John MacFarlane c266734448 Use pretty-simple to format native output.
Previously we used our own homespun formatting.  But this
produces over-long lines that aren't ideal for diffs in tests.
Easier to use something off-the-shelf and standard.

Closes #7580.

Performance is slower by about a factor of 10, but this isn't
really a problem because native isn't suitable as a serialization
format. (For serialization you should use json, because the reader
is so much faster than native.)
2021-09-21 12:37:42 -07:00

1874 lines
37 KiB

( Meta
{ unMeta = fromList
( "author"
, MetaList
[ MetaInlines
[ Str "John", Space, Str "MacFarlane" ]
, MetaInlines
[ Str "Anonymous" ]
( "date"
, MetaInlines
[ Str "July", Space, Str "17,", Space, Str "2006" ]
( "revision", MetaBlocks [ Para [ Str "3" ] ] )
( "subtitle", MetaInlines [ Str "Subtitle" ] )
( "title"
, MetaInlines
[ Str "Pandoc", Space, Str "Test", Space, Str "Suite" ]
[ Header 1
( "level-one-header", [], [] )
[ Str "Level", Space, Str "one", Space, Str "header" ]
, Para
[ Str "This"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "set"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "tests"
, Space
, Str "for"
, Space
, Str "pandoc."
, Space
, Str "Most"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "them"
, Space
, Str "are"
, Space
, Str "adapted"
, Space
, Str "from"
, SoftBreak
, Str "John"
, Space
, Str "Gruber\8217s"
, Space
, Str "markdown"
, Space
, Str "test"
, Space
, Str "suite."
, Header 2
( "level-two-header", [], [] )
[ Str "Level", Space, Str "two", Space, Str "header" ]
, Header 3
( "level-three", [], [] )
[ Str "Level", Space, Str "three" ]
, Header 4
( "level-four-with-emphasis", [], [] )
[ Str "Level"
, Space
, Str "four"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Emph
[ Str "emphasis" ]
, Header 5
( "level-five", [], [] )
[ Str "Level", Space, Str "five" ]
, Header 1
( "paragraphs", [], [] )
[ Str "Paragraphs" ]
, Para
[ Str "Here\8217s"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "regular"
, Space
, Str "paragraph."
, Para
[ Str "In"
, Space
, Str "Markdown"
, Space
, Str "1.0.0"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "earlier."
, Space
, Str "Version"
, SoftBreak
, Str "8."
, Space
, Str "This"
, Space
, Str "line"
, Space
, Str "turns"
, Space
, Str "into"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "list"
, Space
, Str "item."
, SoftBreak
, Str "Because"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "hard-wrapped"
, Space
, Str "line"
, Space
, Str "in"
, Space
, Str "the"
, SoftBreak
, Str "middle"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "paragraph"
, Space
, Str "looked"
, Space
, Str "like"
, Space
, Str "a"
, SoftBreak
, Str "list"
, Space
, Str "item."
, Para
[ Str "Here\8217s"
, Space
, Str "one"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "bullet."
, SoftBreak
, Str "*"
, Space
, Str "criminey."
, Para
[ Str "Horizontal", Space, Str "rule:" ]
, HorizontalRule
, Para
[ Str "Another:" ]
, HorizontalRule
, Header 1
( "block-quotes", [], [] )
[ Str "Block", Space, Str "Quotes" ]
, Para
[ Str "Here\8217s"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "block"
, Space
, Str "quote:"
, BlockQuote
[ Para
[ Str "This"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "block"
, Space
, Str "quote."
, SoftBreak
, Str "It"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "pretty"
, Space
, Str "short."
, Para
[ Str "Here\8217s"
, Space
, Str "another,"
, Space
, Str "differently"
, Space
, Str "indented:"
, BlockQuote
[ Para
[ Str "This"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "block"
, Space
, Str "quote."
, SoftBreak
, Str "It\8217s"
, Space
, Str "indented"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "tab."
