John MacFarlane c4f6e6cb57 HTML writer: make line breaks more consistent.
- With `--wrap=none`, we now output line breaks between
  block-level elements. Previously they were omitted
  entirely, so the whole document was on one line, unless
  there were literal line breaks in pre sections.  This makes
  the HTML writer's behavior more consistent with that of
  other writers.

- Put newline after `<dd>`.

- Put newlines after block-level elements in footnote section.
2021-12-22 09:45:02 -08:00

209 lines
8.2 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Tests.Writers.HTML (tests) where
import Data.Text (unpack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Test.Tasty
import Tests.Helpers
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ()
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
htmlWithOpts :: (ToPandoc a) => WriterOptions -> a -> String
htmlWithOpts opts = unpack . purely (writeHtml4String opts{ writerWrapText = WrapNone }) . toPandoc
html :: (ToPandoc a) => a -> String
html = htmlWithOpts def
htmlQTags :: (ToPandoc a) => a -> String
htmlQTags = unpack
. purely (writeHtml4String def{ writerWrapText = WrapNone, writerHtmlQTags = True })
. toPandoc
"my test" =: X =?> Y
is shorthand for
test html "my test" $ X =?> Y
which is in turn shorthand for
test html "my test" (X,Y)
infix 4 =:
(=:) :: (ToString a, ToPandoc a)
=> String -> (a, String) -> TestTree
(=:) = test html
noteTestDoc :: Blocks
noteTestDoc =
header 1 "Page title" <>
header 2 "First section" <>
para ("This is a footnote." <>
note (para "Down here.") <>
" And this is a " <>
link "" "" "link" <>
".") <>
blockQuote (para ("A note inside a block quote." <>
note (para "The second note.")) <>
para "A second paragraph.") <>
header 2 "Second section" <>
para "Some more text."
tests :: [TestTree]
tests =
[ testGroup "inline code"
[ "basic" =: code "@&" =?> "<code>@&amp;</code>"
, "haskell" =: codeWith ("",["haskell"],[]) ">>="
=?> "<code class=\"sourceCode haskell\"><span class=\"op\">&gt;&gt;=</span></code>"
, "nolanguage" =: codeWith ("",["nolanguage"],[]) ">>="
=?> "<code class=\"nolanguage\">&gt;&gt;=</code>"
, testGroup "images"
[ "alt with formatting" =:
image "/url" "title" ("my " <> emph "image")
=?> "<img src=\"/url\" title=\"title\" alt=\"my image\" />"
, testGroup "blocks"
[ "definition list with empty <dt>" =:
definitionList [(mempty, [para $ text "foo bar"])]
=?> "<dl>\n<dt></dt>\n<dd>\n<p>foo bar</p>\n</dd>\n</dl>"
, "heading with disallowed attributes" =:
headerWith ("", [], [("invalid","1"), ("lang", "en")]) 1 "test"
"<h1 lang=\"en\">test</h1>"
, testGroup "quotes"
[ "quote with cite attribute (without q-tags)" =:
doubleQuoted (spanWith ("", [], [("cite", "")]) (str "examples"))
=?> "“<span cite=\"\">examples</span>”"
, tQ "quote with cite attribute (with q-tags)" $
doubleQuoted (spanWith ("", [], [("cite", "")]) (str "examples"))
=?> "<q cite=\"\">examples</q>"
, testGroup "sample"
[ "sample should be rendered correctly" =:
plain (codeWith ("",["sample"],[]) "Answer is 42") =?>
"<samp>Answer is 42</samp>"
, testGroup "variable"
[ "variable should be rendered correctly" =:
plain (codeWith ("",["variable"],[]) "result") =?>
, testGroup "sample with style"
[ "samp should wrap highlighted code" =:
codeWith ("",["sample","haskell"],[]) ">>="
=?> ("<samp><code class=\"sourceCode haskell\">" ++
"<span class=\"op\">&gt;&gt;=</span></code></samp>")
, testGroup "variable with style"
[ "var should wrap highlighted code" =:
codeWith ("",["haskell","variable"],[]) ">>="
=?> ("<var><code class=\"sourceCode haskell\">" ++
"<span class=\"op\">&gt;&gt;=</span></code></var>")
, testGroup "footnotes"
[ test (htmlWithOpts def{writerReferenceLocation=EndOfDocument})
