Rewrote features test to remove all unimplemented features. There are now all three examples of where an image can be included in the test. 1. Cover image 2. As a spine elemnt 3. In the document Tests have also been added to make sure that the mediabag contains all these images after processing.
58 lines
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58 lines
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Main where
import Test.Framework
import GHC.IO.Encoding
import qualified Tests.Old
import qualified Tests.Readers.LaTeX
import qualified Tests.Readers.Markdown
import qualified Tests.Readers.Org
import qualified Tests.Readers.RST
import qualified Tests.Readers.Docx
import qualified Tests.Readers.Txt2Tags
import qualified Tests.Readers.EPUB
import qualified Tests.Writers.ConTeXt
import qualified Tests.Writers.LaTeX
import qualified Tests.Writers.HTML
import qualified Tests.Writers.Docbook
import qualified Tests.Writers.Native
import qualified Tests.Writers.Markdown
import qualified Tests.Writers.Plain
import qualified Tests.Writers.AsciiDoc
import qualified Tests.Shared
import qualified Tests.Walk
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (inDirectory)
tests :: [Test]
tests = [ testGroup "Old" Tests.Old.tests
, testGroup "Shared" Tests.Shared.tests
, testGroup "Walk" Tests.Walk.tests
, testGroup "Writers"
[ testGroup "Native" Tests.Writers.Native.tests
, testGroup "ConTeXt" Tests.Writers.ConTeXt.tests
, testGroup "LaTeX" Tests.Writers.LaTeX.tests
, testGroup "HTML" Tests.Writers.HTML.tests
, testGroup "Docbook" Tests.Writers.Docbook.tests
, testGroup "Markdown" Tests.Writers.Markdown.tests
, testGroup "Plain" Tests.Writers.Plain.tests
, testGroup "AsciiDoc" Tests.Writers.AsciiDoc.tests
, testGroup "Readers"
[ testGroup "LaTeX" Tests.Readers.LaTeX.tests
, testGroup "Markdown" Tests.Readers.Markdown.tests
, testGroup "Org" Tests.Readers.Org.tests
, testGroup "RST" Tests.Readers.RST.tests
, testGroup "Docx" Tests.Readers.Docx.tests
, testGroup "Txt2Tags" Tests.Readers.Txt2Tags.tests
, testGroup "EPUB" Tests.Readers.EPUB.tests
main :: IO ()
main = do
setLocaleEncoding utf8
-- we ignore command-line arguments, since we're having cabal pass
-- the build directory as first argument, and we don't want test-framework
-- to choke on that.
inDirectory "tests" $ defaultMainWithArgs tests []