This exports functions that uses xml-conduit's parser to produce an xml-light Element or [Content]. This allows existing pandoc code to use a better parser without much modification. The new parser is used in all places where xml-light's parser was previously used. Benchmarks show a significant performance improvement in parsing XML-based formats (especially ODT and FB2). Note that the xml-light types use String, so the conversion from xml-conduit types involves a lot of extra allocation. It would be desirable to avoid that in the future by gradually switching to using xml-conduit directly. This can be done module by module. The new parser also reports errors, which we report when possible. A new constructor PandocXMLError has been added to PandocError in T.P.Error [API change]. Closes #7091, which was the main stimulus. These changes revealed the need for some changes in the tests. The docbook-reader.docbook test lacked definitions for the entities it used; these have been added. And the docx golden tests have been updated, because the new parser does not preserve the order of attributes. Add entity defs to docbook-reader.docbook. Update golden tests for docx.
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
Module : Tests.Readers.JATS
Copyright : © 2017 Hamish Mackenzie
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : Hamish Mackenzie <>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
Tests for the JATS reader.
module Tests.Readers.JATS (tests) where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Test.Tasty
import Tests.Helpers
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ()
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import qualified Data.Text as T
jats :: Text -> Pandoc
jats = purely $ readJATS def
tests :: [TestTree]
tests = [ testGroup "inline code"
[ test jats "basic" $ "<p>\n <monospace>@&</monospace>\n</p>" =?> para (code "@&")
, test jats "lang" $ "<p>\n <code language=\"c\">@&</code>\n</p>" =?> para (codeWith ("", ["c"], []) "@&")
, testGroup "block code"
[ test jats "basic" $ "<preformat>@&</preformat>" =?> codeBlock "@&"
, test jats "lang" $ "<code language=\"c\">@&</code>" =?> codeBlockWith ("", ["c"], []) "@&"
, testGroup "images"
[ test jats "basic" $ "<graphic mimetype=\"image\" mime-subtype=\"\" xlink:href=\"/url\" xlink:title=\"title\" />"
=?> para (image "/url" "title" mempty)
, test jats "bullet list" $
"<list list-type=\"bullet\">\n\
\ <list-item>\n\
\ <p>\n\
\ first\n\
\ </p>\n\
\ </list-item>\n\
\ <list-item>\n\
\ <p>\n\
\ second\n\
\ </p>\n\
\ </list-item>\n\
\ <list-item>\n\
\ <p>\n\
\ third\n\
\ </p>\n\
\ </list-item>\n\
=?> bulletList [ para $ text "first"
, para $ text "second"
, para $ text "third"
, testGroup "definition lists"
[ test jats "with internal link" $
\ <def-item>\n\
\ <term>\n\
\ <xref alt=\"testing\" rid=\"go\">testing</xref>\n\
\ </term>\n\
\ <def>\n\
\ <p>\n\
\ hi there\n\
\ </p>\n\
\ </def>\n\
\ </def-item>\n\
=?> definitionList [(link "#go" "" (str "testing"),
[para (text "hi there")])]
, testGroup "math"
[ test jats "escape |" $
\ <inline-formula><alternatives>\n\
\ <tex-math><![CDATA[\\sigma|_{\\{x\\}}]]></tex-math>\n\
\ <mml:math display=\"inline\" xmlns:mml=\"\"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>σ</mml:mi><mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\" form=\"prefix\">|</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\" form=\"prefix\">{</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\" form=\"postfix\">}</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>\n\
=?> para (math "\\sigma|_{\\{x\\}}")
, test jats "tex-math only" $
\ <inline-formula><alternatives>\n\
\ <tex-math><![CDATA[\\sigma|_{\\{x\\}}]]></tex-math>\n\
\ </alternatives></inline-formula>\n\
=?> para (math "\\sigma|_{\\{x\\}}")
, test jats "math ml only" $
\ <inline-formula><alternatives>\n\
\ <mml:math display=\"inline\" xmlns:mml=\"\"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>σ</mml:mi><mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\" form=\"prefix\">|</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\" form=\"prefix\">{</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\" form=\"postfix\">}</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math></alternatives></inline-formula>\n\
=?> para (math "\\sigma|_{\\{ x\\}}")
, testGroup "headers"
-- TODO fix footnotes in headers
-- [ test jats "unnumbered header" $
-- "<sec>\n\
-- \ <title>Header 1<fn>\n\
-- \ <p>\n\
-- \ note\n\
-- \ </p>\n\
-- \ </fn></title>\n\
-- \</sec>"
-- =?> header 1
-- (text "Header 1" <> note (plain $ text "note"))
[ test jats "unnumbered sub header" $
"<sec id=\"foo\">\n\
\ <title>Header</title>\n\
\ <sec id=\"foo2\">\n\
\ <title>Sub-Header</title>\n\
\ </sec>\n\
=?> headerWith ("foo", [], []) 1
(text "Header")
<> headerWith ("foo2", [], []) 2
(text "Sub-Header")
, test jats "containing image" $
\ <title><inline-graphic mimetype=\"image\" mime-subtype=\"jpeg\" xlink:href=\"imgs/foo.jpg\" /></title>\n\
=?> header 1 (image "imgs/foo.jpg" "" mempty)
, testGroup "metadata"
[ test jats "abstract" $
T.unlines [ "<front>"
, "<article-meta>"
, "<abstract>"
, "<p>Paragraph 1</p>"
, "<p>Paragraph 2</p>"
, "</abstract>"
, "</article-meta>"
, "</front>"
] =?>
let abstract = para "Paragraph 1" <> para "Paragraph 2"
in setMeta "abstract" abstract $ doc mempty