecvOps 1
clientRes <- runOps unClientCall clientCQ clientRecvOps
case clientRes of
Left x -> error $ "Client recv error: " ++ show x
Right [_,_,OpRecvStatusOnClientResult _ code details] -> do
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ withClientServerUnaryCall grpc f = do
-- because registered methods try to do recv ops immediately when
-- created. If later we want to send payloads or metadata, we'll need
-- to tweak this.
clientRes <- runOps (unClientCall cc) (clientCQ c) clientEmptySendOps 1
clientRes <- runOps (unClientCall cc) (clientCQ c) clientEmptySendOps
withServerCall s srm 10 $ \sc ->
f (c, s, cc, sc)