
204 lines
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Begin safe low-level Haskell layer (#7) * grpc_server_request_call * basic slice functionality * rename function to emphasize side effects * add docs * ByteBuffer function bindings * replace unsafeCoerce with more specific function, add docs, tests. * add newtypes for Tag and Reserved void pointers * manually fix request_registered_call binding * use nocode keyword to fix Ptr () problems * decouple copying Slice from freeing slice * Add time ops * remove nocode decls * Start Op module, fix c2hs preprocessing order * metadata manipulation operations * metadata free function, test * helper functions for constructing ops of each type * bindings for op creation functions * finish up Op creation functions, implement Op destruction, add docs. * tweak documentation * rework Op creation functions to work with an array of ops, for ease of use with grpc_call_start_batch * forgot to change return types * wrap hook lines, fix types to op creation functions * implement part of the payload test * hideous, but working, end to end test * bindings for connectivity state checks, split test into two threads * various cleanup * rename Core to Unsafe for emphasis, clean up tests more * begin safe low-level facilities * begin completion queue and server stuff * Finish server start/stop, cq start/stop, add tests * facilities for safely executing op batches * reorganize LowLevel modules, begin explicit export list * client functionality, stub payload test, various refactors * tweak cabal file, add test * add more documentation * doc tweaks * begin refactor to improve CompletionQueue safety * export only thread-safe CQ functions, add registered call creation and other CQ utilities * begin refactor to use GRPCIO monad, fix missing push semaphore, fix mem leak in server calls * switch to explicit Either where needed * add crashing tests, continue fleshing out serverHandleNormalCall * fix haddock error, finish first draft of request handling function * reduce GHC warnings * non-registered client request helpers * initial request/response test working * don't pass tags around; generate where needed * server call bracket functions * correct order of semaphore acquisition and shutdown check * simple debug flag logging, simplify Call type * fix various registered method issues (but still not working) * cleanup * delete old code * remove old todo * use MetadataMap synonym pervasively * more comments * update TODOs * tweak safety caveat * docs tweaks * improve haddocks * add casts to eliminate clang warnings, remove unused function * update options to eliminate cabal warnings * remove outdated todo * remove unneeded exports from CompletionQueue * rename to GRPCIOCallError, re-add create/shutdown exports (needed for Server module) * newtypes for hosts and method names * more newtypes * more debug logging * Fix flag name collision * instrument uses of free * more debug * switch to STM for completion queue stuff * reduce warnings * more debugging, create/destroy call tests * refactor, fix failure cleanup for server call creation. More tests passing. * formatting tweaks
2016-05-24 22:34:50 +02:00
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Op where
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (malloc, free)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
import Foreign.Storable (peek)
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Metadata as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.ByteBuffer as C
import qualified Network.GRPC.Unsafe.Op as C
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.GRPC
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.CompletionQueue
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.Call
type MetadataMap = M.Map B.ByteString B.ByteString
-- | Sum describing all possible send and receive operations that can be batched
-- and executed by gRPC. Usually these are processed in a handful of
-- combinations depending on the 'MethodType' of the call being run.
data Op = OpSendInitialMetadata MetadataMap
| OpSendMessage B.ByteString
| OpSendCloseFromClient
| OpSendStatusFromServer MetadataMap C.StatusCode --TODO: Issue #6
| OpRecvInitialMetadata
| OpRecvMessage
| OpRecvStatusOnClient
| OpRecvCloseOnServer
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Container holding the pointers to the C and gRPC data needed to execute the
-- corresponding 'Op'. These are obviously unsafe, and should only be used with
-- 'withOpContexts'.
