This commit is contained in:
Samae 2024-12-07 20:14:51 +02:00
parent 57b641c265
commit da10ca04fd
5 changed files with 360 additions and 18 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@

View file

@ -7,17 +7,20 @@ import Day2
import Day3
import Day4
import Day5
import Day6
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "AoC 2024"
putStrLn "Day 1"
putStrLn "Day 2"
putStrLn "Day 3"
putStrLn "Day 4"
putStrLn "Day 5"
--putStrLn "Day 1"
--putStrLn "Day 2"
--putStrLn "Day 3"
--putStrLn "Day 4"
--putStrLn "Day 5"
putStrLn "Day 6"

inputs/day6.input Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@

View file

@ -1,28 +1,38 @@
name: aoc24
ghc-options: -Wall -threaded #-prof -fprof-auto -rtsopts
ghc-options: -Wall -threaded
- OverloadedStrings
- base == 4.*
- algebraic-graphs
- async
- attoparsec
- bytestring
- matrix
- vector
- containers
- text
- scientific
- utility-ht
- hashable
- matrix
- parallel
- safe
- algebraic-graphs
- scientific
- text
- unliftio
- unordered-containers
- utility-ht
- vector
main: Main.hs
- aoc24
main: Main.hs
ghc-options: -Wall -threaded -rtsopts -eventlog -prof #-fprof-auto
- aoc24
source-dirs: src
@ -32,7 +42,7 @@ library:
- Day3
- Day4
- Day5
# - Day6
- Day6
# - Day7
# - Day8
# - Day9