, Para
[ Str "Code"
, Space
, Str "in"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "block"
, Space
, Str "quote:"
, CodeBlock
( "", [], [] ) "sub status {\n print \"working\";\n}"
, Para
[ Str "List"
, Space
, Str "in"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "block"
, Space
, Str "quote:"
, OrderedList
( 1, Decimal, Period )
[ Plain [ Str "item", Space, Str "one" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "item", Space, Str "two" ] ]
, Para
[ Str "Nested", Space, Str "block", Space, Str "quotes:" ]
, BlockQuote
[ Para [ Str "nested" ], BlockQuote [ Para [ Str "nested" ] ] ]
, Header 1
( "code-blocks", [], [] )
[ Str "Code", Space, Str "Blocks" ]
, Para
[ Str "Code:" ]
, CodeBlock
( ""
, []
, []
) "---- (should be four hyphens)\n\nsub status {\n print \"working\";\n}"
, CodeBlock
( "", [], [] ) "this code block is indented by one tab"
, Para
[ Str "And:" ]
, CodeBlock
( ""
, []
, []
) "this block is indented by two tabs\n\nThese should not be escaped: \\$ \\\\ \\> \\[ \\{"
, Para
[ Str "And:" ]
, CodeBlock
( "", [ "python" ], [] ) "def my_function(x):\n return x + 1"
, Para
[ Str "If"
, Space
, Str "we"
, Space
, Str "use"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "highlight"
, Space
, Str "directive,"
, Space
, Str "we"
, Space
, Str "can"
, Space
, Str "specify"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "default"
, Space
, Str "language"
, SoftBreak
, Str "for"
, Space
, Str "literate"
, Space
, Str "blocks."
, CodeBlock
( ""
, [ "haskell" ]
, []
) "-- this code is in haskell\ndata Tree = Leaf | Node Tree Tree"
, CodeBlock
( ""
, [ "haskell" ]
, []
) "-- this code is in haskell too\ndata Nat = Zero | Succ Nat"
, CodeBlock
( ""
, [ "javascript" ]
, []
) "-- this code is in javascript\nlet f = (x, y) => x + y"
, Header 1
( "lists", [], [] )
[ Str "Lists" ]
, Header 2
( "unordered", [], [] )
[ Str "Unordered" ]
, Para
[ Str "Asterisks", Space, Str "tight:" ]
, BulletList
[ Plain [ Str "asterisk", Space, Str "1" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "asterisk", Space, Str "2" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "asterisk", Space, Str "3" ] ]
, Para
[ Str "Asterisks", Space, Str "loose:" ]
, BulletList
[ Plain [ Str "asterisk", Space, Str "1" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "asterisk", Space, Str "2" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "asterisk", Space, Str "3" ] ]
, Para
[ Str "Pluses", Space, Str "tight:" ]
, BulletList
[ Plain [ Str "Plus", Space, Str "1" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Plus", Space, Str "2" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Plus", Space, Str "3" ] ]
, Para
[ Str "Pluses", Space, Str "loose:" ]
, BulletList
[ Plain [ Str "Plus", Space, Str "1" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Plus", Space, Str "2" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Plus", Space, Str "3" ] ]
, Para
[ Str "Minuses", Space, Str "tight:" ]
, BulletList
[ Plain [ Str "Minus", Space, Str "1" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Minus", Space, Str "2" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Minus", Space, Str "3" ] ]
, Para
[ Str "Minuses", Space, Str "loose:" ]
, BulletList
[ Plain [ Str "Minus", Space, Str "1" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Minus", Space, Str "2" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Minus", Space, Str "3" ] ]
, Header 2
( "ordered", [], [] )
[ Str "Ordered" ]
, Para
[ Str "Tight:" ]
, OrderedList
( 1, Decimal, Period )
[ Plain [ Str "First" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Second" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Third" ] ]
, Para
[ Str "and:" ]
, OrderedList
( 1, Decimal, Period )
[ Plain [ Str "One" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Two" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Three" ] ]
, Para
[ Str "Loose", Space, Str "using", Space, Str "tabs:" ]
, OrderedList
( 1, Decimal, Period )
[ Plain [ Str "First" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Second" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Third" ] ]
, Para
[ Str "and", Space, Str "using", Space, Str "spaces:" ]
, OrderedList
( 1, Decimal, Period )
[ Plain [ Str "One" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Two" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Three" ] ]
, Para
[ Str "Multiple", Space, Str "paragraphs:" ]
, OrderedList
( 1, Decimal, Period )
[ Para
[ Str "Item", Space, Str "1,", Space, Str "graf", Space, Str "one." ]
, Para
[ Str "Item"
, Space
, Str "1."
, Space
, Str "graf"
, Space
, Str "two."
, Space
, Str "The"
, Space
, Str "quick"
, Space
, Str "brown"
, Space
, Str "fox"
, Space
, Str "jumped"
, Space
, Str "over"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "lazy"
, Space
, Str "dog\8217s"
, SoftBreak
, Str "back."
