Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/unclechu/gRPC-haskell.git synced 2025-03-26 15:45:12 +01:00

Server-side call cancellation ()

* begin module with LowLevel tests of Op stuff, cancel functions, refactor Ops a little.

* refactor op tests, add server-side cancellation test

* add cancel function for unregistered calls, move some unregistered stuff

* remove unnecessary threadDelay

* update test description

* fix init metadata api for registered server calls

* pass call into handler for cancelling, add cancel test
This commit is contained in:
Connor Clark 2016-06-13 13:51:53 -07:00
parent 58661adf8b
commit 1907fa66c4
12 changed files with 223 additions and 94 deletions

View file

@ -8,13 +8,14 @@ import Control.Monad (forever)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel
import qualified Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server.Unregistered as U
import qualified Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call.Unregistered as U
serverMeta :: MetadataMap
serverMeta = [("test_meta", "test_meta_value")]
handler :: ByteString -> MetadataMap -> MethodName
handler :: U.ServerCall -> ByteString -> MetadataMap -> MethodName
-> IO (ByteString, MetadataMap, StatusDetails)
handler reqBody _reqMeta _method = do
handler _call reqBody _reqMeta _method = do
--putStrLn $ "Got request for method: " ++ show method
--putStrLn $ "Got metadata: " ++ show reqMeta
return (reqBody, serverMeta, StatusDetails "")
@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ regMain = withGRPC $ \grpc -> do
forever $ do
let method = head (registeredMethods server)
result <- serverHandleNormalCall server method 15 serverMeta $
\reqBody _reqMeta -> return (reqBody, serverMeta, serverMeta,
\_call reqBody _reqMeta -> return (reqBody, serverMeta,
StatusDetails "")
case result of
Left x -> putStrLn $ "registered call result error: " ++ show x
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ regMain = withGRPC $ \grpc -> do
regLoop :: Server -> RegisteredMethod -> IO ()
regLoop server method = forever $ do
result <- serverHandleNormalCall server method 15 serverMeta $
\reqBody _reqMeta -> return (reqBody, serverMeta, serverMeta,
\_call reqBody _reqMeta -> return (reqBody, serverMeta,
StatusDetails "")
case result of
Left x -> putStrLn $ "registered call result error: " ++ show x

View file

@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ library
@ -117,6 +116,7 @@ test-suite test
, containers ==0.5.*
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -fwarn-incomplete-patterns -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -g -threaded

View file

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ GRPC
, withServer
, serverHandleNormalCall
, withServerCall
, serverCallCancel
-- * Client
, ClientConfig(..)
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ GRPC
, clientRegisterMethod
, clientRequest
, withClientCall
, clientCallCancel
-- * Ops
, Op(..)

View file

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.ByteBuffer as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Metadata as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Time as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.GRPC (MetadataMap, grpcDebug)
@ -56,6 +57,9 @@ data RegisteredMethod = RegisteredMethod {methodType :: GRPCMethodType,
-- This is used to associate send/receive 'Op's with a request.
data ClientCall = ClientCall { unClientCall :: C.Call }
clientCallCancel :: ClientCall -> IO ()
clientCallCancel cc = C.grpcCallCancel (unClientCall cc) C.reserved
-- | Represents one registered GRPC call on the server. Contains pointers to all
-- the C state needed to respond to a registered call.
data ServerCall = ServerCall
@ -66,6 +70,10 @@ data ServerCall = ServerCall
callDeadline :: C.CTimeSpecPtr
serverCallCancel :: ServerCall -> C.StatusCode -> String -> IO ()
serverCallCancel sc code reason =
C.grpcCallCancelWithStatus (unServerCall sc) code reason C.reserved
serverCallGetMetadata :: ServerCall -> IO MetadataMap
serverCallGetMetadata ServerCall{..} = do
marray <- peek requestMetadataRecv

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call (Host (..), MethodName (..))
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.GRPC (MetadataMap, grpcDebug)
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Metadata as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C
-- | Represents one unregistered GRPC call on the server.
-- Contains pointers to all the C state needed to respond to an unregistered
@ -21,6 +22,10 @@ data ServerCall = ServerCall
, callDetails :: C.CallDetails
serverCallCancel :: ServerCall -> C.StatusCode -> String -> IO ()
serverCallCancel sc code reason =
C.grpcCallCancelWithStatus (unServerCall sc) code reason C.reserved
serverCallGetMetadata :: ServerCall -> IO MetadataMap
serverCallGetMetadata ServerCall{..} = do
marray <- peek requestMetadataRecv

