327 lines
11 KiB
327 lines
11 KiB
version?=$(shell grep '^[Vv]ersion:' pandoc.cabal | awk '{print $$2;}')
pandoc-cli-version?=$(shell grep '^[Vv]ersion:' pandoc-cli/pandoc-cli.cabal | awk '{print $$2;}')
SOURCEFILES?=$(shell git ls-tree -r main --name-only src pandoc-cli pandoc-server pandoc-lua-engine | grep "\.hs$$")
PANDOCSOURCEFILES?=$(shell git ls-tree -r main --name-only src | grep "\.hs$$")
TIMESTAMP=$(shell date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M")
LATESTBENCH=$(word 1,$(shell ls -t bench_*.csv 2>/dev/null))
ifeq ($(BASELINE),)
GHCOPTS=-fwrite-ide-info -fdiagnostics-color=always -j +RTS -A8m -RTS
CABALOPTS?=--disable-optimization -f-export-dynamic
BENCHARGS?=--csv bench_$(TIMESTAMP).csv $(BASELINECMD) --timeout=6 +RTS -T --nonmoving-gc -RTS $(if $(PATTERN),--pattern "$(PATTERN)",)
pandoc=$(shell cabal list-bin $(CABALOPTS) pandoc-cli)
all: build test binpath ## build executable and run tests
.PHONY: all
build: ## build executable
cabal build \
--ghc-options='$(GHCOPTS)' \
$(CABALOPTS) pandoc-cli
.PHONY: build
prof: ## build with profiling and optimizations
cabal build --enable-profiling all
.PHONY: prof
binpath: ## print path of built pandoc executable
@cabal list-bin $(CABALOPTS) --ghc-options='$(GHCOPTS)' pandoc-cli
.PHONY: binpath
ghcid: ## run ghcid
ghcid -c 'cabal repl pandoc'
.PHONY: ghcid
repl: ## run cabal repl
cabal repl $(CABALOPTS) pandoc
.PHONY: repl
linecounts: ## print line counts for each module
@wc -l $(SOURCEFILES) | sort -n
.PHONY: linecounts
# Note: to accept current results of golden tests,
# make test TESTARGS='--accept'
test: ## unoptimized build and run tests with cabal
cabal test \
--ghc-options='$(GHCOPTS)' \
--test-options="--hide-successes --ansi-tricks=false $(TESTARGS)" all
.PHONY: test
quick-stack: ## unoptimized build and tests with stack
stack install \
--ghc-options='$(GHCOPTS)' \
--system-ghc --flag 'pandoc:embed_data_files' \
--fast \
--test \
--test-arguments='-j4 --hide-successes --ansi-tricks=false $(TESTARGS)'
.PHONY: quick-stack
prerelease: validate-epub README.md fix_spacing check-cabal check-stack checkdocs man check-version-sync check-changelog check-manversion uncommitted_changes ## prerelease checks
.PHONY: prerelease
! git diff | grep '.'
.PHONY: uncommitted_changes
authors: ## prints unique authors since LASTRELEASE (version)
git log --pretty=format:"%an" $(LASTRELEASE)..HEAD | sort | uniq
stack-lint-extra-deps # check that stack.yaml dependencies are up to date
! grep 'git:' stack.yaml # use only released versions
.PHONY: check-stack
check-cabal: git-files.txt sdist-files.txt
@echo "Checking to see if all committed test/data files are in sdist."
diff -u $^
@for pkg in . pandoc-lua-engine pandoc-server pandoc-cli; \
do \
pushd $$pkg ; \
cabal check ; \
cabal outdated ; \
popd ; \
! grep 'git:' cabal.project # use only released versions
.PHONY: check-cabal
@echo "Checking for match between pandoc and pandoc-cli versions"
[ $(version) == $(pandoc-cli-version) ]
@echo "Checking that pandoc-cli depends on this version of pandoc"
grep 'pandoc == $(version)' pandoc-cli/pandoc-cli.cabal
.PHONY: check-version-sync
@echo "Checking for changelog entry for this version"
grep '## pandoc $(version) (\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)' changelog.md
.PHONY: check-changelog
@echo "Checking version number in man pages"
grep '"pandoc $(version)"' "pandoc-cli/man/pandoc.1"
grep '"pandoc $(version)"' "pandoc-cli/man/pandoc-server.1"
grep '"pandoc $(version)"' "pandoc-cli/man/pandoc-lua.1"
.PHONY: check-manversion
@echo "Checking for tabs in manual."