[ Para [ Str "Item", Space, Str "2." ] ]
[ Para [ Str "Item", Space, Str "3." ] ]
, Para
[ Str "Nested:" ]
, BulletList
[ Plain
[ Str "Tab" ]
, BulletList
[ [ Plain [ Str "Tab" ], BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "Tab" ] ] ] ] ]
, Para
[ Str "Here\8217s", Space, Str "another:" ]
, OrderedList
( 1, Decimal, Period )
[ Para [ Str "First" ] ]
[ Para
[ Str "Second:" ]
, BlockQuote
[ BulletList
[ Plain [ Str "Fee" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Fie" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "Foe" ] ]
[ Para [ Str "Third" ] ]
, Header 2
( "fancy-list-markers", [], [] )
[ Str "Fancy", Space, Str "list", Space, Str "markers" ]
, OrderedList
( 2, Decimal, TwoParens )
[ Para [ Str "begins", Space, Str "with", Space, Str "2" ] ]
[ Para
[ Str "and", Space, Str "now", Space, Str "3" ]
, Para
[ Str "with", Space, Str "a", Space, Str "continuation" ]
, OrderedList
( 4, LowerRoman, Period )
[ Plain
[ Str "sublist"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Str "roman"
, Space
, Str "numerals,"
, Space
, Str "starting"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Str "4"
[ Plain
[ Str "more", Space, Str "items" ]
, OrderedList
( 1, UpperAlpha, TwoParens )
[ Plain [ Str "a", Space, Str "subsublist" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "a", Space, Str "subsublist" ] ]
, Para
[ Str "Nesting:" ]
, OrderedList
( 1, UpperAlpha, Period )
[ Plain
[ Str "Upper", Space, Str "Alpha" ]
, OrderedList
( 1, UpperRoman, Period )
[ Plain
[ Str "Upper", Space, Str "Roman." ]
, OrderedList
( 6, Decimal, TwoParens )
[ Plain
[ Str "Decimal"
, Space
, Str "start"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Str "6"
, OrderedList
( 3, LowerAlpha, OneParen )
[ Plain
[ Str "Lower"
, Space
, Str "alpha"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Str "paren"
, Para
[ Str "Autonumbering:" ]
, OrderedList
( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim )
[ Plain [ Str "Autonumber." ] ]
[ Plain
[ Str "More." ]
, OrderedList
( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim )
[ [ Plain [ Str "Nested." ] ] ]
, Para
[ Str "Autonumbering"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Str "explicit"
, Space
, Str "start:"
, OrderedList
( 4, LowerAlpha, TwoParens )
[ Plain [ Str "item", Space, Str "1" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "item", Space, Str "2" ] ]
, Header 2
( "definition", [], [] )
[ Str "Definition" ]
, DefinitionList
[ Str "term", Space, Str "1" ]
[ [ Para [ Str "Definition", Space, Str "1." ] ] ]
[ Str "term", Space, Str "2" ]
[ Para
[ Str "Definition"
, Space
, Str "2,"
, Space
, Str "paragraph"
, Space
, Str "1."
, Para
[ Str "Definition"
, Space
, Str "2,"
, Space
, Str "paragraph"
, Space
, Str "2."
[ Str "term", Space, Str "with", Space, Emph [ Str "emphasis" ] ]
[ [ Para [ Str "Definition", Space, Str "3." ] ] ]
, Header 1
( "field-lists", [], [] )
[ Str "Field", Space, Str "Lists" ]
, BlockQuote
[ DefinitionList
[ Str "address" ]
[ [ Para [ Str "61", Space, Str "Main", Space, Str "St." ] ] ]
[ Str "city" ]
[ Para
[ Emph
[ Str "Nowhere" ]
, Str ","
, Space
, Str "MA,"
, SoftBreak
, Str "USA"
( [ Str "phone" ], [ [ Para [ Str "123-4567" ] ] ] )
, DefinitionList
[ Str "address" ]
[ [ Para [ Str "61", Space, Str "Main", Space, Str "St." ] ] ]
[ Str "city" ]
[ Para
[ Emph
[ Str "Nowhere" ]
, Str ","
, Space
, Str "MA,"
, SoftBreak
, Str "USA"
( [ Str "phone" ], [ [ Para [ Str "123-4567" ] ] ] )
, Header 1
( "html-blocks", [], [] )
[ Str "HTML", Space, Str "Blocks" ]
, Para
[ Str "Simple"
, Space
, Str "block"
, Space
, Str "on"
, Space
, Str "one"
, Space
, Str "line:"
, RawBlock
( Format "html" ) "<div>foo</div>"
, Para
[ Str "Now,", Space, Str "nested:" ]
, RawBlock
( Format "html" ) "<div>\n <div>\n <div>\n foo\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>"
, Header 1
( "latex-block", [], [] )
[ Str "LaTeX", Space, Str "Block" ]
, RawBlock
( Format "latex" ) "\\begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\\hline\nAnimal & Number \\\\ \\hline\nDog & 2 \\\\\nCat & 1 \\\\ \\hline\n\\end{tabular}"
, Header 1
( "inline-markup", [], [] )
[ Str "Inline", Space, Str "Markup" ]
, Para
[ Str "This"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Emph
[ Str "emphasized" ]
, Str "."
