Take Schedule out to a separate module, implement a mini YAML module for output and clean various warning, simplify code a little bit
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 123 additions and 62 deletions
@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ executable pilu
, Event
, Event
, Medicine
, Medicine
, Paths_pilu
, Paths_pilu
, Schedule
, Timeline
, Timeline
-- other-extensions:
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base >=4.9 && <4.13
build-depends: base >=4.9 && <4.13
, containers
, containers
@ -30,5 +32,6 @@ executable pilu
, optparse-applicative
, optparse-applicative
, parsec
, parsec
, time
, time
ghc-options: -Wall -dynamic
hs-source-dirs: src
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
default-language: Haskell2010
@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ quoted = char '"' *> many quotedChar <* char '"' <?> "quote ending the cell"
parse :: Row a => String -> Char -> String -> Either ParseError [a]
parse :: Row a => String -> Char -> String -> Either ParseError [a]
parse name separator input = do
parse name separator input = do
lines <- Parsec.parse (csvFile separator) name input
rows <- Parsec.parse (csvFile separator) name input
case lines of
case rows of
[] -> Right []
[] -> Right []
(header:rows) ->
(header:contents) ->
let assocs = Map.fromList . zipWith (,) header <$> rows in
let assocs = Map.fromList . zipWith (,) header <$> contents in
sequence $ zipWith parseRow [1..] assocs
sequence $ zipWith parseRow [1..] assocs
parseRow n row = either (errorAt n) return $ fromRow row
parseRow n row = either (errorAt n) return $ fromRow row
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module Event (
import CSV (Row(..))
import CSV (Row(..))
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.List (isSuffixOf, takeWhile, sortOn)
import Data.List (isSuffixOf, takeWhile)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (delete, empty, insert, lookup, toList)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (delete, empty, insert, lookup, toList)
import Data.Time (Day)
import Data.Time (Day)
@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ data Event = Event {
instance Row Event where
instance Row Event where
fromRow assoc = do
fromRow assoc = do
date <- read <$> get "date"
rowDate <- read <$> get "date"
(kind, ints) <- foldM addAmount (Nothing, Map.empty) . Map.toList $ Map.delete "date" assoc
(kind, ints) <- foldM addAmount (Nothing, Map.empty) . Map.toList $ Map.delete "date" assoc
(Left $ Expect "A prescription or provisioning for a medicine")
(Left $ Expect "A prescription or provisioning for a medicine")
(Right . Event date ints)
(Right . Event rowDate ints)
get key = maybe (Left $ Expect key) Right $ Map.lookup key assoc
get key = maybe (Left $ Expect key) Right $ Map.lookup key assoc
@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ module Main where
import CLI (Invocation(..), invoked)
import CLI (Invocation(..), invoked)
import CSV (Row, parse)
import CSV (Row, parse)
import Data.List (minimum)
import Data.Time (UTCTime(..), getCurrentTime)
import Data.Map (elems, mergeWithKey)
import Medicine (Pharmacy, pharmacy)
import Data.Time (UTCTime(..), getCurrentTime, addDays)
import Event (Event)
import Medicine (Medicine, Pharmacy, pharmacy)
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import Timeline (State(..), currentState)
import Schedule (schedule)
import Timeline (State(..), stateAt)
import YAML (encode)
readCSV :: Row a => FilePath -> IO [a]
readCSV :: Row a => FilePath -> IO [a]
readCSV filePath = do
readCSV filePath = do
@ -18,27 +17,20 @@ readCSV filePath = do
Left e -> (putStrLn $ show e) >> exitFailure
Left e -> (putStrLn $ show e) >> exitFailure
Right rows -> return rows
Right rows -> return rows
getCurrentState :: IO State
getState :: Pharmacy -> IO State
getCurrentState =
getState aPharmacy =
<$> (utctDay <$> getCurrentTime)
<$> (utctDay <$> getCurrentTime)
<*> (pharmacy <$> readCSV "medicine.csv")
<*> (return aPharmacy)
<*> readCSV "timeline.csv"
<*> readCSV "timeline.csv"
schedule :: State -> String
schedule (State {day, stock, consumptionRate}) = unlines [
"Days left: " ++ show deltaDays
, "Provision on: " ++ show (deltaDays `addDays` day )
daysLeftByMedicine =
mergeWithKey (\k a b -> Just $ a / b) id id stock consumptionRate
deltaDays = truncate . minimum $ elems daysLeftByMedicine
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = do
invocation <- invoked
invocation <- invoked
case invocation of
display <- case invocation of
Inventory -> show <$> getCurrentState >>= putStrLn
Inventory -> return $ const encode
Schedule -> schedule <$> getCurrentState >>= putStrLn
Schedule -> return $ \ph -> encode . schedule ph
Version version -> putStrLn version >> exitSuccess
Version version -> putStrLn version >> exitSuccess
thePharmacy <- pharmacy <$> readCSV "medicine.csv"
theState <- getState thePharmacy
putStrLn $ display thePharmacy theState
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module Medicine (
, MedicineName
, MedicineName
, Pharmacy
, Pharmacy
, Stock
, pharmacy
, pharmacy
) where
) where
@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ instance Row Medicine where
get key = maybe (Left $ Expect key) Right $ Map.lookup key assoc
get key = maybe (Left $ Expect key) Right $ Map.lookup key assoc
type Pharmacy = Map MedicineName Medicine
type Pharmacy = Map MedicineName Medicine
type Stock = Map MedicineName Float
pharmacy :: [Medicine] -> Pharmacy
pharmacy :: [Medicine] -> Pharmacy
pharmacy = foldr (\medicine -> Map.insert (name medicine) medicine) Map.empty
pharmacy = foldr (\medicine -> Map.insert (name medicine) medicine) Map.empty
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Schedule (
) where
import Data.Map (elems, mergeWithKey)
import Data.Time (Day, addDays)
import Medicine (Pharmacy)
import Timeline (State(..))