! grep -q -n -e "\t" \
MANUAL.txt changelog.md doc/pandoc-server.md doc/pandoc-lua.md
.PHONY: checkdocs
bench: ## build and run benchmarks
cabal bench --benchmark-options='$(BENCHARGS)' 2>&1 | tee "bench_$(TIMESTAMP).txt"
.PHONY: bench
reformat: ## reformat with stylish-haskell
for f in $(SOURCEFILES); do echo $$f; stylish-haskell -i $$f ; done
.PHONY: reformat
lint: ## run hlint
hlint --report=hlint.html $(SOURCEFILES) || open hlint.html
.PHONY: lint
fix_spacing: ## fix trailing newlines and spaces
@ERRORS=0; echo "Checking for spacing errors..." && for f in $(SOURCEFILES); do printf '%s\n' "`cat $$f`" | sed -e 's/ *$$//' > $$f.tmp; diff -u $$f $$f.tmp || ERRORS=1; mv $$f.tmp $$f; done; [ $$ERRORS -eq 0 ] || echo "Spacing errors have been fixed; please commit the changes."; exit $$ERRORS
.PHONY: fix_spacing
changes_github: ## copy this release's changes in gfm
$(pandoc) --lua-filter tools/extract-changes.lua changelog.md -t gfm --wrap=none --template tools/changes_template.html | sed -e 's/\\#/#/g' | pbcopy
.PHONY: changes_github
man: pandoc-cli/man/pandoc.1 pandoc-cli/man/pandoc-server.1 pandoc-cli/man/pandoc-lua.1 ## build man pages
.PHONY: man
latex-package-dependencies: ## print packages used by default latex template
$(pandoc) lua tools=latex-package-dependencies.lua
.PHONY: latex-package-dependencies
coverage: ## code coverage information
cabal test \
--ghc-options='-fhpc $(GHCOPTS)' \
--test-options="--hide-successes --ansi-tricks=false $(TESTARGS)"
hpc markup --destdir=coverage test/test-pandoc.tix
open coverage/hpc_index.html
.PHONY: coverage
weeder: ## run weeder to find dead code
.PHONY: weeder
transitive-deps: ## print transitive dependencies
cabal-plan topo | sort | sed -e 's/-[0-9]\..*//'
.PHONY: transitive-deps
debpkg: ## create linux package
docker run -v `pwd`:/mnt \
-v `pwd`/linux/artifacts:/artifacts \
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-e GHCOPTS="-j4 +RTS -A256m -RTS -split-sections -optc-Os -optl=-pthread" \
-e CABALOPTS="-f-export-dynamic -fembed_data_files -fserver -flua --enable-executable-static -j4" \
-w /mnt \
--memory=0 \
--rm \
bash \
.PHONY: debpkg
pandoc-cli/man/pandoc.1: MANUAL.txt man/pandoc.1.before man/pandoc.1.after pandoc.cabal
$(pandoc) $< -f markdown -t man -s \
--lua-filter man/manfilter.lua \
--include-before-body man/pandoc.1.before \
--include-after-body man/pandoc.1.after \
--metadata author="" \
--variable section="1" \
--variable title="pandoc" \
--variable header='Pandoc User\[cq]s Guide' \
--variable footer="pandoc $(version)" \
-o $@
pandoc-cli/man/%.1: doc/%.md pandoc.cabal
$(pandoc) $< -f markdown -t man -s \
--lua-filter man/manfilter.lua \
--metadata author="" \
--variable section="1" \
--variable title="$(basename $(notdir $@))" \
--variable header='Pandoc User\[cq]s Guide' \
--variable footer="pandoc $(version)" \
--include-after-body man/pandoc.1.after \
-o $@
README.md: README.template MANUAL.txt tools/update-readme.lua
$(pandoc) --lua-filter tools/update-readme.lua \
--reference-location=section -t gfm $< -o $@
doc/lua-filters.md: tools/update-lua-module-docs.lua ## update lua-filters.md module docs
cabal run pandoc-cli -- \
--standalone \
--reference-links \
--columns=66 \
--from=$< \
--output=$@ \
.PHONY: doc/lua-filters.md
download_stats: ## print download stats from GitHub releases
curl https://api.github.com/repos/jgm/pandoc/releases | \
jq -r '.[] | .assets | .[] | "\(.download_count)\t\(.name)"'