data OpContext =
OpSendInitialMetadataContext C.MetadataKeyValPtr Int
| OpSendMessageContext C.ByteBuffer
| OpSendCloseFromClientContext
| OpSendStatusFromServerContext C.MetadataKeyValPtr Int C.StatusCode
| OpRecvInitialMetadataContext (Ptr C.MetadataArray)
| OpRecvMessageContext (Ptr C.ByteBuffer)
| OpRecvStatusOnClientContext (Ptr C.MetadataArray) (Ptr C.StatusCode)
| OpRecvCloseOnServerContext (Ptr CInt)
-- | Allocates and initializes the 'Opcontext' corresponding to the given 'Op'.
createOpContext :: Op -> IO OpContext
createOpContext (OpSendInitialMetadata m) =
<$> C.createMetadata m
<*> return (M.size m)
createOpContext (OpSendMessage bs) =
fmap OpSendMessageContext (C.createByteBuffer bs)
createOpContext (OpSendCloseFromClient) = return OpSendCloseFromClientContext
createOpContext (OpSendStatusFromServer m code) =
<$> C.createMetadata m
<*> return (M.size m)
<*> return code
createOpContext OpRecvInitialMetadata =
fmap OpRecvInitialMetadataContext C.metadataArrayCreate
createOpContext OpRecvMessage =
fmap OpRecvMessageContext C.createReceivingByteBuffer
createOpContext OpRecvStatusOnClient =
<$> C.metadataArrayCreate
<*> C.createStatusCodePtr
createOpContext OpRecvCloseOnServer =
fmap OpRecvCloseOnServerContext $ malloc
-- | Mutates the given raw array of ops at the given index according to the
-- given 'OpContext'.
setOpArray :: C.OpArray -> Int -> OpContext -> IO ()
setOpArray arr i (OpSendInitialMetadataContext kvs l) =
C.opSendInitialMetadata arr i kvs l
setOpArray arr i (OpSendMessageContext bb) =
C.opSendMessage arr i bb
setOpArray arr i OpSendCloseFromClientContext =
C.opSendCloseClient arr i
setOpArray arr i (OpSendStatusFromServerContext kvs l code) =
C.opSendStatusServer arr i l kvs code "" --TODO: Issue #6
setOpArray arr i (OpRecvInitialMetadataContext pmetadata) =
C.opRecvInitialMetadata arr i pmetadata
setOpArray arr i (OpRecvMessageContext pbb) =
C.opRecvMessage arr i pbb
setOpArray arr i (OpRecvStatusOnClientContext pmetadata pstatus) = do
pCString <- malloc --TODO: Issue #6
C.opRecvStatusClient arr i pmetadata pstatus pCString 0
setOpArray arr i (OpRecvCloseOnServerContext pcancelled) = do
C.opRecvCloseServer arr i pcancelled
-- | Cleans up an 'OpContext'.
freeOpContext :: OpContext -> IO ()
freeOpContext (OpSendInitialMetadataContext m _) = C.metadataFree m
freeOpContext (OpSendMessageContext bb) = C.grpcByteBufferDestroy bb
freeOpContext OpSendCloseFromClientContext = return ()
freeOpContext (OpSendStatusFromServerContext metadata _ _) =
C.metadataFree metadata
freeOpContext (OpRecvInitialMetadataContext metadata) =
C.metadataArrayDestroy metadata
freeOpContext (OpRecvMessageContext pbb) =
C.destroyReceivingByteBuffer pbb
freeOpContext (OpRecvStatusOnClientContext metadata pcode) =
C.metadataArrayDestroy metadata
>> C.destroyStatusCodePtr pcode
freeOpContext (OpRecvCloseOnServerContext pcancelled) =
grpcDebug ("freeOpContext: freeing pcancelled: " ++ show pcancelled)
>> free pcancelled
-- | Converts a list of 'Op's into the corresponding 'OpContext's and guarantees
-- they will be cleaned up correctly.
withOpContexts :: [Op] -> ([OpContext] -> IO a) -> IO a
withOpContexts ops = bracket (mapM createOpContext ops)
(mapM freeOpContext)
withOpArray :: Int -> (C.OpArray -> IO a) -> IO a
withOpArray n = bracket (C.opArrayCreate n)
(flip C.opArrayDestroy n)
-- | Container holding GC-managed results for 'Op's which receive data.
data OpRecvResult =
OpRecvInitialMetadataResult MetadataMap
| OpRecvMessageResult B.ByteString
| OpRecvStatusOnClientResult MetadataMap C.StatusCode
| OpRecvCloseOnServerResult Bool -- ^ True if call was cancelled.