View file

@ -128,10 +128,9 @@ serverRequestCall :: C.Server
-> CompletionQueue
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> RegisteredMethod
-> MetadataMap
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ServerCall)
server cq@CompletionQueue{..} timeLimit RegisteredMethod{..} initMeta =
server cq@CompletionQueue{..} timeLimit RegisteredMethod{..} =
withPermission Push cq $ do
-- TODO: Is gRPC supposed to populate this deadline?
-- NOTE: the below stuff is freed when we free the call we return.
@ -139,15 +138,6 @@ serverRequestCall
callPtr <- malloc
metadataArrayPtr <- C.metadataArrayCreate
metadataArray <- peek metadataArrayPtr
#ifdef DEBUG
metaCount <- C.metadataArrayGetCount metadataArray
metaCap <- C.metadataArrayGetCapacity metadataArray
kvPtr <- C.metadataArrayGetMetadata metadataArray
grpcDebug $ "grpc-created meta: count: " ++ show metaCount
++ " capacity: " ++ show metaCap ++ " ptr: " ++ show kvPtr
metadataContents <- C.createMetadata initMeta
C.metadataArraySetMetadata metadataArray metadataContents
bbPtr <- malloc
tag <- newTag cq
callError <- C.grpcServerRequestRegisteredCall

View file

@ -129,15 +129,17 @@ freeOpContext (OpRecvCloseOnServerContext pcancelled) =
grpcDebug ("freeOpContext: freeing pcancelled: " ++ show pcancelled)
>> free pcancelled
-- | Converts a list of 'Op's into the corresponding 'OpContext's and guarantees
-- they will be cleaned up correctly.
withOpContexts :: [Op] -> ([OpContext] -> IO a) -> IO a
withOpContexts ops = bracket (mapM createOpContext ops)
(mapM freeOpContext)
withOpArray :: Int -> (C.OpArray -> IO a) -> IO a
withOpArray n = bracket (C.opArrayCreate n)
(flip C.opArrayDestroy n)
-- | Allocates an `OpArray` and a list of `OpContext`s from the given list of
-- `Op`s.
withOpArrayAndCtxts :: [Op] -> ((C.OpArray, [OpContext]) -> IO a) -> IO a
withOpArrayAndCtxts ops = bracket setup teardown
where setup = do ctxts <- mapM createOpContext ops
let l = length ops
arr <- C.opArrayCreate l
sequence_ $ zipWith (setOpArray arr) [0..l-1] ctxts
return (arr, ctxts)
teardown (arr, ctxts) = do C.opArrayDestroy arr (length ctxts)
mapM_ freeOpContext ctxts
-- | Container holding GC-managed results for 'Op's which receive data.
data OpRecvResult =
@ -216,11 +218,8 @@ runOps :: C.Call
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError [OpRecvResult])
runOps call cq ops timeLimit =
let l = length ops in
withOpArray l $ \opArray -> do
grpcDebug "runOps: created op array."
withOpContexts ops $ \contexts -> do
withOpArrayAndCtxts ops $ \(opArray, contexts) -> do
grpcDebug $ "runOps: allocated op contexts: " ++ show contexts
sequence_ $ zipWith (setOpArray opArray) [0..l-1] contexts
tag <- newTag cq
callError <- startBatch cq call opArray l tag
grpcDebug $ "runOps: called start_batch. callError: "

