2023-12-30 01:30:28 +02:00

93 lines
2.4 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-do-bind #-}
module Day4 where
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.List (unfoldr)
main :: IO ()
main = do
pile <- pileFromFile
putStrLn "Part 1 result:"
print $ part1 pile
putStrLn "Part 2 result:"
print $ part2 pile
pileFromFile :: IO [Scratchcard]
pileFromFile = do
Right pile <- parseOnly parsePile <$> BS.readFile "inputs/day4.input"
pure pile
pileFromTestFile :: IO [Scratchcard]
pileFromTestFile = do
Right pile <- parseOnly parsePile <$> BS.readFile "inputs/day4-test.input"
pure pile
data Scratchcard = Scratchcard
{ scratchCardNumber :: Int
, scratchCardWinning :: [Int]
, scratchCardOther :: [Int]
deriving Show
type Pile = [Scratchcard]
parsePile :: Parser Pile
parsePile = scratchcard `sepBy` endOfLine
-- Card 169: 3 47 80 78 17 68 20 36 54 87 | 75 52 73 43 45 29 53 10 65 89 84 37 90 13 15 40 76 91 88 74 9 7 4 22 1
scratchcard :: Parser Scratchcard
scratchcard = do
cardNb <- "Card" *> many1 space *> decimal
":" *> many1 space
win <- decimal `sepBy` many1 space
many1 space *> "|" *> many1 space
othr <- decimal `sepBy` many1 space
pure $ Scratchcard cardNb win othr
score :: Scratchcard -> Int
score (Scratchcard _ wx ox) = points $ map (`elem` wx) ox
points xs = case length (filter id xs) of
0 -> 0
n -> 2^(n-1)
part1 :: [Scratchcard] -> Int
part1 = sum . map score
score2 :: Scratchcard -> Int
score2 (Scratchcard _ wx ox) = points $ map (`elem` wx) ox
points xs = length (filter id xs)
data CardState = CardState
{ number :: Int
, matchingNb :: Int
, occurences :: Int
deriving Show
mkCardState :: Scratchcard -> CardState
mkCardState s@(Scratchcard n _ _) = CardState n (score2 s) 1
part2 :: [Scratchcard] -> Int
part2 sx = sum . map occurences $ unfoldr f initialState
initialState = map mkCardState sx
f :: [CardState] -> Maybe (CardState, [CardState])
-- No new cards, just update the state
f (c@(CardState _ 0 _):cs) = Just (c,cs)
f (c@(CardState n m o):cs) = do
-- add duplicates
let cs' = map (\ e@(CardState n' m' o') ->
if n' `elem` [n+1..n+m]
then CardState n' m' (o + o')
else e
) cs
-- return updated state
Just (c,cs')
f [] = Nothing