Apply same pluck permission region fix to unregistered serverRequestCall

This commit is contained in:
Joel Stanley 2016-07-11 12:53:19 -05:00
parent ca1d5a7205
commit 4ae3936ac9

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@ -36,36 +36,37 @@ serverRequestCall server cq@CompletionQueue{..} =
withPermission Push cq $
bracket malloc free $ \callPtr ->
C.withMetadataArrayPtr $ \metadataArrayPtr ->
C.withCallDetails $ \callDetails -> do
grpcDebug $ "serverRequestCall: callPtr is " ++ show callPtr
metadataArray <- peek metadataArrayPtr
tag <- newTag cq
callError <- C.grpcServerRequestCall server callPtr callDetails
metadataArray unsafeCQ unsafeCQ tag
grpcDebug $ "serverRequestCall: callError was " ++ show callError
if callError /= C.CallOk
then do grpcDebug "serverRequestCall: got call error; cleaning up."
return $ Left $ GRPCIOCallError callError
else do pluckResult <- pluck cq tag Nothing
grpcDebug $ "serverRequestCall: pluckResult was "
++ show pluckResult
case pluckResult of
Left x -> do
grpcDebug "serverRequestCall: pluck error."
return $ Left x
Right () -> do
rawCall <- peek callPtr
metadata <- C.getAllMetadataArray metadataArray
deadline <- getDeadline callDetails
method <- getMethod callDetails
host <- getHost callDetails
let call = U.ServerCall rawCall
return $ Right call
C.withCallDetails $ \callDetails ->
withPermission Pluck cq $ do
grpcDebug $ "serverRequestCall: callPtr is " ++ show callPtr
metadataArray <- peek metadataArrayPtr
tag <- newTag cq
callError <- C.grpcServerRequestCall server callPtr callDetails
metadataArray unsafeCQ unsafeCQ tag
grpcDebug $ "serverRequestCall: callError was " ++ show callError
if callError /= C.CallOk
then do grpcDebug "serverRequestCall: got call error; cleaning up."
return $ Left $ GRPCIOCallError callError
else do pluckResult <- pluck cq tag Nothing
grpcDebug $ "serverRequestCall: pluckResult was "
++ show pluckResult
case pluckResult of
Left x -> do
grpcDebug "serverRequestCall: pluck error."
return $ Left x
Right () -> do
rawCall <- peek callPtr
metadata <- C.getAllMetadataArray metadataArray
deadline <- getDeadline callDetails
method <- getMethod callDetails
host <- getHost callDetails
let call = U.ServerCall rawCall
return $ Right call
where getDeadline callDetails = do
C.timeSpec <$> C.callDetailsGetDeadline callDetails