View file

@ -125,42 +125,23 @@ serverRegisterMethod _ _ _ _ = error "Streaming methods not implemented yet."
serverCreateCall :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> MetadataMap
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ServerCall)
serverCreateCall Server{..} rm timeLimit initMeta =
serverRequestCall internalServer serverCQ timeLimit rm initMeta
serverCreateCall Server{..} rm timeLimit =
serverRequestCall internalServer serverCQ timeLimit rm
withServerCall :: Server
-> RegisteredMethod
-> TimeoutSeconds
-> MetadataMap
-> (ServerCall -> IO (Either GRPCIOError a))
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError a)
withServerCall server regmethod timeout initMeta f = do
createResult <- serverCreateCall server regmethod timeout initMeta
withServerCall server regmethod timeout f = do
createResult <- serverCreateCall server regmethod timeout
case createResult of
Left x -> return $ Left x
Right call -> f call `finally` logDestroy call
where logDestroy c = grpcDebug "withServerRegisteredCall: destroying."
>> destroyServerCall c
-- | Sequence of 'Op's needed to receive a normal (non-streaming) call.
serverOpsGetNormalCall :: MetadataMap -> [Op]
serverOpsGetNormalCall initMetadata =
[OpSendInitialMetadata initMetadata,
-- | Sequence of 'Op's needed to respond to a normal (non-streaming) call.
serverOpsSendNormalResponse :: ByteString
-> MetadataMap
-> C.StatusCode
-> StatusDetails
-> [Op]
serverOpsSendNormalResponse body metadata code details =
OpSendMessage body,
OpSendStatusFromServer metadata code details]
serverOpsSendNormalRegisteredResponse :: ByteString
-> MetadataMap
-- ^ initial metadata
@ -180,13 +161,14 @@ serverOpsSendNormalRegisteredResponse
-- body, with the bytestring response body in the result tuple. The first
-- metadata parameter refers to the request metadata, with the two metadata
-- values in the result tuple being the initial and trailing metadata
-- respectively.
-- respectively. We pass in the 'ServerCall' so that the server can call
-- 'serverCallCancel' on it if needed.
-- TODO: make a more rigid type for this with a Maybe MetadataMap for the
-- trailing meta, and use it for both kinds of call handlers.
type ServerHandler
= ByteString -> MetadataMap
-> IO (ByteString, MetadataMap, MetadataMap, StatusDetails)
= ServerCall -> ByteString -> MetadataMap
-> IO (ByteString, MetadataMap, StatusDetails)
-- TODO: we will want to replace this with some more general concept that also
-- works with streaming calls in the future.
@ -198,12 +180,12 @@ serverHandleNormalCall :: Server
-- ^ Initial server metadata
-> ServerHandler
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())
serverHandleNormalCall s@Server{..} rm timeLimit srvMetadata f = do
serverHandleNormalCall s@Server{..} rm timeLimit initMeta f = do
-- TODO: we use this timeLimit twice, so the max time spent is 2*timeLimit.
-- Should we just hard-code time limits instead? Not sure if client
-- programmer cares, since this function will likely just be put in a loop
-- anyway.
withServerCall s rm timeLimit srvMetadata $ \call -> do
withServerCall s rm timeLimit $ \call -> do
grpcDebug "serverHandleNormalCall(R): starting batch."
debugServerCall call
payload <- serverCallGetPayload call
@ -213,7 +195,7 @@ serverHandleNormalCall s@Server{..} rm timeLimit srvMetadata f = do
Nothing -> error "serverHandleNormalCall(R): payload empty."
Just requestBody -> do
requestMeta <- serverCallGetMetadata call
(respBody, initMeta, trailingMeta, details) <- f requestBody requestMeta
(respBody, trailingMeta, details) <- f call requestBody requestMeta
let status = C.GrpcStatusOk
let respOps = serverOpsSendNormalRegisteredResponse
respBody initMeta trailingMeta status details

View file

@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call.Unregistered
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.CompletionQueue (TimeoutSeconds)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.CompletionQueue.Unregistered (serverRequestCall)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.GRPC
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Op (OpRecvResult (..), runOps)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server (Server (..),
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Op (Op(..), OpRecvResult (..), runOps)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server (Server (..))
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C
serverCreateCall :: Server -> TimeoutSeconds
@ -31,10 +29,30 @@ withServerCall server timeout f = do
where logDestroy c = grpcDebug "withServerCall: destroying."
>> destroyServerCall c
-- | Sequence of 'Op's needed to receive a normal (non-streaming) call.
-- TODO: We have to put 'OpRecvCloseOnServer' in the response ops, or else the
-- client times out. Given this, I have no idea how to check for cancellation on
-- the server.
serverOpsGetNormalCall :: MetadataMap -> [Op]
serverOpsGetNormalCall initMetadata =
[OpSendInitialMetadata initMetadata,
-- | Sequence of 'Op's needed to respond to a normal (non-streaming) call.
serverOpsSendNormalResponse :: ByteString
-> MetadataMap
-> C.StatusCode
-> StatusDetails
-> [Op]
serverOpsSendNormalResponse body metadata code details =
OpSendMessage body,
OpSendStatusFromServer metadata code details]
-- | A handler for an unregistered server call; bytestring arguments are the
-- request body and response body respectively.
type ServerHandler
= ByteString -> MetadataMap -> MethodName
= ServerCall -> ByteString -> MetadataMap -> MethodName
-> IO (ByteString, MetadataMap, StatusDetails)
-- | Handle one unregistered call.
@ -58,7 +76,7 @@ serverHandleNormalCall s@Server{..} timeLimit srvMetadata f = do
methodName <- serverCallGetMethodName call
hostName <- serverCallGetHost call
grpcDebug $ "call_details host is: " ++ show hostName
(respBody, respMetadata, details) <- f body requestMeta methodName
(respBody, respMetadata, details) <- f call body requestMeta methodName
let status = C.GrpcStatusOk
let respOps = serverOpsSendNormalResponse
respBody respMetadata status details

