fiddlosopher 3d2ff3d0a8 Removed PDF writer from core pandoc, restored markdown2pdf.
+ Added markdown2pdf.
+ Removed Text/Pandoc/PDF.hs.
+ Removed references to PDF writer from Main.hs.
+ Removed references to PDF writer from pandoc.cabal.
+ Added markdown2pdf.1 to list of man pages in Setup.hs.
+ Added man page source.
+ Added reference to markdown2pdf(1) in pandoc man page.
+ Added markdown2pdf to WRAPPERS in Makefile.
+ Removed mention of pdf writer from README; added markdown2pdf.
+ Added remarks on markdown2pdf dependencies to README.Debian.
+ Added markdown2pdf to web/
+ Use markdown2pdf for pdf web demos.
+ Put markdown2pdf back into debian control and rules.
+ Added markdown2pdf to macports Portfile.
+ Added markdown2pdf to freebsd package.

git-svn-id: 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
2008-08-27 05:50:26 +00:00

65 lines
2.5 KiB

# $Id$
PortSystem 1.0
name pandoc
version @VERSION@
categories textproc
description General markup converter
long_description \
Pandoc is a command-line tool for converting from one markup format \
to another. It can read markdown and (subsets of) reStructuredText, \
HTML, and LaTeX, and it can write markdown, reStructuredText, HTML, \
LaTeX, ConTeXt, DocBook XML, OpenDocument XML, ODT, RTF, Texinfo, \
MediaWiki markup, groff man, and S5 HTML slide shows.
platforms darwin
checksums md5 @TARBALLMD5SUM@
depends_build port:ghc port:haddock
depends_lib port:gmp
use_configure no
build.args PREFIX=${prefix} build-all
destroot {
# install pandoc executable, libraries, and library documentation:
system "(cd ${worksrcpath}; ./setup copy --destdir=${destroot})"
# strip the pandoc binary:
system "strip ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/pandoc"
# create scripts to register libraries in post-activate phase:
system "(cd ${worksrcpath}; ./setup register --gen-script)"
system "(cd ${worksrcpath}; ./setup unregister --gen-script)"
# install register/unregister scripts:
xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/libexec/${name}-${version}
xinstall -m 755 ${worksrcpath}/ \
xinstall -m 755 ${worksrcpath}/ \
# install shell scripts:
xinstall -m 755 -W ${worksrcpath} html2markdown hsmarkdown markdown2pdf \
# install data file:
xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}
xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} odt-styles/reference.odt \
# install user documentation and man pages:
xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} README README.html COPYRIGHT BUGS \
xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath}/man/man1 pandoc.1 hsmarkdown.1 \
markdown2pdf.1 html2markdown.1 \
post-activate {
# Register the library with the ghc package database:
system "${prefix}/libexec/${name}-${version}/"
#pre-deactivate {
# system "${prefix}/libexec/${name}-${version}/"