* Basic skeleton for creole reader. No real functionality besides preliminary bold and italics yet. * Creole: add support for bold/italic with implicit end at paragraph end. * Creole: add support for headings. * Creole: add support for tilde escaped chars. * Basic skeleton for creole reader. No real functionality besides preliminary bold and italics yet. * Creole: add support for bold/italic with implicit end at paragraph end. * Creole: add support for headings. * Creole: add support for tilde escaped chars. * Add a test suite for the creole parser So far this covers only things the parser already supports. * Added simple parsing of flat unordered lists. * Added tests for unordered lists in creole. * First, wrong(!) implementation of sublists. Fails test, as sublists should not be embedded in a list item! * Implementation of unordered sublists. * Added support for ordered lists to creole reader. * Added utility function to append parsers to Creole reader. * Creole reader: Fixed list item end detection in sub lists. * Tests for creole reader: added more tests for lists. Covering ordered and unordered tests, even mixed. Tests for formatting in list items still missing... * Added "nowiki" blocks. One exception rule is missing... * Creole reader: nowiki: implemented exception for curly brackets. * Creole reader: added inline nowiki. * Creole reader: added horizontalRule. * Creole reader: added auto linking of URIs. * Creole reader: detect horizontalRule as para end. Used the opportunity for a little refactoring. * Creole reader: added forced line breaks. Including test. * Creole reader: implement wiki links. * Creole reader: added image support. * Creole reader: support images as links. * Creole reader: implemented placeholder -- by simply dropping them. * Creole reader: added tests for links. After observing a regression, it was really time... ;-) * Creole reader: fixed links with names. * Creole reader: allow space after first of enclosing tags. Space after the start of formatting tags are allowed with creole, e.g. "there is // italic text // in here" is legal. This problem was discovered using the creole1.0test.txt document from http://www.wikicreole.org/wiki/Creole1.0TestCases See l.57: # // italic item 3 // * Creole reader: fixed links without names. * Creole reader: Tests, sorted into groups. * Creole reader: implemented tables. * Removed redundant import. * Creole reader: add correct escaping of links. * Creole reader: allow handling of e.g. links in parenthesis and quotes. * Creole reader: Modified disclaimer as most of the code is actually by me. * Creole reader: Tests: added escaped links. * Creole reader: preserve leading and trailing space in bold/italic. * Creole reader: detect tables without a leading blank line. * Creole Reader: added official creole1.0test.txt as "old" test. The base document was downloaded from http://www.wikicreole.org/wiki/Creole1.0TestCases. The Wiki, and therefore the test document is Copyright (C) by the contributors. Some rights reserved, license CC BY-SA. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/1.0/
95 lines
9.3 KiB
95 lines
9.3 KiB
Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList []})
[Header 1 ("",[],[]) [Str "Top-level heading (1)"]
,Header 2 ("",[],[]) [Str "This a test for creole 0.1 (2)"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "This is a Subheading (3)"]
,Header 4 ("",[],[]) [Str "Subsub (4)"]
,Header 5 ("",[],[]) [Str "Subsubsub (5)"]
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,Header 2 ("",[],[]) [Str "This a test for creole 0.1 (2)"]
,Header 3 ("",[],[]) [Str "This is a Subheading (3)"]
,Header 4 ("",[],[]) [Str "Subsub (4)"]
,Header 5 ("",[],[]) [Str "Subsubsub (5)"]
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[[Plain [Str "4"]
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