John MacFarlane f7229b1473 LaTeX reader: citation handling changes.
Previously, a LaTeX citation would always be parsed as a Citation
element, with the raw LaTeX in the [Inline] part.

Now, the LaTeX citation is parsed as a Citation element only if
`--biblio` was specified (i.e. only if there is a nonempty set
of references in readerReferences).  Otherwise it is parsed as
raw LaTeX.

This will make it possible to simplify some things in the markdown
writer.  It also makes the LaTeX reader behave more like the Markdown
2013-03-09 10:33:25 -08:00

176 lines
9.1 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Tests.Readers.LaTeX (tests) where
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Text.CSL (Reference, readBiblioFile)
import Test.Framework
import Tests.Helpers
import Tests.Arbitrary()
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
refs :: [Reference]
refs = unsafePerformIO $ readBiblioFile "biblio.mods"
latex :: String -> Pandoc
latex = readLaTeX def{ readerReferences = refs }
infix 4 =:
(=:) :: ToString c
=> String -> (String, c) -> Test
(=:) = test latex
tests :: [Test]
tests = [ testGroup "basic"
[ "simple" =:
"word" =?> para "word"
, "space" =:
"some text" =?> para ("some text")
, "emphasized" =:
"\\emph{emphasized}" =?> para (emph "emphasized")
, testGroup "headers"
[ "level 1" =:
"\\section{header}" =?> header 1 "header"
, "level 2" =:
"\\subsection{header}" =?> header 2 "header"
, "level 3" =:
"\\subsubsection{header}" =?> header 3 "header"
, "emph" =:
"\\section{text \\emph{emph}}" =?>
header 1 ("text" <> space <> emph "emph")
, "link" =:
"\\section{text \\href{/url}{link}}" =?>
header 1 ("text" <> space <> link "/url" "" "link")
, testGroup "math"
[ "escaped $" =:
"$x=\\$4$" =?> para (math "x=\\$4")
, testGroup "space and comments"
[ "blank lines + space at beginning" =:
"\n \n hi" =?> para "hi"
, "blank lines + space + comments" =:
"% my comment\n\n \n % another\n\nhi" =?> para "hi"
, "comment in paragraph" =:
"hi % this is a comment\nthere\n" =?> para "hi there"
, testGroup "citations"
[ natbibCitations
, biblatexCitations
baseCitation :: Citation
baseCitation = Citation{ citationId = "item1"
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = AuthorInText
, citationNoteNum = 0
, citationHash = 0
rt :: String -> Inlines
rt = const mempty -- rawInline "latex"
natbibCitations :: Test
natbibCitations = testGroup "natbib"
[ "citet" =: "\\citet{item1}"
=?> para (cite [baseCitation] (rt "\\citet{item1}"))
, "suffix" =: "\\citet[p.~30]{item1}"
=?> para
(cite [baseCitation{ citationSuffix = toList $ text ", p.\160\&30" }] (rt "\\citet[p.~30]{item1}"))
, "suffix long" =: "\\citet[p.~30, with suffix]{item1}"
=?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationSuffix =
toList $ text ", p.\160\&30, with suffix" }] (rt "\\citet[p.~30, with suffix]{item1}"))
, "multiple" =: "\\citeauthor{item1} \\citetext{\\citeyear{item1}; \\citeyear[p.~30]{item2}; \\citealp[see also][]{item3}}"
=?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = AuthorInText }
,baseCitation{ citationMode = SuppressAuthor
, citationSuffix = [Str ",",Space,Str "p.\160\&30"]
, citationId = "item2" }
,baseCitation{ citationId = "item3"
, citationPrefix = [Str "see",Space,Str "also"]
, citationMode = NormalCitation }
] (rt "\\citetext{\\citeyear{item1}; \\citeyear[p.~30]{item2}; \\citealp[see also][]{item3}}"))
, "group" =: "\\citetext{\\citealp[see][p.~34--35]{item1}; \\citealp[also][chap. 3]{item3}}"
=?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationPrefix = [Str "see"]
, citationSuffix = [Str ",",Space,Str "p.\160\&34\8211\&35"] }
,baseCitation{ citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationId = "item3"
, citationPrefix = [Str "also"]
, citationSuffix = [Str ",",Space,Str "chap.",Space,Str "3"] }
] (rt "\\citetext{\\citealp[see][p.~34--35]{item1}; \\citealp[also][chap. 3]{item3}}"))
, "suffix and locator" =: "\\citep[pp.~33, 35--37, and nowhere else]{item1}"