, Space
, Str "This"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Strong
[ Str "strong" ]
, Str "."
, Para
[ Str "This"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "code:"
, Space
, Code
( "", [], [] ) ">"
, Str ","
, Space
, Code
( "", [], [] ) "$"
, Str ","
, Space
, Code
( "", [], [] ) "\\"
, Str ","
, Space
, Code
( "", [], [] ) "\\$"
, Str ","
, Space
, Code
( "", [], [] ) "<html>"
, Str "."
, Para
[ Str "This"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Subscript
[ Str "subscripted" ]
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "this"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Superscript
[ Str "superscripted" ]
, Str "."
, Header 1
( "special-characters", [], [] )
[ Str "Special", Space, Str "Characters" ]
, Para
[ Str "Here", Space, Str "is", Space, Str "some", Space, Str "unicode:" ]
, BulletList
[ Plain [ Str "I", Space, Str "hat:", Space, Str "\206" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "o", Space, Str "umlaut:", Space, Str "\246" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "section:", Space, Str "\167" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "set", Space, Str "membership:", Space, Str "\8712" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "copyright:", Space, Str "\169" ] ]
, Para
[ Str "AT&T"
, Space
, Str "has"
, Space
, Str "an"
, Space
, Str "ampersand"
, Space
, Str "in"
, Space
, Str "their"
, Space
, Str "name."
, Para
[ Str "This", Space, Str "&", Space, Str "that." ]
, Para
[ Str "4", Space, Str "<", Space, Str "5." ]
, Para
[ Str "6", Space, Str ">", Space, Str "5." ]
, Para
[ Str "Backslash:", Space, Str "\\" ]
, Para
[ Str "Backtick:", Space, Str "`" ]
, Para
[ Str "Asterisk:", Space, Str "*" ]
, Para
[ Str "Underscore:", Space, Str "_" ]
, Para
[ Str "Left", Space, Str "brace:", Space, Str "{" ]
, Para
[ Str "Right", Space, Str "brace:", Space, Str "}" ]
, Para
[ Str "Left", Space, Str "bracket:", Space, Str "[" ]
, Para
[ Str "Right", Space, Str "bracket:", Space, Str "]" ]
, Para
[ Str "Left", Space, Str "paren:", Space, Str "(" ]
, Para
[ Str "Right", Space, Str "paren:", Space, Str ")" ]
, Para
[ Str "Greater-than:", Space, Str ">" ]
, Para
[ Str "Hash:", Space, Str "#" ]
, Para
[ Str "Period:", Space, Str "." ]
, Para
[ Str "Bang:", Space, Str "!" ]
, Para
[ Str "Plus:", Space, Str "+" ]
, Para
[ Str "Minus:", Space, Str "-" ]
, Header 1
( "links", [], [] )
[ Str "Links" ]
, Para
[ Str "Explicit:"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Link
( "", [], [] )
[ Str "URL" ]
( "/url/", "" )
, Str "."
, Para
[ Str "Explicit"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Str "no"
, Space
, Str "label:"
, Space
, Link
( "", [], [] )
[ Str "foo" ]
( "foo", "" )
, Str "."