"at the end of a document" $
noteTestDoc =?>
[ "<h1>Page title</h1>"
, "<h2>First section</h2>"
, "<p>This is a footnote.<a href=\"#fn1\" class=\"footnote-ref\" id=\"fnref1\"><sup>1</sup></a> And this is a <a href=\"\">link</a>.</p>"
, "<blockquote>"
, "<p>A note inside a block quote.<a href=\"#fn2\" class=\"footnote-ref\" id=\"fnref2\"><sup>2</sup></a></p>"
, "<p>A second paragraph.</p>"
, "</blockquote>"
, "<h2>Second section</h2>"
, "<p>Some more text.</p>"
, "<div class=\"footnotes footnotes-end-of-document\">"
, "<hr />"
, "<ol>"
, "<li id=\"fn1\"><p>Down here.<a href=\"#fnref1\" class=\"footnote-back\">↩︎</a></p></li>"
, "<li id=\"fn2\"><p>The second note.<a href=\"#fnref2\" class=\"footnote-back\">↩︎</a></p></li>"
, "</ol>"
, "</div>"
, test (htmlWithOpts def{writerReferenceLocation=EndOfBlock})
"at the end of a block" $
noteTestDoc =?>
[ "<h1>Page title</h1>"
, "<h2>First section</h2>"
, "<p>This is a footnote.<a href=\"#fn1\" class=\"footnote-ref\" id=\"fnref1\"><sup>1</sup></a> And this is a <a href=\"\">link</a>.</p>"
, "<div class=\"footnotes footnotes-end-of-block\">"
, "<ol>"
, "<li id=\"fn1\"><p>Down here.<a href=\"#fnref1\" class=\"footnote-back\">↩︎</a></p></li>"
, "</ol>"
, "</div>"
, "<blockquote>"
, "<p>A note inside a block quote.<a href=\"#fn2\" class=\"footnote-ref\" id=\"fnref2\"><sup>2</sup></a></p>"
, "<p>A second paragraph.</p>"
, "</blockquote>"
, "<div class=\"footnotes footnotes-end-of-block\">"
, "<ol start=\"2\">"
, "<li id=\"fn2\"><p>The second note.<a href=\"#fnref2\" class=\"footnote-back\">↩︎</a></p></li>"
, "</ol>"
, "</div>"
, "<h2>Second section</h2>"
, "<p>Some more text.</p>"
, test (htmlWithOpts def{writerReferenceLocation=EndOfSection})
"at the end of a section" $
noteTestDoc =?>
[ "<h1>Page title</h1>"
, "<h2>First section</h2>"
, "<p>This is a footnote.<a href=\"#fn1\" class=\"footnote-ref\" id=\"fnref1\"><sup>1</sup></a> And this is a <a href=\"\">link</a>.</p>"
, "<blockquote>"
, "<p>A note inside a block quote.<a href=\"#fn2\" class=\"footnote-ref\" id=\"fnref2\"><sup>2</sup></a></p>"
, "<p>A second paragraph.</p>"
, "</blockquote>"
, "<div class=\"footnotes footnotes-end-of-section\">"
, "<hr />"
, "<ol>"
, "<li id=\"fn1\"><p>Down here.<a href=\"#fnref1\" class=\"footnote-back\">↩︎</a></p></li>"
, "<li id=\"fn2\"><p>The second note.<a href=\"#fnref2\" class=\"footnote-back\">↩︎</a></p></li>"
, "</ol>"
, "</div>"
, "<h2>Second section</h2>"
, "<p>Some more text.</p>"
, test (htmlWithOpts def{writerReferenceLocation=EndOfSection, writerSectionDivs=True})
"at the end of a section, with section divs" $
noteTestDoc =?>
-- Footnotes are rendered _after_ their section (in this case after the level2 section
-- that contains it).
[ "<div class=\"section level1\">"
, "<h1>Page title</h1>"
, "<div class=\"section level2\">"
, "<h2>First section</h2>"
, "<p>This is a footnote.<a href=\"#fn1\" class=\"footnote-ref\" id=\"fnref1\"><sup>1</sup></a> And this is a <a href=\"\">link</a>.</p>"
, "<blockquote>"
, "<p>A note inside a block quote.<a href=\"#fn2\" class=\"footnote-ref\" id=\"fnref2\"><sup>2</sup></a></p>"
, "<p>A second paragraph.</p>"
, "</blockquote>"
, "</div>"
, "<div class=\"footnotes footnotes-end-of-section\">"
, "<hr />"
, "<ol>"
, "<li id=\"fn1\"><p>Down here.<a href=\"#fnref1\" class=\"footnote-back\">↩︎</a></p></li>"
, "<li id=\"fn2\"><p>The second note.<a href=\"#fnref2\" class=\"footnote-back\">↩︎</a></p></li>"
, "</ol>"
, "</div>"
, "<div class=\"section level2\">"
, "<h2>Second section</h2>"
, "<p>Some more text.</p>"
, "</div>"
, "</div>"
tQ :: (ToString a, ToPandoc a)
=> String -> (a, String) -> TestTree
tQ = test htmlQTags