2016-08-26 10:21:59 -07:00
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2016-07-26 15:48:25 -07:00
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
2016-08-26 10:21:59 -07:00
import Control.Exception (bracket)
2016-07-26 15:48:25 -07:00
import Control.Monad
import Criterion.Main
2016-08-26 10:21:59 -07:00
import Criterion.Types (Config (..))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Server hiding (serverLoop)
2016-07-26 15:48:25 -07:00
import Network.GRPC.HighLevel.Server.Unregistered (serverLoop)
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel
2016-08-26 10:21:59 -07:00
import Network.GRPC.LowLevel.GRPC (threadDelaySecs)
2017-02-27 08:43:37 -08:00
import Proto3.Suite.Class
import Proto3.Suite.Types
2016-08-26 10:21:59 -07:00
import System.Random (randomRIO)
2016-07-26 15:48:25 -07:00
2016-08-26 10:21:59 -07:00
data AddRequest = AddRequest {addX :: Fixed Word32
2016-07-26 15:48:25 -07:00
, addY :: Fixed Word32}
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Message AddRequest
data AddResponse = AddResponse (Fixed Word32)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Message AddResponse
addMethod :: MethodName
addMethod = MethodName "/unary"
addClientStreamMethod :: MethodName
addClientStreamMethod = MethodName "/clientstream"
addServerStreamMethod :: MethodName
addServerStreamMethod = MethodName "/serverstream"
addBiDiMethod :: MethodName
addBiDiMethod = MethodName "/bidistream"
addHandler :: Handler 'Normal
addHandler =
UnaryHandler addMethod $
\c -> do
let b = payload c
return ( AddResponse $ addX b + addY b
, metadata c
, StatusOk
, StatusDetails ""
addClientStreamHandler :: Handler 'ClientStreaming
addClientStreamHandler =
ClientStreamHandler addClientStreamMethod $
\_ recv -> do
answer <- go recv 0
return (Just answer, mempty, StatusOk, "")
where go recv !i = do
req <- recv
case req of
Left _ -> return $ AddResponse i
Right Nothing -> return $ AddResponse i
Right (Just (AddRequest x y)) -> go recv (i+x+y)
addServerStreamHandler :: Handler 'ServerStreaming
addServerStreamHandler =
ServerStreamHandler addServerStreamMethod $
\c send -> do
let AddRequest (Fixed x) y = payload c
replicateM_ (fromIntegral x) $ send $ AddResponse y
return (mempty, StatusOk, "")
addBiDiHandler :: Handler 'BiDiStreaming
addBiDiHandler = BiDiStreamHandler addBiDiMethod (go 0)
where go :: Fixed Word32 -> ServerRWHandler AddRequest AddResponse
go !i c recv send = do
req <- recv
case req of
Left _ -> return (mempty, StatusOk, "")
Right Nothing -> return (mempty, StatusOk, "")
Right (Just (AddRequest x y)) -> do
let curr = i + x + y
void $ send $ AddResponse curr
go curr c recv send
serverOpts :: ServerOptions
serverOpts =
defaultOptions{optNormalHandlers = [addHandler]
, optClientStreamHandlers = [addClientStreamHandler]
, optServerStreamHandlers = [addServerStreamHandler]
, optBiDiStreamHandlers = [addBiDiHandler]}
main :: IO ()
main = bracket startServer stopServer $ const $ withGRPC $ \grpc ->
2018-10-14 17:52:59 -05:00
withClient grpc (ClientConfig "localhost" 50051 [] Nothing Nothing) $ \c -> do
2016-07-26 15:48:25 -07:00
rmAdd <- clientRegisterMethodNormal c addMethod
rmClientStream <- clientRegisterMethodClientStreaming c addClientStreamMethod
rmServerStream <- clientRegisterMethodServerStreaming c addServerStreamMethod
rmBiDiStream <- clientRegisterMethodBiDiStreaming c addBiDiMethod
defaultConfig{reportFile = Just "benchmarks.html"}
[ bench "unary request" $ nfIO (addRequest c rmAdd)
, bench "client stream: 100 messages" $ nfIO (addClientStream c rmClientStream 100)
, bench "client stream: 1k messages" $ nfIO (addClientStream c rmClientStream 1000)
, bench "client stream: 10k messages" $ nfIO (addClientStream c rmClientStream 10000)
, bench "server stream: 100 messages" $ nfIO (addServerStream c rmServerStream 100)
, bench "server stream: 1k messages" $ nfIO (addServerStream c rmServerStream 1000)
, bench "server stream: 10k messages" $ nfIO (addServerStream c rmServerStream 10000)
, bench "bidi stream: 50 messages up, 50 down" $ nfIO (bidiStream c rmBiDiStream 50)
, bench "bidi stream: 500 message up, 500 down" $ nfIO (bidiStream c rmBiDiStream 500)
, bench "bidi stream: 5000 messages up, 5000 down" $ nfIO (bidiStream c rmBiDiStream 5000)]
where startServer = do
sThrd <- async $ serverLoop serverOpts
threadDelaySecs 1
return sThrd
stopServer sThrd = cancel sThrd >> void (waitCatch sThrd)
encode = BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString
addRequest c rmAdd = do
x <- liftM Fixed $ randomRIO (0,1000)
y <- liftM Fixed $ randomRIO (0,1000)
let addEnc = BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString $ AddRequest x y
clientRequest c rmAdd 5 addEnc mempty >>= \case
Left e -> fail $ "Got client error on add request: " ++ show e
Right r -> case fromByteString (rspBody r) of
Left e -> fail $ "failed to decode add response: " ++ show e
Right dec
| dec == AddResponse (x + y) -> return ()
| otherwise -> fail $ "Got wrong add answer: " ++ show dec ++ "; expected: " ++ show x ++ " + " ++ show y ++ " = " ++ show (x+y)
addClientStream c rm i = do
let msg = encode $ AddRequest 1 0
Right (Just r,_,_,_,_) <- clientWriter c rm 5 mempty $ \send -> do
replicateM_ i $ send msg
let decoded = fromByteString r
when (decoded /= Right (AddResponse (fromIntegral i))) $
fail $ "clientStream: bad answer: " ++ show decoded ++ "; expected: " ++ show i
addServerStream c rm i = do
let msg = encode $ AddRequest (fromIntegral i) 2
Right (_, _, sd) <- clientReader c rm 5 msg mempty $ \_ recv ->
replicateM_ i $ do
Right (Just bs) <- recv
let Right decoded = fromByteString bs
when (decoded /= AddResponse 2) $
fail $ "serverStream: bad response of " ++ show decoded ++ "; expected 2."
when (sd /= mempty) $ fail $ "bad status details: " ++ show sd
bidiStream c rm i = do
2016-08-26 10:21:59 -07:00
Right (_, _, sd) <- clientRW c rm 5 mempty $ \_ recv send done -> do
2016-07-26 15:48:25 -07:00
forM_ (take i [2,4..]) $ \n -> do
void $ send $ encode $ AddRequest 1 1
Right (Just bs) <- recv
let Right decoded = fromByteString bs
when (decoded /= AddResponse n) $
fail $ "bidiStream: got: " ++ show decoded ++ "expected: " ++ show n
2016-08-26 10:21:59 -07:00
void done
2016-07-26 15:48:25 -07:00
when (sd /= mempty) $ fail $ "bad StatusDetails: " ++ show sd