, Para
[ Str "Two"
, Space
, Str "anonymous"
, Space
, Str "links:"
, Space
, Link
( "", [], [] )
[ Str "the", Space, Str "first" ]
( "/url1/", "" )
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Link
( "", [], [] )
[ Str "the", Space, Str "second" ]
( "/url2/", "" )
, Para
[ Str "Reference"
, Space
, Str "links:"
, Space
, Link
( "", [], [] )
[ Str "link1" ]
( "/url1/", "" )
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Link
( "", [], [] )
[ Str "link2" ]
( "/url2/", "" )
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Link
( "", [], [] )
[ Str "link1" ]
( "/url1/", "" )
, Space
, Str "again."
, Para
[ Str "Another"
, Space
, Link
( "", [], [] )
[ Str "style"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "reference"
, Space
, Str "link"
( "/url1/", "" )
, Str "."
, Para
[ Str "Here\8217s"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Link
( "", [], [] )
[ Str "link"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Str "an"
, Space
, Str "ampersand"
, Space
, Str "in"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "URL"
( "", "" )
, Str "."
, Para
[ Str "Here\8217s"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "link"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, Str "an"
, Space
, Str "amersand"
, Space
, Str "in"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "link"
, Space
, Str "text:"
, Space
, Link
( "", [], [] )
[ Str "AT&T" ]
( "/url/", "" )
, Str "."
, Para
[ Str "Autolinks:"
, Space
, Link
( "", [], [] )
[ Str "" ]
( "", "" )
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Link
( "", [], [] )
[ Str "" ]
( "", "" )
, Str "."
, Para
[ Str "But", Space, Str "not", Space, Str "here:" ]
, CodeBlock
( "", [], [] ) ""
, Header 1
( "images", [], [] )
[ Str "Images" ]
, Para
[ Str "From"
, Space
, Quoted DoubleQuote
[ Str "Voyage", Space, Str "dans", Space, Str "la", Space, Str "Lune" ]
, Space
, Str "by"
, Space
, Str "Georges"
, Space
, Str "Melies"
, Space
, Str "(1902):"
, Para
[ Image ( "", [], [] ) [ Str "image" ] ( "lalune.jpg", "" ) ]
, Para
[ Image
( "", [], [ ( "height", "2343px" ) ] )
[ Str "Voyage dans la Lune" ]
( "lalune.jpg", "" )
, Para
[ Str "Here"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "movie"
, Space
, Image
( "", [], [] )
[ Str "movie" ]
( "movie.jpg", "" )
, Space
, Str "icon."
, Para
[ Str "And"
, Space
, Str "an"
, Space
, Link
( "", [], [] )
[ Image ( "", [], [] ) [ Str "A movie" ] ( "movie.jpg", "" ) ]
( "/url", "" )
, Str "."
, Header 1
( "comments", [], [] )
[ Str "Comments" ]
, Para
[ Str "First", Space, Str "paragraph" ]
, Para
[ Str "Another", Space, Str "paragraph" ]
, Para
[ Str "A", Space, Str "third", Space, Str "paragraph" ]
, Header 1
( "line-blocks", [], [] )
[ Str "Line", Space, Str "blocks" ]
, LineBlock
[ Str "But"
, Space
, Str "can"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "bee"
, Space
, Str "be"
, Space
, Str "said"
, Space
, Str "to"
, Space
, Str "be"
[ Str "\160\160\160\160or"
, Space
, Str "not"
, Space
, Str "to"
, Space
, Str "be"
, Space
, Str "an"
, Space
, Str "entire"
, Space
, Str "bee,"
[ Str "\160\160\160\160\160\160\160\160when"
, Space
, Str "half"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "bee"
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "not"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "bee,"
[ Str "\160\160\160\160\160\160\160\160\160\160\160\160due"
, Space
, Str "to"
, Space
, Str "some"
, Space
, Str "ancient"
, Space
, Str "injury?"