import YAML ((.:), Value(..), YAML(..))
data Schedule = Schedule {
daysLeft :: Integer
, provisionDate :: Day
instance YAML Schedule where
toYAML (Schedule {daysLeft, provisionDate}) = Object [
"Days left" .: daysLeft
, "Provision on" .: provisionDate
schedule :: Pharmacy -> State -> Schedule
schedule _ (State {day, stock, consumptionRate}) =
Schedule {daysLeft , provisionDate = daysLeft `addDays` day}
daysLeftByMedicine =
mergeWithKey (\_ a b -> Just $ a / b) id id stock consumptionRate
daysLeft = truncate . minimum $ elems daysLeftByMedicine
@ -1,40 +1,31 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Timeline (
module Timeline (
, currentState
, stateAt
) where
) where
import Control.Monad (foldM, join)
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, runReader, ask)
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.Map ((!), Map, mapWithKey, toList)
import Data.Map ((!), Map, mapWithKey)
import Data.Time (Day, diffDays)
import Data.Time (Day, diffDays)
import Event (Event(..), EventType(..))
import Event (Event(..), EventType(..))
import Medicine (Pharmacy, Stock)
import Medicine (MedicineName, Pharmacy)
import YAML ((.:), Value(..), YAML(..))
type ConsumptionRate = Map String Float
data State = State {
data State = State {
day :: Day
day :: Day
, stock :: Stock
, stock :: Map MedicineName Float
, consumptionRate :: ConsumptionRate
, consumptionRate :: Map String Float
instance Show State where
instance YAML State where
show (State {day, stock, consumptionRate}) = unlines $
toYAML (State {day, stock, consumptionRate}) = Object [
("day: " ++ show day)
"date" .: day
: ("stock:" : (indent <$> showAssoc stock) :: [String])
, "stock" .: stock
++ ("consumptionRate:" : (indent <$> showAssoc consumptionRate))
, "consumption rates" .: consumptionRate
indent :: String -> String
indent = ('\t' :)
showAssoc :: Show a => Map String a -> [String]
showAssoc = fmap (\(key, val) -> key ++ ": " ++ show val) . toList
initState :: Reader Pharmacy State
initState :: Pharmacy -> State
initState = do
initState pharmacy = State {
pharmacy <- ask
return $ State {
day = toEnum 0
day = toEnum 0
, stock = const 0 <$> pharmacy
, stock = const 0 <$> pharmacy
, consumptionRate = const 0 <$> pharmacy
, consumptionRate = const 0 <$> pharmacy
@ -59,10 +50,8 @@ setDay newDay state@(State {day, stock, consumptionRate}) = state {
consume medicineName initialAmount =
consume medicineName initialAmount =
max 0 $ initialAmount - duration * (consumptionRate ! medicineName)
max 0 $ initialAmount - duration * (consumptionRate ! medicineName)
lastState :: [Event] -> Reader Pharmacy State
stateAt :: Day -> Pharmacy -> [Event] -> State
lastState events =
stateAt targetDay pharmacy events =
foldl applyEvent <$> initState <*> (return $ sortOn date events)
setDay targetDay lastState
currentState :: Day -> Pharmacy -> [Event] -> State
lastState = foldl applyEvent (initState pharmacy) (sortOn date events)
currentState targetDay pharmacy events =
setDay targetDay (runReader (lastState events) pharmacy)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module YAML (
, Value(..)
, YAML(..)
, encode
) where
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Map (Map, toList)
data Value = Simple String | Array [Value] | Object [(String, Value)]
class YAML a where
toYAML :: a -> Value
instance YAML Value where
toYAML = id
instance Show Value where
show = encode
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} YAML a => YAML [a] where
toYAML = Array . fmap toYAML
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} YAML a => YAML (Map String a) where
toYAML = Object . toList . fmap toYAML
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Show a => YAML a where
toYAML = Simple . show
instance YAML String where
toYAML = Simple
encode :: YAML a => a -> String
encode = encodeValue . toYAML
encodeValue = intercalate "\n" . getLines
getLines (Simple s) = [s]
getLines (Array l) = fmap (("- " ++) . concat . getLines) l
getLines (Object m) = fmap keyVal m
keyVal (k, (Simple s)) = k ++ ": " ++ s
keyVal (k, v) = intercalate "\n" $ (k ++ ":") : (indent <$> getLines v)
indent = ('\t' :)
(.:) :: YAML a => String -> a -> (String, Value)
(.:) k v = (k, toYAML v)
Add table
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