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module LowLevelTests (lowLevelTests) where
module LowLevelTests where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ lowLevelTests = testGroup "Unit tests of low-level Haskell library"
-- , testWrongEndpoint
, testPayload
, testPayloadUnregistered
, testServerCancel
, testGoaway
, testSlowServer
@ -78,8 +79,8 @@ testServerTimeoutNoClient :: TestTree
testServerTimeoutNoClient =
serverOnlyTest "wait timeout when client DNE" [("/foo", Normal)] $ \s -> do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
r <- serverHandleNormalCall s rm 1 mempty $ \_ _ ->
return ("", mempty, mempty, StatusDetails "details")
r <- serverHandleNormalCall s rm 1 mempty $ \_ _ _ ->
return ("", mempty, StatusDetails "details")
r @?= Left GRPCIOTimeout
-- TODO: fix this test: currently, client seems to hang and server times out,
@ -99,8 +100,8 @@ testWrongEndpoint =
server s = do
length (registeredMethods s) @?= 1
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
r <- serverHandleNormalCall s rm 10 mempty $ \_ _ -> do
return ("reply test", dummyMeta, dummyMeta, StatusDetails "details string")
r <- serverHandleNormalCall s rm 10 mempty $ \_ _ _ -> do
return ("reply test", dummyMeta, StatusDetails "details string")
r @?= Right ()
-- TODO: There seems to be a race here (and in other client/server pairs, of
@ -126,10 +127,27 @@ testPayload =
server s = do
length (registeredMethods s) @?= 1
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
r <- serverHandleNormalCall s rm 11 mempty $ \reqBody reqMD -> do
r <- serverHandleNormalCall s rm 11 dummyMeta $ \_ reqBody reqMD -> do
reqBody @?= "Hello!"
checkMD "Server metadata mismatch" clientMD reqMD
return ("reply test", dummyMeta, dummyMeta, StatusDetails "details string")
return ("reply test", dummyMeta, StatusDetails "details string")
r @?= Right ()
testServerCancel :: TestTree
testServerCancel =
csTest "server cancel call" client server [("/foo", Normal)]
client c = do
rm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal
res <- clientRequest c rm 10 "" mempty
res @?= Left (GRPCIOBadStatusCode GrpcStatusCancelled
"Received RST_STREAM err=8"))
server s = do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
r <- serverHandleNormalCall s rm 10 mempty $ \c _ _ -> do
serverCallCancel c GrpcStatusCancelled ""
return (mempty, mempty, "")
r @?= Right ()
testPayloadUnregistered :: TestTree
@ -143,7 +161,7 @@ testPayloadUnregistered =
rspBody @?= "reply test"
details @?= "details string"
server s = do
r <- U.serverHandleNormalCall s 11 mempty $ \body _md meth -> do
r <- U.serverHandleNormalCall s 11 mempty $ \_ body _md meth -> do
body @?= "Hello!"
meth @?= "/foo"
return ("reply test", mempty, "details string")
@ -184,9 +202,9 @@ testSlowServer =
result == deadlineExceededStatus
server s = do
let rm = head (registeredMethods s)
serverHandleNormalCall s rm 1 mempty $ \_ _ -> do
serverHandleNormalCall s rm 1 mempty $ \_ _ _ -> do
threadDelay (2*10^(6 :: Int))
return ("", mempty, mempty, StatusDetails "")
return ("", mempty, StatusDetails "")
return ()
@ -195,9 +213,9 @@ testSlowServer =
dummyMeta :: M.Map ByteString ByteString
dummyMeta = [("foo","bar")]
dummyHandler :: ByteString -> MetadataMap
-> IO (ByteString, MetadataMap, MetadataMap, StatusDetails)
dummyHandler _ _ = return ("", mempty, mempty, StatusDetails "")
dummyHandler :: ServerCall -> ByteString -> MetadataMap
-> IO (ByteString, MetadataMap, StatusDetails)
dummyHandler _ _ _ = return ("", mempty, StatusDetails "")
unavailableStatus :: Either GRPCIOError a
unavailableStatus =