, []
[ Str "Continuation", Space, Str "line" ]
[ Str "\160\160and", Space, Str "another" ]
, Header 1
( "simple-tables", [], [] )
[ Str "Simple", Space, Str "Tables" ]
, Table
( "", [], [] )
( Caption Nothing [] )
( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault )
( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault )
( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault )
( TableHead
( "", [], [] )
[ Row
( "", [], [] )
[ Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "col", Space, Str "1" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "col", Space, Str "2" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "col", Space, Str "3" ] ]
[ TableBody
( "", [], [] )
( RowHeadColumns 0 ) []
[ Row
( "", [], [] )
[ Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "r1", Space, Str "a" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "b" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "c" ] ]
, Row
( "", [], [] )
[ Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "r2", Space, Str "d" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "e" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "f" ] ]
( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] )
, Para
[ Str "Headless" ]
, Table
( "", [], [] )
( Caption Nothing [] )
( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault )
( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault )
( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault )
( TableHead
( "", [], [] )
[ Row
( "", [], [] )
[ Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 ) []
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 ) []
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 ) []
[ TableBody
( "", [], [] )
( RowHeadColumns 0 ) []
[ Row
( "", [], [] )
[ Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "r1", Space, Str "a" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "b" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "c" ] ]
, Row
( "", [], [] )
[ Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "r2", Space, Str "d" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "e" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "f" ] ]
( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] )
, Header 1
( "grid-tables", [], [] )
[ Str "Grid", Space, Str "Tables" ]
, Table
( "", [], [] )
( Caption Nothing [] )
( AlignDefault, ColWidth 0.2375 )
( AlignDefault, ColWidth 0.15 )
( AlignDefault, ColWidth 0.1625 )
( TableHead
( "", [], [] )
[ Row
( "", [], [] )
[ Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "col", Space, Str "1" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "col", Space, Str "2" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "col", Space, Str "3" ] ]
[ TableBody
( "", [], [] )
( RowHeadColumns 0 ) []
[ Row
( "", [], [] )
[ Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain
[ Str "r1", Space, Str "a", SoftBreak, Str "r1", Space, Str "bis" ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "b", SoftBreak, Str "b", Space, Str "2" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "c", SoftBreak, Str "c", Space, Str "2" ] ]
, Row
( "", [], [] )
[ Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "r2", Space, Str "d" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "e" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "f" ] ]
( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] )
, Para
[ Str "Headless" ]
, Table
( "", [], [] )
( Caption Nothing [] )
( AlignDefault, ColWidth 0.2375 )
( AlignDefault, ColWidth 0.15 )
( AlignDefault, ColWidth 0.1625 )
( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [] )
[ TableBody
( "", [], [] )
( RowHeadColumns 0 ) []
[ Row
( "", [], [] )
[ Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain
[ Str "r1", Space, Str "a", SoftBreak, Str "r1", Space, Str "bis" ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "b", SoftBreak, Str "b", Space, Str "2" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "c", SoftBreak, Str "c", Space, Str "2" ] ]
, Row
( "", [], [] )
[ Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "r2", Space, Str "d" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "e" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "f" ] ]
( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] )
, Para
[ Str "Spaces"
, Space
, Str "at"
, Space
, Str "ends"
, Space
, Str "of"
, Space
, Str "lines"
, Table
( "", [], [] )
( Caption Nothing [] )
( AlignDefault, ColWidth 0.2375 )
( AlignDefault, ColWidth 0.15 )
( AlignDefault, ColWidth 0.1625 )
( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [] )
[ TableBody
( "", [], [] )
( RowHeadColumns 0 ) []
[ Row
( "", [], [] )
[ Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain
[ Str "r1", Space, Str "a", SoftBreak, Str "r1", Space, Str "bis" ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "b", SoftBreak, Str "b", Space, Str "2" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "c", SoftBreak, Str "c", Space, Str "2" ] ]
, Row
( "", [], [] )
[ Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "r2", Space, Str "d" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "e" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain [ Str "f" ] ]
( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] )
, Para
[ Str "Multiple"
, Space
, Str "blocks"
, Space
, Str "in"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "cell"
, Table
( "", [], [] )
( Caption Nothing [] )
( AlignDefault, ColWidth 0.2375 )
( AlignDefault, ColWidth 0.15 )
( AlignDefault, ColWidth 0.1625 )
( TableHead ( "", [], [] ) [] )
[ TableBody
( "", [], [] )
( RowHeadColumns 0 ) []
[ Row
( "", [], [] )
[ Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Para
[ Str "r1", Space, Str "a" ]
, Para
[ Str "r1", Space, Str "bis" ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ BulletList
[ Plain [ Str "b" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "b", Space, Str "2" ] ]
[ Plain [ Str "b", Space, Str "2" ] ]
, Cell
( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
( RowSpan 1 )
( ColSpan 1 )
[ Plain
[ Str "c"
, SoftBreak
, Str "c"
, Space
, Str "2"
, SoftBreak
, Str "c"
, Space
, Str "2"
( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] )
, Header 1
( "footnotes", [], [] )
[ Str "Footnotes" ]
, Para
[ Note
[ Para
[ Str "Note", Space, Str "with", Space, Str "one", Space, Str "line." ]
, Para
[ Note
[ Para
[ Str "Note"
, Space
, Str "with"
, SoftBreak
, Str "continuation"
, Space
, Str "line."