=?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationSuffix = [Str ",",Space,Str "pp.\160\&33,",Space,Str "35\8211\&37,",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "nowhere",Space, Str "else"] }] (rt "\\citep[pp.~33, 35--37, and nowhere else]{item1}"))
, "suffix only" =: "\\citep[and nowhere else]{item1}"
=?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationSuffix = toList $ text ", and nowhere else" }] (rt "\\citep[and nowhere else]{item1}"))
, "no author" =: "\\citeyearpar{item1}, and now Doe with a locator \\citeyearpar[p.~44]{item2}"
=?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = SuppressAuthor }] (rt "\\citeyearpar{item1}") <>
text ", and now Doe with a locator " <>
cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = SuppressAuthor
, citationSuffix = [Str ",",Space,Str "p.\160\&44"]
, citationId = "item2" }] (rt "\\citeyearpar[p.~44]{item2}"))
, "markup" =: "\\citep[\\emph{see}][p. \\textbf{32}]{item1}"
=?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationPrefix = [Emph [Str "see"]]
, citationSuffix = [Str ",",Space,Str "p.",Space,
Strong [Str "32"]] }] (rt "\\citep[\\emph{see}][p. \\textbf{32}]{item1}"))
biblatexCitations :: Test
biblatexCitations = testGroup "biblatex"
[ "textcite" =: "\\textcite{item1}"
=?> para (cite [baseCitation] (rt "\\textcite{item1}"))
, "suffix" =: "\\textcite[p.~30]{item1}"
=?> para
(cite [baseCitation{ citationSuffix = toList $ text ", p.\160\&30" }] (rt "\\textcite[p.~30]{item1}"))
, "suffix long" =: "\\textcite[p.~30, with suffix]{item1}"
=?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationSuffix =
toList $ text ", p.\160\&30, with suffix" }] (rt "\\textcite[p.~30, with suffix]{item1}"))
, "multiple" =: "\\textcites{item1}[p.~30]{item2}[see also][]{item3}"
=?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = AuthorInText }
,baseCitation{ citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationSuffix = [Str ",",Space,Str "p.\160\&30"]
, citationId = "item2" }
,baseCitation{ citationId = "item3"
, citationPrefix = [Str "see",Space,Str "also"]
, citationMode = NormalCitation }
] (rt "\\textcites{item1}[p.~30]{item2}[see also][]{item3}"))
, "group" =: "\\autocites[see][p.~34--35]{item1}[also][chap. 3]{item3}"
=?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationPrefix = [Str "see"]
, citationSuffix = [Str ",",Space,Str "p.\160\&34\8211\&35"] }
,baseCitation{ citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationId = "item3"
, citationPrefix = [Str "also"]
, citationSuffix = [Str ",",Space,Str "chap.",Space,Str "3"] }
] (rt "\\autocites[see][p.~34--35]{item1}[also][chap. 3]{item3}"))
, "suffix and locator" =: "\\autocite[pp.~33, 35--37, and nowhere else]{item1}"
=?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationSuffix = [Str ",",Space,Str "pp.\160\&33,",Space,Str "35\8211\&37,",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "nowhere",Space, Str "else"] }] (rt "\\autocite[pp.~33, 35--37, and nowhere else]{item1}"))
, "suffix only" =: "\\autocite[and nowhere else]{item1}"
=?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationSuffix = toList $ text ", and nowhere else" }] (rt "\\autocite[and nowhere else]{item1}"))
, "no author" =: "\\autocite*{item1}, and now Doe with a locator \\autocite*[p.~44]{item2}"
=?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = SuppressAuthor }] (rt "\\autocite*{item1}") <>
text ", and now Doe with a locator " <>
cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = SuppressAuthor
, citationSuffix = [Str ",",Space,Str "p.\160\&44"]
, citationId = "item2" }] (rt "\\autocite*[p.~44]{item2}"))
, "markup" =: "\\autocite[\\emph{see}][p. \\textbf{32}]{item1}"
=?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationPrefix = [Emph [Str "see"]]
, citationSuffix = [Str ",",Space,Str "p.",Space,
Strong [Str "32"]] }] (rt "\\autocite[\\emph{see}][p. \\textbf{32}]{item1}"))
, "parencite" =: "\\parencite{item1}"
=?> para (cite [baseCitation{ citationMode = NormalCitation }] (rt "\\parencite{item1}"))