206 lines
7.9 KiB
206 lines
7.9 KiB
module Main where
import Data.List (isInfixOf, intercalate, isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Control.Monad (unless, guard)
import Control.Exception (tryJust, bracket)
import System.IO (stderr)
import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)
import System.Environment ( getArgs, getProgName )
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..), exitWith)
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)
run :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO (Either String String)
run file opts = do
(code, out, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode file opts ""
let msg = out ++ err
case code of
ExitFailure _ -> return $ Left $! msg
ExitSuccess -> return $ Right $! msg
parsePandocArgs :: [String] -> IO (Maybe ([String], String))
parsePandocArgs args = do
result <- run "pandoc" $ ["--dump-args"] ++ args
return $ either error (parse . map trim . lines) result
where parse [] = Nothing
parse ("-":[]) = Just ([], "stdin") -- no output or input
parse ("-":x:xs) = Just (x:xs, dropExtension x) -- no output
parse ( x :xs) = Just (xs, dropExtension x) -- at least output
--trim = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace
trim = takeWhile (/='\r') . dropWhile (=='\r')
runPandoc :: [String] -> FilePath -> IO (Either String FilePath)
runPandoc inputsAndArgs output = do
let texFile = replaceExtension output "tex"
result <- run "pandoc" $
["-s", "--no-wrap", "-r", "markdown", "-w", "latex"]
++ inputsAndArgs ++ ["-o", texFile]
return $ either Left (const $ Right texFile) result
runLatexRaw :: String -> FilePath -> IO (Either (Either String String) FilePath)
runLatexRaw latexProgram file = do
-- we ignore the ExitCode because pdflatex always fails the first time
run latexProgram ["-interaction=batchmode", "-output-directory",
takeDirectory file, dropExtension file] >> return ()
let pdfFile = replaceExtension file "pdf"
let logFile = replaceExtension file "log"
txt <- tryJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) (UTF8.readFile logFile)
let checks = checkLatex $ either (const "") id txt
case checks of
-- err , bib , ref , msg
(True , _ , _ , msg) -> return $ Left $ Left msg -- failure
(False, True , _ , msg) -> runBibtex file >>
(return $ Left $ Right msg) -- citations
(False, _ , True, msg) -> return $ Left $ Right msg -- references
(False, False, False, _ ) -> return $ Right pdfFile -- success
runLatex :: String -> FilePath -> IO (Either String FilePath)
runLatex latexProgram file = step 3
step n = do
result <- runLatexRaw latexProgram file
case result of
Left (Left err) -> return $ Left err
Left (Right _) | n > 1 -> step (n-1 :: Int)
Right _ | n > 2 -> step (n-1 :: Int)
Left (Right msg) -> return $ Left msg
Right pdfFile -> return $ Right pdfFile
checkLatex :: String -> (Bool, Bool, Bool, String)
checkLatex "" = (True, False, False, "Could not read log file")
checkLatex txt = (err , bib, ref, unlines $! msgs ++ tips)
xs `oneOf` x = any (flip isInfixOf x) xs
msgs = filter (oneOf ["Error:", "Warning:"]) (lines txt)
tips = checkPackages msgs
err = any (oneOf ["!", "LaTeX Error:", "Latex Error:"]) msgs
bib = any (oneOf ["Warning: Citation"
,"Warning: There were undefined citations"]) msgs
ref = any (oneOf ["Warning: Reference"
,"Warning: Label"
,"Warning: There were undefined references"
]) msgs
checkPackages :: [String] -> [String]
checkPackages = concatMap chks
where -- for each message, search 'pks' for matches and give a hint
chks x = concatMap (chk x) pks
chk x (k,v) = if sub k `isInfixOf` x then tip k v else []
sub k = "`" ++ k ++ ".sty' not found"
tip k v = ["Please install the '" ++ k ++
"' package from CTAN:", " " ++ v]
pks = [("ucs"
runBibtex :: FilePath -> IO (Either String FilePath)
runBibtex file = do
let auxFile = replaceExtension file "aux"
result <- run "bibtex" [auxFile]
return $ either Left (const $ Right auxFile) result
exit :: String -> IO a
exit x = do
progName <- getProgName
UTF8.hPutStrLn stderr $ progName ++ ": " ++ x
exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
saveStdin :: FilePath -> IO (Either String FilePath)
saveStdin file = do
text <- UTF8.getContents
UTF8.writeFile file text
fileExist <- doesFileExist file
case fileExist of
False -> return $ Left $! "Could not create " ++ file
True -> return $ Right file
saveOutput :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
saveOutput input output = do
copyFile input output
UTF8.hPutStrLn stderr $! "Created " ++ output
main :: IO ()
main = bracket
-- acquire resource
(do dir <- getTemporaryDirectory
let tmp = dir </> "pandoc"
createDirectoryIfMissing True tmp
return tmp)
-- release resource
( \tmp -> removeDirectoryRecursive tmp)
-- run computation
$ \tmp -> do
args <- getArgs
-- check for invalid arguments and print help message if needed
let goodopts = ["-f","-r","-N", "-p","-R","-H","-B","-A", "-C","-o","-V"]
let goodoptslong = ["--from","--read","--strict",
"--toc","--table-of-contents", "--xetex",
"--template", "--variable",
"--csl", "--biblio", "--biblio-format"]
let isOpt ('-':_) = True
isOpt _ = False
let opts = filter isOpt args
-- note that a long option can come in this form: --opt=val
let isGoodopt x = x `elem` (goodopts ++ goodoptslong) ||
any (\o -> (o ++ "=") `isPrefixOf` x) goodoptslong
unless (all isGoodopt opts) $ do
(code, out, _err) <- readProcessWithExitCode "pandoc" ["--help"] ""
UTF8.putStrLn "markdown2pdf [OPTIONS] [FILES]\nOptions:"
UTF8.putStr $ unlines $
filter (\l -> any (`isInfixOf` l) goodoptslong) $ lines out
exitWith code
-- check for executable files
let latexProgram = if "--xetex" `elem` opts
then "xelatex"
else "pdflatex"
let execs = ["pandoc", latexProgram, "bibtex"]
paths <- mapM findExecutable execs
let miss = map snd $ filter (isNothing . fst) $ zip paths execs
unless (null miss) $ exit $! "Could not find " ++ intercalate ", " miss
-- parse arguments
-- if no input given, use 'stdin'
pandocArgs <- parsePandocArgs args
(input, output) <- case pandocArgs of
Nothing -> exit "Could not parse arguments"
Just ([],out) -> do
stdinFile <- saveStdin (replaceDirectory (takeBaseName out) tmp)
case stdinFile of
Left err -> exit err
Right f -> return ([f], out)
-- no need because we'll pass all arguments to pandoc
Just (_ ,out) -> return ([], out)
-- run pandoc
pandocRes <- runPandoc (input ++ args) $ replaceDirectory output tmp
case pandocRes of
Left err -> exit err
Right texFile -> do
-- run pdflatex
latexRes <- runLatex latexProgram texFile
case latexRes of
Left err -> exit err
Right pdfFile -> do
-- save the output creating a backup if necessary
saveOutput pdfFile $
replaceDirectory pdfFile (takeDirectory output)