src/Day6.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Day6 where
-- import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser)
-- import Data.Either (fromRight)
-- import Data.List (find)
-- import Data.List.HT (shearTranspose)
-- import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
-- import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as P
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Data.List (intersperse, unfoldr, sort)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Debug.Trace
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.HashSet as H
-- import UnliftIO (mapConcurrently)
data MapObjects = MOEmpty | MOObstacle | MOExtraObstacle
| MOGuard GuardDirection
deriving Eq
data GuardDirection = GDNorth | GDEast | GDSouth | GDWest
deriving (Show,Eq,Generic)
instance Hashable GuardDirection
s :: GuardDirection -> GuardDirection
s GDNorth = GDEast
s GDEast = GDSouth
s GDSouth = GDWest
s GDWest = GDNorth
instance Show MapObjects where
show MOEmpty = "."
show MOObstacle = "#"
show MOExtraObstacle = "O"
show (MOGuard GDNorth) = "^"
show (MOGuard GDEast) = ">"
show (MOGuard GDSouth) = "v"
show (MOGuard GDWest) = "<"
prettyLine :: V.Vector MapObjects -> String
prettyLine = intersperse ' ' . fmap (head . show) . reverse . V.toList
prettyMap :: AoCMap -> String
prettyMap (AoCMap (xmax,ymax) v) = go (xmax,ymax) (V.reverse v)
go (_,0) _ = ""
go (xmax',ymax') v' = prettyLine cur <> "\n" <> go (xmax',ymax'-1) next
(cur,next) = V.splitAt xmax' v'
data AoCMap = AoCMap { getBounds :: Bounds, getObjects :: V.Vector MapObjects }
deriving Show
type Bounds = (Int,Int) -- max x, max y
type Pos = (Int,Int)
toObjs :: Char -> MapObjects
toObjs '#' = MOObstacle
toObjs 'O' = MOExtraObstacle
toObjs '^' = MOGuard GDNorth
toObjs '>' = MOGuard GDEast
toObjs 'v' = MOGuard GDSouth
toObjs '<' = MOGuard GDWest
toObjs _ = MOEmpty
isMOGuard :: MapObjects -> Bool
isMOGuard (MOGuard _) = True
isMOGuard _ = False
guardDirection :: MapObjects -> Maybe GuardDirection
guardDirection (MOGuard x) = Just x
guardDirection _ = Nothing
parseInput :: Text -> AoCMap
parseInput txt = AoCMap (xmax,ymax) objs
xxs = T.lines txt
xmax = T.length $ head xxs
ymax = length xxs
objs :: V.Vector MapObjects
objs = V.fromList $ concatMap (map toObjs . T.unpack) (reverse xxs)
toIndex :: Pos -> Bounds -> Maybe Int
toIndex (x,y) (xmax,ymax)
| x >= 0 && x < xmax && y >= 0 && y < ymax
= Just $ x + y*xmax
toIndex _ _ = Nothing
toPos :: Int -> Int -> Pos
toPos i xmax = (i `mod` xmax, i `div` xmax)
guardPath :: AoCMap -> [Pos]
guardPath (AoCMap bounds@(xmax,_ymax) myMap) =
unfoldr step (initialPos myMap xmax,initialOri myMap)
step :: (Pos,GuardDirection) -> Maybe (Pos, (Pos,GuardDirection))
step (p,dir) = do
i <- toIndex (nextPos dir p) bounds
ahead <- myMap V.!? i
pure $ case ahead of
MOObstacle -> (p,(p,s dir))
_ -> (p,(nextPos dir p,dir))
-- trace the trajectory of the Guard until it exits the map
-- return the number of unique positions it occupied, including the starting
-- one
solveA :: Text -> Int
solveA = (+1) . length . map NE.head . . sort . guardPath . parseInput
nextPos :: GuardDirection -> Pos -> Pos
nextPos GDNorth (x,y) = (x,y+1)
nextPos GDEast (x,y) = (x+1,y)
nextPos GDSouth (x,y) = (x,y-1)
nextPos GDWest (x,y) = (x-1,y)
initialPos :: V.Vector MapObjects -> Int -> Pos
initialPos myMap xmax = (`toPos` xmax) . fromJust $ V.findIndex isMOGuard myMap
initialOri :: V.Vector MapObjects -> GuardDirection
initialOri myMap = fromJust $ do
guard <- V.find isMOGuard myMap
guardDirection guard
type Trail = H.HashSet (Pos,GuardDirection)
isGuardCycle :: AoCMap -> Pos -> Bool
isGuardCycle (AoCMap bounds@(xmax,_ymax) myMap) newObs =
traceShow newObs $
or $ unfoldr step (initialPos myMap xmax
,initialOri myMap
step :: (Pos,GuardDirection,Trail,Bool)
-> Maybe (Bool, (Pos,GuardDirection,Trail,Bool))
step (p,dir,trail,end) = do
i <- toIndex (nextPos dir p) bounds
ahead <- myMap V.!? i
let isNewObs = nextPos dir p == newObs
let nextTrail = H.insert (p,dir) trail
case (ahead, isNewObs, (p,dir) `H.member` trail,end) of
(_,_,_,True) -> Nothing
(_,_,True,_) -> trace ">>>>>>>>>>>Cycle!<<<<<<<<<<<"
$ Just (True,(p,dir,nextTrail,True))
(_,True,_,_) -> Just (False,(p,s dir,nextTrail,False))
(MOObstacle,_,_,_) -> Just (False,(p,s dir,nextTrail,False))
_ -> Just (False,(nextPos dir p,dir,nextTrail,False))
freePos :: AoCMap -> [Pos]
freePos (AoCMap (xmax,_ymax) myMap) =
V.toList ((`toPos` xmax) <$> V.elemIndices MOEmpty myMap)
solveB :: Text -> Int
solveB input = length . filter id
$ parMap rpar (isGuardCycle aocmap) (freePos aocmap)
aocmap = parseInput input
-- solveB :: Text -> IO Int
-- solveB input = length . filter id
-- <$> mapConcurrently (pure . isGuardCycle aocmap) (freePos aocmap)
-- where
-- aocmap = parseInput input
inputEx :: Text
inputEx = T.unlines
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- T.readFile "inputs/day6.input"
putStrLn "Part 1"
print $ solveA input
putStrLn "Part 2"
print $ solveB input
--print =<< solveB input