, Para
[ Note
[ Para
[ Str "Note", Space, Str "with" ]
, Para
[ Str "continuation", Space, Str "block." ]
, Para
[ Note
[ Para
[ Str "Note"
, Space
, Str "with"
, SoftBreak
, Str "continuation"
, Space
, Str "line"
, Para
[ Str "and", Space, Str "a", Space, Str "second", Space, Str "para." ]
, Para
[ Str "Not", Space, Str "in", Space, Str "note." ]
, Header 1
( "math", [], [] )
[ Str "Math" ]
, Para
[ Str "Some"
, Space
, Str "inline"
, Space
, Str "math"
, Space
, Math InlineMath "E=mc^2"
, Str "."
, Space
, Str "Now"
, Space
, Str "some"
, SoftBreak
, Str "display"
, Space
, Str "math:"
, Para
[ Math DisplayMath "E=mc^2" ]
, Para
[ Math DisplayMath "E = mc^2" ]
, Para
[ Math DisplayMath "E = mc^2", Math DisplayMath "\\alpha = \\beta" ]
, Para
[ Math DisplayMath "\\begin{aligned}\nE &= mc^2\\\\\nF &= \\pi E\n\\end{aligned}"
, Math DisplayMath "F &= \\gamma \\alpha^2"
, Para
[ Str "All", Space, Str "done." ]
, Header 1
( "default-role", [], [] )
[ Str "Default-Role" ]
, Para
[ Str "Try"
, Space
, Str "changing"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "default"
, Space
, Str "role"
, Space
, Str "to"
, Space
, Str "a"
, Space
, Str "few"
, Space
, Str "different"
, Space
, Str "things."
, Header 2
( "doesnt-break-title-parsing", [], [] )
[ Str "Doesn\8217t"
, Space
, Str "Break"
, Space
, Str "Title"
, Space
, Str "Parsing"
, Para
[ Str "Inline"
, Space
, Str "math:"
, Space
, Math InlineMath "E=mc^2"
, Space
, Str "or"
, Space
, Math InlineMath "E=mc^2"
, Space
, Str "or"
, Space
, Math InlineMath "E=mc^2"
, Str "."
, SoftBreak
, Str "Other"
, Space
, Str "roles:"
, Space
, Superscript
[ Str "super" ]
, Str ","
, Space
, Subscript
[ Str "sub" ]
, Str "."
, Para
[ Math DisplayMath "\\alpha = beta", Math DisplayMath "E = mc^2" ]
, Para
[ Str "Some"
, Space
, Superscript
[ Str "of" ]
, Space
, Str "these"
, Space
, Superscript
[ Str "words" ]
, Space
, Str "are"
, Space
, Str "in"
, Space
, Superscript
[ Str "superscript" ]
, Str "."
, Para
[ Str "Reset"
, Space
, Str "default-role"
, Space
, Str "to"
, Space
, Str "the"
, Space
, Str "default"
, Space
, Str "default."
, Para
[ Str "And"
, Space
, Str "now"
, Space
, Span
( "", [ "title-ref" ], [] )
[ Str "some-invalid-string-3231231" ]
, Space
, Str "is"
, Space
, Str "nonsense."
, Para
[ Str "And"
, Space
, Str "now"
, Space
, Str "with"
, Space
, RawInline
( Format "html" ) "<b>inline</b> <span id=\"test\">HTML</span>"
, Str "."
, Para
[ Str "And"
, Space
, Str "some"
, Space
, Str "inline"
, Space
, Str "haskell"
, Space
, Code
( "", [ "haskell" ], [] ) "fmap id [1,2..10]"
, Str "."
, Para
[ Str "Indirect"
, Space
, Str "python"
, Space
, Str "role"
, Space
, Code
( "", [ "py", "python", "indirect" ], [] ) "[x*x for x in [1,2,3,4,5]]"
, Str "."
, Para
[ Str "Different"
, Space
, Str "indirect"
, Space
, Str "C"
, Space
, Code
( "", [ "c", "different-indirect" ], [] ) "int x = 15;"
, Str "."
, Header 2
( "literal-symbols", [], [] )
[ Str "Literal", Space, Str "symbols" ]
, Para
[ Str "2*2", Space, Str "=", Space, Str "4*1" ]