tests/LowLevelTests/Op.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module LowLevelTests.Op where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Foreign.Storable (peek)
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit as HU (testCase, (@?=),
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Client
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Server
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Op
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.CompletionQueue
lowLevelOpTests :: TestTree
lowLevelOpTests = testGroup "Synchronous unit tests of low-level Op interface"
testCancelWhileHandling :: TestTree
testCancelWhileHandling =
testCase "Client/Server - cancel after handler starts does nothing" $
runSerialTest $ \grpc ->
withClientServerUnaryCall grpc $
\(c@Client{..}, s@Server{..}, cc@ClientCall{..}, sc@ServerCall{..}) -> do
withOpArrayAndCtxts serverEmptyRecvOps $ \(opArray, ctxts) -> do
tag <- newTag serverCQ
startBatch serverCQ unServerCall opArray 3 tag
pluck serverCQ tag 1
let (OpRecvCloseOnServerContext pcancelled) = last ctxts
cancelledBefore <- peek pcancelled
cancelledBefore @?= 0
clientCallCancel cc
threadDelay 1000000
cancelledAfter <- peek pcancelled
cancelledAfter @?= 0
return $ Right ()
testCancelFromServer :: TestTree
testCancelFromServer =
testCase "Client/Server - client receives server cancellation" $
runSerialTest $ \grpc ->
withClientServerUnaryCall grpc $
\(c@Client{..}, s@Server{..}, cc@ClientCall{..}, sc@ServerCall{..}) -> do
serverCallCancel sc GrpcStatusPermissionDenied "TestStatus"
clientRes <- runOps unClientCall clientCQ clientRecvOps 1
case clientRes of
Left x -> error $ "Client recv error: " ++ show x
Right [_,_,OpRecvStatusOnClientResult _ code details] -> do
code @?= GrpcStatusPermissionDenied
assertBool "Received status details or RST_STREAM error" $
details == "TestStatus"
isPrefixOf "Received RST_STREAM" details
return $ Right ()
runSerialTest :: (GRPC -> IO (Either GRPCIOError ())) -> IO ()
runSerialTest f =
withGRPC f >>= \case Left x -> error $ show x
Right () -> return ()
withClientServerUnaryCall :: GRPC
-> ((Client, Server, ClientCall, ServerCall)
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError a))
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError a)
withClientServerUnaryCall grpc f = do
withClient grpc clientConf $ \c -> do
crm <- clientRegisterMethod c "/foo" Normal
withServer grpc serverConf $ \s ->
withClientCall c crm 10 $ \cc -> do
let srm = head (registeredMethods s)
-- NOTE: We need to send client ops here or else `withServerCall` hangs,
-- because registered methods try to do recv ops immediately when
-- created. If later we want to send payloads or metadata, we'll need
-- to tweak this.
clientRes <- runOps (unClientCall cc) (clientCQ c) clientEmptySendOps 1
withServerCall s srm 10 $ \sc ->
f (c, s, cc, sc)
serverConf = (ServerConfig "localhost" 50051 [("/foo", Normal)])
clientConf = (ClientConfig "localhost" 50051)
clientEmptySendOps = [OpSendInitialMetadata mempty,
OpSendMessage "",
clientRecvOps = [OpRecvInitialMetadata,
serverEmptyRecvOps = [OpSendInitialMetadata mempty,

View file

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
import LowLevelTests
import LowLevelTests.Op
import Test.Tasty
import UnsafeTests
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain $ testGroup "GRPC Unit Tests"
[ unsafeTests
, lowLevelOpTests
, lowLevelTests