.PHONY: download_stats
pandoc-templates: ## update pandoc-templates repo
rm ../pandoc-templates/default.* ; \
cp data/templates/* ../pandoc-templates/ ; \
pushd ../pandoc-templates/ && \
git add * && \
git commit -m "Updated templates for pandoc $(version)" && \
.PHONY: pandoc-templates
update-website: ## update website and upload
make -C $(WEBSITE) update
make -C $(WEBSITE)
make -C $(WEBSITE) upload
.PHONY: update-website
update-translations: ## update data/translations from Babel and Polyglossia
python tools/update-translations.py
.PHONY: update-translations
validate-docx-golden-tests: ## validate docx golden tests against schema
which xmllint || ("xmllint is required" && exit 1)
test -d ./docx-validator || \
(git clone https://github.com/devoidfury/docx-validator && \
cd docx-validator && patch -p1 <../wml.xsd.patch)
sh ./tools/validate-docx.sh test/docx/golden/*.docx
.PHONY: validate-docx-golden-tests
validate-docx-golden-tests2: ## validate docx golden tests using OOXMLValidator
which dotnet || ("dotnet is required" && exit 1)
which json_reformat || ("json_reformat is required" && exit 1)
test -d ./OOXML-Validator || \
(git clone https://github.com/mikeebowen/OOXML-Validator.git \
&& cd OOXML-Validator && dotnet build --configuration=Release)
sh ./tools/validate-docx2.sh test/docx/golden/
.PHONY: validate-docx-golden-tests2
validate-epub: ## generate an epub and validate it with epubcheck and ace
which epubcheck || exit 1
which ace || exit 1
tmp=$$(mktemp -d) && \
for epubver in 2 3; do \
file=$$tmp/ver$$epubver.epub ; \
$(pandoc) test/epub/wasteland.epub --epub-cover=test/lalune.jpg -Mtitle="The Wasteland" --resource-path test/epub -t epub$$epubver -o $$file --number-sections --toc --quiet && \
echo $$file && \
epubcheck $$file || exit 1 ; \
done && \
ace $$tmp/ver3.epub -o ace-report-v2 --force
@rg '^import.*Text\.Pandoc\.' --with-filename $^ \
| rg -v 'Text\.Pandoc\.(Definition|Builder|Walk|Generic)' \
| sort \
| uniq \
| sed -e 's/src\///' \
| sed -e 's/\//\./g' \
| sed -e 's/\.hs:import *\(qualified *\)*\([^ ]*\).*/,\2/' \
> $@
modules.dot: modules.csv
@echo "digraph G {" > $@
@echo "overlap=\"scale\"" >> $@
@sed -e 's/\([^,]*\),\(.*\)/ "\1" -> "\2";/' $< >> $@
@echo "}" >> $@
# To get the module dependencies of Text.Pandoc.Parsing:
# make modules.pdf ROOT=Text.Pandoc.Parsing
modules.pdf: modules.dot
gvpr -f tools/cliptree.gvpr -a '"$(ROOT)"' $< | dot -Tpdf > $@
# make moduledeps ROOT=Text.Pandoc.Parsing
moduledeps: modules.csv ## Print transitive dependencies of a module ROOT
@echo "$(ROOT)"
@lua tools/moduledeps.lua transitive $(ROOT) | sort
.PHONY: moduledeps
clean: ## clean up
cabal clean
.PHONY: clean
sdist-files.txt: .FORCE
cabal sdist --list-only | sed 's/\.\///' | grep '^\(test\|data\)\/' | sort > $@
git-files.txt: .FORCE
git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD | grep '^\(test\|data\)\/' | sort > $@
help: ## display this help
@echo "Targets:"
@grep -E '^[ a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "%-16s %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
@echo "Environment variables with default values:"
@printf "%-16s%s\n" "CABALOPTS" "$(CABALOPTS)"
@printf "%-16s%s\n" "GHCOPTS" "$(GHCOPTS)"
@printf "%-16s%s\n" "TESTARGS" "$(TESTARGS)"
@printf "%-16s%s\n" "BASELINE" "$(BASELINE)"
@printf "%-16s%s\n" "REVISION" "$(REVISION)"
.PHONY: help
hie.yaml: ## regenerate hie.yaml
gen-hie > $@
.PHONY: hie.yaml