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | For the given 'OpContext', if the 'Op' receives data, copies the data out
-- of the 'OpContext' and into GC-managed Haskell types. After this, it is safe
-- to destroy the 'OpContext'.
resultFromOpContext :: OpContext -> IO (Maybe OpRecvResult)
resultFromOpContext (OpRecvInitialMetadataContext pmetadata) = do
grpcDebug "resultFromOpContext: OpRecvInitialMetadataContext"
metadata <- peek pmetadata
metadataMap <- C.getAllMetadataArray metadata
return $ Just $ OpRecvInitialMetadataResult metadataMap
resultFromOpContext (OpRecvMessageContext pbb) = do
grpcDebug "resultFromOpContext: OpRecvMessageContext"
bb <- peek pbb
grpcDebug "resultFromOpContext: bytebuffer peeked."
bs <- C.copyByteBufferToByteString bb
grpcDebug "resultFromOpContext: bb copied."
return $ Just $ OpRecvMessageResult bs
resultFromOpContext (OpRecvStatusOnClientContext pmetadata pcode) = do
grpcDebug "resultFromOpContext: OpRecvStatusOnClientContext"
metadata <- peek pmetadata
metadataMap <- C.getAllMetadataArray metadata
code <- C.derefStatusCodePtr pcode
return $ Just $ OpRecvStatusOnClientResult metadataMap code
resultFromOpContext (OpRecvCloseOnServerContext pcancelled) = do
grpcDebug "resultFromOpContext: OpRecvCloseOnServerContext"
cancelled <- fmap (\x -> if x > 0 then True else False)
(peek pcancelled)
return $ Just $ OpRecvCloseOnServerResult cancelled
resultFromOpContext _ = do
grpcDebug "resultFromOpContext: saw non-result op type."
return Nothing
--TODO: the list of 'Op's type is less specific than it could be. There are only
-- a few different sequences of 'Op's we will see in practice. Once we figure
-- out what those are, we should create a more specific sum type. This will also
-- allow us to make a more specific sum type to replace @[OpRecvResult]@, too.
-- | For a given call, run the given 'Op's on the given completion queue with
-- the given tag. Blocks until the ops are complete or the given number of
-- seconds have elapsed.
runOps :: Call
-- ^ 'Call' that this batch is associated with. One call can be
-- associated with many batches.
-> CompletionQueue
-- ^ Queue on which our tag will be placed once our ops are done
-- running.
-> [Op]
-> TimeoutSeconds
-- ^ How long to block waiting for the tag to appear on the queue.
-- If we time out, the result of this action will be
-- @CallBatchError BatchTimeout@.
-> IO (Either GRPCIOError [OpRecvResult])
runOps call cq ops timeLimit =
let l = length ops in
withOpArray l $ \opArray -> do
grpcDebug "runOps: created op array."
withOpContexts ops $ \contexts -> do
grpcDebug "runOps: allocated op contexts."
sequence_ $ zipWith (setOpArray opArray) [0..l-1] contexts
tag <- newTag cq
callError <- startBatch cq (internalCall call) opArray l tag
grpcDebug $ "runOps: called start_batch. callError: "
++ (show callError)
case callError of
Left x -> return $ Left x
Right () -> do
ev <- pluck cq tag timeLimit
grpcDebug $ "runOps: pluck returned " ++ show ev
case ev of
Right () -> do
grpcDebug "runOps: got good op; starting."
fmap (Right . catMaybes) $ mapM resultFromOpContext contexts
Left err -> return $ Left err