Previously normalisation was handled by the `normalizeSpaces` function. The behavoir of the builder monoid is slightly different and melds together more items such as consecutive strings and spaces adjacent to line breaks. The tests have been changed to reflect this. All relevant tests passed when the string melding line of the builder monoid was commented out.
66 lines
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66 lines
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Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [("author",MetaList [MetaInlines [Str "Dave",Space,Str "Winer"]]),("date",MetaInlines [Str "Thu,",Space,Str "14",Space,Str "Jul",Space,Str "2005",Space,Str "23:41:05",Space,Str "GMT"]),("title",MetaInlines [Str "States"])]})
[Header 1 ("",[],[]) [Str "United",Space,Str "States"]
,Header 2 ("",[],[]) [Str "Far",Space,Str "West"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Alaska"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "California"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Hawaii"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Strong [Str "Nevada"]]
,Para [Str "I",Space,Str "lived",Space,Str "here",Space,Emph [Str "once"],Str "."]
,Para [Str "Loved",Space,Str "it."]
,Header 4 ("",[],[]) [Link [Str "Reno"] ("","")]
,Header 4 ("",[],[]) [Str "Las",Space,Str "Vegas"]
,Header 4 ("",[],[]) [Str "Ely"]
,Header 4 ("",[],[]) [Str "Gerlach"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Oregon"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Washington"]
,Header 2 ("",[],[]) [Str "Great",Space,Str "Plains"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Kansas"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Nebraska"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "North",Space,Str "Dakota"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Oklahoma"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "South",Space,Str "Dakota"]
,Header 2 ("",[],[]) [Str "Mid-Atlantic"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Delaware"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Maryland"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "New",Space,Str "Jersey"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "New",Space,Str "York"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Pennsylvania"]
,Header 2 ("",[],[]) [Str "Midwest"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Illinois"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Indiana"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Iowa"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Kentucky"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Michigan"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Minnesota"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Missouri"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Ohio"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "West",Space,Str "Virginia"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Wisconsin"]
,Header 2 ("",[],[]) [Str "Mountains"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Colorado"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Idaho"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Montana"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Utah"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Wyoming"]
,Header 2 ("",[],[]) [Str "New",Space,Str "England"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Connecticut"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Maine"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Massachusetts"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "New",Space,Str "Hampshire"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Rhode",Space,Str "Island"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Vermont"]
,Header 2 ("",[],[]) [Str "South"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Alabama"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Arkansas"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Florida"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Georgia"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Louisiana"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Mississippi"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "North",Space,Str "Carolina"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "South",Space,Str "Carolina"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Tennessee"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Virginia"]
,Header 2 ("",[],[]) [Str "Southwest"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Arizona"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "New",Space,Str "Mexico"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "Texas"]]